Okay, Trump has officially lost his goddamn mind and everyone needs to recognize it

It was a setup, he was asked about how migrants threw rocks at Mexican police (you realize several were injured pretty badly?) and then the questioner asked him if the military would fire on them.
And he said - "I HOPE NOT"....but they won't just stand there, you attack the military and the military fights back.

It is not that elegant of a statement, and the left media got the talking...er...rather... ranting point they wanted.
lol you are really splitting hairs with what he said about the rock throwing, but all of that pales in his batshit crazy idea to send 15,000 troops to the border to wait for a caravan 1000 miles away. Christ, even if the caravan made it to the border, it would be by then a couple dozen at best. Oh the horror!

Nice attempt to back away from your lying, you NPC twat.
Okay, look, be as hardline on immigration all you want. That really isnt the point. The point is the amount of non sense Trump is spewing in desperation of avoiding a democrat win in the election. It’s incredible even for Trump. It’s incredible such bizarre shit could come from a 71 year old man.

I don’t care what you think of the migrants heading north, but if you think sending 15 fucking thousand troops to the border while suggesting this massive army can shoot to kill these people for throwing rocks isn’t something a complete nut job would say, you are in serious denial. Keep in mind these migrants are MONTHS away from reaching the border and apparently the 15,000 American troops are just going to wait til they get there.

What the absolute fuck?

Trump, stoking caravan fears, says troops will fire on migrants if they 'throw rocks'

cry baby 3.jpg
Okay, look, be as hardline on immigration all you want. That really isnt the point. The point is the amount of non sense Trump is spewing in desperation of avoiding a democrat win in the election. It’s incredible even for Trump. It’s incredible such bizarre shit could come from a 71 year old man.

I don’t care what you think of the migrants heading north, but if you think sending 15 fucking thousand troops to the border while suggesting this massive army can shoot to kill these people for throwing rocks isn’t something a complete nut job would say, you are in serious denial. Keep in mind these migrants are MONTHS away from reaching the border and apparently the 15,000 American troops are just going to wait til they get there.

What the absolute fuck?

Trump, stoking caravan fears, says troops will fire on migrants if they 'throw rocks'
CNN's reporter was interviewing several members of the caravan when one of the guy's revealed he was wanted for murder back in Honuduras. The look on the CNN reporter's face at that moment was priceless.

Before that moment he was as dumb as you are now...

No, I think the left is. But you, and the left are praying that some dumb fuck Honduran tosses a rock, aren't you?
No, you are the one praying they spray women amd children with some high speed rounds. You are the one applauding. Get that shit through your head.
Absolutely not. I have nothing to lose if they toss a rock, or they don't toss a rock. In fact, giving them fair warning is doing them a favor.

YOU, and tthe progs, however, are praying that they do. You're actually praying for a death, or hundreds of deaths, so that you can make your political points and hope to bring some kind of charge against Trump.

Admit it
Well, you're a shameless liar, and you applaud this embarrassing threat. Those are facts. No amount of wincing and sniveling on your part is going to suddenly make water "not wet". Own your behavior.
I'm a shameless liar? I"m not the one making shit up about shooting people. YOU are.
No, if anyone is making shit up about shooting migrants, it's Trump. So stop your whining and write your congressman, crybaby.
So, Trump said he wants troops to shoot these invaders? when clearly he never said any such thing, but you sure to do see to want them to.
Okay, look, be as hardline on immigration all you want. That really isnt the point. The point is the amount of non sense Trump is spewing in desperation of avoiding a democrat win in the election. It’s incredible even for Trump. It’s incredible such bizarre shit could come from a 71 year old man.

I don’t care what you think of the migrants heading north, but if you think sending 15 fucking thousand troops to the border while suggesting this massive army can shoot to kill these people for throwing rocks isn’t something a complete nut job would say, you are in serious denial. Keep in mind these migrants are MONTHS away from reaching the border and apparently the 15,000 American troops are just going to wait til they get there.

What the absolute fuck?

Trump, stoking caravan fears, says troops will fire on migrants if they 'throw rocks'

Another deluded lefty who thinks his personal opinions equal facts. How do people so stupid even function in society?
One day outside at the prison a convict threw a rock at me. It missed and hit the metal wall of the shed I was in. Bent the metal pretty good. May have killed me if it hit me in the head. The whole unit was locked down over that until someone identified the pos.

These liberal liars get more pathetic each day.
Mexico already offered these people asylum. Only 150 people accepted.

They aren’t fleeing oppression.

Plus, our country sucks and is run by a NAZI and all white men are terrorists, why would Dimms want to bring these poor people into our shithole of a country?

Everything sucks here. It’s racist to allow them to enter our terrible broken country.
A little bit retro, but it is a sovereign border.
Wow, that really is an embarrassing,sniveling little bit of cover for the abnormal president.

Well, it's no longer "retro". My kids now live in a reality where normal and contemporary is shitting ourselves and sending the military to the border to threaten migrants, mostly women amd children, with high tech weaponry. What the fuck has happened to us....

They should probably walk to that country with the open border that you can cross without consequences.

I'm thinking North Korea?
Ah, I see. Your measure your own morality by pointing at people who are worse. Hey, whatever helps you live with yourself,I guess. The great thing is...there is always someone worse. Good for you.
Okay, look, be as hardline on immigration all you want. That really isnt the point. The point is the amount of non sense Trump is spewing in desperation of avoiding a democrat win in the election is incredible even for Trump. It is just incredible. It’s incredible such bizarre shit could come from a 71 year old man.

I don’t care what you think of the migrants heading north, but if you think sending 15 fucking thousand troops to the border while suggesting this massive army can shoot to kill these people for throwing rocks isn’t something a complete nut job would say, you are in serious denial. Keep in mind these migrants are MONTHS away from reaching the border and apparently the 15,000 American troops are just going to wait til they get there.

What the absolute fuck?

Trump, stoking caravan fears, says troops will fire on migrants if they 'throw rocks'
Try this.

SHUT THE FUCK UP. If you have to make shit up, then SHUT THE FUCK UP.
^^. And that's how he gets away with it....
Gets away with what? When you make shit up, nothing is happening. Understand that?
I see. So you think Trump is making shit up. Got it.

The simple fact you can not see that the man, daily, loves to toy with the media...and that you can't see the media is on a 24 hr rampage out to get him.... c'mon...
How many times does this same thing have to play out before the media finally realizes he loves to make them look stupid.
A little bit retro, but it is a sovereign border.
Wow, that really is an embarrassing,sniveling little bit of cover for the abnormal president.

Well, it's no longer "retro". My kids now live in a reality where normal and contemporary is shitting ourselves and sending the military to the border to threaten migrants, mostly women amd children, with high tech weaponry. What the fuck has happened to us....

They should probably walk to that country with the open border that you can cross without consequences.

I'm thinking North Korea?
Ah, I see. Your measure your own morality by pointing at people who are worse. Hey, whatever helps you live with yourself,I guess. The great thing is...there is always someone worse. Good for you.
Another nebulous hot air tidbit from a liberal moron.
Okay, look, be as hardline on immigration all you want. That really isnt the point. The point is the amount of non sense Trump is spewing in desperation of avoiding a democrat win in the election is incredible even for Trump. It is just incredible. It’s incredible such bizarre shit could come from a 71 year old man.

I don’t care what you think of the migrants heading north, but if you think sending 15 fucking thousand troops to the border while suggesting this massive army can shoot to kill these people for throwing rocks isn’t something a complete nut job would say, you are in serious denial. Keep in mind these migrants are MONTHS away from reaching the border and apparently the 15,000 American troops are just going to wait til they get there.

What the absolute fuck?

Trump, stoking caravan fears, says troops will fire on migrants if they 'throw rocks'
The military would, of course, refuse such an order.

Until the solider next to a guy who has his face caved in by a rock decides he doesn't want to be next.

Spot on , professor! We will teach that guy a lesson by putting some large holes in women and children!
I'll put you down for, "pining for a massacre"
Okay, look, be as hardline on immigration all you want. That really isnt the point. The point is the amount of non sense Trump is spewing in desperation of avoiding a democrat win in the election is incredible even for Trump. It is just incredible. It’s incredible such bizarre shit could come from a 71 year old man.

I don’t care what you think of the migrants heading north, but if you think sending 15 fucking thousand troops to the border while suggesting this massive army can shoot to kill these people for throwing rocks isn’t something a complete nut job would say, you are in serious denial. Keep in mind these migrants are MONTHS away from reaching the border and apparently the 15,000 American troops are just going to wait til they get there.

What the absolute fuck?

Trump, stoking caravan fears, says troops will fire on migrants if they 'throw rocks'
The military would, of course, refuse such an order.

Until the solider next to a guy who has his face caved in by a rock decides he doesn't want to be next.

Spot on , professor! We will teach that guy a lesson by putting some large holes in women and children!
I'll put you down for, "pining for a massacre"
Too bad. Kill 'em all.
Crazy to secure the border and enforce US law?
By crapping our pants and threatening the migrants with our military?

Yes, it's crazy. Yes, you are crazy to applaud it. All of you embarrass out country.

Migrants?? You mean illegal aliens don't you?

There are thousands of them. Some have already thrown rocks and injured Mexican police.

From interviews on the news many just want into the US and have been deported more than once.

Mexico offered them asylum and they refused. That speaks volumes right there.

Could you be any more a biased idiot??

I think not.
No, you are the one praying they spray women amd children with some high speed rounds. You are the one applauding. Get that shit through your head.
Absolutely not. I have nothing to lose if they toss a rock, or they don't toss a rock. In fact, giving them fair warning is doing them a favor.

YOU, and tthe progs, however, are praying that they do. You're actually praying for a death, or hundreds of deaths, so that you can make your political points and hope to bring some kind of charge against Trump.

Admit it
Well, you're a shameless liar, and you applaud this embarrassing threat. Those are facts. No amount of wincing and sniveling on your part is going to suddenly make water "not wet". Own your behavior.
I'm a shameless liar? I"m not the one making shit up about shooting people. YOU are.
No, if anyone is making shit up about shooting migrants, it's Trump. So stop your whining and write your congressman, crybaby.
So, Trump said he wants troops to shoot these invaders? when clearly he never said any such thing, but you sure to do see to want them to.
Trump doesn't need you to cover for him. Hes the leader of the military, and he is talking about ordering them to shoot at the migrants. Those are facts. Just admit that you love it, it would be less embarrassing for you than this sniveling exerciae in equivocation.
Okay, look, be as hardline on immigration all you want. That really isnt the point. The point is the amount of non sense Trump is spewing in desperation of avoiding a democrat win in the election is incredible even for Trump. It is just incredible. It’s incredible such bizarre shit could come from a 71 year old man.

I don’t care what you think of the migrants heading north, but if you think sending 15 fucking thousand troops to the border while suggesting this massive army can shoot to kill these people for throwing rocks isn’t something a complete nut job would say, you are in serious denial. Keep in mind these migrants are MONTHS away from reaching the border and apparently the 15,000 American troops are just going to wait til they get there.

What the absolute fuck?

Trump, stoking caravan fears, says troops will fire on migrants if they 'throw rocks'
The military would, of course, refuse such an order.

Until the solider next to a guy who has his face caved in by a rock decides he doesn't want to be next.

Spot on , professor! We will teach that guy a lesson by putting some large holes in women and children!
I'll put you down for, "pining for a massacre"

If the caravan's male members don't put women and children in front of them like shields, it won't be an issue.
Migrants?? You mean illegal aliens don't you?
Spare me your self soothing nonsense. That has nothing at all to do with why you love the idea of putting holes in them. You must be used to being around people who tell you your shit doesn't stink.
Let’s welcome a rock throwing mob of non citizens to our country with open arms and give them lots of taxpayer benefits.

Good fucking God.

How many of these invaders will the left wing lunatics bring into their homes to clothe and feed themselves?
Absolutely not. I have nothing to lose if they toss a rock, or they don't toss a rock. In fact, giving them fair warning is doing them a favor.

YOU, and tthe progs, however, are praying that they do. You're actually praying for a death, or hundreds of deaths, so that you can make your political points and hope to bring some kind of charge against Trump.

Admit it
Well, you're a shameless liar, and you applaud this embarrassing threat. Those are facts. No amount of wincing and sniveling on your part is going to suddenly make water "not wet". Own your behavior.
I'm a shameless liar? I"m not the one making shit up about shooting people. YOU are.
No, if anyone is making shit up about shooting migrants, it's Trump. So stop your whining and write your congressman, crybaby.
So, Trump said he wants troops to shoot these invaders? when clearly he never said any such thing, but you sure to do see to want them to.
Trump doesn't need you to cover for him. Hes the leader of the military, and he is talking about ordering them to shoot at the migrants. Those are facts. Just admit that you love it, it would be less embarrassing for you than this sniveling exerciae in equivocation.
I love it, I hope he kills everyone of them. Twice.
Migrants?? You mean illegal aliens don't you?
Spare me your self soothing nonsense. That has nothing at all to do with why you love the idea of putting holes in them. You must be used to being around people who tell you your shit doesn't stink.

Spare all of us you abject stupidity.

If those idiots throw rocks at our troops they deserve to get shot.

Stick that up your stupid ass.
Trump said the rocks should be considered rifles.

So it appears the invaders may be throwing rifles at our US citizens trying to secure our borders?

Maybe they are some leftover FAST AND FURIOUS guns that Obama sold to Mexican drug lords in one of his NON SCANDALS.

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