Okay, finally some good news about Trump's Coronavirus briefings

Why do people insist on saying every poll they cite represents a majority of Americans? Trump supporters and critics do this this poll is one that polled 1057 people that is not a majority of Americans no poll is.
Well, I'm actually feeling sorry for him now...And embarrassed for him after yesterday's performance at his Corona presser.... it's painful to watch.....

Everyone is making fun of him on the news, and it is deserved... for his injection of disinfectant comments etc

He's gone through his whole TV life, allowed to baffle people with his bull shit.... con them, confuse them, operating through chaos to distract from his know nothingness...

Well, last night's campaign pep rally performance was the straw that broke the camel's back.... enough is enough.... he's so unfit and unqualified to serve us......

but his psychophants won't do a thing about it. they are scared shitless to be on his 'enemy' list, & his basket of deplorables will still vote for him - despite having broke almost every commandment there is. they will still vote him in even if he broke the ultimate commandment because they are only pro birth & have never truly been pro life.; & he knows it.

You thought we attempted to destroy Barack Obama.

Just wait, if you win in November, just wait. This pandemic has really opened my eyes.

ooooOOOOOoooo - are you gonna git yer guns, suzy? or be a sideline cheerleader for those that do?

Maybe we'll get a loudmouth Maxine Waters and impeach, or hold some Kangaroo courts like Kavanaugh, or start all the complaining hashtags like you all do.

You will love it, playtime. Just don't forget who started it.

I hope like heck it's Biden. Don't you dare, not even once, whine about he's a demented (literally) old man and we should leave him alone, because you knew that.

gotta say, suzie - your misplaced anger is tickling me bigley.

please CONtinue. :lmao:

She cited reasons for her anger. YOur pretense otherwise makes you look like a fool or an ass.

Which is it? Are you a fool, too stupid to understand a simple sentence?

Or are you just an ass, saying shit to be a troll?


it's certainly is misplaced. just like when psychophants, such as yerself put the blame on ' those people ' for their woes & lot in life. y'all look at those below you as the source, instaed of looking up at whose giving you a golden shower.

I have no idea what you're talking about. What *I* am talking about is this: if a Democrat is elected in November, I plan to treat him the very same way you all treated Trump from the very beginning. No respect, no credit for anything, nothing but absolute mockery and derision every day he is in office.

In fact I'm going to start a campaign for that on all platforms. Now tell me what you think of those little green apples

Whoa! That sounds serious! Please don’t do that! Don’t be mean to Joe! Please!

You're too dull to ever have thought about the ramifications of what you do, just admit it already

Yeah. It never occurred to me that Trump supporters will freak out if he loses and oppose the Dem president vigorously and unfairly from day one. I’m shocked to learn this.

You wishcasted this on us should Hillary win. In reality it was YOU having the riots and temper tantrums and kavanaugh and Mueller and impeachments.

And deep down, yes. You believe we are the Americans, we will just fall back in line.

You believed wrong this time.

Kavanaugh lied under oath.
Mueller found collusion and obstruction.
Trump was impeached for using his office for personal gain.

You stand with an incompetent and corrupt leader. And THAT is the reason that you are so upset today.

Biden is demented. Literally. Demented. But why should that stop you ghouls?

No crying when we point out how demented he is, now. Remember. Your game, LL, you make the rules. We're just playing on your home turf.

Is Trump demented?

He can tell his wife from his sister.

He knows what city he is in, and knows what year 9/11 happened. So no.
Well, I'm actually feeling sorry for him now...And embarrassed for him after yesterday's performance at his Corona presser.... it's painful to watch.....

Everyone is making fun of him on the news, and it is deserved... for his injection of disinfectant comments etc

He's gone through his whole TV life, allowed to baffle people with his bull shit.... con them, confuse them, operating through chaos to distract from his know nothingness...

Well, last night's campaign pep rally performance was the straw that broke the camel's back.... enough is enough.... he's so unfit and unqualified to serve us......

but his psychophants won't do a thing about it. they are scared shitless to be on his 'enemy' list, & his basket of deplorables will still vote for him - despite having broke almost every commandment there is. they will still vote him in even if he broke the ultimate commandment because they are only pro birth & have never truly been pro life.; & he knows it.

You thought we attempted to destroy Barack Obama.

Just wait, if you win in November, just wait. This pandemic has really opened my eyes.

ooooOOOOOoooo - are you gonna git yer guns, suzy? or be a sideline cheerleader for those that do?

Maybe we'll get a loudmouth Maxine Waters and impeach, or hold some Kangaroo courts like Kavanaugh, or start all the complaining hashtags like you all do.

You will love it, playtime. Just don't forget who started it.

I hope like heck it's Biden. Don't you dare, not even once, whine about he's a demented (literally) old man and we should leave him alone, because you knew that.

Biden gaffes are minor and tame compared to the moronic babblings of con man Trump. Fortunately, only the true trumpoholics are still listening to our liar in chief and they are decreasing in number every day.

You sound nervous. You should be. You all should have thought about this little game you were playing a long time ago, but didn't.
You never do

I am confident rRrump will never ever be elected in America again. His potential for reelection has been irreparably damaged beyond rescue. COVID-19 will be a major crisis after the election and Americans know they need anyone other than Trump. They will need anyone who can understand and implement government institutions and agencies in fighting the crisis, appoint qualified personnel to his or her administration, and rebuild our economy with fairness to everyone.

If I have my way--and I plan to take a lot of people with me--we will destroy your Dem president from day one.

Enjoy that.

Much will depend on whether Congress, including the, is controlled by Democrats. If Dems retain control of the House and gain control of the Senate Trumpist Republicanism will be finished forever. Federal courts, even the Supreme Court will become staunch Democrat-controlled entities.

Obvious things are obvious.

You know why I think you all love the pandemic and make much of the passing comments in this thread?

Because when this passes, you are left with Biden. You WOULD have been left with Biden and Trump's roaring economy, but the pandemic was a stroke of luck for you. So you really love that pandemic, and are hoping the public won't catch on to just now MUCH you love it.

What did you think of Obama’s roaring economy?

So a majority of Americans, even quite a few Republicans, know not to trust what he's saying, and no doubt the "ratings" he's so proud of (boy, that's creepy) are for his experts.

"Just 28% of Americans say they’re regularly getting information from Trump about the coronavirus and only 23% say they have high levels of trust in what the president is telling the public. Another 21% trust him a moderate amount. Confidence in Trump is higher among his supporters, though only about half of Republicans say they have a lot of trust in Trump’s information on the pandemic — and 22% say they have little or no trust in what he says about the COVID-19 outbreak."

AP is a known fake news outlet. Have you seen any evidence that they actually took a survey.
Honestly...Excuse me if I laughed at this post, but just because you disagree with the news does not make it “fake news”. I mean this excuse is just so laughable now. Just deal with it instead of sticking your head in the sand.
How did you come to the conclusion that I called AP a fake news outlet simply because I disagree with them?

The fact of the matter is that I have already flat out busted AP disseminating disinformation regarding COVID-19.

News outlets such as AP that disseminate disinformation are colloquially known as fake news outlets in contemporary parlance.

If you cannot understand that then you are one dumb motherfucker.
This is what you wrote you moron:

”AP is known as a fake news outlet”.

You wrote that dumb fuck. Do you understand what you write? If you had a super power it would be stupidity.
No, that is not what I wrote, you lying TDS addled low IQ scumbag.

I wrote "AP is a known fake news outlet".

You're so fucking stupid that you don't even know that you're stupid.
Added an “as” by mistake. Same difference dumbfuck.
What is your point? Do you disagree that AP disseminates disinformation?
Why do people insist on saying every poll they cite represents a majority of Americans? Trump supporters and critics do this this poll is one that polled 1057 people that is not a majority of Americans no poll is.

Also does not measure anything like voter enthusiasm which is what gets people either to the polls or motivates them to send in absentee ballots
Well, I'm actually feeling sorry for him now...And embarrassed for him after yesterday's performance at his Corona presser.... it's painful to watch.....

Everyone is making fun of him on the news, and it is deserved... for his injection of disinfectant comments etc

He's gone through his whole TV life, allowed to baffle people with his bull shit.... con them, confuse them, operating through chaos to distract from his know nothingness...

Well, last night's campaign pep rally performance was the straw that broke the camel's back.... enough is enough.... he's so unfit and unqualified to serve us......

but his psychophants won't do a thing about it. they are scared shitless to be on his 'enemy' list, & his basket of deplorables will still vote for him - despite having broke almost every commandment there is. they will still vote him in even if he broke the ultimate commandment because they are only pro birth & have never truly been pro life.; & he knows it.

You thought we attempted to destroy Barack Obama.

Just wait, if you win in November, just wait. This pandemic has really opened my eyes.

ooooOOOOOoooo - are you gonna git yer guns, suzy? or be a sideline cheerleader for those that do?

Maybe we'll get a loudmouth Maxine Waters and impeach, or hold some Kangaroo courts like Kavanaugh, or start all the complaining hashtags like you all do.

You will love it, playtime. Just don't forget who started it.

I hope like heck it's Biden. Don't you dare, not even once, whine about he's a demented (literally) old man and we should leave him alone, because you knew that.

Biden gaffes are minor and tame compared to the moronic babblings of con man Trump. Fortunately, only the true trumpoholics are still listening to our liar in chief and they are decreasing in number every day.

You sound nervous. You should be. You all should have thought about this little game you were playing a long time ago, but didn't.
You never do

I am confident rRrump will never ever be elected in America again. His potential for reelection has been irreparably damaged beyond rescue. COVID-19 will be a major crisis after the election and Americans know they need anyone other than Trump. They will need anyone who can understand and implement government institutions and agencies in fighting the crisis, appoint qualified personnel to his or her administration, and rebuild our economy with fairness to everyone.

If I have my way--and I plan to take a lot of people with me--we will destroy your Dem president from day one.

Enjoy that.

Much will depend on whether Congress, including the, is controlled by Democrats. If Dems retain control of the House and gain control of the Senate Trumpist Republicanism will be finished forever. Federal courts, even the Supreme Court will become staunch Democrat-controlled entities.

Obvious things are obvious.

You know why I think you all love the pandemic and make much of the passing comments in this thread?

Because when this passes, you are left with Biden. You WOULD have been left with Biden and Trump's roaring economy, but the pandemic was a stroke of luck for you. So you really love that pandemic, and are hoping the public won't catch on to just now MUCH you love it.

Biden was beating Trump in all polls before the pandemics showed up. Democrats have a distinctive advanrage in rRrump being known as a liar and man of low moral character.
Well, I'm actually feeling sorry for him now...And embarrassed for him after yesterday's performance at his Corona presser.... it's painful to watch.....

Everyone is making fun of him on the news, and it is deserved... for his injection of disinfectant comments etc

He's gone through his whole TV life, allowed to baffle people with his bull shit.... con them, confuse them, operating through chaos to distract from his know nothingness...

Well, last night's campaign pep rally performance was the straw that broke the camel's back.... enough is enough.... he's so unfit and unqualified to serve us......

but his psychophants won't do a thing about it. they are scared shitless to be on his 'enemy' list, & his basket of deplorables will still vote for him - despite having broke almost every commandment there is. they will still vote him in even if he broke the ultimate commandment because they are only pro birth & have never truly been pro life.; & he knows it.

You thought we attempted to destroy Barack Obama.

Just wait, if you win in November, just wait. This pandemic has really opened my eyes.

ooooOOOOOoooo - are you gonna git yer guns, suzy? or be a sideline cheerleader for those that do?

Maybe we'll get a loudmouth Maxine Waters and impeach, or hold some Kangaroo courts like Kavanaugh, or start all the complaining hashtags like you all do.

You will love it, playtime. Just don't forget who started it.

I hope like heck it's Biden. Don't you dare, not even once, whine about he's a demented (literally) old man and we should leave him alone, because you knew that.

Biden gaffes are minor and tame compared to the moronic babblings of con man Trump. Fortunately, only the true trumpoholics are still listening to our liar in chief and they are decreasing in number every day.

You sound nervous. You should be. You all should have thought about this little game you were playing a long time ago, but didn't.
You never do

I am confident rRrump will never ever be elected in America again. His potential for reelection has been irreparably damaged beyond rescue. COVID-19 will be a major crisis after the election and Americans know they need anyone other than Trump. They will need anyone who can understand and implement government institutions and agencies in fighting the crisis, appoint qualified personnel to his or her administration, and rebuild our economy with fairness to everyone.

If I have my way--and I plan to take a lot of people with me--we will destroy your Dem president from day one.

Enjoy that.

Much will depend on whether Congress, including the, is controlled by Democrats. If Dems retain control of the House and gain control of the Senate Trumpist Republicanism will be finished forever. Federal courts, even the Supreme Court will become staunch Democrat-controlled entities.

Obvious things are obvious.

You know why I think you all love the pandemic and make much of the passing comments in this thread?

Because when this passes, you are left with Biden. You WOULD have been left with Biden and Trump's roaring economy, but the pandemic was a stroke of luck for you. So you really love that pandemic, and are hoping the public won't catch on to just now MUCH you love it.

Biden was beating Trump in all polls before the pandemics showed up. Democrats have a distinctive advanrage in rRrump being known as a liar and man of low moral character.

I remember those polls in 2016 too, don't you?

Oh and then all the crying in the Javits center. Gee what happened?
Well, I'm actually feeling sorry for him now...And embarrassed for him after yesterday's performance at his Corona presser.... it's painful to watch.....

Everyone is making fun of him on the news, and it is deserved... for his injection of disinfectant comments etc

He's gone through his whole TV life, allowed to baffle people with his bull shit.... con them, confuse them, operating through chaos to distract from his know nothingness...

Well, last night's campaign pep rally performance was the straw that broke the camel's back.... enough is enough.... he's so unfit and unqualified to serve us......

but his psychophants won't do a thing about it. they are scared shitless to be on his 'enemy' list, & his basket of deplorables will still vote for him - despite having broke almost every commandment there is. they will still vote him in even if he broke the ultimate commandment because they are only pro birth & have never truly been pro life.; & he knows it.

You thought we attempted to destroy Barack Obama.

Just wait, if you win in November, just wait. This pandemic has really opened my eyes.

ooooOOOOOoooo - are you gonna git yer guns, suzy? or be a sideline cheerleader for those that do?

Maybe we'll get a loudmouth Maxine Waters and impeach, or hold some Kangaroo courts like Kavanaugh, or start all the complaining hashtags like you all do.

You will love it, playtime. Just don't forget who started it.

I hope like heck it's Biden. Don't you dare, not even once, whine about he's a demented (literally) old man and we should leave him alone, because you knew that.

gotta say, suzie - your misplaced anger is tickling me bigley.

please CONtinue. :lmao:

She cited reasons for her anger. YOur pretense otherwise makes you look like a fool or an ass.

Which is it? Are you a fool, too stupid to understand a simple sentence?

Or are you just an ass, saying shit to be a troll?


it's certainly is misplaced. just like when psychophants, such as yerself put the blame on ' those people ' for their woes & lot in life. y'all look at those below you as the source, instaed of looking up at whose giving you a golden shower.

The people and actions she mentioned are powerful people or important events.

THe line of argument you are using there, is based on the idea that "those people" have not really DONE anything hostile to the person who is angry.

Yet, Maxine Waters has been in Congress for 30 years. That is a powerful person. Who has been DOING policy for decades.

YOu don't just get to dismiss a complaint about her and pretend to be amused by "misplaced anger".

Unless you are a soulless troll, just here to be a dick to people.

Which you have admitted is what you are.

Sue's complaints are valid. YOu are not. Troll.

i have never admitted to being a troll. trolls don't research & give valid credible non biased links like i often do outside of giving 'opinions'.

what i did say, cartoon boy - is i don't care what poorly educated basket dwelling deplorable hypocritesthink about me or what y'all have to say when *you* lie, distort, or defend a failed reality tv snake oil salesmen who -FOR DECADES have ripped people off.

so save it ...

You might not be a troll but I do clean your clock up and down these threads.

Afterward, you give out "winner" stickers for some reason

I clean your clock, playtime, because you are the standard liberal woman: not a rational thinker. You go off on hyperbolic rants full of talking points with not one reasonable thought put together. Anyone who happens to disagree with you is THIS or THAT or the OTHER--for no reason that you can name, or maybe even worse, no reason that you understand.

Well, I'm actually feeling sorry for him now...And embarrassed for him after yesterday's performance at his Corona presser.... it's painful to watch.....

Everyone is making fun of him on the news, and it is deserved... for his injection of disinfectant comments etc

He's gone through his whole TV life, allowed to baffle people with his bull shit.... con them, confuse them, operating through chaos to distract from his know nothingness...

Well, last night's campaign pep rally performance was the straw that broke the camel's back.... enough is enough.... he's so unfit and unqualified to serve us......it's pathetic....
Trump embarrasses himself, his supporters, and the country as a whole.

But there’s no reason to ‘feel sorry’ for Trump – he has only himself to blame.

Trump alone is responsible for his ignorance and stupidity.

And those who voted for Trump are responsible for placing in office someone clearly unfit to be president.

Trump has been fine. His actions are pretty normal and his policies are boringly mainstream.

His rhetoric and confrontational style withe media, does not justify your hysterical hatred.

There is literally something wrong with you.

^^^ :cuckoo:^^^

Remember when you morons said he would start a nuclear war? LOL!!

You people are hysterical, for no real reason.
Well, I'm actually feeling sorry for him now...And embarrassed for him after yesterday's performance at his Corona presser.... it's painful to watch.....

Everyone is making fun of him on the news, and it is deserved... for his injection of disinfectant comments etc

He's gone through his whole TV life, allowed to baffle people with his bull shit.... con them, confuse them, operating through chaos to distract from his know nothingness...

Well, last night's campaign pep rally performance was the straw that broke the camel's back.... enough is enough.... he's so unfit and unqualified to serve us......

but his psychophants won't do a thing about it. they are scared shitless to be on his 'enemy' list, & his basket of deplorables will still vote for him - despite having broke almost every commandment there is. they will still vote him in even if he broke the ultimate commandment because they are only pro birth & have never truly been pro life.; & he knows it.

You thought we attempted to destroy Barack Obama.

Just wait, if you win in November, just wait. This pandemic has really opened my eyes.

ooooOOOOOoooo - are you gonna git yer guns, suzy? or be a sideline cheerleader for those that do?

Maybe we'll get a loudmouth Maxine Waters and impeach, or hold some Kangaroo courts like Kavanaugh, or start all the complaining hashtags like you all do.

You will love it, playtime. Just don't forget who started it.

I hope like heck it's Biden. Don't you dare, not even once, whine about he's a demented (literally) old man and we should leave him alone, because you knew that.

gotta say, suzie - your misplaced anger is tickling me bigley.

please CONtinue. :lmao:

She cited reasons for her anger. YOur pretense otherwise makes you look like a fool or an ass.

Which is it? Are you a fool, too stupid to understand a simple sentence?

Or are you just an ass, saying shit to be a troll?


it's certainly is misplaced. just like when psychophants, such as yerself put the blame on ' those people ' for their woes & lot in life. y'all look at those below you as the source, instaed of looking up at whose giving you a golden shower.

I have no idea what you're talking about. What *I* am talking about is this: if a Democrat is elected in November, I plan to treat him the very same way you all treated Trump from the very beginning. No respect, no credit for anything, nothing but absolute mockery and derision every day he is in office.

In fact I'm going to start a campaign for that on all platforms. Now tell me what you think of those little green apples

Whoa! That sounds serious! Please don’t do that! Don’t be mean to Joe! Please!

You're too dull to ever have thought about the ramifications of what you do, just admit it already

Yeah. It never occurred to me that Trump supporters will freak out if he loses and oppose the Dem president vigorously and unfairly from day one. I’m shocked to learn this.

You wishcasted this on us should Hillary win. In reality it was YOU having the riots and temper tantrums and kavanaugh and Mueller and impeachments.

And deep down, yes. You believe we are the Americans, we will just fall back in line.

You believed wrong this time.

Kavanaugh lied under oath.
Mueller found collusion and obstruction.
Trump was impeached for using his office for personal gain.

You stand with an incompetent and corrupt leader. And THAT is the reason that you are so upset today.

Biden is demented. Literally. Demented. But why should that stop you ghouls?

No crying when we point out how demented he is, now. Remember. Your game, LL, you make the rules. We're just playing on your home turf.

Is Trump demented?

He can tell his wife from his sister.

He knows what city he is in, and knows what year 9/11 happened. So no.

A guy with dementia is going to win an election over Trump. Man! Are Americans stupid or what!
Well, I'm actually feeling sorry for him now...And embarrassed for him after yesterday's performance at his Corona presser.... it's painful to watch.....

Everyone is making fun of him on the news, and it is deserved... for his injection of disinfectant comments etc

He's gone through his whole TV life, allowed to baffle people with his bull shit.... con them, confuse them, operating through chaos to distract from his know nothingness...

Well, last night's campaign pep rally performance was the straw that broke the camel's back.... enough is enough.... he's so unfit and unqualified to serve us......

but his psychophants won't do a thing about it. they are scared shitless to be on his 'enemy' list, & his basket of deplorables will still vote for him - despite having broke almost every commandment there is. they will still vote him in even if he broke the ultimate commandment because they are only pro birth & have never truly been pro life.; & he knows it.

You thought we attempted to destroy Barack Obama.

Just wait, if you win in November, just wait. This pandemic has really opened my eyes.

ooooOOOOOoooo - are you gonna git yer guns, suzy? or be a sideline cheerleader for those that do?

Maybe we'll get a loudmouth Maxine Waters and impeach, or hold some Kangaroo courts like Kavanaugh, or start all the complaining hashtags like you all do.

You will love it, playtime. Just don't forget who started it.

I hope like heck it's Biden. Don't you dare, not even once, whine about he's a demented (literally) old man and we should leave him alone, because you knew that.

gotta say, suzie - your misplaced anger is tickling me bigley.

please CONtinue. :lmao:

She cited reasons for her anger. YOur pretense otherwise makes you look like a fool or an ass.

Which is it? Are you a fool, too stupid to understand a simple sentence?

Or are you just an ass, saying shit to be a troll?


it's certainly is misplaced. just like when psychophants, such as yerself put the blame on ' those people ' for their woes & lot in life. y'all look at those below you as the source, instaed of looking up at whose giving you a golden shower.

I have no idea what you're talking about. What *I* am talking about is this: if a Democrat is elected in November, I plan to treat him the very same way you all treated Trump from the very beginning. No respect, no credit for anything, nothing but absolute mockery and derision every day he is in office.

In fact I'm going to start a campaign for that on all platforms. Now tell me what you think of those little green apples

I will just add:

If a Democratic president ever acted like Trump, I’d want the bastard impeached. I would never debase myself to support anyone that acts the way Trump does.


Then I guess you wanted Bill Clinton impeached, since he had an affair with a young woman in the Oval Office.

Clinton???? LOL What a response.


hillary / slick willy ... either clinton will do.
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Well, I'm actually feeling sorry for him now...And embarrassed for him after yesterday's performance at his Corona presser.... it's painful to watch.....

Everyone is making fun of him on the news, and it is deserved... for his injection of disinfectant comments etc

He's gone through his whole TV life, allowed to baffle people with his bull shit.... con them, confuse them, operating through chaos to distract from his know nothingness...

Well, last night's campaign pep rally performance was the straw that broke the camel's back.... enough is enough.... he's so unfit and unqualified to serve us......

but his psychophants won't do a thing about it. they are scared shitless to be on his 'enemy' list, & his basket of deplorables will still vote for him - despite having broke almost every commandment there is. they will still vote him in even if he broke the ultimate commandment because they are only pro birth & have never truly been pro life.; & he knows it.

You thought we attempted to destroy Barack Obama.

Just wait, if you win in November, just wait. This pandemic has really opened my eyes.

ooooOOOOOoooo - are you gonna git yer guns, suzy? or be a sideline cheerleader for those that do?

Maybe we'll get a loudmouth Maxine Waters and impeach, or hold some Kangaroo courts like Kavanaugh, or start all the complaining hashtags like you all do.

You will love it, playtime. Just don't forget who started it.

I hope like heck it's Biden. Don't you dare, not even once, whine about he's a demented (literally) old man and we should leave him alone, because you knew that.

gotta say, suzie - your misplaced anger is tickling me bigley.

please CONtinue. :lmao:

She cited reasons for her anger. YOur pretense otherwise makes you look like a fool or an ass.

Which is it? Are you a fool, too stupid to understand a simple sentence?

Or are you just an ass, saying shit to be a troll?


it's certainly is misplaced. just like when psychophants, such as yerself put the blame on ' those people ' for their woes & lot in life. y'all look at those below you as the source, instaed of looking up at whose giving you a golden shower.

I have no idea what you're talking about. What *I* am talking about is this: if a Democrat is elected in November, I plan to treat him the very same way you all treated Trump from the very beginning. No respect, no credit for anything, nothing but absolute mockery and derision every day he is in office.

In fact I'm going to start a campaign for that on all platforms. Now tell me what you think of those little green apples

Whoa! That sounds serious! Please don’t do that! Don’t be mean to Joe! Please!

You're too dull to ever have thought about the ramifications of what you do, just admit it already

Yeah. It never occurred to me that Trump supporters will freak out if he loses and oppose the Dem president vigorously and unfairly from day one. I’m shocked to learn this.

You wishcasted this on us should Hillary win. In reality it was YOU having the riots and temper tantrums and kavanaugh and Mueller and impeachments.

And deep down, yes. You believe we are the Americans, we will just fall back in line.

You believed wrong this time.

Kavanaugh lied under oath.
Mueller found collusion and obstruction.
Trump was impeached for using his office for personal gain.

You stand with an incompetent and corrupt leader. And THAT is the reason that you are so upset today.

Biden is demented. Literally. Demented. But why should that stop you ghouls?

No crying when we point out how demented he is, now. Remember. Your game, LL, you make the rules. We're just playing on your home turf.

Is Trump demented?

He can tell his wife from his sister.

He knows what city he is in, and knows what year 9/11 happened. So no.

A guy with dementia is going to win an election over Trump. Man! Are Americans stupid or what!

And then we will be behind your demented president to utterly destroy anything he does, maybe with kangaroo courts, maybe even with a fake impeachment.

You will love it.
Well, I'm actually feeling sorry for him now...And embarrassed for him after yesterday's performance at his Corona presser.... it's painful to watch.....

Everyone is making fun of him on the news, and it is deserved... for his injection of disinfectant comments etc

He's gone through his whole TV life, allowed to baffle people with his bull shit.... con them, confuse them, operating through chaos to distract from his know nothingness...

Well, last night's campaign pep rally performance was the straw that broke the camel's back.... enough is enough.... he's so unfit and unqualified to serve us......it's pathetic....
Trump embarrasses himself, his supporters, and the country as a whole.

But there’s no reason to ‘feel sorry’ for Trump – he has only himself to blame.

Trump alone is responsible for his ignorance and stupidity.

And those who voted for Trump are responsible for placing in office someone clearly unfit to be president.

Trump has been fine. His actions are pretty normal and his policies are boringly mainstream.

His rhetoric and confrontational style withe media, does not justify your hysterical hatred.

There is literally something wrong with you.

^^^ :cuckoo:^^^

Remember when you morons said he would start a nuclear war? LOL!!

You people are hysterical, for no real reason.

i remember when he started the cold war again. that alone is insane.....

i also have given saint ronny kudos many times for actually dismantling some of the stockpile ... he would NEVER be voted in now for that or his ban on assault weapons. you guys are so fucking fickle when it comes to death & destruction.

So a majority of Americans, even quite a few Republicans, know not to trust what he's saying, and no doubt the "ratings" he's so proud of (boy, that's creepy) are for his experts.

"Just 28% of Americans say they’re regularly getting information from Trump about the coronavirus and only 23% say they have high levels of trust in what the president is telling the public. Another 21% trust him a moderate amount. Confidence in Trump is higher among his supporters, though only about half of Republicans say they have a lot of trust in Trump’s information on the pandemic — and 22% say they have little or no trust in what he says about the COVID-19 outbreak."

AP is a known fake news outlet. Have you seen any evidence that they actually took a survey.
Honestly...Excuse me if I laughed at this post, but just because you disagree with the news does not make it “fake news”. I mean this excuse is just so laughable now. Just deal with it instead of sticking your head in the sand.
How did you come to the conclusion that I called AP a fake news outlet simply because I disagree with them?

The fact of the matter is that I have already flat out busted AP disseminating disinformation regarding COVID-19.

News outlets such as AP that disseminate disinformation are colloquially known as fake news outlets in contemporary parlance.

If you cannot understand that then you are one dumb motherfucker.
This is what you wrote you moron:

”AP is known as a fake news outlet”.

You wrote that dumb fuck. Do you understand what you write? If you had a super power it would be stupidity.
No, that is not what I wrote, you lying TDS addled low IQ scumbag.

I wrote "AP is a known fake news outlet".

You're so fucking stupid that you don't even know that you're stupid.
You are just following Trump's marching orders. Trump is the biggest fake news outlet in the world. Very few Americans trust Trump. He is the Emperor with no clothes.

So a majority of Americans, even quite a few Republicans, know not to trust what he's saying, and no doubt the "ratings" he's so proud of (boy, that's creepy) are for his experts.

"Just 28% of Americans say they’re regularly getting information from Trump about the coronavirus and only 23% say they have high levels of trust in what the president is telling the public. Another 21% trust him a moderate amount. Confidence in Trump is higher among his supporters, though only about half of Republicans say they have a lot of trust in Trump’s information on the pandemic — and 22% say they have little or no trust in what he says about the COVID-19 outbreak."

Good to hear with a president recommending they inject disinfectant into their bodies
I have to admit I've been a little concerned wondering how many people actually take what he's saying seriously.

I know the Trumpsters will, but the overall numbers and the 22% of Republicans put me at more ease.
Well, I'm actually feeling sorry for him now...And embarrassed for him after yesterday's performance at his Corona presser.... it's painful to watch.....

Everyone is making fun of him on the news, and it is deserved... for his injection of disinfectant comments etc

He's gone through his whole TV life, allowed to baffle people with his bull shit.... con them, confuse them, operating through chaos to distract from his know nothingness...

Well, last night's campaign pep rally performance was the straw that broke the camel's back.... enough is enough.... he's so unfit and unqualified to serve us......

but his psychophants won't do a thing about it. they are scared shitless to be on his 'enemy' list, & his basket of deplorables will still vote for him - despite having broke almost every commandment there is. they will still vote him in even if he broke the ultimate commandment because they are only pro birth & have never truly been pro life.; & he knows it.

You thought we attempted to destroy Barack Obama.

Just wait, if you win in November, just wait. This pandemic has really opened my eyes.

ooooOOOOOoooo - are you gonna git yer guns, suzy? or be a sideline cheerleader for those that do?

Maybe we'll get a loudmouth Maxine Waters and impeach, or hold some Kangaroo courts like Kavanaugh, or start all the complaining hashtags like you all do.

You will love it, playtime. Just don't forget who started it.

I hope like heck it's Biden. Don't you dare, not even once, whine about he's a demented (literally) old man and we should leave him alone, because you knew that.

gotta say, suzie - your misplaced anger is tickling me bigley.

please CONtinue. :lmao:

She cited reasons for her anger. YOur pretense otherwise makes you look like a fool or an ass.

Which is it? Are you a fool, too stupid to understand a simple sentence?

Or are you just an ass, saying shit to be a troll?


it's certainly is misplaced. just like when psychophants, such as yerself put the blame on ' those people ' for their woes & lot in life. y'all look at those below you as the source, instaed of looking up at whose giving you a golden shower.

The people and actions she mentioned are powerful people or important events.

THe line of argument you are using there, is based on the idea that "those people" have not really DONE anything hostile to the person who is angry.

Yet, Maxine Waters has been in Congress for 30 years. That is a powerful person. Who has been DOING policy for decades.

YOu don't just get to dismiss a complaint about her and pretend to be amused by "misplaced anger".

Unless you are a soulless troll, just here to be a dick to people.

Which you have admitted is what you are.

Sue's complaints are valid. YOu are not. Troll.

i have never admitted to being a troll. trolls don't research & give valid credible non biased links like i often do outside of giving 'opinions'.

what i did say, cartoon boy - is i don't care what poorly educated basket dwelling deplorable hypocritesthink about me or what y'all have to say when *you* lie, distort, or defend a failed reality tv snake oil salesmen who -FOR DECADES have ripped people off.

so save it ...

You might not be a troll but I do clean your clock up and down these threads.

Afterward, you give out "winner" stickers for some reason

LOL!!!!!!!!!!! what?

no, you do not, 'clean my clock'. wow wow wow - your sense of reality is truly skewed. anyhoo - apparently you can't follow the bouncing ball as to whom i give a 'winner' to & why. trust me, it's never been to you. can't help if you think i am 'quoting' you. you wanna take credit for something you never did - just like donny.

you are a good grasshoppa to yer master po.

No one cares who gets your stickers. I clean your clock because I actually make rational, cogent posts and not just name-calling rants

if that soothes yer tormented soul to believe that -then you just keep on keepin' on!
Well, I'm actually feeling sorry for him now...And embarrassed for him after yesterday's performance at his Corona presser.... it's painful to watch.....

Everyone is making fun of him on the news, and it is deserved... for his injection of disinfectant comments etc

He's gone through his whole TV life, allowed to baffle people with his bull shit.... con them, confuse them, operating through chaos to distract from his know nothingness...

Well, last night's campaign pep rally performance was the straw that broke the camel's back.... enough is enough.... he's so unfit and unqualified to serve us......

but his psychophants won't do a thing about it. they are scared shitless to be on his 'enemy' list, & his basket of deplorables will still vote for him - despite having broke almost every commandment there is. they will still vote him in even if he broke the ultimate commandment because they are only pro birth & have never truly been pro life.; & he knows it.

You thought we attempted to destroy Barack Obama.

Just wait, if you win in November, just wait. This pandemic has really opened my eyes.

ooooOOOOOoooo - are you gonna git yer guns, suzy? or be a sideline cheerleader for those that do?

Maybe we'll get a loudmouth Maxine Waters and impeach, or hold some Kangaroo courts like Kavanaugh, or start all the complaining hashtags like you all do.

You will love it, playtime. Just don't forget who started it.

I hope like heck it's Biden. Don't you dare, not even once, whine about he's a demented (literally) old man and we should leave him alone, because you knew that.

gotta say, suzie - your misplaced anger is tickling me bigley.

please CONtinue. :lmao:

She cited reasons for her anger. YOur pretense otherwise makes you look like a fool or an ass.

Which is it? Are you a fool, too stupid to understand a simple sentence?

Or are you just an ass, saying shit to be a troll?


it's certainly is misplaced. just like when psychophants, such as yerself put the blame on ' those people ' for their woes & lot in life. y'all look at those below you as the source, instaed of looking up at whose giving you a golden shower.

I have no idea what you're talking about. What *I* am talking about is this: if a Democrat is elected in November, I plan to treat him the very same way you all treated Trump from the very beginning. No respect, no credit for anything, nothing but absolute mockery and derision every day he is in office.

In fact I'm going to start a campaign for that on all platforms. Now tell me what you think of those little green apples

Whoa! That sounds serious! Please don’t do that! Don’t be mean to Joe! Please!

You're too dull to ever have thought about the ramifications of what you do, just admit it already

Yeah. It never occurred to me that Trump supporters will freak out if he loses and oppose the Dem president vigorously and unfairly from day one. I’m shocked to learn this.

You wishcasted this on us should Hillary win. In reality it was YOU having the riots and temper tantrums and kavanaugh and Mueller and impeachments.

And deep down, yes. You believe we are the Americans, we will just fall back in line.

You believed wrong this time.

Kavanaugh lied under oath.
Mueller found collusion and obstruction.
Trump was impeached for using his office for personal gain.

You stand with an incompetent and corrupt leader. And THAT is the reason that you are so upset today.

Biden is demented. Literally. Demented. But why should that stop you ghouls?

No crying when we point out how demented he is, now. Remember. Your game, LL, you make the rules. We're just playing on your home turf.

Is Trump demented?

He can tell his wife from his sister.

He knows what city he is in, and knows what year 9/11 happened. So no.

A guy with dementia is going to win an election over Trump. Man! Are Americans stupid or what!

And then we will be behind your demented president to utterly destroy anything he does, maybe with kangaroo courts, maybe even with a fake impeachment.

You will love it.

Why are you telling us this as though we didn’t already know that you’d react in that way?

All you are doing in this thread is blaming others for your future actions. You want people to think that you are only going to be a sore loser because someone else made you be a sore loser.

Come on, Karen. Try harder.
You have to be truly beyond stupid to ponder injecting yourself with disinfectant. Trump lies, gives false information and generally conducts himself as a lunatic at these pressers. You’d have to be an idiot to believe anything Trump has to say. Most Americans now see that. Unfortunately, there are still those that believe the babble that spews from Trump’s mouth, and, unfortunately, you have Trumptards who continue to justify and push Trump’s lies and false information as true.
You’d have to be truly beyond stupid to vote for Trump.
China Joe 2020! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

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