Okay, finally some good news about Trump's Coronavirus briefings

Well, I'm actually feeling sorry for him now...And embarrassed for him after yesterday's performance at his Corona presser.... it's painful to watch.....

Everyone is making fun of him on the news, and it is deserved... for his injection of disinfectant comments etc

He's gone through his whole TV life, allowed to baffle people with his bull shit.... con them, confuse them, operating through chaos to distract from his know nothingness...

Well, last night's campaign pep rally performance was the straw that broke the camel's back.... enough is enough.... he's so unfit and unqualified to serve us......it's pathetic....
Trump embarrasses himself, his supporters, and the country as a whole.

But there’s no reason to ‘feel sorry’ for Trump – he has only himself to blame.

Trump alone is responsible for his ignorance and stupidity.

And those who voted for Trump are responsible for placing in office someone clearly unfit to be president.

Trump has been fine. His actions are pretty normal and his policies are boringly mainstream.

His rhetoric and confrontational style withe media, does not justify your hysterical hatred.

There is literally something wrong with you.
Well, I'm actually feeling sorry for him now...And embarrassed for him after yesterday's performance at his Corona presser.... it's painful to watch.....

Everyone is making fun of him on the news, and it is deserved... for his injection of disinfectant comments etc

He's gone through his whole TV life, allowed to baffle people with his bull shit.... con them, confuse them, operating through chaos to distract from his know nothingness...

Well, last night's campaign pep rally performance was the straw that broke the camel's back.... enough is enough.... he's so unfit and unqualified to serve us......

but his psychophants won't do a thing about it. they are scared shitless to be on his 'enemy' list, & his basket of deplorables will still vote for him - despite having broke almost every commandment there is. they will still vote him in even if he broke the ultimate commandment because they are only pro birth & have never truly been pro life.; & he knows it.

You thought we attempted to destroy Barack Obama.

Just wait, if you win in November, just wait. This pandemic has really opened my eyes.

ooooOOOOOoooo - are you gonna git yer guns, suzy? or be a sideline cheerleader for those that do?

Maybe we'll get a loudmouth Maxine Waters and impeach, or hold some Kangaroo courts like Kavanaugh, or start all the complaining hashtags like you all do.

You will love it, playtime. Just don't forget who started it.

I hope like heck it's Biden. Don't you dare, not even once, whine about he's a demented (literally) old man and we should leave him alone, because you knew that.

Biden gaffes are minor and tame compared to the moronic babblings of con man Trump. Fortunately, only the true trumpoholics are still listening to our liar in chief and they are decreasing in number every day.
Well, I'm actually feeling sorry for him now...And embarrassed for him after yesterday's performance at his Corona presser.... it's painful to watch.....

Everyone is making fun of him on the news, and it is deserved... for his injection of disinfectant comments etc

He's gone through his whole TV life, allowed to baffle people with his bull shit.... con them, confuse them, operating through chaos to distract from his know nothingness...

Well, last night's campaign pep rally performance was the straw that broke the camel's back.... enough is enough.... he's so unfit and unqualified to serve us......

We've heard all this before. Russia, Kavanaugh, Mueller. Impeached.

If you win in November, just wait. You people started it. You won't like where it finishes. In fact, you will hate it. But then, the Left never is known for thinking ahead.
"IF you (democrats) win".... I still think the blob will ooze back into office since Americans usually give their Presidents two terms and the 2018 Senate races were not very bad for the GOP. But it's kinda surprising to hear a blob supporter coming out with "If you win...." Telling.

No quarter given, and there will be a lot of people coming with me, believe me. You depend on our good sportsmanship. But no more.

Day one: destroy the presidency. Just like you all did.

You started the zero sum game. Now you can live in that bed you made.

You will hate it, btw.
Well, I'm actually feeling sorry for him now...And embarrassed for him after yesterday's performance at his Corona presser.... it's painful to watch.....

Everyone is making fun of him on the news, and it is deserved... for his injection of disinfectant comments etc

He's gone through his whole TV life, allowed to baffle people with his bull shit.... con them, confuse them, operating through chaos to distract from his know nothingness...

Well, last night's campaign pep rally performance was the straw that broke the camel's back.... enough is enough.... he's so unfit and unqualified to serve us......

but his psychophants won't do a thing about it. they are scared shitless to be on his 'enemy' list, & his basket of deplorables will still vote for him - despite having broke almost every commandment there is. they will still vote him in even if he broke the ultimate commandment because they are only pro birth & have never truly been pro life.; & he knows it.

You thought we attempted to destroy Barack Obama.

Just wait, if you win in November, just wait. This pandemic has really opened my eyes.

ooooOOOOOoooo - are you gonna git yer guns, suzy? or be a sideline cheerleader for those that do?

Maybe we'll get a loudmouth Maxine Waters and impeach, or hold some Kangaroo courts like Kavanaugh, or start all the complaining hashtags like you all do.

You will love it, playtime. Just don't forget who started it.

I hope like heck it's Biden. Don't you dare, not even once, whine about he's a demented (literally) old man and we should leave him alone, because you knew that.

Biden gaffes are minor and tame compared to the moronic babblings of con man Trump. Fortunately, only the true trumpoholics are still listening to our liar in chief and they are decreasing in number every day.

You sound nervous. You should be. You all should have thought about this little game you were playing a long time ago, but didn't.

You never do

So a majority of Americans, even quite a few Republicans, know not to trust what he's saying, and no doubt the "ratings" he's so proud of (boy, that's creepy) are for his experts.

"Just 28% of Americans say they’re regularly getting information from Trump about the coronavirus and only 23% say they have high levels of trust in what the president is telling the public. Another 21% trust him a moderate amount. Confidence in Trump is higher among his supporters, though only about half of Republicans say they have a lot of trust in Trump’s information on the pandemic — and 22% say they have little or no trust in what he says about the COVID-19 outbreak."

/——/ Ahhhh, the first Fake Poll of the day.

So a majority of Americans, even quite a few Republicans, know not to trust what he's saying, and no doubt the "ratings" he's so proud of (boy, that's creepy) are for his experts.

"Just 28% of Americans say they’re regularly getting information from Trump about the coronavirus and only 23% say they have high levels of trust in what the president is telling the public. Another 21% trust him a moderate amount. Confidence in Trump is higher among his supporters, though only about half of Republicans say they have a lot of trust in Trump’s information on the pandemic — and 22% say they have little or no trust in what he says about the COVID-19 outbreak."

/——/ Ahhhh, the first Fake Poll of the day.

It is a fake poll.

So what, we can get fake polls.
Well, I'm actually feeling sorry for him now...And embarrassed for him after yesterday's performance at his Corona presser.... it's painful to watch.....

Everyone is making fun of him on the news, and it is deserved... for his injection of disinfectant comments etc

He's gone through his whole TV life, allowed to baffle people with his bull shit.... con them, confuse them, operating through chaos to distract from his know nothingness...

Well, last night's campaign pep rally performance was the straw that broke the camel's back.... enough is enough.... he's so unfit and unqualified to serve us......

We've heard all this before. Russia, Kavanaugh, Mueller. Impeached.

If you win in November, just wait. You people started it. You won't like where it finishes. In fact, you will hate it. But then, the Left never is known for thinking ahead.

What’s gonna happen? Are the GOP, FOX and RW Talk Radio hosts gonna be mean to the Dems?

Maybe we'll impeach your president based on nothing.

And hold kangaroo courts based on nothing.

And cry about stuff like you are this morning, based on nothing.

You will love it. Trust me. Love it.

Awwww. You poor, poor thing! You’ve had it so rough being a Trump supporter. I’m so sorry!

You often have little to say. Save USMB the bandwidth when this is all you can come up with, why don't you.

You must take into account the nature of the person I am responding to.
Well, I'm actually feeling sorry for him now...And embarrassed for him after yesterday's performance at his Corona presser.... it's painful to watch.....

Everyone is making fun of him on the news, and it is deserved... for his injection of disinfectant comments etc

He's gone through his whole TV life, allowed to baffle people with his bull shit.... con them, confuse them, operating through chaos to distract from his know nothingness...

Well, last night's campaign pep rally performance was the straw that broke the camel's back.... enough is enough.... he's so unfit and unqualified to serve us......

but his psychophants won't do a thing about it. they are scared shitless to be on his 'enemy' list, & his basket of deplorables will still vote for him - despite having broke almost every commandment there is. they will still vote him in even if he broke the ultimate commandment because they are only pro birth & have never truly been pro life.; & he knows it.

You thought we attempted to destroy Barack Obama.

Just wait, if you win in November, just wait. This pandemic has really opened my eyes.

ooooOOOOOoooo - are you gonna git yer guns, suzy? or be a sideline cheerleader for those that do?

Maybe we'll get a loudmouth Maxine Waters and impeach, or hold some Kangaroo courts like Kavanaugh, or start all the complaining hashtags like you all do.

You will love it, playtime. Just don't forget who started it.

I hope like heck it's Biden. Don't you dare, not even once, whine about he's a demented (literally) old man and we should leave him alone, because you knew that.

gotta say, suzie - your misplaced anger is tickling me bigley.

please CONtinue. :lmao:

She cited reasons for her anger. YOur pretense otherwise makes you look like a fool or an ass.

Which is it? Are you a fool, too stupid to understand a simple sentence?

Or are you just an ass, saying shit to be a troll?


it's certainly is misplaced. just like when psychophants, such as yerself put the blame on ' those people ' for your woes & lot in life. y'all look at those below you as the source, instead of looking up at whose giving you a golden shower.
Fake news!


Trumpsters. So well-trained.

You attack Trump supporters for being well trained partisans.

Using childish partisan name calling.

Do you own one of these?


So a majority of Americans, even quite a few Republicans, know not to trust what he's saying, and no doubt the "ratings" he's so proud of (boy, that's creepy) are for his experts.

"Just 28% of Americans say they’re regularly getting information from Trump about the coronavirus and only 23% say they have high levels of trust in what the president is telling the public. Another 21% trust him a moderate amount. Confidence in Trump is higher among his supporters, though only about half of Republicans say they have a lot of trust in Trump’s information on the pandemic — and 22% say they have little or no trust in what he says about the COVID-19 outbreak."

AP is a known fake news outlet that has been confirmed to be disseminating disinformation regarding COVID-19. Have you seen any evidence that they actually took a survey, or did you just blindly take their word for it?
Well, I'm actually feeling sorry for him now...And embarrassed for him after yesterday's performance at his Corona presser.... it's painful to watch.....

Everyone is making fun of him on the news, and it is deserved... for his injection of disinfectant comments etc

He's gone through his whole TV life, allowed to baffle people with his bull shit.... con them, confuse them, operating through chaos to distract from his know nothingness...

Well, last night's campaign pep rally performance was the straw that broke the camel's back.... enough is enough.... he's so unfit and unqualified to serve us......

but his psychophants won't do a thing about it. they are scared shitless to be on his 'enemy' list, & his basket of deplorables will still vote for him - despite having broke almost every commandment there is. they will still vote him in even if he broke the ultimate commandment because they are only pro birth & have never truly been pro life.; & he knows it.

You thought we attempted to destroy Barack Obama.

Just wait, if you win in November, just wait. This pandemic has really opened my eyes.

ooooOOOOOoooo - are you gonna git yer guns, suzy? or be a sideline cheerleader for those that do?

Maybe we'll get a loudmouth Maxine Waters and impeach, or hold some Kangaroo courts like Kavanaugh, or start all the complaining hashtags like you all do.

You will love it, playtime. Just don't forget who started it.

I hope like heck it's Biden. Don't you dare, not even once, whine about he's a demented (literally) old man and we should leave him alone, because you knew that.

gotta say, suzie - your misplaced anger is tickling me bigley.

please CONtinue. :lmao:

She cited reasons for her anger. YOur pretense otherwise makes you look like a fool or an ass.

Which is it? Are you a fool, too stupid to understand a simple sentence?

Or are you just an ass, saying shit to be a troll?


it's certainly is misplaced. just like when psychophants, such as yerself put the blame on ' those people ' for their woes & lot in life. y'all look at those below you as the source, instaed of looking up at whose giving you a golden shower.

I have no idea what you're talking about. What *I* am talking about is this: if a Democrat is elected in November, I plan to treat him the very same way you all treated Trump from the very beginning. No respect, no credit for anything, nothing but absolute mockery and derision every day he is in office.

In fact I'm going to start a campaign for that on all platforms. Now tell me what you think of those little green apples

So a majority of Americans, even quite a few Republicans, know not to trust what he's saying, and no doubt the "ratings" he's so proud of (boy, that's creepy) are for his experts.

"Just 28% of Americans say they’re regularly getting information from Trump about the coronavirus and only 23% say they have high levels of trust in what the president is telling the public. Another 21% trust him a moderate amount. Confidence in Trump is higher among his supporters, though only about half of Republicans say they have a lot of trust in Trump’s information on the pandemic — and 22% say they have little or no trust in what he says about the COVID-19 outbreak."

AP is a known fake news outlet. Have you seen any evidence that they actually took a survey.
Honestly...Excuse me if I laughed at this post, but just because you disagree with the news does not make it “fake news”. I mean this excuse is just so laughable now. Just deal with it instead of sticking your head in the sand.
Well, I'm actually feeling sorry for him now...And embarrassed for him after yesterday's performance at his Corona presser.... it's painful to watch.....

Everyone is making fun of him on the news, and it is deserved... for his injection of disinfectant comments etc

He's gone through his whole TV life, allowed to baffle people with his bull shit.... con them, confuse them, operating through chaos to distract from his know nothingness...

Well, last night's campaign pep rally performance was the straw that broke the camel's back.... enough is enough.... he's so unfit and unqualified to serve us......

We've heard all this before. Russia, Kavanaugh, Mueller. Impeached.

If you win in November, just wait. You people started it. You won't like where it finishes. In fact, you will hate it. But then, the Left never is known for thinking ahead.
"IF you (democrats) win".... I still think the blob will ooze back into office since Americans usually give their Presidents two terms and the 2018 Senate races were not very bad for the GOP. But it's kinda surprising to hear a blob supporter coming out with "If you win...." Telling.

No quarter given, and there will be a lot of people coming with me, believe me. You depend on our good sportsmanship. But no more.

Day one: destroy the presidency. Just like you all did.

You started the zero sum game. Now you can live in that bed you made.

You will hate it, btw.

This weirdo REALLY thinks time started with Trump’s electoral college miracle! She really doesn’t seem to know what happened before that day.
Well, I'm actually feeling sorry for him now...And embarrassed for him after yesterday's performance at his Corona presser.... it's painful to watch.....

Everyone is making fun of him on the news, and it is deserved... for his injection of disinfectant comments etc

He's gone through his whole TV life, allowed to baffle people with his bull shit.... con them, confuse them, operating through chaos to distract from his know nothingness...

Well, last night's campaign pep rally performance was the straw that broke the camel's back.... enough is enough.... he's so unfit and unqualified to serve us......

but his psychophants won't do a thing about it. they are scared shitless to be on his 'enemy' list, & his basket of deplorables will still vote for him - despite having broke almost every commandment there is. they will still vote him in even if he broke the ultimate commandment because they are only pro birth & have never truly been pro life.; & he knows it.

You thought we attempted to destroy Barack Obama.

Just wait, if you win in November, just wait. This pandemic has really opened my eyes.

ooooOOOOOoooo - are you gonna git yer guns, suzy? or be a sideline cheerleader for those that do?

Maybe we'll get a loudmouth Maxine Waters and impeach, or hold some Kangaroo courts like Kavanaugh, or start all the complaining hashtags like you all do.

You will love it, playtime. Just don't forget who started it.

I hope like heck it's Biden. Don't you dare, not even once, whine about he's a demented (literally) old man and we should leave him alone, because you knew that.

gotta say, suzie - your misplaced anger is tickling me bigley.

please CONtinue. :lmao:

She cited reasons for her anger. YOur pretense otherwise makes you look like a fool or an ass.

Which is it? Are you a fool, too stupid to understand a simple sentence?

Or are you just an ass, saying shit to be a troll?


it's certainly is misplaced. just like when psychophants, such as yerself put the blame on ' those people ' for their woes & lot in life. y'all look at those below you as the source, instaed of looking up at whose giving you a golden shower.

The people and actions she mentioned are powerful people or important events.

THe line of argument you are using there, is based on the idea that "those people" have not really DONE anything hostile to the person who is angry.

Yet, Maxine Waters has been in Congress for 30 years. That is a powerful person. Who has been DOING policy for decades.

YOu don't just get to dismiss a complaint about her and pretend to be amused by "misplaced anger".

Unless you are a soulless troll, just here to be a dick to people.

Which you have admitted is what you are.

Sue's complaints are valid. YOu are not. Troll.
much TDS lately ....hahahhahahahahah
That`s the best and only defense there is for Trump. Did you just make that up?

As I have been saying in this thread: When it's our turn to treat your president the way you have treated Trump, i hope to heck it's Biden.

I really do.
You had your turn with Obama.

Oh honey. Oh no. Obama was pre-Trump.

YOU started the Trump. Now we get to answer. You won't like the answer, but you dunderheads never, EVER think about that, do you?


I usually don't think much about things that don't matter--see the mirror for an example.

Oh you mean you're going to be angry, small minded, belligerent, and profane? You're already there loser.

Gentle Readers:

You will note not one of these brain trust liberals have said, "Yes, it will be fair of you to treat Joe Biden like we treated Donald Trump", or "Yes, we accounted for the fact that someday, a Democrat might be in office and be treated in the same manner we treated him while in office".

They have nothing to say. Per usual, they never thought this far ahead.

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