OKC 25 years ago today

I remember that idiot. Kind of a wanna-be Bill Ayers.

Watched his execution while getting new tires on the car.

Mr. Ayers bombed the Gulf Building in Pittsburgh, an office complex thrice the size of the OKC Federal Building. And he walked away free as a bird. McVeigh deserved what he got, but he wouldn't have gotten it if he had been an out-of-the-closet Lib.
Funny how many murders there was in the aftermath ....almost like there was something to cover up
Allegations by Nichols[edit]
McVeigh, Nichols and Fortier were the only defendants indicted in the bombing. Nichols denied his involvement in the plot until 2004. Nichols' mother claimed that her son had Asperger syndrome, was manipulated by McVeigh and didn't know what the bomb was for.[44] In a May 2005 letter that he wrote to a relative of two of the victims, Nichols claimed that an Arkansas gun dealer also conspired in the 1995 bombing plot by donating some of the explosives that were used.[45] In a 2006 letter requesting that a judge give his son a light sentence for assault with a deadly weapon, battery of a police officer, and possession of a stolen vehicle, Nichols admitted his participation in the Oklahoma City bombing but said that McVeigh had forced and intimidated him into cooperating.[46]

In a 2007 affidavit,[47] Nichols claimed that in 1992 McVeigh claimed to have been recruited for undercover missions while serving in the military.[48] Nichols also said that in 1995 McVeigh told him that FBI official Larry Potts, who had supervised the Ruby Ridge and Waco operations, had directed McVeigh to blow up a government building.[48] Nichols claimed that he and McVeigh had learned how to make the bomb from individuals they met while attending gun shows.[48] In the same affidavit, Nichols admitted that he and McVeigh stole eight cases of the gel type explosive Tovex from a Marion, Kansas quarry, some of which was later used in the Oklahoma City truck bomb.[48] He admitted that he had helped McVeigh mix the bomb ingredients in the truck the day before the attack, but he denied that he knew the exact target of the bomb.[48] Nichols wanted to testify in more detail in a videotaped deposition,[49][50] but a federal appeals court ruled against it in 2009.
Here is an excellent documentary on the right wing terrorists attack:

If you get some time today, please remember the people murdered by right wing terrorists and consider the rhetoric you continue to hear from that faction.

You are disgusting.

Let's use a national tragedy to take an off-aim poke at our perceived adversaries.

Why do people care if you live or die ?
I could be wrong, but I do believe that this song here was done in response to what took place that awful day.

God bless you and every person who lost someone that day always!!!


P.S. To me, there is nothing conservative, liberal, Democrat, or Republican about something like this when each group of people will have at least one complete and total whack job in their presence.
If you get some time today, please remember the people murdered by right wing terrorists and consider the rhetoric you continue to hear from that faction.
what about all the people murdered by blacks?? you don't care about the blacks who are murdered?
right wingers murder less than 10 per year
blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year
I could be wrong, but I do believe that this song here was done in response to what took place that awful day.

God bless you and every person who lost someone that day always!!!


P.S. To me, there is nothing conservative, liberal, Democrat, or Republican about something like this when each group of people will have at least one complete and total whack job in their presence.

Nothing political about calling a right wing terrorist a terrorist is there?
I remember that idiot. Kind of a wanna-be Bill Ayers.

Watched his execution while getting new tires on the car.

Mr. Ayers bombed the Gulf Building in Pittsburgh, an office complex thrice the size of the OKC Federal Building. And he walked away free as a bird. McVeigh deserved what he got, but he wouldn't have gotten it if he had been an out-of-the-closet Lib.

"thrice" Non-Americans need not comment.
I could be wrong, but I do believe that this song here was done in response to what took place that awful day.

God bless you and every person who lost someone that day always!!!


P.S. To me, there is nothing conservative, liberal, Democrat, or Republican about something like this when each group of people will have at least one complete and total whack job in their presence.

Nothing political about calling a right wing terrorist a terrorist is there?

If he was a right wing terrorist and there was a war against left wing terrorists, it may look like that. Its just that there are so few right wing terrorists. Really. Most are left wing. And with the approval of the Prog power in government. Obama said not a word about Antifa and BLM. At least to stop it. You guys are to messy in your death, destruction and carnage terrorism jaunts. You are the majority of mass shooters. And when there is a non prog we never hear the end of it. We still do not know what happened in Vegas! But the powers that be knows.
I could be wrong, but I do believe that this song here was done in response to what took place that awful day.

God bless you and every person who lost someone that day always!!!


P.S. To me, there is nothing conservative, liberal, Democrat, or Republican about something like this when each group of people will have at least one complete and total whack job in their presence.

Nothing political about calling a right wing terrorist a terrorist is there?

If he was a right wing terrorist and there was a war against left wing terrorists, it may look like that. Its just that there are so few right wing terrorists. Really. Most are left wing. And with the approval of the Prog power in government. Obama said not a word about Antifa and BLM. At least to stop it. You guys are to messy in your death, destruction and carnage terrorism jaunts. You are the majority of mass shooters. And when there is a non prog we never hear the end of it. We still do not know what happened in Vegas! But the powers that be knows.

I could be wrong, but I do believe that this song here was done in response to what took place that awful day.

God bless you and every person who lost someone that day always!!!


P.S. To me, there is nothing conservative, liberal, Democrat, or Republican about something like this when each group of people will have at least one complete and total whack job in their presence.

Nothing political about calling a right wing terrorist a terrorist is there?

If he was a right wing terrorist and there was a war against left wing terrorists, it may look like that. Its just that there are so few right wing terrorists. Really. Most are left wing. And with the approval of the Prog power in government. Obama said not a word about Antifa and BLM. At least to stop it. You guys are to messy in your death, destruction and carnage terrorism jaunts. You are the majority of mass shooters. And when there is a non prog we never hear the end of it. We still do not know what happened in Vegas! But the powers that be knows.


It’s been proven the FBI had CI’s infiltrated into the McVeigh group. They knew the bombing was forthcoming. Read the works of J D Cash. This too...White House Memo Confirms Suppressed True Story Behind Oklahoma City Bombing - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

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