OMG! New Poll in Wisconsin shows Trump ahead by many points and the lead is growing!

After a tough week from the Soros anti Trump packs and taking heat from MSM. He still got some delegates. And a nice turnout for him. Moral victories help.

He got three delegates, so there clearly wasn't much of a turnout "for him". And "moral victory" is not defined as "I'm going to think my guy won no matter what happens".
Oh thanks for letting me know the delegate count. You rock. Nice moral victory for Trump in Wisconsin getting delegates.
From McGarrett's link.....

People voting for Donald Trump in today’s Wisconsin primary are seeing their ballots changed to show a vote for Ted Cruz.

Calls began flooding in early this morning to Madison-based ABC affiliate WKOW with reports of voting machines across the state switching votes entered for GOP frontrunner Donald Trump to his establishment counterpart Ted Cruz. The station has spoken with multiple witnesses and is in the process of verifying statements from Burnett, Clark, Dane, Polk and Portage counties.

According to one witness identified as Jeremy Rogers from Burnett county, “It was the strangest thing. The machine literally would not allow me to vote Trump. I have been a Trump supporter since he launched his campaign and have absolutely no reason to vote for Cruz. I have heard the same from several others coming out of the voting booth. Seems like the establishment will stop at nothing to keep this out of the hands of Trump.”

Brian James, a volunteer and self-professed Cruz supporter who is overseeing the voting at the Burnett county location, had this to say, “These allegations have no basis in reality. If these Trump supporters cannot figure out how to use a voting machine maybe they shouldn’t be voting.”

All eyes have been focused on Wisconsin as many pundits view the state as the last best chance in the “Stop Trump” movement. Members of the establishment have done everything possible to stop Trump from earning the 1237 delegates needed to secure the parties nomination during the first ballot at the Cleveland Convention and Wisconsin is seen as crucial to the cause.

According to polling, Mr. Cruz is ahead of the state and is riding a wave of support from Governor Scott Walker and the large conservative radio network that controls the state.

Former Trump advisor Roger Stone has vowed to set up a network of volunteers to investigate any reports of fraud.

As of presstime, no response has yet been released by either the Cruz or the Trump campaigns.

If I had wanted to read a pile of bullshit posted by one of our resident mental patients, I would have clicked on it.
After a tough week from the Soros anti Trump packs and taking heat from MSM. He still got some delegates. And a nice turnout for him. Moral victories help.

He got three delegates, so there clearly wasn't much of a turnout "for him". And "moral victory" is not defined as "I'm going to think my guy won no matter what happens".
Oh thanks for letting me know the delegate count. You rock. Nice moral victory for Trump in Wisconsin getting delegates.

Yeah, whatever. If Trump got his ass kicked in a bar fight, you'd be prattling about his "moral victory" in skinning the other guy's knuckles.

He won nothing, not morally and not substantively. You can tell by the way his whine is made with sour grapes today.

Ow, the little troll is upset as there might have been some FOUL PLAY to deprive Trump from votes.... Now don't wet your panties, dipshit!
Utah had all kinds of reports of shanigans going on.

Trump is getting robbed but he can still win it.

I dont care so much any more as the whole system is rotted to the core.

Wand what do you do with a building that has extensive dry rot through all its load bearing walls?

Well, YOUR hero apparently builds a hotel and tries to cheat the old lady next door out of HER house for the limo parking.

Ow, the little troll is upset as there might have been some FOUL PLAY to deprive Trump from votes.... Now don't wet your panties, dipshit!
Utah had all kinds of reports of shanigans going on.

Trump is getting robbed but he can still win it.

I dont care so much any more as the whole system is rotted to the core.

Wand what do you do with a building that has extensive dry rot through all its load bearing walls?

Yes, it does appear that there really isn't much difference between the Establishment of either party, both CROOKS!

Unless that establishment happens to decide to support Trump, in which case it's all good.
A new poll out yesterday shows Trump now with a 9 point lead over Ted Cruz and growing. Wisconsin is a winner take all state. Could the #CruzSEXScandal have anything to do with this DRASTIC change?

Trump will win in Wisconsin!


New Poll in Wisconsin shows Trump ahead by many points and the lead is growing!
Don't ever show us another one of your bullshit polls OK retard? Do you now see your source is shit? They tell you what they hope to be true not what is true
How's your Drumpf win tonite?

You're so stupid that you apparently think Trump won....What a fucking waste of a woman you are!

You must be 4ft tall because everything goes over your head.

What happened, nobody wants to play with you over at the Flame zone?

Still didn't get the joke?

When you find a joke, let us know first!

BTW, Donald's Twitter about his loss tonight! Keeps on fighting!

Funny, most people would consider that sniveling, not "fighting".
i guess the rumors that Cruz had an affair with an alien from Mars had no affect

I for one would be impressed.
eventually one of those horny aliens will make the cover of the enquierer.....I had sex with Ted Cruz !!

Truth is, I'm not sure how much difference Ted's sex life would make to me at this point. I mean, honestly. What am I going to do? Get mad at him for cheating on his wife and . . . go off and vote for Donald Trump, the poster boy for the id? Vote for Hillary Clinton, who treated women like shit in order to cover up for HER cheating husband?

The most I could do is refuse to vote entirely, and that's not an option I'm ever willing to take, let alone in this election.
he still leads In New York.

I hope Cruz can clean Trump's clock in New York, but it looks like an uphill battle. But all he has to do is get Trump under 50%

Hard to see anything like that happening in Trump's home state, but we'll see.

Hillary's losing it too and it's her home state too.

Two weeks is a long time in politics. Two weeks ago Trump was the long time favorite to win Wisconsin

I'm not banking on NY flipping to Cruz but I don't count it out either. Miracles happen
After a tough week from the Soros anti Trump packs and taking heat from MSM. He still got some delegates. And a nice turnout for him. Moral victories help.

He got three delegates, so there clearly wasn't much of a turnout "for him". And "moral victory" is not defined as "I'm going to think my guy won no matter what happens".
Oh thanks for letting me know the delegate count. You rock. Nice moral victory for Trump in Wisconsin getting delegates.

Yeah, whatever. If Trump got his ass kicked in a bar fight, you'd be prattling about his "moral victory" in skinning the other guy's knuckles.

He won nothing, not morally and not substantively. You can tell by the way his whine is made with sour grapes today.

Oh didn't know getting delegates isn't winning something. I'll be the mature one by appreciating the moral victory getting delegates last night :thup:
i guess the rumors that Cruz had an affair with an alien from Mars had no affect

I for one would be impressed.
eventually one of those horny aliens will make the cover of the enquierer.....I had sex with Ted Cruz !!
Horny alien? You mean Melania?
Since he married her when she was a working visa holder, Trump had sex with an alien!
i really feel sorry for ET who had to explain what he did in the Trump apt from 12 to 3am
he still leads In New York.

I hope Cruz can clean Trump's clock in New York, but it looks like an uphill battle. But all he has to do is get Trump under 50%

Hard to see anything like that happening in Trump's home state, but we'll see.

Hillary's losing it too and it's her home state too.

Two weeks is a long time in politics. Two weeks ago Trump was the long time favorite to win Wisconsin

I'm not banking on NY flipping to Cruz but I don't count it out either. Miracles happen

Hey, I'll be ecstatic to be proven wrong, but the only people and place in this country I disdain more than New York is New Jersey. New York is the asshole of the United States, and New Jersey is the festering hemorrhoid on it.
After a tough week from the Soros anti Trump packs and taking heat from MSM. He still got some delegates. And a nice turnout for him. Moral victories help.

He got three delegates, so there clearly wasn't much of a turnout "for him". And "moral victory" is not defined as "I'm going to think my guy won no matter what happens".
Oh thanks for letting me know the delegate count. You rock. Nice moral victory for Trump in Wisconsin getting delegates.

Yeah, whatever. If Trump got his ass kicked in a bar fight, you'd be prattling about his "moral victory" in skinning the other guy's knuckles.

He won nothing, not morally and not substantively. You can tell by the way his whine is made with sour grapes today.

Oh didn't know getting delegates isn't winning something. I'll be the mature one by appreciating the moral victory getting delegates last night :thup:

Three out of 40-something? No, that's not "winning". It doesn't even count as a "moral victory", unless you expected him not to get any at all.
Oh, I think we all found the joke tonight.

Wow, Trump is really going after your #2, doesn't really concern me one way or another.

Then why post, insecurity that no one will talk to you?

To tell you that you are tonight's joke. Do I need to spell it out for you and type in all caps?

Now don't be gettin' a wet palm over your perceived luck!

I don't think I wan to know what that means and specifically not from you.
Yes....I don't blame you. I'm sure it's moist and yucky.

Are we talking about palms or the space between Vag's ears?

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