OMG it's true....the Russians are running away like scared little kids from the Mighty NATO-KRANIANS! HERE LOOK!

The Ukraine military is a sham outfit poorly trained, poorly equipped and fifty percent loyal to Russia. There can only be one outcome here. I would give them half a chance if they actually had a homogeneous national identity but they don't.
As many as half of the population of Ukraine welcome Putin. In my estimation that makes it pretty much impossible for Russia to lose.
Shades of an American future..?
Shades of an American future..?
Yeah.... I'm afraid so. The next 20 years will be dominated by the alliance of China and Russia. China has mastered the world's manufacturing sector with our full assistance.
Russia has more nuclear weapons than anyone else and has invested heavily in their military technology. They are also replacing the dollar as the reserve currency by doing direct trade and circumventing the markets that like to call numbers on the ruble and the yuan. These idiots forgot the most basic rule of economy..
All economics is actually local.
He's denying NATO a foothold on his doorstep. This is obviously not his preferred option since he really can't afford what he's doing. War is very expensive and Putin is first and foremost a businessman.
However there's no question that NATO has failed to be honorable in their agreement not to proselytize or interfere in the region politically. NATO was originally formed strictly as a strategic defense alliance and now has morphed into an expansionist army for hire.

Depending on how things unfold elsewhere, there is no guarantee the dollar will remain the global reserve currency. That would dramatically change the notion of 'affordable'. More than a few countries would like nothing more. It's not a coincidence that Russia and China are getting all uppity at this moment in history. The idiot liberals might get their reset, just not the one they were hoping for.
Yeah.... I'm afraid so. The next 20 years will be dominated by the alliance of China and Russia. China has mastered the world's manufacturing sector with our full assistance.
Russia has more nuclear weapons than anyone else and has invested heavily in their military technology. They are also replacing the dollar as the reserve currency by doing direct trade and circumventing the markets that like to call numbers on the ruble and the yuan. These idiots forgot the most basic rule of economy..
All economics is actually local.

Well the Woke Brigade can rest not-so-easy as Chinese slaves in the knowledge that they stayed true to trans rights are human rights and the climate was going to kill as all as they labor 18 hours a day breathing smog in the Chinese factories.

I'm sure they will love it.
I guess the Ukrainians won't remove the sanctions so we the people of the free world won't suffer high energy costs....
That is some information for you (you can use google translate). Shelling is heard at the outskirts while Ukrainian Army is trying to halt Russian advance via Belarus.

But yeah, remove the sanctions so your fat ass won't loose any weight because of extra dollars you pay for your gas.
I thought Biden was going to send the Ukrainians weapons...

Did they forget to give the "Big Guy" his 10%, or did he get confused and send them a shipment of free crack pipes?????
Now THAT was a good one 🤣...
Here is the thing Skew why must you and those like you encourage Biden to taunt a mad man that has Nukes?


Seriously, I mean I understood going after those like Gaddafi or Hussein because they were low risk assholes that didn’t have the Nuclear button but Putin is a different beast, so can you tell me are you that eager to find out if Putin is mad enough to hit the U.S. with a nuke?
Well the Woke Brigade can rest not-so-easy as Chinese slaves in the knowledge that they stayed true to trans rights are human rights and the climate was going to kill as all as they labor 18 hours a day breathing smog in the Chinese factories.

I'm sure they will love it.
Here is the thing Skew why must you and those like you encourage Biden to taunt a mad man that has Nukes?


Seriously, I mean I understood going after those like Gaddafi or Hussein because they were low risk assholes that didn’t have the Nuclear button but Putin is a different beast, so can you tell me are you that eager to find out if Putin is mad enough to hit the U.S. with a nuke?
It's a pissing contest. What makes me laugh is that these guys have absolutely no idea what a heinous record Ukraine has on human rights.

Ukrainians see black people as low grade, unintelligent beasts.... While there is an lgbtq community there they are heavily persecuted and often beaten and imprisoned simply for being who they are. The one and only reason the American left has taken up the Ukrainian cause is simply because the American left is a wholly owned subsidiary of the globalist movement that right now is focused on grabbing the mineral wealth of Ukraine in order to finance NATO's expansionism. The seemingly inexplicable loc-step which violates so many of their own personally held tenets can be explained simply by seeing them as obedient borg like lemmings that do exactly as they're told whenever they're told to do it.
It's a pissing contest. What makes me laugh is that these guys have absolutely no idea what a heinous record Ukraine has on human rights.

Ukrainians see black people as low grade, unintelligent beasts.... While there is an lgbtq community there they are heavily persecuted and often beaten and imprisoned simply for being who they are. The one and only reason the American left has taken up the Ukrainian cause is simply because the American left is a wholly owned subsidiary of the globalist movement that right now is focused on grabbing the mineral wealth of Ukraine in order to finance NATO's expansionism. The seemingly inexplicable loc-step which violates so many of their own personally held tenets can be explained simply by seeing them as obedient borg like lemmings that do exactly as they're told whenever they're told to do it.
You do not need to explain to me about the Ukraine because the Ukraine is the Mexico of Europe without the nice beaches and tan bitches!

The Ukraine is corrupt as all hell and you can buy a politician while buying a whore and scoring some drugs and if you need a good contact then call Hunter Biden and he will lead you to the right places.

Now with that written and before you lecture about the Neo - Nazi elements of the Ukraine and how they are a part of the daily lives of that country let me say Pootin is also in the wrong.

Russia truly has no claim on that country and shouldn’t be there. I mean do we have claim on Mexico?

Of course not, so let be clear even though the Ukraine and Russia have a long and very bloody love hate relationship the fact is the Ukraine has the right to exist on it own without any influence from any other country or world body.

Now how many politicians and whores do you need and will you need the Joey Poopy panties collector edition crack pipe for your order of ten thousand pounds of crack or just the typical Pepsi Can instead…?

( I wonder if anyone get the Pepsi reference? )
Watch Tulsi Gabbard‘s interview: spot on. Gabbard was the best Democratic candidate in 2020 but the DNC did not support her.

Gabbard is way too anti war for my taste. And I don't care if she comes to that from being a veteran.
That is some information for you (you can use google translate). Shelling is heard at the outskirts while Ukrainian Army is trying to halt Russian advance via Belarus.

But yeah, remove the sanctions so your fat ass won't loose any weight because of extra dollars you pay for your gas.
They are finally beginning to fight this morning...and to calm your presupposition on my weight...I am only 5 pounds heavier than the day I left boot camp..... I exercise daily on my bike and in my pool.... but you go on with blinders on as you pump your future into your gas tank...making Exxon and weapon manufacturers richer by the second....
They are finally beginning to fight this morning...and to calm your presupposition on my weight...I am only 5 pounds heavier than the day I left boot camp..... I exercise daily on my bike and in my pool.... but you go on with blinders on as you pump your future into your gas tank...making Exxon and weapon manufacturers richer by the second....
Those promoting this war have financial ties to support enhanced war profiteering. Even now, a couple of pro-war posters in different threads seem to be unaware of the total picture.

Never listen to the lame stream media folks. Their main interest is giving us more shock and awe headlines in order to make money and sway public opinion.
They are finally beginning to fight this morning...and to calm your presupposition on my weight...I am only 5 pounds heavier than the day I left boot camp..... I exercise daily on my bike and in my pool.... but you go on with blinders on as you pump your future into your gas tank...making Exxon and weapon manufacturers richer by the second....
Okay, man, sorry for my emotions. Just many in Ukraine hoped for these sanctions which turned out to be something like a joke.

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