Okay, As A Trump Supporter Myself, I'm Starting To Question His Sanity

Good news!

I mean, don't get me wrong,.. I see what they're trying to do and I think that it's very important that little kids learn to tell the truth as it is an important life skill and it's also important for them to be observant about the world around them,.. but do they really need to have that lesson be taught through politics? I wasn't even interested in politics in middle school and high school because I found it boring. I say let kids be kids and that means not having to worry about stuff like this at such a young age. (Also, I realize that Trump didn't write this, but he clearly wants it pushed on kids. At least he's more sane than Biden though.)

who isn't more sane than byedim/dum?
I mean, don't get me wrong,.. I see what they're trying to do and I think that it's very important that little kids learn to tell the truth as it is an important life skill and it's also important for them to be observant about the world around them,.. but do they really need to have that lesson be taught through politics? I wasn't even interested in politics in middle school and high school because I found it boring. I say let kids be kids and that means not having to worry about stuff like this at such a young age. (Also, I realize that Trump didn't write this, but he clearly wants it pushed on kids. At least he's more sane than Biden though.)

Mein Kampf... the Little Golden Shower Book edition... :auiqs.jpg:
I mean, don't get me wrong,.. I see what they're trying to do and I think that it's very important that little kids learn to tell the truth as it is an important life skill and it's also important for them to be observant about the world around them,.. but do they really need to have that lesson be taught through politics? I wasn't even interested in politics in middle school and high school because I found it boring. I say let kids be kids and that means not having to worry about stuff like this at such a young age. (Also, I realize that Trump didn't write this, but he clearly wants it pushed on kids. At least he's more sane than Biden though.)

When you see the kind of books groomercrats give kids these days, trumps book is more welcome than ever.
OK, Comrade. :heehee:
So calling me "Comrade" is your answer to the lying skank Hillary Rotten McCankles Clinton who paid Putin for The Dirty Dossier, and had Obama and Biden chip in too?

Calling me "Comrade" is your response to the fact Hillary Clinton hired hackers to hack in to Trump Tower Servers and Russia's Alpha Bank Server and plant false evidence so she could rig the election like she rigged her primary?

Calling me "Comrade" is your answer to Hillary Clinton and Schultz hiring Pakistani Hackers to hack in to Congressional Files to look for black mail dirt and when these hackers who were Sanders supporters found out Podesta and Clinton and The DNC were rigging their primaries in favor of Clinton, they found Podesta's email account had a password of "password" and to their horror saw how crooked and nasty these people were, and gave Podesta's emails to their associate DNC employee Seth Rich who gave them to Kim.com and Assange, and ended up dead for it?

Calling me "Comrade" is your answer to Hillary Clinton, Obama and Biden having their moles in The FBI investigate President Trump over a lie they financed, and paid Putin for because "PEACEFUL TRANSITION OF POWER"?

Calling me "Comrade" is your Answer to Moscow Mueller investigating a NON CRIME over a rumor and accusation (Propaganda) Clinton, Obama and Biden Ordered at McPutin's?

Calling me "Comrade" is your answer to Hillary Clinton lying about having only 1 electronic device, when she had 17 different burner devices that she destroyed with a hammer?

Calling me "Comrade" is your answer to Clinton violating a Federal Court Order not to delete any classified emails from her illegal server, and she bleach bit 30,000 of them and lied about it. We know she lied because some very serious stuff was found on Weiner's laptop.

You want Fries with that? Nazi Piglosi and her Globalist Anti-American DemnNazi Fascists was also involved in attacking our Democracy and twice tried to remove a legitimately elected president for NO REASON at all.

I could easily go on.....

You are a Bunch of Fascist DemNazi Sore Losers is what you are. No wonder you had to contract with Putin in 2016 and China in 2020 to try to rig our elections. No one likes a bunch of hateful lying cheating thieving sore losers.
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I mean, don't get me wrong,.. I see what they're trying to do and I think that it's very important that little kids learn to tell the truth as it is an important life skill and it's also important for them to be observant about the world around them,.. but do they really need to have that lesson be taught through politics? I wasn't even interested in politics in middle school and high school because I found it boring. I say let kids be kids and that means not having to worry about stuff like this at such a young age. (Also, I realize that Trump didn't write this, but he clearly wants it pushed on kids. At least he's more sane than Biden though.)

King Donald? How insane.
So calling me "Comrade" is your answer to the lying skank Hillary Rotten McCankles Clinton who paid Putin for The Dirty Dossier, and had Obama and Biden chip in too?

Calling me "Comrade" is your response to the fact Hillary Clinton hired hackers to hack in to Trump Tower Servers and Russia's Alpha Bank Server and plant false evidence so she could rig the election like she rigged her primary?

Calling me "Comrade" is your answer to Hillary Clinton and Schultz hiring Pakistani Hackers to hack in to Congressional Files to look for black mail dirt and when these hackers who were Sanders supporters found out Podesta and Clinton and The DNC were rigging their primaries in favor of Clinton, they found Podesta's email account had a password of "password" and to their horror saw how crooked and nasty these people were, and gave Podesta's emails to their associate DNC employee Seth Rich who gave them to Kim.com and Assange, and ended up dead for it?

Calling me "Comrade" is your answer to Hillary Clinton, Obama and Biden having their moles in The FBI investigate President Trump over a lie they financed, and paid Putin for because "PEACEFUL TRANSITION OF POWER"?

Calling me "Comrade" is your Answer to Moscow Mueller investigating a NON CRIME over a rumor and accusation (Propaganda) Clinton, Obama and Biden Ordered at McPutin's?

Calling me "Comrade" is your answer to Hillary Clinton lying about having only 1 electronic device, when she had 17 different burner devices that she destroyed with a hammer?

Calling me "Comrade" is your answer to Clinton violating a Federal Court Order not to delete any classified emails from her illegal server, and she bleach bit 30,000 of them and lied about it. We know she lied because some very serious stuff was found on Weiner's laptop.

You want Fries with that? Nazi Piglosi and her Globalist Anti-American DemnNazi Fascists was also involved in attacking our Democracy and twice tried to remove a legitimately elected president for NO REASON at all.

I could easily go on.....

You are a Bunch of Fascist DemNazi Sore Losers is what you are. No wonder you had to contract with Putin in 2016 and China in 2020 to try to rig our elections. No one likes a bunch of hateful lying cheating thieving sore losers.

Republican Paul Singer paid for the Steele dossier.
Yeah yahoo is lamestream propaganda,unless you hear it from trumps mouth you git to take that stuff with a grain of salt FJB

LA RAM FAN aka 9/11 INSIDE NUTJOB is the most insane poster on the board

"Instead of people worrying about the war criminals Cheney and Bush, they care about little things, like their children."


What a retard.
wasnt democrat god JOhn Kerry for the war and against the war at the same time......what a jerk
You're close. Unfit For Command said "I was for the Iraq war before I was against it" in 2008 while debating a fellow lowlife Dim in the senate primary.

Diseased Lurch became a global laughingstock and not much has really changed since then, although his grift has transitioned to climate hysteria.

No it’s not a leftist source at all. It posts articles from both left and right publications, but not publications that can’t pass a fact check.

Yeah, right.

Sure thing.

As if I believe a single glimmering facet of how you perceive the world.

In your world, there is no such thing as a right wing publication that can, or a left wing publication that can't, pass a fact check.

Just stop it.


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