Olympics fan gives Nazi salute - Fined $3900

I'm sure you could not understand this, but public displays of Nazism in Europe is a bit like shouting "Fire" in a movie cinema full of people. Even in the US, freedom of speech does have limitations, and it has nothing to do with being liberal.

Thank you shithead, for your defense of tyranny. I've never heard of anyone being arrested or fined for shouting "fire" in a crowded theater. Regardless, it's totally different, fucktard.

A hypothetical ban on yelling "fire" in a crowded theater has nothing to do with ideology. A punishment for a nazi solute is all about oppressing an ideology.

well with all due respect fuckedupperson "an ideology" that killed 16 million people should be fucking "oppressed" and stamped the fuck off the face of the earth.
I'm sure you could not understand this, but public displays of Nazism in Europe is a bit like shouting "Fire" in a movie cinema full of people. Even in the US, freedom of speech does have limitations, and it has nothing to do with being liberal.

Thank you shithead, for your defense of tyranny. I've never heard of anyone being arrested or fined for shouting "fire" in a crowded theater. Regardless, it's totally different, fucktard.

A hypothetical ban on yelling "fire" in a crowded theater has nothing to do with ideology. A punishment for a nazi solute is all about oppressing an ideology.

well with all due respect fuckedupperson "an ideology" that killed 16 million people should be fucking "oppressed" and stamped the fuck off the face of the earth.

I know that and i think it's wrong. In america this guy would be criticised but the law would not touch him.

not quite the olympic games is a international PRIVATE EVENT YOU ARE INVITED TO **THERE ARE RULES ** the whole idea of the games is where all nations are one at peace and follow the same rules , he should have been thown out had the games been on american soil the same thing would have happened to him
its not the law of england that fined him it was the olympic games assn in which he agreed to participate

Private events can't fine people, idiot. The man was arrested and fined thousands of dollars for sticking his hand up in the air... he broke the UK's law against rightwing racism (leftwing racism is legal and common), from the racial hatred act of 2008.

So what?
What's good for America isn't necessarily good for the rest of the world...

You can buy Mein Kampf here and I agree with the right to purchase it HERE. I understand why other countries, especially those in Europe, ban that book and do not permit Nazi ceremonies, etc.

Bunk. Freedom of speech is good for everyone, everywhere, every time.

Only a fascist would disagree. Europeans were all fascists before WW II and they are still all fascists.

Nothing has changed execept the flags and the uniforms.
Thank you shithead, for your defense of tyranny. I've never heard of anyone being arrested or fined for shouting "fire" in a crowded theater. Regardless, it's totally different, fucktard.

A hypothetical ban on yelling "fire" in a crowded theater has nothing to do with ideology. A punishment for a nazi solute is all about oppressing an ideology.

well with all due respect fuckedupperson "an ideology" that killed 16 million people should be fucking "oppressed" and stamped the fuck off the face of the earth.


slavery exists where? oh yes, now I remember. 50% of us work for the 50% of you leeces. we got that.
NOt sure about Britain, but in Europe, laws are different on this sort of thing than in America. they have very little tolerance for Nazism.

I would imagine in a country that was as ravaged by WW2 as england they are probably a bit more sensitive towards open shows of destructive hate as the nazi salute. I really cannot fault them for fining such a dimwit so much money for this.

Fascists never have a problem with violating people's rights to accomplish their inane goals.
A case of the government becoming the very thing it is trying to protect the people from.

yeah, it is nothing lie being tossed out of dollywood for wearing a T-shirt that says you support gay marriage. Completely legal as many private places forbid messages that may be deemed by them as promoting violence and disrupting their guests.

Please, do not piss on the laws that prevent you from being disturbed by opposing opinions on private property. It is not actually out of the ordinary, and no one can say that would have been tolerated in america.

Dollywood is private property, and the owners are free to toss you out for any reason they like. Those Olympic venues, on the other hand, were paid for by the taxpayers. In this country, you don't lose your First Amendment rights when you step on public property.
NOt sure about Britain, but in Europe, laws are different on this sort of thing than in America. they have very little tolerance for Nazism.

In other words, they don't believe in freedom of speech. That's the difference between a free country and the socialist distopias of Europe.

Thank you Captain Obvious! They don't have the U.S. Constitution.
NOt sure about Britain, but in Europe, laws are different on this sort of thing than in America. they have very little tolerance for Nazism.
no im from there we are pretty much as tolerant as the usa it was at a olympic event private not in public .
its a sport attended by athletes from all the nations of the world an international event .there are RULES they are the same would it be held in england the usa or any other country .

The Olympic Code of Conduct is contained within the Olympic Charter. The Olympic Charter is a 96-page document that details the spirit, behavior and finer details of holding an Olympic Games. It is a guide which informs athletes and officials how they should approach the Olympic Games, and the significance of the Olympics throughout history. It is, in effect, akin to a constitution.

Read more: The Olympic Code of Conduct | eHow.com The Olympic Code of Conduct | eHow.com

The Olympic Code of Conduct is not legaly binding on the fans who attend the games, so that excuse is pure bullshit.
I dont get it either u can fine someone if there is harm, but now people want symbols and gestures banned? have become that much of babies, okay u can say the guy is a jerk and shove it down our throats, but really ur mad an american is all for free speech and free gestures.

Just out of curiosity, how old are you? How much do you know and understand about WWII?

He understands it just fine. How old are you? You obvoiusly don't understand basic concepts like Freedom of Speech and how they are given legal protection by the Bill of Rights.
I dont get it either u can fine someone if there is harm, but now people want symbols and gestures banned? have become that much of babies, okay u can say the guy is a jerk and shove it down our throats, but really ur mad an american is all for free speech and free gestures.

Just out of curiosity, how old are you? How much do you know and understand about WWII?

He understands it just fine. How old are you? You obvoiusly don't understand basic concepts like Freedom of Speech and how they are given legal protection by the Bill of Rights.

errrrr. didn't this happen in LOndon? :eusa_whistle:
I know liberals love this sort of thing but to me this is as wrong as anything can be. Who did this guy harm? I said harm - not offend.

I'm far less shocked with Euro-socialist oppression of the people than I am that £2,500 is equal to $3900.
What a disgrace...

Yea that European oppression is pretty awful, isn't it?

Oppression is oppression. People like you were making exuses for Crystalnacht in the 1930s.

It was just a little broken glass, right?

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