Old Post Same News


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
The Irrepressible Conflict...


Old Post Same News…The Irrepressible Conflict

What most people who support Israel, don't appear to understand, is that this is a Cultural/Religious/Land War.
That is unlike your normal wars, it is an Irrepressible conflict that will prevent peace until one side completely conquers the other, or a reasonable honorable peace is signed with the Palestinians and the Arab league...

The reason for this type of war-fare lies in the total cultural differences that cannot be reconciled by either party. Much like the situation today, in Iraq; or our-own American Civil War. The gap is too great for a permanent peace.

It is to the Muslim Public a Foreign Occupation. Period…The only option for Israel today is to accept the Arab League Offer and negotiate a peace deal. She needs to desperately integrate with the ME and help the area prosper…Prosperity is great insurance.

Oh sure we have the religious kooks who control Israeli and the Moslem hearts, who swear that some god chose others waiving a bible or Koran that means nothing to the Industrialized world as though they are legal documents rather than one groups interoperation of who God really is. Primitive un-educated ideology!

The Arab Nation in philosophy has existed throughout the last nine hundred years. They see themselves as one and someone like Osama bin Laden was in essence created as a leader of not only the Arab Nation but of the larger Muslim Nation.

The Palestinian cause via Osama has become a Muslim cause. Even Saddam used these phrases to portray himself as an Arab Hero.

If America kills him he will be made a Martyr. The same if they get Osama. It will further unite this cause.

Israel insistence of annexing the third holiest site in Islam and controlling it has sealed its fate by challenging all of Islam. It will eventually be slowly ground to death like all previous invaders.

History has shown through the Christian Crusades that when the Arabs United they always defeated the Western armies, most recently Britain's by relentless grinding. The tremendous advantage in man-power insures a future victory because of this relentless grinding. 1.7 BILLION souls against 5-6 million Israelis.

Sure Israel is a power today but she does not have the numbers to occupy the region. That’s why they left Gaza and most of the West Bank.

It has become a fortress under constant siege.

That is what Israel has brought upon itself when it went beyond the relatively peaceful pre-67 borders.

It may take hundreds of years of grinding and in the end the invaders like all others before them will just pick up and leave or be slowly ground to death.

That is the lesson of History.

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