OMG! I just figured out why yankee's are so hateful.

Made Georgia howl.

So to be clear, you hate people because some of their ancestors were involved in a war 160 years ago? What is the sense in that?

I'm curious, does it matter at all that many Yankees didn't even have any ancestors around then? For example, the oldest my family goes back to the US is in the 1890s.

I'm curious, what would you think of a black person who decided to hate the South for holding so many slaves?
Same attitude blacks have thinking we owe them something.
Made Georgia howl.

So to be clear, you hate people because some of their ancestors were involved in a war 160 years ago? What is the sense in that?

I'm curious, does it matter at all that many Yankees didn't even have any ancestors around then? For example, the oldest my family goes back to the US is in the 1890s.

I'm curious, what would you think of a black person who decided to hate the South for holding so many slaves?
We go back to 1702.

And have a long memory.

As for blacks that hate because the South had slaves long ago, well, I don't see any headed for Uganda.

Must be something they like here.

; - )

So you hate people who weren't around when events occurred and had nothing to do with those events, and hate them even when they had no ancestors there.

What coherent ethical or moral system justifies this?
It's strawberries.

There are strawberries everywhere around here, right now, even a strawberry festival going on in Unicoi county. Strawberry pies, cupcakes, milkshakes, and just strawberries and cream.

Yes, Yankee's can get strawberries, I just wonder how many in the big cities actually have ever had a real fresh strawberry. There is something heavenly about it. If you go to a store, and buy strawberries, fresh from the fields, they taste different than those fresh off the vines. I can't explain it, it's like it loses flavor in just a few short hours. Even Scott's fresh strawberry stands, that are picked early in the morning, loses flavor by just after noon.

If you want to find happiness, then get your rear into a strawberry field, and get a bucket full, then get a bucket full to take home, because that first bucket has no chance of getting out of the field. If you want to taste a real strawberry, eat one fresh picked by hand, mmmmmmmm, it's so damn good.
The best strawberries are grown north of the Mason-Dixon Line. The further north, the better they get. Yankee strawberries are bigger, sweeter and tastier than those ones that are grown down in places like Tennessee. Tennessee is good for tobacco, not strawberries.
Made Georgia howl.

So to be clear, you hate people because some of their ancestors were involved in a war 160 years ago? What is the sense in that?

I'm curious, does it matter at all that many Yankees didn't even have any ancestors around then? For example, the oldest my family goes back to the US is in the 1890s.

I'm curious, what would you think of a black person who decided to hate the South for holding so many slaves?
Same attitude blacks have thinking we owe them something.

That members in one group are engaging in possibly fallacious reasoning does not justify committing the same or similar fallacies on one's own.

I am a Yankee..born and raised. I will admit..the slowness of the South irritates the crap out of me. I travel a lot for work so am in the South a lot. THings are just slower there (talking, driving etc)...I am used to the fast paced Northeast. And yes, when I travel people know I am a Northerner. I don't think I am rude per se' ... but I stand out.

And we might not have strawberries, but we have gorgeous mountains, foliage, cranberries, apples etc. Both sides have their pros... and cons...
It's strawberries.

There are strawberries everywhere around here, right now, even a strawberry festival going on in Unicoi county. Strawberry pies, cupcakes, milkshakes, and just strawberries and cream.

Yes, Yankee's can get strawberries, I just wonder how many in the big cities actually have ever had a real fresh strawberry. There is something heavenly about it. If you go to a store, and buy strawberries, fresh from the fields, they taste different than those fresh off the vines. I can't explain it, it's like it loses flavor in just a few short hours. Even Scott's fresh strawberry stands, that are picked early in the morning, loses flavor by just after noon.

If you want to find happiness, then get your rear into a strawberry field, and get a bucket full, then get a bucket full to take home, because that first bucket has no chance of getting out of the field. If you want to taste a real strawberry, eat one fresh picked by hand, mmmmmmmm, it's so damn good.
We're not hateful were just slightly rude or a bit curt because who wants to chit chat when it's -3 outside? You say what you mean and get on with it. Yes we also have fields of strawberries and go strawberry picking. You are right they taste better and so do tomatoes off the vine.
I am a Yankee..born and raised. I will admit..the slowness of the South irritates the crap out of me. I travel a lot for work so am in the South a lot. THings are just slower there (talking, driving etc)...I am used to the fast paced Northeast. And yes, when I travel people know I am a Northerner. I don't think I am rude per se' ... but I stand out.

And we might not have strawberries, but we have gorgeous mountains, foliage, cranberries, apples etc. Both sides have their pros... and cons...
I live in the burbs of CT, we have fresh strawberries,come out of the city and visit. :) Yeah we do kinda move fast up here. I admit I'm rude from a Southern perspective. Up here I'm actually considered too nice,lol.
I live in the burbs of CT, we have fresh strawberries,come out of the city and visit. :) Yeah we do kinda move fast up here. I admit I'm rude from a Southern perspective. Up here I'm actually considered too nice,lol.

I am right outside of Boston (south of). I was actually in CT doing some of the wine trail a few weeks ago. Beautiful area.
so the simple solution...stay up north....or adapt...nothing wrong with the slower pace...which drives my yankee friends crazy but then they cant believe how people here go out of their way to help either....
I live in the burbs of CT, we have fresh strawberries,come out of the city and visit. :) Yeah we do kinda move fast up here. I admit I'm rude from a Southern perspective. Up here I'm actually considered too nice,lol.

I am right outside of Boston (south of). I was actually in CT doing some of the wine trail a few weeks ago. Beautiful area.
Thanks. I've been to Boston several times sightseeing, nice city,great historic sites and clean. I live closer to NYC but I'd rather go to Boston.
dude i go to roan mt and get strawberries they are outta sc.....the unicoi festival uses scotts berries i think

i am just over the border in avery
Yep, Scott's berries, but there are scott's farms all over east Tennessee. Including several just a few minutes from me...

BTW my daughter lives Roan MTN.

elk park here.....i go to roan a lot ......i love smokey mountain bakers.....have you been there?
no, never been there.
it's big, I bet it was inedible, though. Taste is what matters,

No shit? Of course they're tasty as long as they get enough water which this one obviously did. A melon that didn't get enough water has a thicker rind and won't be as sweet. The only problem with these melons is they have seeds...I'm hooked on seedless.
It's strawberries.

There are strawberries everywhere around here, right now, even a strawberry festival going on in Unicoi county. Strawberry pies, cupcakes, milkshakes, and just strawberries and cream.

Yes, Yankee's can get strawberries, I just wonder how many in the big cities actually have ever had a real fresh strawberry. There is something heavenly about it. If you go to a store, and buy strawberries, fresh from the fields, they taste different than those fresh off the vines. I can't explain it, it's like it loses flavor in just a few short hours. Even Scott's fresh strawberry stands, that are picked early in the morning, loses flavor by just after noon.

If you want to find happiness, then get your rear into a strawberry field, and get a bucket full, then get a bucket full to take home, because that first bucket has no chance of getting out of the field. If you want to taste a real strawberry, eat one fresh picked by hand, mmmmmmmm, it's so damn good.
I hate Yankees.

True fact.

I love strawberries, watermelons and other things Yankees never get fresh.

I wouldn't knowingly sell a watermelon to a Yankee.

Unless it grew from a dog turd.

I'd sell a dog turd melon to a Yankee.
Your an ignorant fuck are you not? So is your pale the OP,
You calling anyone ignorant is asinine, you can't even spell a strawberry fresh off the vine, you might get a few smarts, you sure cant get any dumber from it, you pretty low already, so what could it hurt?
Just thought I would break in for the moment to make a comment.
The local strawberries grown here are fricken huge this year ... And quite tasty.

It is a good year for strawberries, these city folks need to get some fresh air and grab a few.

Just made my first trip to the local farmers market today, and the leaf lettuce, and green onions are delicious. And I got so much corn in the ground, it aint funny, just hope we get some decent rain this year.
Just made my first trip to the local farmers market today, and the leaf lettuce, and green onions are delicious. And I got so much corn in the ground, it aint funny, just hope we get some decent rain this year.

My grampa on the distaff side made a living and raised a family on 80 acres of mid-Michigan black dirt. Not sure what all he grew because he was dead and the land in the soil bank when I was born. My green thumb is pretty much trees and I don't plant a tree unless I get shade or fruit from it. Here in Phoenix they say you can't grow apples but I had a Dorsett golden delicious that was almost a climbing tree in 4 years. I had peaches, plums, and assorted citrus all fall prey to the goddamn mocking birds in the Oleanders across the alley....they peck anything that turns color, it rots, and they come back...I tried nets, fake owls, couldn't just shoot them....I did sneak across the alley at night and poured diesel fuel into the Oleander roots but nothing kills those damn things.
we are over it..and i will tell you what else we are over...bunch of fucking yankees who are so damned stupid and egotistical that they think this is about a war long gone...this is about yall being total fucking assholes when you come south.....simple as that
To be fair, they are jerks when they are home too, rude and overbearing, and some are so stupid.

Me and my wife were in an oasis, on the PA turnpike Monday, and a guy and his wife/girlfriend/friend. walked in the automatic door as we were walking out, he was on the phone, and instead of walking in one after the other, they decided to take up the whole doorway, he looked right at me, like I should move for him, my wife moved, she was in front of me, I kept walking on the far right side, and my shoulder didn't give an inch when he hit it, his did. Dropped his phone, poor guy, smart enough to know when not to speak though, he didn't say a word. I said excuse me.

you cant fix stupid. A man about 6 foot tall and 200 lbs, thinking he will run over a man much bigger is just stupid.
This is a MICHIGAN watermelon....gotta use a machete to cut it....heh


Obviously grown in wuff shit!

I worked for a Syrian produce wholesaler the summer before I left for college....we used to unload trucks of watermelons for his retail store.....catch and carry a hundred of these babies inside to the cooler and ya had a pretty good rip on your forearms. Drop it, ya bought it....tough bastard to work for.
How much does a watermelon that size go for? And could you imagine eating it in one sitting, you wouldn't be constipated for a year.

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