Okay so the NFL can make rules but they dont have to follow them now? okay,gotcha.

NFL is a monopoly and must be treated and taxed as such.

How anybody can possibly remain an NFL fan at this point with all these fucking bullshit relocations going on right now left and right right now,is fucking beyond me.:rolleyes:

How they can possibly continue to support an organization where they dont care about you after you have give them DECADES of loyalty is fucking insane.:rolleyes:

the NFL needs to stand for the NO FAN LOYALTY league now.

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Boy! Some take their sports waaaay too seriously.

wow thanks for your great contribution to the TOPIC what the thread is about.:rolleyes:

and those SOME that you mention just so you know,happen to include some very famous celebritys. Tom Hanks and Clint Eastwood,are both Raider fans only because they have played in OAKLAND most their time in the NFL because that is where they both grew up.well guess what? because the raiders are leaving Oakland for fucking vegas,they like the true OAKLAND fans they are,to their credit,are BOYCOTTING the NFL.cheers to them for doing the right thing.:thup::beer:

the mayor of new york is another.:thup:the list goes on and on.taking the raiders out of oakland,thats like moving the yankees out of new york to florida or the cowboys leaving dallas for alaska.you just dont do that,none of that stuff registers with you obviously though.:rolleyes:

when the rolling stones gave their last farewell tour,when the stones went to san diego,to his credit,Mick Jagger came out and said to the people there-I hear that the chargers are thinking about leaving san diego.why anybody would want to leave a beautiful city like this I just dont understand. I had no opinion whatsover of mick jagger up till that point but the fact he stood up for the people of san diego and the city of san diego like he did,makes him a great guy in my book.:thup:
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a couple of great articles on the chargers move,how they will bomb in LA.:thup:

Fans quick to condemn once-beloved Chargers for L.A. move
Spanos is delusional if he thinks anyone will care about them in L.A. San Diego is the only home for the Chargers,” Sean Rodiek posted on what is now the Los Angeles Chargers Facebook page.

Economists: Chargers’ move to Los Angeles might hurt NFL, benefit taxpayers
Vanderbilt economics professor John Vrooman thinks the Chargers move is the rare NFL team relocation that actually could hurt the league financially. Two monopolies in separate cities is more valuable to the league than a duopoly splitting Los Angeles’s football revenue, Vrooman said. :thup:
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wow the old man who crys about being proven wrong on the rams being back in LA came to shit in here today.

anyways great stuff from the oakland town hall meeting the other day on the raiders plans they are formatting to have a lawsuit against mark davis and the NFL.
Dr.Death @26DrDeath

wonder what the word is on the chargers if they are going to join suit.
Boy! Some take their sports waaaay too seriously.

yeah like disinfo agent troll WRONGwinger too immature and childish to own up to being proven wrong insisting the rams would never come back to LA STILL crying about being proven wrong about it today.:rofl:
as i have said before,its not over till its over.

Could The Raiders Be Forced To Leave Their Name And Colors In Oakland?

the answer to that question is yes IF when it goes to court as planned,it goes to a JURY trial. If a judge rules in it,i would not count on it because judges can be bought off where a jury is sympathetic to owners making rules just so they can profit from the move and break the rules.why make rules if they are allowed to break them and not follow them?:rolleyes:
wow the old man who crys about being proven wrong on the rams being back in LA came to shit in here today.

anyways great stuff from the oakland town hall meeting the other day on the raiders plans they are formatting to have a lawsuit against mark davis and the NFL.
Dr.Death @26DrDeath

wonder what the word is on the chargers if they are going to join suit.
Still waiting for the Rams to move to LA

How is that fake stadium coming?
  • Like I said,its not over till its over.Just because the owners voted in favor of the move does not mean it will happen for sure. Oakland is prepared to take this all the way to the supreme court and if it goes to a jury trial,it is game over,Oakland will be awarded the Raiders.

something the NFL never counted on is that the Oakland fans would not take this lying down as the st louis and san diego fans have. when st louis lost the rams the city was like-oh well thats how it goes.same with san diego_OAKLAND however they got the most loyal fans in the world and they are not going to let this go.they have the law on their side since mark davis violated all NFL relocation rules.

san diego should join in on getting ready for a lawsuit against them as well cause dean spanos ALSO violated NFL relocation rules,why they are not up in arms over it like oakland is is beyond me.
I find it very interesting that the Las Vegas authority said there has been no agreement relocation papers signed with the raiders like spanos of the chargers did when taking them to LA.very odd.as i keep saying,i am not so sure this move is a done deal.not till it happens.maybe mark davis has doubts in starting to see the light that this indeed is the worse deal in sports history and not good for the raiders at all and is now having second thoughts.i mean why else has he not signed it?
It gets even MORE interesting.

Lawyer expects governmental entities to join potential lawsuit against Raiders

as i said,oakland is not taking this lying down as san diego and st louis did.everybody expected them to riot in the streets but they are being much more smarter about this by taking a cautious and intelligent approach to is.something the NFL never counted on.they all figured they would start a riot in the streets and it would all wash away but thats not what happened.
I cannot believe there are still people in denial that the vegas deal is the worst deal in sports history. even a 49er fan understands this. He hit the nail right on the head in this post below.:up:

The Vegas deal is so bad that the Senate is trying to pass a bill
to ban public funding of stadiums. :udaman:

still more evidence the raiders violated NFL relocation rules.

I hope this Vegas deal blows up in the faces of everyone involved in the deal. Worst stadium deal in the history of sports. Read the Deadspin article that was posted a few weeks ago detailing on how the residents of Las Vegas get royally screwed by this deal

yes sir your right. if the courts ever get to read the nfl's own bylaws then the courts would see that the nfl violated thier own laws and the fact that oakland does have a case of bad faith negotiations will be to.much for the nfl lawyers to over come

your right Zennie. Nevada citizens should be Quite concerned about how bad they are going to get screwed over this deal.
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hey look its toto who always has his head up wrongwingers ass all the time now here.:up:
Keep our Oakland Raiders and make history! 1st TIME EVER, a community of fans, businesses and community leaders have spoken up and taken a fight to the NFL. We will not be bullied or extorted. Show the NFL and the world why Oakland is HOME!

yeah baby.:thup:


Jim Quinn hopes to know in the next couple months whether there's a case to be made against the Oakland Raiders' move to Las Vegas. Then we'll find out what the grounds for a suit as well as the plaintiffs and defendants.
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