Okay why is obama a good president?

That is because you prefer to see swaggering cowboys spitting and drawing lines in the sand that get real people killed.

Obama is not getting real people killed?......WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY?.....

Maybe TM let something slip that she shouldn't have. Maybe she knows about a secret plot to create a clone army to defend the Republic.
Whats amazing about this?
Not one liberal can carry on a debate
For instance I thought GWB tax cuts where the best thing ever done for the working people in this country
To prove my point all one has to do is review the jobs created and wealth allowed to keep
I would then provide 2 links
Tax Brackets (Federal Income Tax Rates) 2000 through 2010 and 2011
Not one Liberal can do that
I have not seen it yet

There have been more jobs created in the first two years of President Obama's term than in 8 years of Bush being President. Perhaps you don't recall that we were losing 700,000 jobs a month when President Obama took office?

i'll give you one thing, you are a master at distorting facts
Why are you ducking the question? You claim I am reaching...so show where I am reaching

Explain to me why you think the United States electing a black president after hundreds of years of discrimination was not an historically signiificant event?

not all historical events are good things

this was a positive move for this Country....

it wouldhave been a positive move if we elected sinbad, or martin lawrence. but not obama
Why are you ducking the question? You claim I am reaching...so show where I am reaching

Explain to me why you think the United States electing a black president after hundreds of years of discrimination was not an historically signiificant event?

it is Rw....but he is only half Black.....now what accomplishment did Obama do that should garner him the peace prize?

Unfortunately, in US racial history there is no "half black" Whites made the rules, if you had any black in you.....you paid the price

For a black man, especially one of mixed breed named Barack Hussein Obama to put together a political coalition to get elected to the most powerful office on earth is quite an accomplishment.

It only took 140 years
Yes ,and a good liar and conman .Thats what that evil big eared purple lipped monkey obama is!!!!!!!!!
Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record

(Oh, and the article actually LIES about the number of jobs Bush created...)

Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record

(Oh, and the article actually LIES about the number of jobs Bush created...)


Look at your graph and locate where a fairly stable 4 year positive job growth trend turned negative. You'll notice it was about 1/07. Now tell me what of significance happened in January of 2007. Do the names nancy pelosi and harry reid ring a bell? Unemployment rates rose from about 4.5% to over 10% in that time and stayed pretty constant until October or November last year when it was apparent that the GOP would at least take back the House.
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Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record

(Oh, and the article actually LIES about the number of jobs Bush created...)


i like obama's tactic. he talks about the 800 jobs he created but doesn't mention the 24,000 that were lost in the same period.

Is it really so hard for you to admit that the economy has improved since President Obama took office? Why can't something like that just be celebrated?
What fucking planet are you living on?

S&P just downgraded this country for the first time in it's history.......That is a sure sign of pending economic disaster.

He's made the economy worse....Unemployment worse.......No new jobs....No shovel ready jobs he promised.

There is nothing to celebrate.....There's never a time to celebrate when people are continuing to lose their jobs. People are being foreclosed on. Businesses are closing in record numbers, etc. etc.

Christ, only a fuckin' liberal who is still drinking the Obama kool-aid, and refuses to admit they fucked up, would claim a reason to celebrate.

Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record

(Oh, and the article actually LIES about the number of jobs Bush created...)

Yes that article does represent the actual numbers the US govt used
These numbers are not lies, there US govt numbers, not from anyone else
This presidency thing was a 8 year event for this man
The sign of a good president is to deal with these matters and not take down the country while doing it
there is no lies here

2001...... 131,826 110,708 23,873 606 6,826 16,441
2002...... 130,341 108,828 22,557 583 6,716 15,259
2003...... 129,999 108,416 21,816 572 6,735 14,510
2004...... 131,435 109,814 21,882 591 6,976 14,315
2005...... 133,703 111,899 22,190 628 7,336 14,226
2006...... 136,086 114,113 22,531 684 7,691 14,155
2007...... 137,598 115,380 22,233 724 7,630 13,879
2008...... 136,790 114,281 21,334 767 7,162 13,406
2009...... 130,807 108,252 18,557 694 6,016 11,847

2010...... 129,818 107,337 17,755 705 5,526 11,524
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Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record

(Oh, and the article actually LIES about the number of jobs Bush created...)


Look at your graph and locate where a fairly stable 4 year positive job growth trend turned negative. You'll notice it was about 1/07. Now tell me what of significance happened in January of 2007. Do the names nancy pelosi and harry reid ring a bell? Unemployment rates rose from about 4.5% to over 10% in that time and stayed pretty constant until October or November last year when it was apparent that the GOP would at least take back the House.

I do not know where that graph got there numbers
I do agree that if one is blame the govt for those issues congress ha allot more stroke than the president does for legeslation
Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record

(Oh, and the article actually LIES about the number of jobs Bush created...)


Look at your graph and locate where a fairly stable 4 year positive job growth trend turned negative. You'll notice it was about 1/07. Now tell me what of significance happened in January of 2007. Do the names nancy pelosi and harry reid ring a bell? Unemployment rates rose from about 4.5% to over 10% in that time and stayed pretty constant until October or November last year when it was apparent that the GOP would at least take back the House.

That is a good point

But look at where the massive turnaround occurs ..Jan 2009

That was the point where we had a Democratic President, Senate and House. Just shows that getting the Republicans completely out of the decision making process spurs the economy
Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record

(Oh, and the article actually LIES about the number of jobs Bush created...)


Look at your graph and locate where a fairly stable 4 year positive job growth trend turned negative. You'll notice it was about 1/07. Now tell me what of significance happened in January of 2007. Do the names nancy pelosi and harry reid ring a bell? Unemployment rates rose from about 4.5% to over 10% in that time and stayed pretty constant until October or November last year when it was apparent that the GOP would at least take back the House.

That is a good point

But look at where the massive turnaround occurs ..Jan 2009

That was the point where we had a Democratic President, Senate and House. Just shows that getting the Republicans completely out of the decision making process spurs the economy

To start with I have no idea what that graph is
It has nothing to do with jobs created
From 2003 to 2008 there was 6 million jobs created
from then until now there has been 6 million jobs lost
thats a fact
Why are you ducking the question? You claim I am reaching...so show where I am reaching

Explain to me why you think the United States electing a black president after hundreds of years of discrimination was not an historically signiificant event?

it is Rw....but he is only half Black.....now what accomplishment did Obama do that should garner him the peace prize?

Unfortunately, in US racial history there is no "half black" Whites made the rules, if you had any black in you.....you paid the price

For a black man, especially one of mixed breed named Barack Hussein Obama to put together a political coalition to get elected to the most powerful office on earth is quite an accomplishment.

It only took 140 years

what did it have to do with peace Rw?.....all your telling me is he had a good political team......
Unfortunately, in US racial history there is no "half black" Whites made the rules, if you had any black in you.....you paid the price

For a black man, especially one of mixed breed named Barack Hussein Obama to put together a political coalition to get elected to the most powerful office on earth is quite an accomplishment.

It only took 140 years
So, why can't you answer the question?

What did he do to earn the NPP?

He established a coalition to earn enough votes to be elected President of the US. A major accomplishment in a historically racist country and a critical event in racial tolerance. A follow-on to the prizes won by MLK, Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandella
oh bullshit.....that had nothing to do with PEACE....and since you seem to think it does.....here are 2 definitions of the Prize i found.......

What is the Nobel peace prize?
The Nobel Peace Prize is an award that is given out to a person who has developed many public policies in regards to nations who are at war and need assistance. This award is also given out to someone who has exceptionally helped people in nations that are struggling with war and strife.


Alfred Nobel
According to Nobel's will, the Peace Prize shall be awarded to the person who
“ ...shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.

now were did Obama do any of these things?.....
Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record

(Oh, and the article actually LIES about the number of jobs Bush created...)


Look at your graph and locate where a fairly stable 4 year positive job growth trend turned negative. You'll notice it was about 1/07. Now tell me what of significance happened in January of 2007. Do the names nancy pelosi and harry reid ring a bell? Unemployment rates rose from about 4.5% to over 10% in that time and stayed pretty constant until October or November last year when it was apparent that the GOP would at least take back the House.

That is a good point

But look at where the massive turnaround occurs ..Jan 2009

That was the point where we had a Democratic President, Senate and House. Just shows that getting the Republicans completely out of the decision making process spurs the economy

You know right winger whats the saddest of all of this?
A liberal has no care about whats right and whats best for this country
That graph means what?
what does it mean?
This country had 6 million more people working in 2008 than they did in 2003
in 2010 they had 6 million people less working than they did in 2008
Now I dont blame Obama for that nor do I blame bush
I blame Obama for taking advantage of it and running up our debt as much in 2 years as Bush did in 8 all most, with one of the wars over
Your not about resolving anything, no Liberal is about taking accurate information and doing with it the things needed to resolve the issues of the day

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