OMG! New Poll in Wisconsin shows Trump ahead by many points and the lead is growing!

Orange. He's orange.

He's an orange oreo.

It would actually require new technology to measure my indifference as to what's beneath the orange surface he's already revealed.
Well, YOUR hero apparently builds a hotel and tries to cheat the old lady next door out of HER house for the limo parking.

He did not try to cheat her as he offered her above market value for the house, by several factors from what I have heard. She was just sentimentally attached to it.

And when he lost he walked away and did not try to get revenge or some bullshit like an Establishment type would do, such as triggering an IRS audit on them, at minimum.
Well, YOUR hero apparently builds a hotel and tries to cheat the old lady next door out of HER house for the limo parking.

He did not try to cheat her as he offered her above market value for the house, by several factors from what I have heard. She was just sentimentally attached to it.

And when he lost he walked away and did not try to get revenge or some bullshit like an Establishment type would do, such as triggering an IRS audit on them, at minimum.
You trumpkins will excuse any despicable behaviour on Trump's behalf. He can rape a year old camel in Times square and you would say the camel enjoyed it. He does so many awful things and you excuse all of them.
Well, YOUR hero apparently builds a hotel and tries to cheat the old lady next door out of HER house for the limo parking.

He did not try to cheat her as he offered her above market value for the house, by several factors from what I have heard. She was just sentimentally attached to it.

And when he lost he walked away and did not try to get revenge or some bullshit like an Establishment type would do, such as triggering an IRS audit on them, at minimum.
You trumpkins will excuse any despicable behaviour on Trump's behalf. He can rape a year old camel in Times square and you would say the camel enjoyed it. He does so many awful things and you excuse all of them.

It is not an excuse I gave, but an explanation regarding your slander, idiot.
There is no explanation for Trump other than he is a rotten jerk, a coward, a slease. Why you come up for excuses for him knowing what he is by now.....
Well, YOUR hero apparently builds a hotel and tries to cheat the old lady next door out of HER house for the limo parking.

He did not try to cheat her as he offered her above market value for the house, by several factors from what I have heard. She was just sentimentally attached to it.

And when he lost he walked away and did not try to get revenge or some bullshit like an Establishment type would do, such as triggering an IRS audit on them, at minimum.

So it's okay to try to force someone to sell to you who doesn't want to, so long as you give them "fair market value" they don't want for a house they don't want to give up? Is that your stance? Property ownership doesn't mean the right to say, "Shove your money up your ass, Donny, I want my house"?

And we're supposed to fucking applaud him that ALL he did was drag her through the courts, trying to get them to give him HER property because he - and you - determined that her reasons for wanting to keep it were not sufficient? What a frigging HERO he is for being willing to walk away after losing, rather than burning the house down around her house or something.

And the only reason he didn't "trigger an IRS audit" is because he didn't HAVE the IRS at the time. You, of course, think it's a great idea to give this selfish, vindictive, petty human garbage that very thing.

You're a sick piece of shit, in case I haven't pointed that out to you recently.
Well, YOUR hero apparently builds a hotel and tries to cheat the old lady next door out of HER house for the limo parking.

He did not try to cheat her as he offered her above market value for the house, by several factors from what I have heard. She was just sentimentally attached to it.

And when he lost he walked away and did not try to get revenge or some bullshit like an Establishment type would do, such as triggering an IRS audit on them, at minimum.
You trumpkins will excuse any despicable behaviour on Trump's behalf. He can rape a year old camel in Times square and you would say the camel enjoyed it. He does so many awful things and you excuse all of them.

It is not an excuse I gave, but an explanation regarding your slander, idiot.

Slander? Even HE says he could commit heinous acts in public and you'd still fight to the head of the line to kiss his ass.

And here you are, proving him right.
Well, YOUR hero apparently builds a hotel and tries to cheat the old lady next door out of HER house for the limo parking.

He did not try to cheat her as he offered her above market value for the house, by several factors from what I have heard. She was just sentimentally attached to it.

And when he lost he walked away and did not try to get revenge or some bullshit like an Establishment type would do, such as triggering an IRS audit on them, at minimum.

So it's okay to try to force someone to sell to you who doesn't want to, so long as you give them "fair market value" they don't want for a house they don't want to give up? Is that your stance? Property ownership doesn't mean the right to say, "Shove your money up your ass, Donny, I want my house"?

And we're supposed to fucking applaud him that ALL he did was drag her through the courts, trying to get them to give him HER property because he - and you - determined that her reasons for wanting to keep it were not sufficient? What a frigging HERO he is for being willing to walk away after losing, rather than burning the house down around her house or something.

And the only reason he didn't "trigger an IRS audit" is because he didn't HAVE the IRS at the time. You, of course, think it's a great idea to give this selfish, vindictive, petty human garbage that very thing.

You're a sick piece of shit, in case I haven't pointed that out to you recently.
What she said!
Well, YOUR hero apparently builds a hotel and tries to cheat the old lady next door out of HER house for the limo parking.

He did not try to cheat her as he offered her above market value for the house, by several factors from what I have heard. She was just sentimentally attached to it.

And when he lost he walked away and did not try to get revenge or some bullshit like an Establishment type would do, such as triggering an IRS audit on them, at minimum.
You trumpkins will excuse any despicable behaviour on Trump's behalf. He can rape a year old camel in Times square and you would say the camel enjoyed it. He does so many awful things and you excuse all of them.

It is not an excuse I gave, but an explanation regarding your slander, idiot.

Slander? Even HE says he could commit heinous acts in public and you'd still fight to the head of the line to kiss his ass.

And here you are, proving him right.

Read my comment again and you might see that that is not what I said, idiot.

Shit, take a class, dude.
So it's okay to try to force someone to sell to you who doesn't want to, so long as you give them "fair market value" they don't want for a house they don't want to give up? Is that your stance? Property ownership doesn't mean the right to say, "Shove your money up your ass, Donny, I want my house"?

Yes, I am OK with it because sometimes that property is needed for the greater good of the community. It is called Eminent Domain, dumbass.

And we're supposed to fucking applaud him that ALL he did was drag her through the courts, trying to get them to give him HER property because he - and you - determined that her reasons for wanting to keep it were not sufficient? What a frigging HERO he is for being willing to walk away after losing, rather than burning the house down around her house or something.

He isnt a hero for dropping the effort, but if he was a corrupt evil old hag like you he could have pushed it and gotten the land by hook or crook.

And the only reason he didn't "trigger an IRS audit" is because he didn't HAVE the IRS at the time. You, of course, think it's a great idea to give this selfish, vindictive, petty human garbage that very thing.

No, he has friends that could have done that for him. If you dont think a billionaire cant buy such support in New York you are either stupid or ignorant, but in your case it obviously a case of BOTH.

You're a sick piece of shit, in case I haven't pointed that out to you recently.

No, but thank you for reminding me what a brain dead, shallow person you are. Your normal civility hides the poisonous, clueless soul that is you quite well.

What is amazing is that you think you somehow made some valid points, lol.
Well, YOUR hero apparently builds a hotel and tries to cheat the old lady next door out of HER house for the limo parking.

He did not try to cheat her as he offered her above market value for the house, by several factors from what I have heard. She was just sentimentally attached to it.

And when he lost he walked away and did not try to get revenge or some bullshit like an Establishment type would do, such as triggering an IRS audit on them, at minimum.
You trumpkins will excuse any despicable behaviour on Trump's behalf. He can rape a year old camel in Times square and you would say the camel enjoyed it. He does so many awful things and you excuse all of them.

It is not an excuse I gave, but an explanation regarding your slander, idiot.

Slander? Even HE says he could commit heinous acts in public and you'd still fight to the head of the line to kiss his ass.

And here you are, proving him right.

Read my comment again and you might see that that is not what I said, idiot.

Shit, take a class, dude.

My local community college doesn't offer classes in Gibberish. Does yours?

Now, see, if one reads your post as though it was ENGLISH, you said EXACTLY what I said you did. Feel free to explain how, in your native Mumbletyfuck or whatever you speak, it means something different.
So it's okay to try to force someone to sell to you who doesn't want to, so long as you give them "fair market value" they don't want for a house they don't want to give up? Is that your stance? Property ownership doesn't mean the right to say, "Shove your money up your ass, Donny, I want my house"?

Yes, I am OK with it because sometimes that property is needed for the greater good of the community. It is called Eminent Domain, dumbass.

Yeah, "Donald Trump needs to park his limo" is neither the definition of "greater good", nor the purpose of eminent domain. And clearly, the courts agree with me on this, since that nice little old lady waxed his stupid orange ass and sent him home sniveling. Maybe you dimwits should nominate HER. At least SHE has some real cojones, unlike Tiny Hands.

And we're supposed to fucking applaud him that ALL he did was drag her through the courts, trying to get them to give him HER property because he - and you - determined that her reasons for wanting to keep it were not sufficient? What a frigging HERO he is for being willing to walk away after losing, rather than burning the house down around her house or something.

He isnt a hero for dropping the effort, but if he was a corrupt evil old hag like you he could have pushed it and gotten the land by hook or crook.

That's pretty fucking funny, a Trumpette accusing someone ELSE of being an evil hag who steals other people's property by hook or by crook when the only person who's ever even TRIED to do so is the guy whose ass you have your nose up. I don't know if your sad-ass, failed attempt to turn this back around into an insult to ME is a demonstration of how ignorant and amoral supporting Donald Trump has made you, or how ignorant and amoral you started out which CAUSED you to support Donald Trump. Which came first, your repulsiveness or his?

And the only reason he didn't "trigger an IRS audit" is because he didn't HAVE the IRS at the time. You, of course, think it's a great idea to give this selfish, vindictive, petty human garbage that very thing.

No, he has friends that could have done that for him. If you dont think a billionaire cant buy such support in New York you are either stupid or ignorant, but in your case it obviously a case of BOTH.

What?! Friends who can trigger an IRS audit? But . . . but that sounds like the ESTABLISHMENT. What in the WORLD could the Orange Outsider Messiah, icon of all that is pure and uncorrupted and anti-politics-as-usual, be doing with friends who can trigger IRS audits? :disbelief::eek-52::omg::eek: Choose the expression of shock that most appeals to you.

You're a sick piece of shit, in case I haven't pointed that out to you recently.

No, but thank you for reminding me what a brain dead, shallow person you are. Your normal civility hides the poisonous, clueless soul that is you quite well.

What is amazing is that you think you somehow made some valid points, lol.

No, no, thank YOU for verifying that I am 100% on the correct track, as evidenced by the fact that I am not in any way cursed with having the agreement of the likes of you.

Nothing about me is "hidden", dimwit. My utter lack of patience with the notion that dribbling lunatics should be respected for figuring out how to turn on a computer is well-known. You're just pissed because you've joined the dribbler class and don't want to admit it. It's easier to pretend everyone ELSE has changed.
What is amazing is that YOU think you have somehow found a valid candidate. :lmao:
Your normal civility hides the poisonous, clueless soul that is you quite well.

Normal civility? I think you and I have read very different posts from Cecilie. :lol: Agree or disagree with her, I would say her posts are normally aggressively blunt, when they aren't actively insulting. ;)
Your normal civility hides the poisonous, clueless soul that is you quite well.

Normal civility? I think you and I have read very different posts from Cecilie. :lol: Agree or disagree with her, I would say her posts are normally aggressively blunt, when they aren't actively insulting. ;)

I have autism, so I dont do sarcasm well enough in real life, let alone over a keyboard.


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