Oklahoma’s Superintendent of “Education” will require Bible Study in all Public schools.

This will be kicked by the courts by the end of next week. I know CHRISTOMAGAs hate the Constitution, but the First Amendment says fuck you!
Don't worry. We'll have men dressed as freakish looking women to read the Bible to the kiddies. Were here to appeal to everyone

What part of it needing to be constitutional did you not understand?
the one where you claimed if it is taught in academic classes that is all it needs to be legit, unless of course it is something you do not agree with.
I figured even the slow people understood that
uh-oh, sounds like someone has just set themselves up like a bowling pin...
but you proved me wrong
...in every way imaginable.
If you wish to discuss the 2nd then start a thread in that section to discuss it this thread is about the Oklahoma education system
I thought it was about the constitutionality of what the superintendent is doing??

if you dont care about one thing being constitutional why should I care if you say another isnt??

sounds like you have a dbl standard and just anti religion
the one where you claimed if it is taught in academic classes that is all it needs to be legit, unless of course it is something you do not agree with.

uh-oh, sounds like someone has just set themselves up like a bowling pin...

...in every way imaginable.
It’s not my fault you got confused it just means you require more explanation than a person of average intelligence. I don’t have time to teach you what you failed to learn in school.
I implied nothing of the kind. I said I supported the 2A and refused to address "all guns".

Once again, you show yourself to be a liar.
and that says you dont really support the 2nd A as written under its original intent,,

if you did support it your answer would have been a single word,, yes or no,,

so far youve spent at least 8 comments telling me you dont want to talk about it when one word would have ended the discussion on it,,,
I thought it was about the constitutionality of what the superintendent is doing??

if you dont care about one thing being constitutional why should I care if you say another isnt??

sounds like you have a dbl standard and just anti religion
Sounds like you are back to lying again, you really should read that 10 Commandments thing you don’t live by. And talking about the constitutional aspects of this is discussing the Oklahoma education system. If you can’t understand that you have no business being in this conversation
Sounds like you are back to lying again, you really should read that 10 Commandments thing you don’t live by. And talking about the constitutional aspects of this is discussing the Oklahoma education system. If you can’t understand that you have no business being in this conversation
now youre just mad I exposed you and showed how you have no credibility and are just anti religion not pro constitution,,,

maybe its you that needs to find another conversation,,,
Oklahoma’s state superintendent on Thursday directed all public schools to teach the Bible, including the Ten Commandments, in an extraordinary move that blurs the lines between religious instruction and public education.

The superintendent, Ryan Walters, who is a Republican, described the Bible as an “indispensable historical and cultural touchstone” and said it must be taught in certain grade levels.

Can anyone guess where Oklahoma ranks in Educational achievement?

If you guessed 50th you would be correct.

Besides being blatantly unconstitutional, we have the Chinese breathing down our throats as they make major advancements in science, and these Republicans want to bring our public education back to the dark ages. Why is it Pubs want to force down the throats of its residents their brand of Christianity (sorry Catholics) instead of having their kids attend parochial school? Teaching the Bible should stay with the Church. Oklahoma will continue to remain in last place and its children will be left behind as other states and their students get prepared for the future.
Forget the legality, as a Christian I strongly oppose teaching the Bible in public schools.

Last thing anyone needs is God haters teaching Biblical principles.
exactly you are free to teach your kids whatever you want you are not being stopped
Not sure how "exactly" fits into your point but like everything else you post the most telling is what you do not say. try retyping that adding in the words " 'wherever you want' you are not being stopped" and you will see what "the slow people" you referenced earlier fail to grasp...that your statement cannot be true.
now youre just mad I exposed you and showed how you have no credibility and are just anti religion not pro constitution,,,

maybe its you that needs to find another conversation,,,
You haven’t exposed anything other than you are a liar and a troll. You lost this round maybe you will have better luck telling the next lie
No we weren’t that same time woman were considered less than men and people of color were not allowed in some of the same establishments as white people. That is not a better group of people in any way shape or form
Too bad we don't have sanctuary establishments today. Who knows when a black will decide to destroy the place, rob everyone in it or just use staff and customers as their own private shooting gallery.
Not sure how "exactly" fits into your point but like everything else you post the most telling is what you do not say. try retyping that adding in the words " 'wherever you want' you are not being stopped" and you will see what "the slow people" you referenced earlier fail to grasp...that your statement cannot be true.
Your point is if you totally change what I said you get something different? Ok run with that
Too bad we don't have sanctuary establishments today. Who knows when a black will decide to destroy the place, rob everyone in it or just use staff and customers as their own private shooting gallery.
You should be afraid and never leave your house, he’ll turn off your computer now just to be safe and go hide under your bed from the boogeyman. Not everyone can be as well behaved as the white person responsible for the most deaths of a shooter or those crazy white people killing all those kids when they blew up the building. Not everyone can be that peaceful.

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