OMG the shame of it.... seriously

He'll be gone by the end of this year.

The horizontal whore is going to be escorted in. The nasty skank that was first to drop out of the presidential race, who couldn't even muster 1% of support. Great going demtards. You should be proud of what you've done cheating that pair of disgusting misfit trash into power.

How pathetic you are.

Pathetic? Hardly. Realistic? Absolutely. Learn the difference.

Juvenile and melodramatic.
Like the insurrection?

Storming the Capitol was cool with you, patriot?

It was absolutely fine with me. Your problem is that you are NOT a patriot, you are a fascist. Had Trump been in power, you would have been the first through the door. Those patriots were doing EXACTLY what is called for when the PEOPLE feel they have been screwed over b y their "elected" officials.

Frankly, I wish I was 50 years younger. Being a combat vet, I would have been right there with them.

Your side thinks they are right - then why is the capitol still ringed with fencing to this day? Oh, that's right, those that YOU elected are scared shitless of AMERICANS.
If you were a true patriot you and your gun toting comrades would have used your guns to get rid of trump who was the real fascist. After all, getting rid of tyrannical governments is justifications for having them. The place is secured to stop redneck republicans doing it again.
I'll bet Biden won't sit in his bunker and urge the next insurrgence on, like your hero trump.

Biden was elected democratically and legal and no amount of lies and propagada will change that. Trump was thrown because he is a fool. The silent majority spoke in the most resounding fashion.
MAGA. Get rid if trump. Remember that?

I'll take Trump any day of the week and twice on Sunday rather than the lot you "people" are. You are fascist. What's more apparent is that you know this. I'll take any conservative anytime over you lot. You are tearing this country apart and you like it.

Damned shame. "Biden was elected democratically"....Holy shit and good lord....
Throughout his 47 years in public life, our presumptive president-elect has had a habit of letting his glib tongue run ahead of his brain.

Just last week, Biden raised eyebrows with a garbled explanation of how he and his soon-to-be veep, Kamala Harris, would resolve a serious disagreement.
“I will develop some disease and say I have to resign,” he told CNN, as Harris shook her head in bewilderment.

Biden has CTE.
As soon as I read the OP I knew you libs were going to bring up Trump.
No Shit Lenny.
You RWI’s bitch every day about Biden.
How soon you forget the clown show of the POS trump and his tramp wife that you adore.

Yes.....Fuck You
This is embarrassing. Jesus Christ people, the guy can't read a teleprompter without misspeaking for more than 10 or 15 words tops.

Wow you sure do like to lie a lot.

I started watching that video and stopped a couple minutes into it because I didn't hear him misspeak every 10 or 15 words. Much less misspeak at all.

I know Biden stutters but I didn't see him misspeak in that video.

Biden is a much better president than trump. Get over it. Move on.

We won't move on. To you it means everyone agrees 100% with your Communist agenda.
All you have to do is not lie about Trump
Good. I didn’t.

Biden isn’t as sharp as he used to be. Still far better than the alternative.
Open borders and job loss are better? Better than what?
Border isn’t open.

We don’t all live in your fantasy world. Reality is far better.
This is embarrassing. Jesus Christ people, the guy can't read a teleprompter without misspeaking for more than 10 or 15 words tops.

Nothing more than a sign of dementia. I'm surprised that the fascist left isn't calling for the 25th to be invoked yet. It's coming........

The woke left is delighted with him.

Why would they want to invoke the 25th?

A President Harris might actually have the guts to occasionally say NO to the wacky Left.

This way the wacky Left have this pitiful soul who will say or do whatever his "advisers" tell him.

Anyone who has experienced the dementia of a loved one knows how heartbreaking it is. Hopefully, Dr. Biden will know when it is time to ask her husband to pack it in.
All you have to do is not lie about Trump
Good. I didn’t.

Biden isn’t as sharp as he used to be. Still far better than the alternative.
Open borders and job loss are better? Better than what?
Border isn’t open.

We don’t all live in your fantasy world. Reality is far better.
Border is open. I am talking about the high paying jobs Biden has already caused to vanish. Those jobs created are not high paying. They are service jobs. Big fucking deal.
All you have to do is not lie about Trump
Good. I didn’t.

Biden isn’t as sharp as he used to be. Still far better than the alternative.
Open borders and job loss are better? Better than what?
Border isn’t open.

We don’t all live in your fantasy world. Reality is far better.
Border is open. I am talking about the high paying jobs Biden has already caused to vanish. Those jobs created are not high paying. They are service jobs. Big fucking deal.
Border isn’t open. It’s literally being manned by tens of thousands border patrol agents and Trump’s little fence.

When you add as many jobs as the economy currently is, many of them are high paying. Service jobs are just as good as others. Better sometimes since they can’t always be as easily offshored.
He'll be gone by the end of this year.

The horizontal whore is going to be escorted in. The nasty skank that was first to drop out of the presidential race, who couldn't even muster 1% of support. Great going demtards. You should be proud of what you've done cheating that pair of disgusting misfit trash into power.
What do you mean by "He'll be gone by the end of this year."?
Figure it out, ya brain dead quack.
So, it was another one of your cowardly sly threats on the life of the President of the United States. Always the kowardly keyboard kommando, eh?
You call what Biden has a life? Feeling generous?
Yes...he has a wife he loves and loves him, children and grandchildren and he's President of the United States. That's having a life. Sorry that you have nothing worth comparing that to.
All you have to do is not lie about Trump
Good. I didn’t.

Biden isn’t as sharp as he used to be. Still far better than the alternative.
Open borders and job loss are better? Better than what?
Border isn’t open.

We don’t all live in your fantasy world. Reality is far better.
Border is open. I am talking about the high paying jobs Biden has already caused to vanish. Those jobs created are not high paying. They are service jobs. Big fucking deal.
No, the border is not open. Stop lying.
This is embarrassing. Jesus Christ people, the guy can't read a teleprompter without misspeaking for more than 10 or 15 words tops.

Nothing more than a sign of dementia. I'm surprised that the fascist left isn't calling for the 25th to be invoked yet. It's coming........

The woke left is delighted with him.

Why would they want to invoke the 25th?

A President Harris might actually have the guts to occasionally say NO to the wacky Left.

This way the wacky Left have this pitiful soul who will say or do whatever his "advisers" tell him.

Anyone who has experienced the dementia of a loved one knows how heartbreaking it is. Hopefully, Dr. Biden will know when it is time to ask her husband to pack it in.

"Dr" Biden? Give me a break....she is a school teacher. Hell, she's as goofy as he is.
All you have to do is not lie about Trump
Good. I didn’t.

Biden isn’t as sharp as he used to be. Still far better than the alternative.
Open borders and job loss are better? Better than what?
Border isn’t open.

We don’t all live in your fantasy world. Reality is far better.
Border is open. I am talking about the high paying jobs Biden has already caused to vanish. Those jobs created are not high paying. They are service jobs. Big fucking deal.
Border isn’t open. It’s literally being manned by tens of thousands border patrol agents and Trump’s little fence.

When you add as many jobs as the economy currently is, many of them are high paying. Service jobs are just as good as others. Better sometimes since they can’t always be as easily offshored.
They are stopping no one. The border agents are processing them. Many are put up in motels at taxpayer expense. They are not tested and bused and flown around the country.

Tell me what jobs that are high paying is Biden responsible for? Do you know he just said they can hire more programmers from overseas? He is killing jobs for Americans.

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