Ol' Prez


James Woods.....what a goddam authority

Address what is said,not who said it. Woods is 100% correct, Obungles is merely a puppet

Young Americans aren't dying every day and we've had 69 consecutive months of job growth. Just what does it take for you warmongers to get happy?


Yeah....four diplomats who volunteered for hazardous duty and were drawing hazardous duty pay were killed in Benghazi. Bush's deal on the other hand...when he invaded Iraq totally unnecessarily cost 4500 young American lives. You folks aren't very good at math....'course Bush was a C student at Yale and he's your hero so what might one expect?

Blah blah blah, you love Obama and all his drone strikes and illegal wars

Like I said...the coffins of young Americans stopped coming. The cowardly Republicans start wars knowing that their own will never die in one
Address what is said,not who said it. Woods is 100% correct, Obungles is merely a puppet

Young Americans aren't dying every day and we've had 69 consecutive months of job growth. Just what does it take for you warmongers to get happy?


Yeah....four diplomats who volunteered for hazardous duty and were drawing hazardous duty pay were killed in Benghazi. Bush's deal on the other hand...when he invaded Iraq totally unnecessarily cost 4500 young American lives. You folks aren't very good at math....'course Bush was a C student at Yale and he's your hero so what might one expect?

Blah blah blah, you love Obama and all his drone strikes and illegal wars

Like I said...the coffins of young Americans stopped coming. The cowardly Republicans start wars knowing that their own will never die in one

You don't give a rats's about those young Americans, the only thing you care about is yourself and your political agenda...and you certainly don't have the clue what an American solider is all about
Address what is said,not who said it. Woods is 100% correct, Obungles is merely a puppet

Young Americans aren't dying every day and we've had 69 consecutive months of job growth. Just what does it take for you warmongers to get happy?


Yeah....four diplomats who volunteered for hazardous duty and were drawing hazardous duty pay were killed in Benghazi. Bush's deal on the other hand...when he invaded Iraq totally unnecessarily cost 4500 young American lives. You folks aren't very good at math....'course Bush was a C student at Yale and he's your hero so what might one expect?

Blah blah blah, you love Obama and all his drone strikes and illegal wars

Like I said...the coffins of young Americans stopped coming. The cowardly Republicans start wars knowing that their own will never die in one

Do you think this had anything to do with it?

10/31/98 Clinton signs the Iraq Liberation Act. Regime change becomes official US policy.
Address what is said,not who said it. Woods is 100% correct, Obungles is merely a puppet

Young Americans aren't dying every day and we've had 69 consecutive months of job growth. Just what does it take for you warmongers to get happy?


Yeah....four diplomats who volunteered for hazardous duty and were drawing hazardous duty pay were killed in Benghazi. Bush's deal on the other hand...when he invaded Iraq totally unnecessarily cost 4500 young American lives. You folks aren't very good at math....'course Bush was a C student at Yale and he's your hero so what might one expect?

Blah blah blah, you love Obama and all his drone strikes and illegal wars

Like I said...the coffins of young Americans stopped coming. The cowardly Republicans start wars knowing that their own will never die in one

Does that mean that all soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines are Democrats? LMFAO
Looking good in the hood:

View attachment 58577

Your obsessions and worshipping of politicians is cultish and creepy. you need a life

He has his marching orders from the party, nothing will interfere with that
these people prove daily how: liberalism is a mental disorder. and also how politics is their religion and that's the reason they are such ugly and nasty people. the op proves that by his postings in this thread. They can't help themselves.

I was looking for Campbell in this picture:

James Woods.....what a goddam authority

Address what is said,not who said it. Woods is 100% correct, Obungles is merely a puppet

Young Americans aren't dying every day and we've had 69 consecutive months of job growth. Just what does it take for you warmongers to get happy?


Yeah....four diplomats who volunteered for hazardous duty and were drawing hazardous duty pay were killed in Benghazi. Bush's deal on the other hand...when he invaded Iraq totally unnecessarily cost 4500 young American lives. You folks aren't very good at math....'course Bush was a C student at Yale and he's your hero so what might one expect?

Blah blah blah, you love Obama and all his drone strikes and illegal wars

And you hate him because he's managed to run our government without tens of thousands of young Americans serving and dying overseas......is that about it?

Kinda reminds me of Cllinton's eight years
Address what is said,not who said it. Woods is 100% correct, Obungles is merely a puppet

Young Americans aren't dying every day and we've had 69 consecutive months of job growth. Just what does it take for you warmongers to get happy?


Yeah....four diplomats who volunteered for hazardous duty and were drawing hazardous duty pay were killed in Benghazi. Bush's deal on the other hand...when he invaded Iraq totally unnecessarily cost 4500 young American lives. You folks aren't very good at math....'course Bush was a C student at Yale and he's your hero so what might one expect?

Blah blah blah, you love Obama and all his drone strikes and illegal wars

And you hate him because he's managed to run our government without tens of thousands of young Americans serving and dying overseas......is that about it?

Tens of thousands of young Americans didn't die under Bush....your hyperbole is duly noted
Address what is said,not who said it. Woods is 100% correct, Obungles is merely a puppet

Young Americans aren't dying every day and we've had 69 consecutive months of job growth. Just what does it take for you warmongers to get happy?


Yeah....four diplomats who volunteered for hazardous duty and were drawing hazardous duty pay were killed in Benghazi. Bush's deal on the other hand...when he invaded Iraq totally unnecessarily cost 4500 young American lives. You folks aren't very good at math....'course Bush was a C student at Yale and he's your hero so what might one expect?

Blah blah blah, you love Obama and all his drone strikes and illegal wars

And you hate him because he's managed to run our government without tens of thousands of young Americans serving and dying overseas......is that about it?

Kinda reminds me of Cllinton's eight years
Tens of thousands? Check your numbers, asshole.
More American soldiers died in Afghanistan under Obama than Bush. Think about it.
Young Americans aren't dying every day and we've had 69 consecutive months of job growth. Just what does it take for you warmongers to get happy?


Yeah....four diplomats who volunteered for hazardous duty and were drawing hazardous duty pay were killed in Benghazi. Bush's deal on the other hand...when he invaded Iraq totally unnecessarily cost 4500 young American lives. You folks aren't very good at math....'course Bush was a C student at Yale and he's your hero so what might one expect?

Blah blah blah, you love Obama and all his drone strikes and illegal wars

And you hate him because he's managed to run our government without tens of thousands of young Americans serving and dying overseas......is that about it?

Kinda reminds me of Cllinton's eight years
Tens of thousands? Check your numbers, asshole.
More American soldiers died in Afghanistan under Obama than Bush. Think about it.

why yes they have. but you won't get that from the left/dem tool. lying and misleading the people in the country is their life's mission for: THE PARTY
Young Americans aren't dying every day and we've had 69 consecutive months of job growth. Just what does it take for you warmongers to get happy?

Yeah....four diplomats who volunteered for hazardous duty and were drawing hazardous duty pay were killed in Benghazi. Bush's deal on the other hand...when he invaded Iraq totally unnecessarily cost 4500 young American lives. You folks aren't very good at math....'course Bush was a C student at Yale and he's your hero so what might one expect?

Blah blah blah, you love Obama and all his drone strikes and illegal wars

And you hate him because he's managed to run our government without tens of thousands of young Americans serving and dying overseas......is that about it?

Kinda reminds me of Cllinton's eight years
Tens of thousands? Check your numbers, asshole.
More American soldiers died in Afghanistan under Obama than Bush. Think about it.

Kinda unfair the way you cowboys don't count the effort to stop wars.....which is exactly what Obama did. A goddamned cowboy wannabe who didn't even know the difference in a Shiite and a Sunni started two wars....one of them totally unnecessary and you want to dedicate them to Obama because it took him a while to get out of them. In the history of this country there's never been a war more unnecessary or unwanted by everyone except the Republicans than the invasion of Iraq.....which had done no harm to the United States, and it was started by a nincompoop who didn't know his ass from a bass drum! Bush and his cabinet told 935 bare faced, documented lies to gain support to attack and remove Saddam Hussein:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush and his top aides publicly made 935 false statements about the security risk posed by Iraq in the two years following September 11, 2001, according to a study released Tuesday.


"In short, the Bush administration led the nation to war on the basis of erroneous information that it methodically propagated and that culminated in military action against Iraq on March 19, 2003," reads an overview of the examination, conducted by the Center for Public Integrity and its affiliated group, the Fund for Independence in Journalism.

According to the study, Bush and seven top officials -- including Vice President Dick Cheney, former Secretary of State Colin Powell and then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice -- made 935 false statements about Iraq during those two years.

The study was based on a searchable database compiled of primary sources, such as official government transcripts and speeches, and secondary sources -- mainly quotes from major media organizations. See CNN viewers' reactions to the study »

The study says Bush made 232 false statements about Iraq and former leader Saddam Hussein's possessing weapons of mass destruction, and 28 false statements about Iraq's links to al Qaeda.

Bush has consistently asserted that at the time he and other officials made the statements, the intelligence community of the U.S. and several other nations, including Britain, believed Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

Responding to the study Wednesday, White House spokesman Scott Stanzel did not speak directly to the "false claims" characterization.

But he said the United States was part of a broad coalition of nations that took part in the Iraq invasion and that the invasion was based on intelligence from multiple countries.

He called Hussein a threat to international security and a sponsor of terrorism, and said the world is better off without him. White House press secretary Dana Perino called the study "flawed."

"They only looked at members of the administration, rather than looking at members of Congress or people around the world," she said. "Because as you'll remember, we were part of a broad coalition of countries that deposed a dictator based on a collective understanding of the intelligence."

"And the other thing that that study fails to do is to say that after realizing that there was no WMD, as we thought as a collective body that there was, that this White House, the President set about to make reforms in the intelligence community to make sure that it doesn't happen again."

Bush has repeatedly said that despite the intelligence flaws, removing Hussein from power was the right thing to do.

The study, released Tuesday, says Powell had the second-highest number of false statements, with 244 about weapons and 10 about Iraq and al Qaeda.

Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Press Secretary Ari Fleischer each made 109 false statements, it says. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz made 85, Rice made 56,
Cheney made 48 and Scott McLellan, also a press secretary, made 14, the study says.

"It is now beyond dispute that Iraq did not possess any weapons of mass destruction or have meaningful ties to al Qaeda," the report reads, citing multiple government reports, including those by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, the 9/11 Commission and the multinational Iraq Survey Group, which reported that Hussein had suspended Iraq's nuclear program in 1991 and made little effort to revive it.

The overview of the study also calls the media to task, saying most media outlets didn't do enough to investigate the claims.

"Some journalists -- indeed, even some entire news organizations -- have since acknowledged that their coverage during those prewar months was far too deferential and uncritical," the report reads.

The quotes in the study include an August 26, 2002, statement by Cheney to the national convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

"Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction," Cheney said. "There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us."

Yeah....four diplomats who volunteered for hazardous duty and were drawing hazardous duty pay were killed in Benghazi. Bush's deal on the other hand...when he invaded Iraq totally unnecessarily cost 4500 young American lives. You folks aren't very good at math....'course Bush was a C student at Yale and he's your hero so what might one expect?

Blah blah blah, you love Obama and all his drone strikes and illegal wars

And you hate him because he's managed to run our government without tens of thousands of young Americans serving and dying overseas......is that about it?

Kinda reminds me of Cllinton's eight years
Tens of thousands? Check your numbers, asshole.
More American soldiers died in Afghanistan under Obama than Bush. Think about it.

Kinda unfair the way you cowboys don't count the effort to stop wars.....which is exactly what Obama did. A goddamned cowboy wannabe who didn't even know the difference in a Shiite and a Sunni started two wars....one of them totally unnecessary and you want to dedicate them to Obama because it took him a while to get out of them. In the history of this country there's never been a war more unnecessary or unwanted by everyone except the Republicans than the invasion of Iraq.....which had done no harm to the United States, and it was started by a nincompoop who didn't know his ass from a bass drum! Bush and his cabinet told 935 bare faced, documented lies to gain support to attack and remove Saddam Hussein:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush and his top aides publicly made 935 false statements about the security risk posed by Iraq in the two years following September 11, 2001, according to a study released Tuesday.


"In short, the Bush administration led the nation to war on the basis of erroneous information that it methodically propagated and that culminated in military action against Iraq on March 19, 2003," reads an overview of the examination, conducted by the Center for Public Integrity and its affiliated group, the Fund for Independence in Journalism.

According to the study, Bush and seven top officials -- including Vice President Dick Cheney, former Secretary of State Colin Powell and then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice -- made 935 false statements about Iraq during those two years.

The study was based on a searchable database compiled of primary sources, such as official government transcripts and speeches, and secondary sources -- mainly quotes from major media organizations. See CNN viewers' reactions to the study »

The study says Bush made 232 false statements about Iraq and former leader Saddam Hussein's possessing weapons of mass destruction, and 28 false statements about Iraq's links to al Qaeda.

Bush has consistently asserted that at the time he and other officials made the statements, the intelligence community of the U.S. and several other nations, including Britain, believed Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

Responding to the study Wednesday, White House spokesman Scott Stanzel did not speak directly to the "false claims" characterization.

But he said the United States was part of a broad coalition of nations that took part in the Iraq invasion and that the invasion was based on intelligence from multiple countries.

He called Hussein a threat to international security and a sponsor of terrorism, and said the world is better off without him. White House press secretary Dana Perino called the study "flawed."

"They only looked at members of the administration, rather than looking at members of Congress or people around the world," she said. "Because as you'll remember, we were part of a broad coalition of countries that deposed a dictator based on a collective understanding of the intelligence."

"And the other thing that that study fails to do is to say that after realizing that there was no WMD, as we thought as a collective body that there was, that this White House, the President set about to make reforms in the intelligence community to make sure that it doesn't happen again."

Bush has repeatedly said that despite the intelligence flaws, removing Hussein from power was the right thing to do.

The study, released Tuesday, says Powell had the second-highest number of false statements, with 244 about weapons and 10 about Iraq and al Qaeda.

Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Press Secretary Ari Fleischer each made 109 false statements, it says. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz made 85, Rice made 56,
Cheney made 48 and Scott McLellan, also a press secretary, made 14, the study says.

"It is now beyond dispute that Iraq did not possess any weapons of mass destruction or have meaningful ties to al Qaeda," the report reads, citing multiple government reports, including those by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, the 9/11 Commission and the multinational Iraq Survey Group, which reported that Hussein had suspended Iraq's nuclear program in 1991 and made little effort to revive it.

The overview of the study also calls the media to task, saying most media outlets didn't do enough to investigate the claims.

"Some journalists -- indeed, even some entire news organizations -- have since acknowledged that their coverage during those prewar months was far too deferential and uncritical," the report reads.

The quotes in the study include an August 26, 2002, statement by Cheney to the national convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

"Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction," Cheney said. "There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us."
Your deflection is noted.
First you maintained that Obama stopped Bush's wars. When it was pointed out we still have troops fighting in Iraq and 'stan then it became, well we dont have as many casualties.
When we pointed out there were more casualties in Afghanistan under Obama than Bush it became "Bush sent 10k young men to their deaths!"
When we pointed out the number of casualties was nowhere near 10k it became "Bush started two wars!"

Of course Bush did not start two wars. He started no wars. Saddam could have complied with the conditions and avoided wwar. The Taliban could have complied with the demands and avoided war.
So what is it goingt o be now, Mr. ShitforBrains?
Yeah....four diplomats who volunteered for hazardous duty and were drawing hazardous duty pay were killed in Benghazi. Bush's deal on the other hand...when he invaded Iraq totally unnecessarily cost 4500 young American lives. You folks aren't very good at math....'course Bush was a C student at Yale and he's your hero so what might one expect?

Blah blah blah, you love Obama and all his drone strikes and illegal wars

And you hate him because he's managed to run our government without tens of thousands of young Americans serving and dying overseas......is that about it?

Kinda reminds me of Cllinton's eight years
Tens of thousands? Check your numbers, asshole.
More American soldiers died in Afghanistan under Obama than Bush. Think about it.

Kinda unfair the way you cowboys don't count the effort to stop wars.....which is exactly what Obama did. A goddamned cowboy wannabe who didn't even know the difference in a Shiite and a Sunni started two wars....one of them totally unnecessary and you want to dedicate them to Obama because it took him a while to get out of them. In the history of this country there's never been a war more unnecessary or unwanted by everyone except the Republicans than the invasion of Iraq.....which had done no harm to the United States, and it was started by a nincompoop who didn't know his ass from a bass drum! Bush and his cabinet told 935 bare faced, documented lies to gain support to attack and remove Saddam Hussein:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush and his top aides publicly made 935 false statements about the security risk posed by Iraq in the two years following September 11, 2001, according to a study released Tuesday.


"In short, the Bush administration led the nation to war on the basis of erroneous information that it methodically propagated and that culminated in military action against Iraq on March 19, 2003," reads an overview of the examination, conducted by the Center for Public Integrity and its affiliated group, the Fund for Independence in Journalism.

According to the study, Bush and seven top officials -- including Vice President Dick Cheney, former Secretary of State Colin Powell and then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice -- made 935 false statements about Iraq during those two years.

The study was based on a searchable database compiled of primary sources, such as official government transcripts and speeches, and secondary sources -- mainly quotes from major media organizations. See CNN viewers' reactions to the study »

The study says Bush made 232 false statements about Iraq and former leader Saddam Hussein's possessing weapons of mass destruction, and 28 false statements about Iraq's links to al Qaeda.

Bush has consistently asserted that at the time he and other officials made the statements, the intelligence community of the U.S. and several other nations, including Britain, believed Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

Responding to the study Wednesday, White House spokesman Scott Stanzel did not speak directly to the "false claims" characterization.

But he said the United States was part of a broad coalition of nations that took part in the Iraq invasion and that the invasion was based on intelligence from multiple countries.

He called Hussein a threat to international security and a sponsor of terrorism, and said the world is better off without him. White House press secretary Dana Perino called the study "flawed."

"They only looked at members of the administration, rather than looking at members of Congress or people around the world," she said. "Because as you'll remember, we were part of a broad coalition of countries that deposed a dictator based on a collective understanding of the intelligence."

"And the other thing that that study fails to do is to say that after realizing that there was no WMD, as we thought as a collective body that there was, that this White House, the President set about to make reforms in the intelligence community to make sure that it doesn't happen again."

Bush has repeatedly said that despite the intelligence flaws, removing Hussein from power was the right thing to do.

The study, released Tuesday, says Powell had the second-highest number of false statements, with 244 about weapons and 10 about Iraq and al Qaeda.

Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Press Secretary Ari Fleischer each made 109 false statements, it says. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz made 85, Rice made 56,
Cheney made 48 and Scott McLellan, also a press secretary, made 14, the study says.

"It is now beyond dispute that Iraq did not possess any weapons of mass destruction or have meaningful ties to al Qaeda," the report reads, citing multiple government reports, including those by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, the 9/11 Commission and the multinational Iraq Survey Group, which reported that Hussein had suspended Iraq's nuclear program in 1991 and made little effort to revive it.

The overview of the study also calls the media to task, saying most media outlets didn't do enough to investigate the claims.

"Some journalists -- indeed, even some entire news organizations -- have since acknowledged that their coverage during those prewar months was far too deferential and uncritical," the report reads.

The quotes in the study include an August 26, 2002, statement by Cheney to the national convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

"Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction," Cheney said. "There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us."
Your deflection is noted.
First you maintained that Obama stopped Bush's wars. When it was pointed out we still have troops fighting in Iraq and 'stan then it became, well we dont have as many casualties.
When we pointed out there were more casualties in Afghanistan under Obama than Bush it became "Bush sent 10k young men to their deaths!"
When we pointed out the number of casualties was nowhere near 10k it became "Bush started two wars!"

Of course Bush did not start two wars. He started no wars. Saddam could have complied with the conditions and avoided wwar. The Taliban could have complied with the demands and avoided war.
So what is it goingt o be now, Mr. ShitforBrains?

Horse shit! The Republicans had been looking for an excuse to invade Iraq for ten years. I put the letter in a post above which all significant Republicans signed all but begging Bill Clinton to take him out but I guess you can't read....or don't like to. It was reported that Donald Rumsfeld ordered his staff and advisors to write a plan for an invasion within thirty minutes on 9/11 when the plane crashed into the Pentagon. They were chompin at the bits to get tens of thousands of young Americans killed. Oh....excuse me, thousands.
Blah blah blah, you love Obama and all his drone strikes and illegal wars

And you hate him because he's managed to run our government without tens of thousands of young Americans serving and dying overseas......is that about it?

Kinda reminds me of Cllinton's eight years
Tens of thousands? Check your numbers, asshole.
More American soldiers died in Afghanistan under Obama than Bush. Think about it.

Kinda unfair the way you cowboys don't count the effort to stop wars.....which is exactly what Obama did. A goddamned cowboy wannabe who didn't even know the difference in a Shiite and a Sunni started two wars....one of them totally unnecessary and you want to dedicate them to Obama because it took him a while to get out of them. In the history of this country there's never been a war more unnecessary or unwanted by everyone except the Republicans than the invasion of Iraq.....which had done no harm to the United States, and it was started by a nincompoop who didn't know his ass from a bass drum! Bush and his cabinet told 935 bare faced, documented lies to gain support to attack and remove Saddam Hussein:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush and his top aides publicly made 935 false statements about the security risk posed by Iraq in the two years following September 11, 2001, according to a study released Tuesday.


"In short, the Bush administration led the nation to war on the basis of erroneous information that it methodically propagated and that culminated in military action against Iraq on March 19, 2003," reads an overview of the examination, conducted by the Center for Public Integrity and its affiliated group, the Fund for Independence in Journalism.

According to the study, Bush and seven top officials -- including Vice President Dick Cheney, former Secretary of State Colin Powell and then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice -- made 935 false statements about Iraq during those two years.

The study was based on a searchable database compiled of primary sources, such as official government transcripts and speeches, and secondary sources -- mainly quotes from major media organizations. See CNN viewers' reactions to the study »

The study says Bush made 232 false statements about Iraq and former leader Saddam Hussein's possessing weapons of mass destruction, and 28 false statements about Iraq's links to al Qaeda.

Bush has consistently asserted that at the time he and other officials made the statements, the intelligence community of the U.S. and several other nations, including Britain, believed Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

Responding to the study Wednesday, White House spokesman Scott Stanzel did not speak directly to the "false claims" characterization.

But he said the United States was part of a broad coalition of nations that took part in the Iraq invasion and that the invasion was based on intelligence from multiple countries.

He called Hussein a threat to international security and a sponsor of terrorism, and said the world is better off without him. White House press secretary Dana Perino called the study "flawed."

"They only looked at members of the administration, rather than looking at members of Congress or people around the world," she said. "Because as you'll remember, we were part of a broad coalition of countries that deposed a dictator based on a collective understanding of the intelligence."

"And the other thing that that study fails to do is to say that after realizing that there was no WMD, as we thought as a collective body that there was, that this White House, the President set about to make reforms in the intelligence community to make sure that it doesn't happen again."

Bush has repeatedly said that despite the intelligence flaws, removing Hussein from power was the right thing to do.

The study, released Tuesday, says Powell had the second-highest number of false statements, with 244 about weapons and 10 about Iraq and al Qaeda.

Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Press Secretary Ari Fleischer each made 109 false statements, it says. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz made 85, Rice made 56,
Cheney made 48 and Scott McLellan, also a press secretary, made 14, the study says.

"It is now beyond dispute that Iraq did not possess any weapons of mass destruction or have meaningful ties to al Qaeda," the report reads, citing multiple government reports, including those by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, the 9/11 Commission and the multinational Iraq Survey Group, which reported that Hussein had suspended Iraq's nuclear program in 1991 and made little effort to revive it.

The overview of the study also calls the media to task, saying most media outlets didn't do enough to investigate the claims.

"Some journalists -- indeed, even some entire news organizations -- have since acknowledged that their coverage during those prewar months was far too deferential and uncritical," the report reads.

The quotes in the study include an August 26, 2002, statement by Cheney to the national convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

"Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction," Cheney said. "There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us."
Your deflection is noted.
First you maintained that Obama stopped Bush's wars. When it was pointed out we still have troops fighting in Iraq and 'stan then it became, well we dont have as many casualties.
When we pointed out there were more casualties in Afghanistan under Obama than Bush it became "Bush sent 10k young men to their deaths!"
When we pointed out the number of casualties was nowhere near 10k it became "Bush started two wars!"

Of course Bush did not start two wars. He started no wars. Saddam could have complied with the conditions and avoided wwar. The Taliban could have complied with the demands and avoided war.
So what is it goingt o be now, Mr. ShitforBrains?

Horse shit! The Republicans had been looking for an excuse to invade Iraq for ten years. I put the letter in a post above which all significant Republicans signed all but begging Bill Clinton to take him out but I guess you can't read....or don't like to. It was reported that Donald Rumsfeld ordered his staff and advisors to write a plan for an invasion within thirty minutes on 9/11 when the plane crashed into the Pentagon. They were chompin at the bits to get tens of thousands of young Americans killed. Oh....excuse me, thousands.
You did not refute my point. Saddam started the war in Iraq by refusing US terms. The Taliban started the war in Afghanistan by refusing demands.
You are deflecting. And failing. Try again, asshole.
And you hate him because he's managed to run our government without tens of thousands of young Americans serving and dying overseas......is that about it?

Kinda reminds me of Cllinton's eight years
Tens of thousands? Check your numbers, asshole.
More American soldiers died in Afghanistan under Obama than Bush. Think about it.

Kinda unfair the way you cowboys don't count the effort to stop wars.....which is exactly what Obama did. A goddamned cowboy wannabe who didn't even know the difference in a Shiite and a Sunni started two wars....one of them totally unnecessary and you want to dedicate them to Obama because it took him a while to get out of them. In the history of this country there's never been a war more unnecessary or unwanted by everyone except the Republicans than the invasion of Iraq.....which had done no harm to the United States, and it was started by a nincompoop who didn't know his ass from a bass drum! Bush and his cabinet told 935 bare faced, documented lies to gain support to attack and remove Saddam Hussein:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush and his top aides publicly made 935 false statements about the security risk posed by Iraq in the two years following September 11, 2001, according to a study released Tuesday.


"In short, the Bush administration led the nation to war on the basis of erroneous information that it methodically propagated and that culminated in military action against Iraq on March 19, 2003," reads an overview of the examination, conducted by the Center for Public Integrity and its affiliated group, the Fund for Independence in Journalism.

According to the study, Bush and seven top officials -- including Vice President Dick Cheney, former Secretary of State Colin Powell and then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice -- made 935 false statements about Iraq during those two years.

The study was based on a searchable database compiled of primary sources, such as official government transcripts and speeches, and secondary sources -- mainly quotes from major media organizations. See CNN viewers' reactions to the study »

The study says Bush made 232 false statements about Iraq and former leader Saddam Hussein's possessing weapons of mass destruction, and 28 false statements about Iraq's links to al Qaeda.

Bush has consistently asserted that at the time he and other officials made the statements, the intelligence community of the U.S. and several other nations, including Britain, believed Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

Responding to the study Wednesday, White House spokesman Scott Stanzel did not speak directly to the "false claims" characterization.

But he said the United States was part of a broad coalition of nations that took part in the Iraq invasion and that the invasion was based on intelligence from multiple countries.

He called Hussein a threat to international security and a sponsor of terrorism, and said the world is better off without him. White House press secretary Dana Perino called the study "flawed."

"They only looked at members of the administration, rather than looking at members of Congress or people around the world," she said. "Because as you'll remember, we were part of a broad coalition of countries that deposed a dictator based on a collective understanding of the intelligence."

"And the other thing that that study fails to do is to say that after realizing that there was no WMD, as we thought as a collective body that there was, that this White House, the President set about to make reforms in the intelligence community to make sure that it doesn't happen again."

Bush has repeatedly said that despite the intelligence flaws, removing Hussein from power was the right thing to do.

The study, released Tuesday, says Powell had the second-highest number of false statements, with 244 about weapons and 10 about Iraq and al Qaeda.

Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Press Secretary Ari Fleischer each made 109 false statements, it says. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz made 85, Rice made 56,
Cheney made 48 and Scott McLellan, also a press secretary, made 14, the study says.

"It is now beyond dispute that Iraq did not possess any weapons of mass destruction or have meaningful ties to al Qaeda," the report reads, citing multiple government reports, including those by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, the 9/11 Commission and the multinational Iraq Survey Group, which reported that Hussein had suspended Iraq's nuclear program in 1991 and made little effort to revive it.

The overview of the study also calls the media to task, saying most media outlets didn't do enough to investigate the claims.

"Some journalists -- indeed, even some entire news organizations -- have since acknowledged that their coverage during those prewar months was far too deferential and uncritical," the report reads.

The quotes in the study include an August 26, 2002, statement by Cheney to the national convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

"Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction," Cheney said. "There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us."
Your deflection is noted.
First you maintained that Obama stopped Bush's wars. When it was pointed out we still have troops fighting in Iraq and 'stan then it became, well we dont have as many casualties.
When we pointed out there were more casualties in Afghanistan under Obama than Bush it became "Bush sent 10k young men to their deaths!"
When we pointed out the number of casualties was nowhere near 10k it became "Bush started two wars!"

Of course Bush did not start two wars. He started no wars. Saddam could have complied with the conditions and avoided wwar. The Taliban could have complied with the demands and avoided war.
So what is it goingt o be now, Mr. ShitforBrains?

Horse shit! The Republicans had been looking for an excuse to invade Iraq for ten years. I put the letter in a post above which all significant Republicans signed all but begging Bill Clinton to take him out but I guess you can't read....or don't like to. It was reported that Donald Rumsfeld ordered his staff and advisors to write a plan for an invasion within thirty minutes on 9/11 when the plane crashed into the Pentagon. They were chompin at the bits to get tens of thousands of young Americans killed. Oh....excuse me, thousands.
You did not refute my point. Saddam started the war in Iraq by refusing US terms. The Taliban started the war in Afghanistan by refusing demands.
You are deflecting. And failing. Try again, asshole.

You just told a goddamned bare faced lie but what else is new. Damn strange that you believe someone in a sovereign nation has to accept terms from some cowboy wannabe when his country is 10,000 miles away and hasn't done a damn thing to harm the U S. History will show that George W. Bush took over an unemployment rate of 4.1%, a balanced budget with surpluses projected to the out years, a bristling economy with a gaining stock market then immediately cut taxes for the rich...twice, started two hot wars, wrecked the economy and doubled the debt not to mention totally ruining everything about the economy. There were 6,000 killed in his hunt for Osama Bin Laden and he not only didn't get him after swearing that he would he declared that he no longer worried about him. 'Course we're talking about a C student here so what might one expect? Not to worry.....Obama hunted down and killed Bin Laden!

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