Ol' Prez


James Woods.....what a goddam authority

Address what is said,not who said it. Woods is 100% correct, Obungles is merely a puppet

Young Americans aren't dying every day and we've had 69 consecutive months of job growth. Just what does it take for you warmongers to get happy?

Looks like someone is having a wet dream.

Compared to the drug store cowboy he looks like Adonis
Bush is pretty fit, probably could kick the girly guy's ass one handed.

Yeah...real tough guy. Got Saddam and it just required 4500 young American kids to be killed.

Hussein had never done a damn thing to the U S. What he did was tried to assassinate Bush's Daddy in Qatar......1993.

You can't possibly be that stupid? Then again.........................
Grow up little one, you're strictly amateur hour, I've hear every middle school insult there is from you jack asses

That's what I love about you thick-as-a-brick neocon whackos. You hand out insults like ticker-tape at a Macy's parade, and then whine when it's reciprocated. You're a dumb arse...

You'll live, twinkie. Man up or get out of Dodge


James Woods.....what a goddam authority

Address what is said,not who said it. Woods is 100% correct, Obungles is merely a puppet

Young Americans aren't dying every day and we've had 69 consecutive months of job growth. Just what does it take for you warmongers to get happy?

Warmongers? Really? And you support the combat veteran of Bosnia, Hillary? The woman who begged George Bush to invade Iraq and then begged Obama to take out Libya and turn it into an ISIS haven and staging area? The woman who begged Obama to take out Bin Laden? The old war hawk herself? Really?
Sit down and listen all you Liberals. The Human Being has contacted his tribal soothsayer and smoke from the peyote pipe and seen the vision given to him by his forefathers. The Human predicts that Liberals will be as scarce as hen's teeth on USMB following the election. The Human Being has spoken It is done.

Sent from my Tom-Tom
Looks like someone is having a wet dream.

Compared to the drug store cowboy he looks like Adonis
Bush is pretty fit, probably could kick the girly guy's ass one handed.

Yeah...real tough guy. Got Saddam and it just required 4500 young American kids to be killed.

Hussein had never done a damn thing to the U S. What he did was tried to assassinate Bush's Daddy in Qatar......1993.

What did Mubarack do to the United States? Gaddafi?


James Woods.....what a goddam authority

Address what is said,not who said it. Woods is 100% correct, Obungles is merely a puppet

Young Americans aren't dying every day and we've had 69 consecutive months of job growth. Just what does it take for you warmongers to get happy?


Yeah....four diplomats who volunteered for hazardous duty and were drawing hazardous duty pay were killed in Benghazi. Bush's deal on the other hand...when he invaded Iraq totally unnecessarily cost 4500 young American lives. You folks aren't very good at math....'course Bush was a C student at Yale and he's your hero so what might one expect?

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