Okay why is obama a good president?

What does that mean?
did you read the information on the non terrorist?

too long, didn't read

Only had to read the beginning....the rest cites examples and cites the research material.

Maybe that is half your problem. If something is too complicated, you opt to make an opinion with the least amount of information.

To long to read?
you decide a mans reputation in your eyes and you do that after making a comment that its to long to read?
And people wonder how Obama got elected
too long, didn't read

Only had to read the beginning....the rest cites examples and cites the research material.

Maybe that is half your problem. If something is too complicated, you opt to make an opinion with the least amount of information.

Just trying to enforce good posting skills..

Excessive spacing, doesn't get to the point, too much scrolling


Right winger hit the link, thats all you have to do
bud your a chicken who has lost all of your reputation right here right now
and race?
you gonna play a race card after that?
your a chicken
too long, didn't read

Only had to read the beginning....the rest cites examples and cites the research material.

Maybe that is half your problem. If something is too complicated, you opt to make an opinion with the least amount of information.

To long to read?
you decide a mans reputation in your eyes and you do that after making a comment that its to long to read?
And people wonder how Obama got elected

I never said it was too long to read.
I read it...although I will admit I only scanned the samples and footnotes.
I dont understand your criticism of me. Please explain.
Only had to read the beginning....the rest cites examples and cites the research material.

Maybe that is half your problem. If something is too complicated, you opt to make an opinion with the least amount of information.

To long to read?
you decide a mans reputation in your eyes and you do that after making a comment that its to long to read?
And people wonder how Obama got elected

I never said it was too long to read.
I read it...although I will admit I only scanned the samples and footnotes.
I dont understand your criticism of me. Please explain.

I was talking to the Lib jarhead, not you
he is the one that said it was to long to read
it was directed at right winger
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Barack Obama was born at a time when in much of the country, his father would be lynched for marrying a white woman. Rising up to be elected to the most powerful position on earth is a significant historical accomplishment.
The Nobel committee saw fit to acknowledge that

So, you're saying the NPP is the most racist award of them all? If Obama looked white, even with a black father the NPP would have never been brought up? It's all based off his skin color?

It took some time (most of america questioned it the day they heard the news) few that didn't get it now wonder why Obama got the NPP. So thank you for summing it up for us RW, it's because his father was black...

The US has a long and sorry racist history. The Nobel Committee looks at government sanctioned racism as an impediment to world peace. It had previously acknowledged Martin Luther King, Desmund Tutu and Nelson Mandella for progress in racial tolerance

The election of Barack Obama was a landmark in racial tolerance in a once openly racist country. It was correctly acknowledged

The NPP was awarded to the man...not to the people that elected the man.
It was award base on hi PERSONAL acheivments...not the acheivments of the people that elected him.
Your rationalization is a stretch. He did nothing to earn it...but I will admit...based on your rationalization....I would have understood if it were awarded to the American People.

Did Obama ever say that it is the American People that deserve the award?

Really...curious....did he?
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Barack Obama was born at a time when in much of the country, his father would be lynched for marrying a white woman. Rising up to be elected to the most powerful position on earth is a significant historical accomplishment.
The Nobel committee saw fit to acknowledge that

So, you're saying the NPP is the most racist award of them all? If Obama looked white, even with a black father the NPP would have never been brought up? It's all based off his skin color?

It took some time (most of america questioned it the day they heard the news) few that didn't get it now wonder why Obama got the NPP. So thank you for summing it up for us RW, it's because his father was black...

The US has a long and sorry racist history. The Nobel Committee looks at government sanctioned racism as an impediment to world peace. It had previously acknowledged Martin Luther King, Desmund Tutu and Nelson Mandella for progress in racial tolerance

The election of Barack Obama was a landmark in racial tolerance in a once openly racist country. It was correctly acknowledged

You still lost me here because it sounds like the NPP should have gone to the American people being they (the country) moved passed being an openly racist country (lol, most countries are still openly racist but whatever), Obama did nothing... Many black people are in politics too btw, where is their award?

I guess my point here is RW, is that when America elects a female does that mean she by default gets the Nobel peace prize because we had an openly gender bias country? How about a person that is 51% Latino or any other nationality?

I think you need to face reality, you and the NPP are arrogant, racist and bigoted and your time of having that "moral higher ground" is quickly coming to an end. The rejection on “progressive liberalism” is hammering away, get used to it as it fixed nothing and fell short or made everything worse that was promised to be made better.

Once again, thank you for making the "fringe left" look stupid to all thoes that read these boards.
So, you're saying the NPP is the most racist award of them all? If Obama looked white, even with a black father the NPP would have never been brought up? It's all based off his skin color?

It took some time (most of america questioned it the day they heard the news) few that didn't get it now wonder why Obama got the NPP. So thank you for summing it up for us RW, it's because his father was black...

The US has a long and sorry racist history. The Nobel Committee looks at government sanctioned racism as an impediment to world peace. It had previously acknowledged Martin Luther King, Desmund Tutu and Nelson Mandella for progress in racial tolerance

The election of Barack Obama was a landmark in racial tolerance in a once openly racist country. It was correctly acknowledged

The NPP was awarded to the man...not to the people that elected the man.
It was award base on hi PERSONAL acheivments...not the acheivments of the people that elected him.
Your rationalization is a stretch. He did nothing to earn it...but I will admit...based on your rationalization....I would have understood if it were awarded to the American People.

Did Obama ever say that it is the American People that deserve the award?

Really...curious....did he?

QFT, I mean you can't agrue against this logic as it's to logical... But, RW will lol! Or he will just leave.
Any one want to try and fill that bill?

The only thing I can think of off-hand is that he's one of the first to recognize that it is better to send his kids to private rather than public schools.

Oooo, thought of something else! He's great on talk shows. When he leaves office in January 2013, he'll probably become host of a talk or reality show. :thup:

Celebrity Apprentice may need a new host :lol::lol::lol:
So, you're saying the NPP is the most racist award of them all? If Obama looked white, even with a black father the NPP would have never been brought up? It's all based off his skin color?

It took some time (most of america questioned it the day they heard the news) few that didn't get it now wonder why Obama got the NPP. So thank you for summing it up for us RW, it's because his father was black...

The US has a long and sorry racist history. The Nobel Committee looks at government sanctioned racism as an impediment to world peace. It had previously acknowledged Martin Luther King, Desmund Tutu and Nelson Mandella for progress in racial tolerance

The election of Barack Obama was a landmark in racial tolerance in a once openly racist country. It was correctly acknowledged

The NPP was awarded to the man...not to the people that elected the man.
It was award base on hi PERSONAL acheivments...not the acheivments of the people that elected him.
Your rationalization is a stretch. He did nothing to earn it...but I will admit...based on your rationalization....I would have understood if it were awarded to the American People.

Did Obama ever say that it is the American People that deserve the award?

Really...curious....did he?

The Nobel Prize Committee is recognizing a major step forward in American society. If you want to be proud of it, good, I sure am.

Getting elected to the Presidency is no small accomplishment....especially when you are a mixed breed black with a name like Barack Hussein Obama. The political rise to power by Obama was an historic event and was rightfully acknowledged
The Nobel Prize Committee is recognizing a major step forward in American society. If you want to be proud of it, good, I sure am.

Getting elected to the Presidency is no small accomplishment....especially when you are a mixed breed black with a name like Barack Hussein Obama. The political rise to power by Obama was an historic event and was rightfully acknowledged

Correct. Not that many people have been elected to the presidency. His political rise to power was amazing and what's really amazing is how this country is rejecting him and his failed policies. Now that's a good thing and we should hope that he will be a one term president.
The US has a long and sorry racist history. The Nobel Committee looks at government sanctioned racism as an impediment to world peace. It had previously acknowledged Martin Luther King, Desmund Tutu and Nelson Mandella for progress in racial tolerance

The election of Barack Obama was a landmark in racial tolerance in a once openly racist country. It was correctly acknowledged

The NPP was awarded to the man...not to the people that elected the man.
It was award base on hi PERSONAL acheivments...not the acheivments of the people that elected him.
Your rationalization is a stretch. He did nothing to earn it...but I will admit...based on your rationalization....I would have understood if it were awarded to the American People.

Did Obama ever say that it is the American People that deserve the award?

Really...curious....did he?

The Nobel Prize Committee is recognizing a major step forward in American society. If you want to be proud of it, good, I sure am.

Getting elected to the Presidency is no small accomplishment....especially when you are a mixed breed black with a name like Barack Hussein Obama. The political rise to power by Obama was an historic event and was rightfully acknowledged

You are reaching RW...and it is making you look silly.
You are reaching RW...and it is making you look silly.

He can't help it. He's a libtard moonbat. It's what they do. Just look at Obama's foreign policy. That is if you find it. If you do, let me know because I'd like to take a peek at it.
That is because you prefer to see swaggering cowboys spitting and drawing lines in the sand that get real people killed.
The NPP was awarded to the man...not to the people that elected the man.
It was award base on hi PERSONAL acheivments...not the acheivments of the people that elected him.
Your rationalization is a stretch. He did nothing to earn it...but I will admit...based on your rationalization....I would have understood if it were awarded to the American People.

Did Obama ever say that it is the American People that deserve the award?

Really...curious....did he?

The Nobel Prize Committee is recognizing a major step forward in American society. If you want to be proud of it, good, I sure am.

Getting elected to the Presidency is no small accomplishment....especially when you are a mixed breed black with a name like Barack Hussein Obama. The political rise to power by Obama was an historic event and was rightfully acknowledged

You are reaching RW...and it is making you look silly.

Feel free to discuss.

If you do not believe that the United States electing its first black president was a significant historical event. Feel free to explain why
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So i just read through 16 pages of answers and there was not one answer as to why obama was a good president

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