Oklahoma Senator Introduces Bill to Criminalize Abortion as First-Degree Murder

What rights do sanctuary cities or marijuana decriminalization violate?

'Sanctuary Cities' and 'legal' Marijuana violate Federal Law. Yet they both exist. States will begin asserting themselves on this issue as well. Stay tuned.
You were challenged to cite the rights they violated, not the federal laws they violate.

Try again.

States can and will begin asserting themselves on this issue as well. Deal with it.
Deal with what? Your lunacy that states can abrogate the U.S. Constitution? Yeah, I can deal with that.

Meanwhile, I'm still waiting to hear what rights were violated by sanctuary cities and marijuana decriminalization.

The rights of many American Citizens have been violated in 'Sanctuary Cities.' Many have been victims of brutal crimes committed by Illegals who shouldn't have been given sanctuary. A city like San Francisco comes to mind.

The state isn't the one killing any one in the scenario you describe. So what rights are being violated by the State with sanctuary cities and marijuana laws.
What rights do sanctuary cities or marijuana decriminalization violate?

'Sanctuary Cities' and 'legal' Marijuana violate Federal Law. Yet they both exist. States will begin asserting themselves on this issue as well. Stay tuned.
You were challenged to cite the rights they violated, not the federal laws they violate.

Try again.

States can and will begin asserting themselves on this issue as well. Deal with it.
Deal with what? Your lunacy that states can abrogate the U.S. Constitution? Yeah, I can deal with that.

Meanwhile, I'm still waiting to hear what rights were violated by sanctuary cities and marijuana decriminalization.

The rights of many American Citizens have been violated in 'Sanctuary Cities.' Many have been victims of brutal crimes committed by Illegals who shouldn't have been given sanctuary. A city like San Francisco comes to mind.

Sanctuary cities present a clear and present danger . Even if it's an unintended consequence, the danger is real and the stats don't lie
Who cares? A heartbeat is just a biological function, like cell division, or nutrient absorption, or waste expulsion.

There's nothing magical about the heartbeat.
You just described life, you make the case, that it is murder.
I choose not to be an idiot and let someone tell me what they do is their business then support the choices they made. Apparently you do.

If they are, it's your fault. You think it's OK for someone to tell you to butt out then you're willing to pay for a choice you were told is none of your business. If you think that's OK, prove it by finding all those in that situation and paying them with YOUR money. I don't think it's OK. I, unlike you, am not stupid.
More evidence that if left up to you and your ilk, kids would be starving in the street, wasn't really necessary. But thanks anyway.

Take responsibility for your decisions in life. It's not everyone else's fault. Think very deeply and intelligently before shitting out 5-6 kids. And don't demand Taxpayers pay for you killing your babies. Most Americans don't wanna be forced to pay for dumb sluts being dumb sluts. Being a dumb slut is a choice. But I'll mind my own business if you allow me to.
Not everyone is responsible and we don't let children starve just because they may have irresponsible parents.

Conservatives sure are heartless, I'll grant you that.

That doesn't, by default, mean the rest of us are required to be responsible on their behalf.

Funny that you define heartless as me expecting someone else to do what I already do. The heartless ones are the parents who don't do their job and think others should do it for them. They won't even take care of their own kids.

You don't personally. But if your government decides to help support children, they'll spend tax money on it.

Remember....once you pay taxes, its not your money anymore. Its ours.

It's still mine faggot. Interesting how you say something I earned is ours as if it belongs to you. So sad you believe the person that earned it shouldn't have it but the tramp that can't keep her legs closed should have it for the little bastards she produced.
Then you support some freeloading mother telling you to butt out then making you look like a dumbass by having you pay for a choice she said was none of your business. I choose not to be an idiot. You do.
I choose to not let kids starve, regardless of their parents' decisions. If left to you, there would be homeless kids starving on the streets.

I choose not to be an idiot and let someone tell me what they do is their business then support the choices they made. Apparently you do.

If they are, it's your fault. You think it's OK for someone to tell you to butt out then you're willing to pay for a choice you were told is none of your business. If you think that's OK, prove it by finding all those in that situation and paying them with YOUR money. I don't think it's OK. I, unlike you, am not stupid.
More evidence that if left up to you and your ilk, kids would be starving in the street, wasn't really necessary. But thanks anyway.

More evidence you're a dumbass by being willing to pay for something you were told was none of your business when the choice that produced it was being made.

The government doesn't have to be involved in the process at all for you to have done what you say should be done. If you know of a situation where some woman made a choice to have kids she can't support, buy her food with your money. That way we both get what we want. You see a need being met and I'm not expected to be a part of a choice I was told to butt out of initially.
By your own standards, you're a dumbass. As someone pointed out, the military you pay for makes many choices without you and which is none of your business.


By your own statements, you're a dumbass. The military is a Constitutionally delegated power of Congress. Supporting the little bastards of some tramp does not.
More evidence that if left up to you and your ilk, kids would be starving in the street, wasn't really necessary. But thanks anyway.

Take responsibility for your decisions in life. It's not everyone else's fault. Think very deeply and intelligently before shitting out 5-6 kids. And don't demand Taxpayers pay for you killing your babies. Most Americans don't wanna be forced to pay for dumb sluts being dumb sluts. Being a dumb slut is a choice. But I'll mind my own business if you allow me to.
Not everyone is responsible and we don't let children starve just because they may have irresponsible parents.

Conservatives sure are heartless, I'll grant you that.

That doesn't, by default, mean the rest of us are required to be responsible on their behalf.

Funny that you define heartless as me expecting someone else to do what I already do. The heartless ones are the parents who don't do their job and think others should do it for them. They won't even take care of their own kids.
We don't let kids starve in America. I don't care how irresponsible their parents are or how heartless you and your ilk are.

Again, don't kill your baby in Oklahoma. Go somewhere else to kill your baby. Oklahoma isn't havin it. Problem solved. Movin on..

What the baby killers don't seem to get is that doesn't prevent them from having an abortion. It says what the consequences of doing so are. It's like then speed limit. The signs saying what the speed limit are don't prevent people from driving over it. However, if someone chooses to do so, there are consequences.
I choose not to be an idiot and let someone tell me what they do is their business then support the choices they made. Apparently you do.

If they are, it's your fault. You think it's OK for someone to tell you to butt out then you're willing to pay for a choice you were told is none of your business. If you think that's OK, prove it by finding all those in that situation and paying them with YOUR money. I don't think it's OK. I, unlike you, am not stupid.
More evidence that if left up to you and your ilk, kids would be starving in the street, wasn't really necessary. But thanks anyway.

Take responsibility for your decisions in life. It's not everyone else's fault. Think very deeply and intelligently before shitting out 5-6 kids. And don't demand Taxpayers pay for you killing your babies. Most Americans don't wanna be forced to pay for dumb sluts being dumb sluts. Being a dumb slut is a choice. But I'll mind my own business if you allow me to.
Not everyone is responsible and we don't let children starve just because they may have irresponsible parents.

Conservatives sure are heartless, I'll grant you that.

That doesn't, by default, mean the rest of us are required to be responsible on their behalf.

Funny that you define heartless as me expecting someone else to do what I already do. The heartless ones are the parents who don't do their job and think others should do it for them. They won't even take care of their own kids.
We don't let kids starve in America. I don't care how irresponsible their parents are or how heartless you and your ilk are.

Then you're a dumbass if you're willing to accept having someone tell you to butt out then demanding you pay for a choice they said was none of your business. I choose not to be a dumbass. You've proven you are.

It's not heartless to expect people to pay for the personal choices they made. It's called expecting them to act responsibly or suffer the consequences of not doing so.
"Why is it so hard for Republicans to stay out of people's personal business?"

Because they're fundamentally arrogant, intolerant, and authoritarian; conservatives for the most part fear diversity, dissent, and individual liberty, seeking to compel conformity through force of law.

Consequently they refuse to respect the privacy rights of women.

Wow, you know what? With minimal alteration, you just described the democrats and their push to force the ACA on the nation, isn't that a hoot? :badgrin:

Intellectual hypocrisy rearing it's ugly head, nice.

Because they're fundamentally arrogant, intolerant, and authoritarian; conservatives liberals for the most part fear diversity, dissent, and individual liberty, seeking to compel conformity through force of law.

Consequently they refuse to respect the privacy rights of women. people.
"Why is it so hard for Republicans to stay out of people's personal business?"

Because they're fundamentally arrogant, intolerant, and authoritarian; conservatives for the most part fear diversity, dissent, and individual liberty, seeking to compel conformity through force of law.

Consequently they refuse to respect the privacy rights of women.

Wow, you know what? With minimal alteration, you just described the democrats and their push to force the ACA on the nation, isn't that a hoot? :badgrin:

Intellectual hypocrisy rearing it's ugly head, nice.

Because they're fundamentally arrogant, intolerant, and authoritarian; conservatives liberals for the most part fear diversity, dissent, and individual liberty, seeking to compel conformity through force of law.

Consequently they refuse to respect the privacy rights of women. people.

No one is forced to have ACA compliant insurance. You just lose the tax break.
"Why is it so hard for Republicans to stay out of people's personal business?"

Because they're fundamentally arrogant, intolerant, and authoritarian; conservatives for the most part fear diversity, dissent, and individual liberty, seeking to compel conformity through force of law.

Consequently they refuse to respect the privacy rights of women.

Wow, you know what? With minimal alteration, you just described the democrats and their push to force the ACA on the nation, isn't that a hoot? :badgrin:

Intellectual hypocrisy rearing it's ugly head, nice.

Because they're fundamentally arrogant, intolerant, and authoritarian; conservatives liberals for the most part fear diversity, dissent, and individual liberty, seeking to compel conformity through force of law.

Consequently they refuse to respect the privacy rights of women. people.

No one is forced to have ACA compliant insurance. You just lose the tax break.
How many working class can afford that? Moron.
"Why is it so hard for Republicans to stay out of people's personal business?"

Because they're fundamentally arrogant, intolerant, and authoritarian; conservatives for the most part fear diversity, dissent, and individual liberty, seeking to compel conformity through force of law.

Consequently they refuse to respect the privacy rights of women.

Wow, you know what? With minimal alteration, you just described the democrats and their push to force the ACA on the nation, isn't that a hoot? :badgrin:

Intellectual hypocrisy rearing it's ugly head, nice.

Because they're fundamentally arrogant, intolerant, and authoritarian; conservatives liberals for the most part fear diversity, dissent, and individual liberty, seeking to compel conformity through force of law.

Consequently they refuse to respect the privacy rights of women. people.

No one is forced to have ACA compliant insurance. You just lose the tax break.
How many working class can afford that? Moron.

Are you disputing my point, or just trolling like a child?
"Why is it so hard for Republicans to stay out of people's personal business?"

Because they're fundamentally arrogant, intolerant, and authoritarian; conservatives for the most part fear diversity, dissent, and individual liberty, seeking to compel conformity through force of law.

Consequently they refuse to respect the privacy rights of women.

Wow, you know what? With minimal alteration, you just described the democrats and their push to force the ACA on the nation, isn't that a hoot? :badgrin:

Intellectual hypocrisy rearing it's ugly head, nice.

Because they're fundamentally arrogant, intolerant, and authoritarian; conservatives liberals for the most part fear diversity, dissent, and individual liberty, seeking to compel conformity through force of law.

Consequently they refuse to respect the privacy rights of women. people.

No one is forced to have ACA compliant insurance. You just lose the tax break.
How many working class can afford that? Moron.

Are you disputing my point, or just trolling like a child?
Nice dodge. Typical lib POS.
"Why is it so hard for Republicans to stay out of people's personal business?"

Because they're fundamentally arrogant, intolerant, and authoritarian; conservatives for the most part fear diversity, dissent, and individual liberty, seeking to compel conformity through force of law.

Consequently they refuse to respect the privacy rights of women.

Wow, you know what? With minimal alteration, you just described the democrats and their push to force the ACA on the nation, isn't that a hoot? :badgrin:

Intellectual hypocrisy rearing it's ugly head, nice.

Because they're fundamentally arrogant, intolerant, and authoritarian; conservatives liberals for the most part fear diversity, dissent, and individual liberty, seeking to compel conformity through force of law.

Consequently they refuse to respect the privacy rights of women. people.

No one is forced to have ACA compliant insurance. You just lose the tax break.
How many working class can afford that? Moron.

Are you disputing my point, or just trolling like a child?
Nice dodge. Typical lib POS.

Dodge what? The working class either already has insurance or gets substantial subsidies for health insurance, or they qualify for Medicaid.

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