Okay why is obama a good president?

The Nobel Prize Committee is recognizing a major step forward in American society. If you want to be proud of it, good, I sure am.

Getting elected to the Presidency is no small accomplishment....especially when you are a mixed breed black with a name like Barack Hussein Obama. The political rise to power by Obama was an historic event and was rightfully acknowledged

You are reaching RW...and it is making you look silly.

Feel free to discuss.

If you do not believe that the United States electing its first black president was a significant historical event. Feel free to explain why

Why would you intentionally spin the meaning of my post?

Are you that insecure with your position?
Are you seeking to discredit me?

Or are you simply acting like an ass?
You are reaching RW...and it is making you look silly.

Feel free to discuss.

If you do not believe that the United States electing its first black president was a significant historical event. Feel free to explain why

Why would you intentionally spin the meaning of my post?

Are you that insecure with your position?
Are you seeking to discredit me?

Or are you simply acting like an ass?

Guys what does that mans race have to do with anything?
Feel free to discuss.

If you do not believe that the United States electing its first black president was a significant historical event. Feel free to explain why

Why would you intentionally spin the meaning of my post?

Are you that insecure with your position?
Are you seeking to discredit me?

Or are you simply acting like an ass?

Guys what does that mans race have to do with anything?

Race -always- has someting to do with it... when a liberal can use it to make a political point.
You are reaching RW...and it is making you look silly.

Feel free to discuss.

If you do not believe that the United States electing its first black president was a significant historical event. Feel free to explain why

Why would you intentionally spin the meaning of my post?

Are you that insecure with your position?
Are you seeking to discredit me?

Or are you simply acting like an ass?

Why are you ducking the question? You claim I am reaching...so show where I am reaching

Explain to me why you think the United States electing a black president after hundreds of years of discrimination was not an historically signiificant event?
Last edited:
Feel free to discuss.

If you do not believe that the United States electing its first black president was a significant historical event. Feel free to explain why

Why would you intentionally spin the meaning of my post?

Are you that insecure with your position?
Are you seeking to discredit me?

Or are you simply acting like an ass?

Why are you ducking the question? You claim I am reaching...so show where I am reaching

Explain to me why you think the United States electing a black president after hundreds of years of discrimination was not an historically signiificant event?

not all historical events are good things
Feel free to discuss.

If you do not believe that the United States electing its first black president was a significant historical event. Feel free to explain why

Why would you intentionally spin the meaning of my post?

Are you that insecure with your position?
Are you seeking to discredit me?

Or are you simply acting like an ass?

Why are you ducking the question? You claim I am reaching...so show where I am reaching

Explain to me why you think the United States electing a black president after hundreds of years of discrimination was not an historically signiificant event?

I never said that and you know it....stop acting like a child.
The debate was as to whether or not what you claim was the reason he recieved the NPP....not whether or not his elections had historical significance.

So it is one of two things...

You have the attention span of a beetle


You intenitonally spun the meaning of my post.

Either way, I have no interest in debating with you. You act like a child.
For me, the verdict is still out. Did he help get our troops out of Iraq like I wanted? Yes. ... Again, the verdict is still out for me.


I suppose I can see why you're still ambivalent:

Iraq must decide in weeks on U.S. troops: Mullen | Reuters

By Phil Stewart

BAGHDAD | Sat Apr 23, 2011 5:55am EDT

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq has only weeks to decide if it wants to keep U.S. troops beyond an end-2011 deadline for their withdrawal, the top U.S. military officer said Friday in Baghdad following talks with Iraq's prime minister.

The comments by Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the U.S. military's Joint Chiefs of Staff, are the strongest so far by U.S. officials warning Baghdad that Washington will soon have to initiate the withdrawal of its 47,000 forces under the terms of a bilateral security pact.
sorry, even bablefish won't translate that spin.

Theres a difference between you not agreeing with what was posted and denying that anything was posted. Spin that however you want though.

I still stand by my statement that nothing was posted to validate that obama was a good president

That's fine. But how much does your opinion mean when you think EVERYTHING the man does is wrong? You're not exactly an objective observer, now are you?
Why would you intentionally spin the meaning of my post?

Are you that insecure with your position?
Are you seeking to discredit me?

Or are you simply acting like an ass?

Why are you ducking the question? You claim I am reaching...so show where I am reaching

Explain to me why you think the United States electing a black president after hundreds of years of discrimination was not an historically signiificant event?

I never said that and you know it....stop acting like a child.
The debate was as to whether or not what you claim was the reason he recieved the NPP....not whether or not his elections had historical significance.

So it is one of two things...

You have the attention span of a beetle


You intenitonally spun the meaning of my post.

Either way, I have no interest in debating with you. You act like a child.

To date, I have been responding respectfully to you. I will continue for the time being.

We may never know of the discussions the Nobel Committee had on Obama. The award decree was very generic. Given the timing of the award, it appears to be an acknowlegement of his election as the first black president.

I responded to a direct question to what I thought Obama had done to warrant a Peace Prize. That is my belief. And based on the historical significance of his election, I believe he deserved it
Theres a difference between you not agreeing with what was posted and denying that anything was posted. Spin that however you want though.

I still stand by my statement that nothing was posted to validate that obama was a good president

That's fine. But how much does your opinion mean when you think EVERYTHING the man does is wrong? You're not exactly an objective observer, now are you?

sure i am. it's just that i'm also realistic
Theres a difference between you not agreeing with what was posted and denying that anything was posted. Spin that however you want though.

I still stand by my statement that nothing was posted to validate that obama was a good president

That's fine. But how much does your opinion mean when you think EVERYTHING the man does is wrong? You're not exactly an objective observer, now are you?

Actually, we disagreed with the three primary things he was given credit for:

1) turning the economy around. We believe that, if anything, he may have stunted the turn around. Unemployment barley moved despite markets rising. Fear of tax increases, cap and trade and healthcare law costs gave empoloyers reason to hold off hiring. May not have to agree...but the logic is there.

2) Healthcare Law. With so many questions about it....from consitutionality to the actual costs to the concern of accessibility to the conern of how it may RAISE healthcare costs...coupled with the finding that there was double dipping to make the numbers work and the fact that it is not even close to being in full force for another couple of years, it is irresponsible to say he was a good president for passing it. Maybe not a bad one either...we just dont know.

3) Nobel Peace Prize. No one can cite a single thing that HE DID to earn it. His speach writers mayber. Thje AMerican Punlic for electing a black president..maybe. But him? WHat has he done? Sitll in Iraq....Still in A-stan...GITMO still open. NEW military action in Libya...no "warm fuzzy feeling" from any NEW nations.

So..in essence...even the points you say are great reasons to say he is a good president have some douubts attached to it.

I dont disagree with all he does...I disagree with his poilicies overall...and one thing for sure....we are most certainly no better off now than we were 30 months ago.
I still stand by my statement that nothing was posted to validate that obama was a good president

That's fine. But how much does your opinion mean when you think EVERYTHING the man does is wrong? You're not exactly an objective observer, now are you?

Actually, we disagreed with the three primary things he was given credit for:

1) turning the economy around. We believe that, if anything, he may have stunted the turn around. Unemployment barley moved despite markets rising. Fear of tax increases, cap and trade and healthcare law costs gave empoloyers reason to hold off hiring. May not have to agree...but the logic is there.

2) Healthcare Law. With so many questions about it....from consitutionality to the actual costs to the concern of accessibility to the conern of how it may RAISE healthcare costs...coupled with the finding that there was double dipping to make the numbers work and the fact that it is not even close to being in full force for another couple of years, it is irresponsible to say he was a good president for passing it. Maybe not a bad one either...we just dont know.

3) Nobel Peace Prize. No one can cite a single thing that HE DID to earn it. His speach writers mayber. Thje AMerican Punlic for electing a black president..maybe. But him? WHat has he done? Sitll in Iraq....Still in A-stan...GITMO still open. NEW military action in Libya...no "warm fuzzy feeling" from any NEW nations.

So..in essence...even the points you say are great reasons to say he is a good president have some douubts attached to it.

I dont disagree with all he does...I disagree with his poilicies overall...and one thing for sure....we are most certainly no better off now than we were 30 months ago.

We'll agree to disagree then.

So can you not think of a SINGLE thing that Obama has done that you have liked?
That's fine. But how much does your opinion mean when you think EVERYTHING the man does is wrong? You're not exactly an objective observer, now are you?

Actually, we disagreed with the three primary things he was given credit for:

1) turning the economy around. We believe that, if anything, he may have stunted the turn around. Unemployment barley moved despite markets rising. Fear of tax increases, cap and trade and healthcare law costs gave empoloyers reason to hold off hiring. May not have to agree...but the logic is there.

2) Healthcare Law. With so many questions about it....from consitutionality to the actual costs to the concern of accessibility to the conern of how it may RAISE healthcare costs...coupled with the finding that there was double dipping to make the numbers work and the fact that it is not even close to being in full force for another couple of years, it is irresponsible to say he was a good president for passing it. Maybe not a bad one either...we just dont know.

3) Nobel Peace Prize. No one can cite a single thing that HE DID to earn it. His speach writers mayber. Thje AMerican Punlic for electing a black president..maybe. But him? WHat has he done? Sitll in Iraq....Still in A-stan...GITMO still open. NEW military action in Libya...no "warm fuzzy feeling" from any NEW nations.

So..in essence...even the points you say are great reasons to say he is a good president have some douubts attached to it.

I dont disagree with all he does...I disagree with his poilicies overall...and one thing for sure....we are most certainly no better off now than we were 30 months ago.

We'll agree to disagree then.

So can you not think of a SINGLE thing that Obama has done that you have liked?

sure. he got the pendulm to swing back much quicker than expected which gave the house back to the republicans and greatly closed the gap in the senate.
I still stand by my statement that nothing was posted to validate that obama was a good president

That's fine. But how much does your opinion mean when you think EVERYTHING the man does is wrong? You're not exactly an objective observer, now are you?

Actually, we disagreed with the three primary things he was given credit for:

1) turning the economy around. We believe that, if anything, he may have stunted the turn around. Unemployment barley moved despite markets rising. Fear of tax increases, cap and trade and healthcare law costs gave empoloyers reason to hold off hiring. May not have to agree...but the logic is there.

2) Healthcare Law. With so many questions about it....from consitutionality to the actual costs to the concern of accessibility to the conern of how it may RAISE healthcare costs...coupled with the finding that there was double dipping to make the numbers work and the fact that it is not even close to being in full force for another couple of years, it is irresponsible to say he was a good president for passing it. Maybe not a bad one either...we just dont know.

3) Nobel Peace Prize. No one can cite a single thing that HE DID to earn it. His speach writers mayber. Thje AMerican Punlic for electing a black president..maybe. But him? WHat has he done? Sitll in Iraq....Still in A-stan...GITMO still open. NEW military action in Libya...no "warm fuzzy feeling" from any NEW nations.

So..in essence...even the points you say are great reasons to say he is a good president have some douubts attached to it.

I dont disagree with all he does...I disagree with his poilicies overall...and one thing for sure....we are most certainly no better off now than we were 30 months ago.

given the deadline date for the noble peace prize he was selected at most 12 days into his presidency.
Actually, we disagreed with the three primary things he was given credit for:

1) turning the economy around. We believe that, if anything, he may have stunted the turn around. Unemployment barley moved despite markets rising. Fear of tax increases, cap and trade and healthcare law costs gave empoloyers reason to hold off hiring. May not have to agree...but the logic is there.

2) Healthcare Law. With so many questions about it....from consitutionality to the actual costs to the concern of accessibility to the conern of how it may RAISE healthcare costs...coupled with the finding that there was double dipping to make the numbers work and the fact that it is not even close to being in full force for another couple of years, it is irresponsible to say he was a good president for passing it. Maybe not a bad one either...we just dont know.

3) Nobel Peace Prize. No one can cite a single thing that HE DID to earn it. His speach writers mayber. Thje AMerican Punlic for electing a black president..maybe. But him? WHat has he done? Sitll in Iraq....Still in A-stan...GITMO still open. NEW military action in Libya...no "warm fuzzy feeling" from any NEW nations.

So..in essence...even the points you say are great reasons to say he is a good president have some douubts attached to it.

I dont disagree with all he does...I disagree with his poilicies overall...and one thing for sure....we are most certainly no better off now than we were 30 months ago.

We'll agree to disagree then.

So can you not think of a SINGLE thing that Obama has done that you have liked?

sure. he got the pendulm to swing back much quicker than expected which gave the house back to the republicans and greatly closed the gap in the senate.

LOL, like I was saying. That's some "compliment".

That would be like saying "I like Obama because he hasn't raped my mother."
That's fine. But how much does your opinion mean when you think EVERYTHING the man does is wrong? You're not exactly an objective observer, now are you?

Actually, we disagreed with the three primary things he was given credit for:

1) turning the economy around. We believe that, if anything, he may have stunted the turn around. Unemployment barley moved despite markets rising. Fear of tax increases, cap and trade and healthcare law costs gave empoloyers reason to hold off hiring. May not have to agree...but the logic is there.

2) Healthcare Law. With so many questions about it....from consitutionality to the actual costs to the concern of accessibility to the conern of how it may RAISE healthcare costs...coupled with the finding that there was double dipping to make the numbers work and the fact that it is not even close to being in full force for another couple of years, it is irresponsible to say he was a good president for passing it. Maybe not a bad one either...we just dont know.

3) Nobel Peace Prize. No one can cite a single thing that HE DID to earn it. His speach writers mayber. Thje AMerican Punlic for electing a black president..maybe. But him? WHat has he done? Sitll in Iraq....Still in A-stan...GITMO still open. NEW military action in Libya...no "warm fuzzy feeling" from any NEW nations.

So..in essence...even the points you say are great reasons to say he is a good president have some douubts attached to it.

I dont disagree with all he does...I disagree with his poilicies overall...and one thing for sure....we are most certainly no better off now than we were 30 months ago.

We'll agree to disagree then.

So can you not think of a SINGLE thing that Obama has done that you have liked?

His handling of the Arizona Shooting showed great leadership
His comproimise with the GOP as it pertained to the Bush cut and unemploment extensions also showed great leadership.

But Bush also showed great leadership when we were attacked.

SO I dont think it wise to use those as reasons Obama is a great president.

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