OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

It is still up to the 0bama Justice Department to bring charges and because Hillary will bring 0bama down with her, he will never ever allow her to be charged.
No, the FBI did not say it would ‘reopen’ its investigation.

Though nothing in Comey’s letter said the case was being reopened, an array of news outlets repeated Chaffetz’s incorrect characterization. NBC News initially posted a story with this framing, later changing the headline and lede to drop the claim. USA Today tweeted, falsely, that the FBI director had said the probe was being reopened. The Hill and Bloomberg also got the facts wrong.
How one Congressman punked the media on the FBI letter about Clinton’s emails
No, the FBI did not say it would ‘reopen’ its investigation.
Jason Chaffetz @jasoninthehouse
FBI Dir just informed me, "The FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation." Case reopened

12:57 PM - 28 Oct 2016
Looks like the new emails were discovered on Weiners and Abeden's 'electronic devices' and number in the 1,000's :lol:

Wait a second....Huma's and Cheryl Mills' laptops were supposedly destroyed after they were searched...and now we find out Huma's wasn't? If she lands on her head, watch her flip on Hillary to get back on her feet.....this is RICH....gotta love seeing justice being served. :mm:
How does a Hillary presidency work ? Bars on the Oval Office ? A cankle monitor ? Orange jumpsuit with presidential logo ? White House chef serving slop on a tray ? Will she be shackled when she leaves the White House on a federal prison bus ? She's guilty best thing for her to do is OD.
The Russians ARE doing the hacking.

Prove it. You all keep spewing it but so far nobody has proven a damn thing
I'll go with our intelligence community and executive over the big orange con man, dupe.
So you will just go with the wind even though they have ZERO evidence? BBBAAAAAHHHHHH
There's evidence

How Russia Pulled Off the Biggest Election Hack in U.S. History
Your own link says US hasn't publically stated who did the Clinton campaign emails..
Were the "17 depts." just about the DNC hacks?

Gee TN your wrong about Russia and wrong about wiki and you refuse to admit it. I am not surprised. LOL
It is still up to the 0bama Justice Department to bring charges and because Hillary will bring 0bama down with her, he will never ever allow her to be charged
He will toss her under the bus so fast to save his butt. You can bet on that.
Looks like the new emails were discovered on Weiners and Abeden's 'electronic devices' and number in the 1,000's :lol:

Wait a second....Huma's and Cheryl Mills laptops were supposedly destroyed after they were searched...and now we find out Huma's wasn't? If she lands on her head, watch her flip on Hillary to get back on her feet.....this is RICH....gotta love seeing justice being served. :mm:

Don't forget the 13 Blackberries. ;)
FBI Dir just informed me, "The FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation." Case reopened

12:57 PM - 28 Oct 2016

Prove it. You all keep spewing it but so far nobody has proven a damn thing
I'll go with our intelligence community and executive over the big orange con man, dupe.
So you will just go with the wind even though they have ZERO evidence? BBBAAAAAHHHHHH
There's evidence

How Russia Pulled Off the Biggest Election Hack in U.S. History
Your own link says US hasn't publically stated who did the Clinton campaign emails..
Were the "17 depts." just about the DNC hacks?

Gee TN your wrong about Russia and wrong about wiki and you refuse to admit it. I am not surprised. LOL
Read your damn link dude
On the day WikiLeaks published the first batch of Podesta's emails, the U. S. government took the unprecedented step of announcing that it was "confident" Russia's "seniormost officials" had authorized the DNC hacks. So far U. S. investigators have not said publicly who was responsible for the Podesta hack
Funny....Hillary possibly to be undone by a Weiner...and it's not bill's.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
He will toss her under the bus so fast to save his butt. You can bet on that

Dude, Obama knows all about the Clinton deaths, who offed JFK and MLK etc.

Obama is part of Team Treason, and he will fight to help Hillary win because he faces multiple treason grand juries if Trump wins.
No, the FBI did not say it would ‘reopen’ its investigation.

Though nothing in Comey’s letter said the case was being reopened, an array of news outlets repeated Chaffetz’s incorrect characterization. NBC News initially posted a story with this framing, later changing the headline and lede to drop the claim. USA Today tweeted, falsely, that the FBI director had said the probe was being reopened. The Hill and Bloomberg also got the facts wrong.
How one Congressman punked the media on the FBI letter about Clinton’s emails
No, the FBI did not say it would ‘reopen’ its investigation.
Jason Chaffetz @jasoninthehouse
FBI Dir just informed me, "The FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation." Case reopened

12:57 PM - 28 Oct 2016
They should reopen it just to verify.
If this turns out to be another NaziCon red herring - will righties apologize?

You think Comey is doing this for us?

I think Comey is ignorant for not handling this in a private way this close to the election while people are already voting. As with previous Putin/Assange emails - this may be much ado about nothing.
No mention of it on MSNBC's website, even two hours after the news breaks.

Their big story: Hillary is considering Crazy Uncle Joe Biden for her cabinet if she wins.
Not surprised are you? Quick update they have it there now.
Despite the horrendous reporting, the FBI is NOT reopening

Additionally details have leaked out about the facts underlying Comey’s vague letter.

Sam Stein @samsteinhp

Pete Williams has sources saying not about Clinton world w/holding emails. Not about Podesta emails. Not emails from Clinton.

2:08 PM - 28 Oct 2016
the FBI will simply provide the same scrutiny to these newly uncovered
emails as it previously applied to the emails it already reviewed when
it determined that criminal charges are not warranted.

The FBI is not reexamining its previous findings that “no reasonable prosecutor” would bring charges

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