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Okay.....Will An Apology Get You Off Of My Fat Ass?

Knowing that just makes her use of of a non-government server all the more egregious. Again, dumb.

again, have you ever dealt with government computer systems? They are usually 10-15 years behind what the civilian market has.
Had she used them, this wouldn't even be a controversy, because it wouldn't be her responsibility. Now, are you really trying to tell us that her setup was MORE secure than what would have been provided by the government?
Had she used them, this wouldn't even be a controversy, because it wouldn't be her responsibility. Now, are you really trying to tell us that her setup was MORE secure than what would have been provided by the government?

guy, you are under the delusion that this IS a controversy outside of the Right Wing Fever Swamps where they think Obama is a Muslim and Hillary whacked Vince Foster.

Out here in the real world. No one cares.
You are probably never going to get it, that intelligence which exposes sources and methods of collection is classified until it has been deemed unclassified. Everyone read into SCI and various compartments is told this, the obligation to safeguard this information is documented in contracts everyone with clearance and access to this information signs, and that it is up to each person to uphold these standards.

There was no "retroactive" classification of satellite imagery. It was classified information the second it was obtained and it never should have left the secure system.

One, you never really proven they did.

Second, we've known North Korea had nukes since the Mid-Oughts. so this isn't exactly a "secret".

The thing is, a lot of shit is classified as "Secret" or "Top Secret" that really isn't, like Valerie Plame being a secret agent when her name was published in "Who's Who in America."

Point was, nothing she had was anything that wasn't already well known outside the government by people who follow these things.

One more time. Here's a crazy idea. Instead of trying to twist and turn to try to find some theory under which Hillary broke a law, how about coming up with a candidate with ideas to make my life better than I MIGHT want to vote for.

What a crazy idea, huh?
If all you had was a SECRET clearance, you don't know much about classified information and you certainly don't know much about SCI, SAP, SI, and the various compartments. SECRET clearances for military servicemembers don't even require additional background checks and don't require anyone to be "read into" procedures and regulations. There's no contract and no active monitoring of activities.

That all changes with SCI and SAP.

Again, so what? Frankly, you haven't shown me anything Hillary has that wasn't already in the public domain.

"Hey, you have sometihng we've classified as a secret"...

Which was published in Time Last year. NO, really.
If all you had was a SECRET clearance, you don't know much about classified information and you certainly don't know much about SCI, SAP, SI, and the various compartments. SECRET clearances for military servicemembers don't even require additional background checks and don't require anyone to be "read into" procedures and regulations. There's no contract and no active monitoring of activities.

That all changes with SCI and SAP.

Again, so what? Frankly, you haven't shown me anything Hillary has that wasn't already in the public domain.

"Hey, you have sometihng we've classified as a secret"...

Which was published in Time Last year. NO, really.


The referral is not some witch hunt for political purposes, it's a referral to the oversight committee to mitigate any damage caused by this breach. The IGs don't do that for information that has already been known outside of the intelligence community.
No. It was much more detailed than that, which is why it is classified.

Yup, you mean classified so much that it was in all the newspapers... that's how classified it was.

The referral is not some witch hunt for political purposes, it's a referral to the oversight committee to mitigate any damage caused by this breach. The IGs don't do that for information that has already been known outside of the intelligence community.

Again, you guys keep making all these accusations, and you never come up with anything. Has anyone called Ken Starr to see if he's up for another round of panty-sniffing?
Had she used them, this wouldn't even be a controversy, because it wouldn't be her responsibility. Now, are you really trying to tell us that her setup was MORE secure than what would have been provided by the government?

guy, you are under the delusion that this IS a controversy outside of the Right Wing Fever Swamps where they think Obama is a Muslim and Hillary whacked Vince Foster.

Out here in the real world. No one cares.
Yes, in your world people vote for the "pretty one", or Santa Claus, or whoever Beyonce says she likes. To others, national security is not a joke.
Yes, in your world people vote for the "pretty one", or Santa Claus, or whoever Beyonce says she likes. To others, national security is not a joke.

Guy, you haven't really convinced me that this is a matter of "national security".

So what you all are claiming is that HIllary had on her computer information about North Korea's decade old nuclear program. The North Koreans know they have nukes and they know we know htey have nukes, and they probably got a pretty good idea of how they know they have nukes.

But Hillary didn't have this file of information that everyone already knew about in the right kind of server, even though the right kind of server got hacked 13,000 times last year by the Russians, Chinese, North Koreans and some fat kid in the suburbs who can't get laid.

In my world, I don't vote on the basis of fake scandals. I used to. Back in the 1990's I got all upset about what Clinton did with Lewinsky.

And then George W. Got into power, and I ended up with a busted 401K and underwater mortgage and a job that paid 25% less than the one I had.

I like to think I got my priorities straight.

I don't give a fuck about fake scandals anymore. I care which one of these guys is going to make MY life better.
Yes, in your world people vote for the "pretty one", or Santa Claus, or whoever Beyonce says she likes. To others, national security is not a joke.

Guy, you haven't really convinced me that this is a matter of "national security".

So what you all are claiming is that HIllary had on her computer information about North Korea's decade old nuclear program. The North Koreans know they have nukes and they know we know htey have nukes, and they probably got a pretty good idea of how they know they have nukes.

But Hillary didn't have this file of information that everyone already knew about in the right kind of server, even though the right kind of server got hacked 13,000 times last year by the Russians, Chinese, North Koreans and some fat kid in the suburbs who can't get laid.

In my world, I don't vote on the basis of fake scandals. I used to. Back in the 1990's I got all upset about what Clinton did with Lewinsky.

And then George W. Got into power, and I ended up with a busted 401K and underwater mortgage and a job that paid 25% less than the one I had.

I like to think I got my priorities straight.

I don't give a fuck about fake scandals anymore. I care which one of these guys is going to make MY life better.
The actual content of what was one her server ultimately doesn't make that much difference once it is established that she used it for all Secretary of State business, does it? If you think she didn't send and receive highly sensitive information while Sec State, I have some really nice ocean front property in Arizona I can see you, cheap. I'll even throw in a rainbow farting unicorn. So, your situation now is miserable and you want to pretend the last 7 years didn't happen because you want to blame Bush for something that has been Obama's responsibility for years now. Got it.
The actual content of what was one her server ultimately doesn't make that much difference once it is established that she used it for all Secretary of State business, does it? If you think she didn't send and receive highly sensitive information while Sec State, I have some really nice ocean front property in Arizona I can see you, cheap. I'll even throw in a rainbow farting unicorn. So, your situation now is miserable and you want to pretend the last 7 years didn't happen because you want to blame Bush for something that has been Obama's responsibility for years now. Got it.

My situation isn't miserable, but I've had to work a lot harder than I wanted to to compensate for what a fuckup Bush was.

I frankly don't care if she handled "Sensitive" information, as the government classifies public reports as "sensitive". Colin Powell did the same thing, and none of you guys are calling for him to go to prison.
The actual content of what was one her server ultimately doesn't make that much difference once it is established that she used it for all Secretary of State business, does it? If you think she didn't send and receive highly sensitive information while Sec State, I have some really nice ocean front property in Arizona I can see you, cheap. I'll even throw in a rainbow farting unicorn. So, your situation now is miserable and you want to pretend the last 7 years didn't happen because you want to blame Bush for something that has been Obama's responsibility for years now. Got it.

My situation isn't miserable, but I've had to work a lot harder than I wanted to to compensate for what a fuckup Bush was.

I frankly don't care if she handled "Sensitive" information, as the government classifies public reports as "sensitive". Colin Powell did the same thing, and none of you guys are calling for him to go to prison.
His emails were unclassified. And I DO care about her attitude towards classified information.
What do Armitage's loose lips have to do with Hillary's sloppiness?

But you Rightwingers didn't call for Armitage and Rove and Scooter to go to prison for revealing "classified information".

You didn't call for Ollie North to go to prison when he swapped weapons for hostages and then took the money and gave it to drug-dealing rebels in Central America.

You guys have a really, really loose standard of what is "Classified".
What do Armitage's loose lips have to do with Hillary's sloppiness?

But you Rightwingers didn't call for Armitage and Rove and Scooter to go to prison for revealing "classified information".

You didn't call for Ollie North to go to prison when he swapped weapons for hostages and then took the money and gave it to drug-dealing rebels in Central America.

You guys have a really, really loose standard of what is "Classified".
Hillary hired a private firm that was not cleared to handle classified information to do just that. No one disputes that she had VERY classified information on the server they were hired to maintain, so it really doesn't matter what I call classified, now does it? That's the bottom line here, despite your feeble attempts to defend her.

You see, at this point, you're basically flailing around, trying to find something someone else did at some point that resembles what Hillary has done in a vain attempt to distract attention from her. Here's a clue for the terminally uninformed, it's not working. North isn't running for president, nor is Rove or Libby or Armitage. She is.
Hillary hired a private firm that was not cleared to handle classified information to do just that. No one disputes that she had VERY classified information on the server they were hired to maintain, so it really doesn't matter what I call classified, now does it? That's the bottom line here, despite your feeble attempts to defend her.

You see, at this point, you're basically flailing around, trying to find something someone else did at some point that resembles what Hillary has done in a vain attempt to distract attention from her. Here's a clue for the terminally uninformed, it's not working. North isn't running for president, nor is Rove or Libby or Armitage. She is.

Not at all guy. I think you all are trying to make up an offense, not than an offense was actually commited.

I do dispute that there was 'highly classified' stuff on her server, but frankly, so what if there was. are you really trying to claim government servers, which get hacked 13,000 times a year, are any safer? Shit, dude, Hillary's server was probably safer because no one knew to look for it.

Point is, leaking "classified" information in Washington is an art form. Congress does it, the White House does it, low level bureaucrats do it.

Just not getting worked up about this.

Now, there are a WHOLE lot of good reasons to not vote for Hillary, but you guys need to present us with an ALTERNATIVE to her that is acceptable.

So far all you have is a Reality TV Rodeo Clown with a bad combover.
most americans are against politicians breaking the law... She made this mess...let it play out.
why do you want to change the subject?

How is whether or not she got an email some bureaucrat later decided was a secret going to improve my life one iota?

Here's the thing. I voted for Bush twice. And I made excuses for him over Iraq and Katrina and a lot of his other fuck-ups, until the day came when his fuckups cost me my job and well-being.

I really, really don't care if Hillary got a "Secret" e-mail, especially since a lot of these "secrets" were things that were already out in the media. One of them was on North Korea's nuclear program. Was there someone who still didn't know the NorKs have a bomb now?

Which of these people are going to make my life better? Frankly, my life was pretty sweet when her husband was president, I'd LOVE to go back to that.

Now Bush cost you your job? I thought it was health issues.

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