Okay why is obama a good president?

So, why can't you answer the question?

What did he do to earn the NPP?

He established a coalition to earn enough votes to be elected President of the US. A major accomplishment in a historically racist country and a critical event in racial tolerance. A follow-on to the prizes won by MLK, Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandella
oh bullshit.....that had nothing to do with PEACE....and since you seem to think it does.....here are 2 definitions of the Prize i found.......

What is the Nobel peace prize?
The Nobel Peace Prize is an award that is given out to a person who has developed many public policies in regards to nations who are at war and need assistance. This award is also given out to someone who has exceptionally helped people in nations that are struggling with war and strife.


Alfred Nobel
According to Nobel's will, the Peace Prize shall be awarded to the person who
“ ...shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.

now were did Obama do any of these things?.....

Obama had ordered the events that has led to the deaths of 700 civilians in 2009 according to this link
US Killed 700 Civilians in Pakistan Drone Strikes in 2009 -- News from Antiwar.com
Liberals have gone beyond resolving anything and i truly think the American public has had enough
Nobel prize means what in this situation?
its a joke
it is Rw....but he is only half Black.....now what accomplishment did Obama do that should garner him the peace prize?

Unfortunately, in US racial history there is no "half black" Whites made the rules, if you had any black in you.....you paid the price

For a black man, especially one of mixed breed named Barack Hussein Obama to put together a political coalition to get elected to the most powerful office on earth is quite an accomplishment.

It only took 140 years
Yes ,and a good liar and conman .Thats what that evil big eared purple lipped monkey obama is!!!!!!!!!

and you call yourself Intelligent?.....your right up there with Douger....
Look at your graph and locate where a fairly stable 4 year positive job growth trend turned negative. You'll notice it was about 1/07. Now tell me what of significance happened in January of 2007. Do the names nancy pelosi and harry reid ring a bell? Unemployment rates rose from about 4.5% to over 10% in that time and stayed pretty constant until October or November last year when it was apparent that the GOP would at least take back the House.

That is a good point

But look at where the massive turnaround occurs ..Jan 2009

That was the point where we had a Democratic President, Senate and House. Just shows that getting the Republicans completely out of the decision making process spurs the economy

You know right winger whats the saddest of all of this?
A liberal has no care about whats right and whats best for this country
That graph means what?
what does it mean?
This country had 6 million more people working in 2008 than they did in 2003
in 2010 they had 6 million people less working than they did in 2008
Now I dont blame Obama for that nor do I blame bush
I blame Obama for taking advantage of it and running up our debt as much in 2 years as Bush did in 8 all most, with one of the wars over
Your not about resolving anything, no Liberal is about taking accurate information and doing with it the things needed to resolve the issues of the day

Lighten up..

I'm just applying Ernies logic to the graph
Lighten up..

I'm just applying Ernies logic to the graph

Okay why is obama a good president?

Obviously Obama has been a pathetic excuse for a President, especially after the Trump/Obama birth certificate fiasco that made Obama look like more of an idiot than he already is. But if Obama gets the US out of Iraq and Afghanistan before he leaves office in January 2013, I'll consider that a major win.
Look at your graph and locate where a fairly stable 4 year positive job growth trend turned negative. You'll notice it was about 1/07. Now tell me what of significance happened in January of 2007. Do the names nancy pelosi and harry reid ring a bell? Unemployment rates rose from about 4.5% to over 10% in that time and stayed pretty constant until October or November last year when it was apparent that the GOP would at least take back the House.

That is a good point

But look at where the massive turnaround occurs ..Jan 2009

That was the point where we had a Democratic President, Senate and House. Just shows that getting the Republicans completely out of the decision making process spurs the economy

To start with I have no idea what that graph is
It has nothing to do with jobs created
From 2003 to 2008 there was 6 million jobs created
from then until now there has been 6 million jobs lost
thats a fact

It's jobs lost. Here's another...


Things sure look like they are getting better to me. I'm happy for that. Why aren't Republicans?
it is Rw....but he is only half Black.....now what accomplishment did Obama do that should garner him the peace prize?

Unfortunately, in US racial history there is no "half black" Whites made the rules, if you had any black in you.....you paid the price

For a black man, especially one of mixed breed named Barack Hussein Obama to put together a political coalition to get elected to the most powerful office on earth is quite an accomplishment.

It only took 140 years
Yes ,and a good liar and conman .Thats what that evil big eared purple lipped monkey obama is!!!!!!!!!

And thank you for highlighting the extent of racism still evident in the United States. The Nobel Committee obviously still considers the US to be a racist society which is well represented by your posts.
simple .

he's not a republican .

look what they did , reagan's piss on you economics , George H and danny qoal ,
break , clinton repairs economy , george w , trillion dollar deficit , economy headed over the cliff as W said , plus invade a sovereign country for no reason at all .

spend billion a week on an unjust war .

Obama is not a republican and that makes him great alone . saving our country from republican economic crash , take the bully out of American foreign relations .

what more do you want ?

Geeeze, things are really rosie these days aren't they?
When are they going to raise the debt ceiling...or shut down government?

What a partisan post, sinister. :lol:

thank you but it just happened to be partisan .

the quest is why is Obama a good president I gave reasons .

W and you pigs got us into a unjust war that caused billions a month to run , W went to the chinese for loans , he handled one just war that cost as much and more .
W gave a no bid contract to haliburton , Oboma didn't .

rosy ? you fat ass expect rosy after less then one term ? after what repigs did ? are you serous or spoiled rotten ?
things are turning around , unless the pigs sabotaj that then he'll have gotten us closer to rosy . grow up , it takes time to fix what the republican did after all they did it for 8 yeas so ya the fact along that Obama is not a republican is enough .

The three Wars Obama is now waging are costing well in excess of 2 billion a week. The Bush schedule for withdrawal from Iraq might help, but since Obama has increased the troops in Afghanistan the effect may not be noticeable. The figures in dollars are not available for Obama's war in Libya, but cruise missiles aren't cheap.

It seems that no bid contracts are the norm, not the exception. You may notice the date of the contract, which makes your comment that Obama didn't give no bid contracts either ignorant or a lie.

KBR to Get No-Bid Army Work as U.S. Alleges Kickbacks (Update1)
May 06, 2010, 11:27 AM EDT

By Tony Capaccio
May 6 (Bloomberg) -- KBR Inc. was selected for a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through 2011 for military support services in Iraq, the Army said.
The Army announced its decision yesterday only hours after the Justice Department said it will pursue a lawsuit accusing the Houston-based company of taking kickbacks from two subcontractors on Iraq-related work. The Army also awarded the work to KBR over objections from members of Congress, who have pushed the Pentagon to seek bids for further logistics contract
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That is a good point

But look at where the massive turnaround occurs ..Jan 2009

That was the point where we had a Democratic President, Senate and House. Just shows that getting the Republicans completely out of the decision making process spurs the economy

To start with I have no idea what that graph is
It has nothing to do with jobs created
From 2003 to 2008 there was 6 million jobs created
from then until now there has been 6 million jobs lost
thats a fact

It's jobs lost. Here's another...


Things sure look like they are getting better to me. I'm happy for that. Why aren't Republicans?

No one said that things getting better was a bad thing
we have lost 6 million jobs in 28 months and our president spent 1 trillion dollars more than we had to save and create 3 million
those are facts
Do you call that a good thing?

The libral thinks that this entire world revolves around 2008
GWB was the president from 2001 and those 6 million jobs net positive are as real as it gets
I am going to say this one more time
I do not blame either Obama or Bush
Obama is killing the job market, yes, his policies on oil drilling alone is killing thousands. But the 6 million job loss is our fault, not his, not Bushes
and let me add
That electing a man who used that crises to run up our debt the way he has and to grow the size of govt is the fault of people who have done no research on any of these events
putting the same spam out over and over that has nothing to do with the truth got that man elected the first time
you like that 6 million people less have a job today than they did in 2008
re-elect him
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unfortunately, in us racial history there is no "half black" whites made the rules, if you had any black in you.....you paid the price

for a black man, especially one of mixed breed named barack hussein obama to put together a political coalition to get elected to the most powerful office on earth is quite an accomplishment.

It only took 140 years
yes ,and a good liar and conman .thats what that evil big eared purple lipped monkey obama is!!!!!!!!!

and thank you for highlighting the extent of racism still evident in the united states. The nobel committee obviously still considers the us to be a racist society which is well represented by your posts.

that racial comment had as much chance coming from a liberal as it did from a con
who and what ever he is sucks
ignore him
if i can figure out how to put him on ignore i am
yes ,and a good liar and conman .thats what that evil big eared purple lipped monkey obama is!!!!!!!!!

and thank you for highlighting the extent of racism still evident in the united states. The nobel committee obviously still considers the us to be a racist society which is well represented by your posts.

that racial comment had as much chance coming from a liberal as it did from a con
who and what ever he is sucks
ignore him
if i can figure out how to put him on ignore i am

Where did anyone say liberal or conservative?

Does it matter?
and thank you for highlighting the extent of racism still evident in the united states. The nobel committee obviously still considers the us to be a racist society which is well represented by your posts.

that racial comment had as much chance coming from a liberal as it did from a con
who and what ever he is sucks
ignore him
if i can figure out how to put him on ignore i am

Where did anyone say liberal or conservative?

Does it matter?

A racist is a racist
when we debate the issues of the day this becomes the issue before it is over
So as i see it the last thing a con wants is to touch this subject with a ten foot pole
any-one who does wants the issue to take over the subject as you can see it has done it again
I put the "person" on ignore
I dont care who or what he/she is, he stands in the way of fixing whats wrong with this country, he/she has no place in my life
To start with I have no idea what that graph is
It has nothing to do with jobs created
From 2003 to 2008 there was 6 million jobs created
from then until now there has been 6 million jobs lost
thats a fact

It's jobs lost. Here's another...


Things sure look like they are getting better to me. I'm happy for that. Why aren't Republicans?

No one said that things getting better was a bad thing
we have lost 6 million jobs in 28 months and our president spent 1 trillion dollars more than we had to save and create 3 million
those are facts
Do you call that a good thing?

The libral thinks that this entire world revolves around 2008
GWB was the president from 2001 and those 6 million jobs net positive are as real as it gets
I am going to say this one more time
I do not blame either Obama or Bush
Obama is killing the job market, yes, his policies on oil drilling alone is killing thousands. But the 6 million job loss is our fault, not his, not Bushes
and let me add
That electing a man who used that crises to run up our debt the way he has and to grow the size of govt is the fault of people who have done no research on any of these events
putting the same spam out over and over that has nothing to do with the truth got that man elected the first time
you like that 6 million people less have a job today than they did in 2008
re-elect him
she, like obama, only quotes the positives. meager as they may be. Obama talks of the 800 jobs he allegedly create. And the sheep bow with praise. Yet he never mentions the 24,000 that were lost at the same time. yet the sheep continue to praise the massiah for doing exactly what they condemed bush for 2 years earlier.
It's jobs lost. Here's another...


Things sure look like they are getting better to me. I'm happy for that. Why aren't Republicans?

No one said that things getting better was a bad thing
we have lost 6 million jobs in 28 months and our president spent 1 trillion dollars more than we had to save and create 3 million
those are facts
Do you call that a good thing?

The libral thinks that this entire world revolves around 2008
GWB was the president from 2001 and those 6 million jobs net positive are as real as it gets
I am going to say this one more time
I do not blame either Obama or Bush
Obama is killing the job market, yes, his policies on oil drilling alone is killing thousands. But the 6 million job loss is our fault, not his, not Bushes
and let me add
That electing a man who used that crises to run up our debt the way he has and to grow the size of govt is the fault of people who have done no research on any of these events
putting the same spam out over and over that has nothing to do with the truth got that man elected the first time
you like that 6 million people less have a job today than they did in 2008
re-elect him
she, like obama, only quotes the positives. meager as they may be. Obama talks of the 800 jobs he allegedly create. And the sheep bow with praise. Yet he never mentions the 24,000 that were lost at the same time. yet the sheep continue to praise the massiah for doing exactly what they condemed bush for 2 years earlier.

whats sad is the amount of money he is spending to get these results. To me its never personal
I do not blame Obama for the jobs lost
I blame him for the jobs lost we will never see due to his policies as well as the debt he put us in using that as an excuse
Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record

(Oh, and the article actually LIES about the number of jobs Bush created...)


i like obama's tactic. he talks about the 800 jobs he created but doesn't mention the 24,000 that were lost in the same period.

Is it really so hard for you to admit that the economy has improved since President Obama took office? Why can't something like that just be celebrated?

lol,Your fascist punk obama is destroying this nation after he quadrupeled the natioal debt and has the unemployment near 10%..Whats to celebrate?obama is the WORST POTUS of all time.obama is also a racist evil pig.I have nothing but a burning hatred of the monkey obama.
Now obama has shut down oil drilling in the Gulf and gas prices are heading toward $5 a gallon.
F ing degenerate pig
Okay why is Obama a good president?

Because he's black and he has that (D) by his name.


Pretty much covers it.

I will give you dittos for being hones
you do not care how good a jobs or how bad a job he does
A true liberal
To start with I have no idea what that graph is
It has nothing to do with jobs created
From 2003 to 2008 there was 6 million jobs created
from then until now there has been 6 million jobs lost
thats a fact

It's jobs lost. Here's another...


Things sure look like they are getting better to me. I'm happy for that. Why aren't Republicans?

No one said that things getting better was a bad thing
we have lost 6 million jobs in 28 months and our president spent 1 trillion dollars more than we had to save and create 3 million
those are facts
Do you call that a good thing?

The libral thinks that this entire world revolves around 2008
GWB was the president from 2001 and those 6 million jobs net positive are as real as it gets
I am going to say this one more time
I do not blame either Obama or Bush
Obama is killing the job market, yes, his policies on oil drilling alone is killing thousands. But the 6 million job loss is our fault, not his, not Bushes
and let me add
That electing a man who used that crises to run up our debt the way he has and to grow the size of govt is the fault of people who have done no research on any of these events
putting the same spam out over and over that has nothing to do with the truth got that man elected the first time
you like that 6 million people less have a job today than they did in 2008
re-elect him

Bush didn't create 6 million jobs. In his presidency, less than 2 million were created. Bush was a dismal failure and left our country on the brink of a depression. President Obama has turned that tide. Good stuff in my book!

Thank you Mr. President! Keep up the good work!
It's jobs lost. Here's another...


Things sure look like they are getting better to me. I'm happy for that. Why aren't Republicans?

No one said that things getting better was a bad thing
we have lost 6 million jobs in 28 months and our president spent 1 trillion dollars more than we had to save and create 3 million
those are facts
Do you call that a good thing?

The libral thinks that this entire world revolves around 2008
GWB was the president from 2001 and those 6 million jobs net positive are as real as it gets
I am going to say this one more time
I do not blame either Obama or Bush
Obama is killing the job market, yes, his policies on oil drilling alone is killing thousands. But the 6 million job loss is our fault, not his, not Bushes
and let me add
That electing a man who used that crises to run up our debt the way he has and to grow the size of govt is the fault of people who have done no research on any of these events
putting the same spam out over and over that has nothing to do with the truth got that man elected the first time
you like that 6 million people less have a job today than they did in 2008
re-elect him

Bush didn't create 6 million jobs. In his presidency, less than 2 million were created. Bush was a dismal failure and left our country on the brink of a depression. President Obama has turned that tide. Good stuff in my book!

Thank you Mr. President! Keep up the good work!
Christ, Obamabots like you are fucking laughable.....You live so far out of reality it's sad.

Fact is, Obama could blow his wife and kids brains out all over various whitehouse walls this evening, and by midnight, liberal fools like you would be coming up with all kinds of excuses that it must have been Michelle's and the kids fault, or George Bush was responsible. But it damn sure wasn't the Messiah's fault....After all, he farts rose scented fairy dust, and shits streams of lilac infused rainbows.......He's the mostest perfect man we liberals ever did see!


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