Okay so the NFL can make rules but they dont have to follow them now? okay,gotcha.

I would be shocked beyond words if the Raiders did not win their lawsuit against the NFL because you got to remember back in the 90's when so many NFL teams were leaving their respective cities,the NFL established guidelines and bylaws and certain relocation rules they have to follow before they can leave. Both the chargers and raiders have both violated those rules.see here.

One of them that was drawn up back then is a team cannot leave a major market for a much smalller one.that was WHY they were drawn up back then because the owners were not happy about losing the Oilers from Houston to Nashville and the Rams from LA to st louis,both much, much smaller markets. that is WHY in the PAST teams could not win lawsuits because those rules were not in place back as they are now when they were installed in the 90's so this is much much different now than back then. things are much much different now withe rules and guildlines that were installed in the mid 90's that were not in place back then when those two teams left and when the Browns left for Baltimore as well. Now it is MUCH MUCH different.

The Raiders leaving for Oakland the fifith biggest marker for vegas,the 46th biggest market is on par with the rams leaving LA for st louis,that is a clear violation of NFL rules they have.the owners dont understand that in the LONG run,this will hurt them big time,that they will lose money from this same as they did when the Rams left LA for st louis,that was a MAJOR disaster for them losing all the millions they lost out in tv revenue because they went to a much much smaller market.

the owners dont understand that though.that was why i never thought for a second they would be stupid enough to approve the move but something i did not see coming is GREED $ Owners Greed.$$$$$$.that was something i overlooked and never considered for second.

the owners will profit in 45 million a piece in relocation fees for these moves.the relocation fee was SUPPOSED to prevent teams from moving but all it does is INSPIRE owners to approve the move because THEY "PROFIT" from the relocation fees.

you probably did not know that st louis has joined oakland in their lawsuit against the NFL as well either right? :thup:

st louis their lawsuit is different than Oaklands though,they are not trying to get the team back because they know the city violated the lease agreement with the NFL signed 22 years ago,the rams honered the terms but the city did not. what st louis is suing the NFL for is for damages done to them because stan kroenke and the rams misled them and lied to them telling they they are trying to stay in st louis when he never had any intention of staying.

one of the bylaws in relocation agreements is a team has to EXHAUST all their efforts to try and stay in their cities,and negotiate in good faith to try and get something done.well the Rams did all that.again THEY honered the terms in the lase agreement where the city violated them so they would have no chance in getting them back,they can only get them for not negotiating in good faith LYING to them saying they wanted to stay when they never wanted to. understand?

Oakland and san diego though,THEIR cases are much different. Here is the difference in the Rams situation vs the chargers and Raiders.

The Rams once again,honored all the terms in the lease agreement with the city of st louis that was signed 22 years ago,they showed good faith and followed all the bylaws the whole time there,the CITY on the other hand,violated the terms in the lease agreement and did not live up to their end of the deal which is why the Rams became free agents and were legally able to move,they had the law on their side.

Oakland and san diegos cases are different though. they never once followed NFL relocations rules and honered the bylaw to negotiate in good faith with the city and try to remain there.

Spanos and Davis BOTH violated the rules which again is the point of this thread of WHY does the NFL make rules when teams and owners are allowed to violate them and not be held accountable for their actions? that is WHY Oakland is suing the NFL and st louis as well for damages in money and why I just dont see Oakland not willing their lawsuit and retaining the raiders.:up:

again thats why it dissapoints me that san diego has not joined Oakland and st louis in their lawsuit because they have a pretty clear cut case against the NFL as well.
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awesome,got to love it.

Its amazing how many Media outlets have picked up this story and are drawing their own Conclusions because of our, "Forever Oakland Name." Hmmmmm.
*This Validates how Far reaching and World Wide our name, "Forever Oakland", has become.
*All Smiles up in here, Im sitting back watching*

A's join push to keep Raiders in Oakland - Sportsnaut.com

the old man troll ^ who is so butthurt on being wrong on the rams being back in LA can only whine and cry that he got his ass owned on me by that so he is so butthurt he comes and whines on my threads all the time in defeat.^
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the old man troll ^ who is so butthurt on being wrong on the rams being back in LA can only whine and cry that the NFL is indeed corrupt same as the government he worships and defends.^ that the NFL has violated relocation rules.

St Louis Rams are laughing at you

Still gullible to the end
the old man troll ^ who is so butthurt on being wrong on the rams being back in LA can only whine and cry that he got his ass owned on me by that so he is so butthurt he comes and whines on my threads all the time in defeat.^

and yeah it IS funny as he agrees that he is butthurt all these years later that he was proven wrong on me by that :haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
the old man troll ^ who is so butthurt on being wrong on the rams being back in LA can only whine and cry that he got his ass owned on me by that so he is so butthurt he comes and whines on my threads all the time in defeat.^

and yeah it IS funny as he agrees that he is butthurt all these years later that he was proven wrong on me by that :haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
Still funny after all these years....you are still my man bitch
the old man troll ^ who is so butthurt on being wrong on the rams being back in LA can only whine and cry that he got his ass owned on me by that so he is so butthurt he comes and whines on my threads all the time in defeat.^

and yeah it IS funny as he agrees that he is butthurt all these years later that he was proven wrong on me by that :haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
Still funny after all these years....you are still my man bitch

You have owned the little bitch for a long time and he is still clueless.
and the butthurt flows from THIS troll as well ^the fact same as his lover here,he cant own up to it that he ALSO said the RAIDERS would be in LA in 2016 with the Rams ignoring FACTS i posted back then that the NFL owners dont did not want a Davis owned team in LA cause he is so broke and because the only fans that embraced the raiders in LA were gangs which caused so many fights in the stands.Logic and common sense like that of course never registered with pooper and his lover wrong winger.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha: which is WHY i always said that if there was a second team,it would be the chargers.

unlike these two trolls,I DID own up to it that I was wrong,off by one year on the year that the Rams would be in LA.:rolleyes:

as i said before pooper,you would have a very difficult time explaining your logic to a judge how your lover WRONGwinger somehow owns me when he is the ONLY one in the world that wont admit he was wrong that the rams are back in LA.:haha:he would ask you to explain that little one whioch you would have no explanation for.:haha::lmao:
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and the butthurt flows from THIS troll as well ^the fact same as his lover here,he cant own up to it that he ALSO said the RAIDERS would be in LA in 2016 with the Rams ignoring FACTS i posted back then that the NFL owners dont did not want a Davis owned team in LA cause he is so broke and because the only fans that embraced the raiders in LA were gangs which caused so many fights in the stands.Logic and common sense like that of course never registered with pooper and his lover wrong winger.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha: which is WHY i always said that if there was a second team,it would be the chargers.

unlike these two trolls,I DID own up to it that I was wrong,off by one year on the year that the Rams would be in LA.:rolleyes:

as i said before pooper,you would have a very difficult time explaining your logic to a judge how your lover WRONGwinger somehow owns me when he is the ONLY one in the world that wont admit he was wrong that the rams are back in LA.:haha:he would ask you to explain that little one whioch you would have no explanation for.:haha::lmao:

Again, you fail to give the post where I said the Raiders were definitely going to move to LA. It's okay, you have been proven to be a liar. Congrats asshat.
Rightwing has you by the short hairs and continues to prove it every time you post. Congrats pussy.
oh and I STILL am not backing down that the Raiders wont be in Vegas because its not over till itS over.If this goes to a jury trial instead of a corrupt judge who can be bought off,its game over for the NFL,the raiders will remain oakland.

The Raiders unlike the chargers,have not officially filed for relocation yet unlike spanos. Just because the NFL owners voted for the move, does not mean it is a done deal because they have violated NFL rules which i have proved in my OP.

Plus the attorney representing them "who has been KRYPTONITE against the NFL in lawsuits winning many of them against them in the past." says oakland has a VERY strong lawsuit case against the NFL.

He has won many times against them in other lawsuits just as i said so it would be STUPID to bet against him now.:rolleyes:

He also says the chargers have violated the rules that is why i am disspointed in san diego for not joining oakland in their lawsuit. san dieog the NFL could get away with on cause they dont have passion for their team.Oakland DOES and THEY wisely are not taking it sitting down as i said they would not all along.

st louis has joined oakland in their lawsuit against them as well,their lawsuit is different though,they are not suing them to retain the name and logo as oakland is.they are just suing them for abillion dollars in damages decieving them telling them they were trying to get something done in st louis when they had their sites set on LA the entire time. I hope st louis wins their lawsuit as well.

st louis is smart enough to know they would lose if they tried to get the name and logo as oakland is because the city violated the terms in the lease agreement where the rams honered them.:D

the NFL has lost their credibility with a lot of fans with this move.many opposing rivals such as bronco and kc chiefs fans are angered about this as well.

I don't want Oakland back here in L.A. I remember the first time. My family had to stop taking my nieces to games because of all the fighting the fans did in the stands. Saw a Raider fan cold cock a guy just walking by. Never heard what happened to the victim but that was the last Raider game we EVER went to.

Dude get with the program. you are as bad as pooper and wrongwinger who ALSO thought the Raiders would be in LA and are still buttthurt today they were proven wrong on that.:rofl:

as I tried to explain to those two trolls back then who keep crapping in my thread pooper and wrongwinger years ago just to watch them cover their ears and close their eyes ,the Raiders are never going back to LA again as long as Davis is the owner of that team:rolleyes: that is because the NFL owners dont want a davis owned franchise in LA because mark davis is poor as dirt as far as NFL owners go.:lmao:

He is rich beyond words compared to all of us but compared to the other owners,he is a pauper. that is WHY they gave the okay for the rams to go to LA cause they wanted an owner with deep pockets in LA and kroneke is the second richest owner in the NFL.:D

you just proved FOR ME as well with what you just said WHY the Raiders will never be back in LA again in case you did not realise that. :biggrin:

See that is WHY the raiders wont be back in LA is because of what you just said,how there was a bunch of fights in the stands at Raider games.

The only fans that embraced the raiders in LA when they were there was gang members. the NFL doesnt want all those fights to happen again that was WHY they gave the CHARGERS the okay to be the second team to join them as i said they would all along three years ago if there was a second team.

Sadly the oakland fans today STILL get an unfair bad rap being known as thugs because of how the LA fans acted when they were there.

I never thought the chargers would be stupid enough to go to LA since they have no fans in LA but sure enough,the second team i said would go if the re was one,is the the chargers and leave it to the NFL to be stupid to let them go. Bringing in a second team is going to kill the NFL same as it would if the raiders went to vegas,nobody in LA cares about the chargers. had the chargers not gone to LA the Raiders would have gone and you WOULD have something to worry about same as me.that is why I am not too upset over the chargers going there since the raiders would have if the chargers did not so they did me a favor actually.
now THAT being said,why dont you talk about the OP here,the TITLE of this thread and its contents in the OP instead of something that is never going to happen as long as the raiders are owned by the davis family,them going back to LA?

dont get me wrong,i appreciate the fact you did not troll on my thread as trolls pooper,toto, depoto,and wrongwinger have all done,but talk about the stuff in the OP,the thread title,surely thats not too much to ask? thanks.
Everyone needs to discard LARamsFan, first of he has lied over and over.

First he claims I said the Raiders would move to LA and has never backed it up.

Secondly, he claimed he will never watch a Super Bowl and watched the last Super Bowl.

Third he claims he is boycotting the NFL, yet he keeps posting about it. That's right he gives the NFL all sorts of publicity and then claims he is done with them.

Another post from shithead that can't back up what he accuses others of. Lying sack of shit!
the butthurt from the troll ^ that said the raiders would be in LA with the rams and he still has his head up wrongwingers ass as always is flowing.^ the kid cant man up and be mature by owning up to how stupid he was to say the raiders would be in LA always evading that bringing up how he was right on on the year the rams would be in LA and how i was off by one year which is stupid since i never denied that.:rolleyes:

some people like wrong winger,pooper and anquity would obviously kill themselves fisrt before admitting they were wrong.:rolleyes:
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