OMG! Hillary has a paid army of internet shills!

He has an underage sex rape trial
LOL! This is desperation. Your skank is toast.
These are still fact that Trump has both a fraud and rape trial and neither have to do with Hillary Clinton it has to do with how Trump operates
You lie. Again. Repeat a lie enough times and you hope the soft heads will swallow it. Sorry to disappoint you, but no one buys your stank. NO one.
Just from the way all you scumbags are piling on what I post should tell anyone with a modicum of common sense what you are doing.
You lie. Clintons shit is the one imploding. It'
s all over the media. Even the shill media. LOL! You are a pathetic criminal.
I did not lie ...I just documented that Trump has both a fraud and a rape trial coming say I lie I come up with documentation I did not lie
Just from the way all you scumbags are piling on what I post should tell anyone with a modicum of common sense what you are doing.
Your desperation is to make this bogus e mail thing be a "game changer" . Your anxiety is very clear and obvious..... it is not a game changer ....
Just from the way all you scumbags are piling on what I post should tell anyone with a modicum of common sense what you are doing.

Trump’s use of deception and untruthful affidavits, as well as the hiding or improper destruction of documents, dates back to at least 1973, when the Republican nominee, his father and their real estate company battled the federal government over civil charges that they refused to rent apartments to African-Americans. The Trump strategy was simple: deny, impede and delay, while destroying documents the court had ordered them to hand over.

Shortly after the government filed its case in October, Trump attacked: He falsely declared to reporters that the feds had no evidence he and his father discriminated against minorities, but instead were attempting to force them to lease to welfare recipients who couldn’t pay their rent.

Read more: Donald Trump's companies destroyed or hid documents in defiance of court orders

I don't know if you are on her payroll or have some kind of emotional problems, but cutting and pasting the same crap over and over again (in bolder and larger text no less) is not healthy, nor is it worth any sane person's time.
No shill, that's what you and your kind are doing. Keep it up, you've got about a week.
Look I am lying again [LOL] I am saying a former Bush administration official [WH Ethics Lawyer] is suing the FBI Director

In an Op-Ed in the New York Times, Richard Painter, George W. Bush’s White House ethics lawyer from 2005 – 2007, wrote about his problems with the FBI’s latest investigation of Hillary Clinton and, most surprisingly, he’s taking legal action to stop it. According to Painter, it’s an abuse of power.

(I)t would be highly improper, and an abuse of power, for the F.B.I. to conduct such an investigation in the public eye, particularly on the eve of the election. It would be an abuse of power for the director of the F.B.I., absent compelling circumstances, to notify members of Congress from the party opposing the candidate that the candidate or his associates were under investigation. It would be an abuse of power if F.B.I. agents went so far as to obtain a search warrant and raid the candidate’s office tower, hauling out boxes of documents and computers in front of television cameras.

The F.B.I.’s job is to investigate, not to influence the outcome of an election.

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Nick Gourevitch @nickgourevitch

George W. Bush's ethics lawyer filed a complaint yesterday against the FBI for violations of the Hatch Act. Via NYT:

11:34 AM - 30 Oct 2016
Desperation is calling my post lies being proven wrong by me then having to continue screaming that " I lie" and that "Hillary is toast " lol

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