omg. This poor guy. You HAVE to listen to this. J&J vax.


Don't do it to your kids. NO JAB!
Now yer gonna try to shame people for getting a vaccine...It's their child it's their choice, remember that soliloquy? Leave them alone just like you want to be left alone.
The way I truly feel about this . . . we should be out there, formed up into underground resistance groups, trying to stop it all. So many people are blind because they do not want to see. THIS is how they get you . . . by enshrining the individual right of people and parents to kill themselves and their children by vaccine.
The way I truly feel about this . . . we should be out there, formed up into underground resistance groups, trying to stop it all. So many people are blind because they do not want to see. THIS is how they get you . . . by enshrining the individual right of people and parents to kill themselves and their children by vaccine.
Damn that George Washington for starting the standard of mandated vaccinations for govt. employees.
Now yer gonna try to shame people for getting a vaccine...It's their child it's their choice, remember that soliloquy? Leave them alone just like you want to be left alone.
But we are not being left alone. We are being forced. 5 yr. old children and up are being forced into it. They have a 99.9% cure rate. Why are they insisting that children get the serum? Infertility gain of function?
But we are not being left alone. We are being forced. 5 yr. old children and up are being forced into it. They have a 99.9% cure rate. Why are they insisting that children get the serum? Infertility gain of function?
I am not being forced, my children have not been forced or my wife. Birthrates for the US population has been falling for several decades before Covid.
I am not being forced, my children have not been forced or my wife. Birthrates for the US population has been falling for several decades before Covid.
Do you know why they have been falling?

Damn that George Washington for starting the standard of mandated vaccinations for govt. employees.
The medical treatments that G. Washington mandated are not even in the same ballpark.

Stop it already with your false comparison fallacy. Do you have stock in these companies or something?
The medical treatments that G. Washington mandated are not even in the same ballpark.

Stop it already with your false comparison fallacy. Do you have stock in these companies or something?
No.. I cite the action of George as the beginning of the natural law that the US imposes to force vaccinations....You just thought you had a right to yer own body.
San Fran is now oking the jab for 5 year olds. I saw a vid of a woman bragging how her child will be safe now, once she gets her shot. Safe. And then dead. I am amazed at how easily mothers put their children at such risk.
Now yer gonna try to shame people for getting a vaccine...It's their child it's their choice, remember that soliloquy? Leave them alone just like you want to be left alone.
This vaxxx has killed more people than all other vaxxxs combined over the years ....the side effects being caused They can't hide em all .....on top of it the vaxxx don't even work

All I have is one question for yaa....and that would be what the fuck is wrong with you ?
Teenagers are dying of heart attacks
One hockey player in his prime just dropped dead ...heart attack

You wanna stick a 6 year old child with an ineffective poison?
Children who have the highest covid 19 survival rate ....

Really ...what's wrong with you?

Well...I guess ol Bones can't sleep and decided to come thumbs down me for awhile, and at the same time ignore other who have posted similar to what I post. Must really suck to have sleep apnea and the solution is to hound someone online. :cuckoo:
Now yer gonna try to shame people for getting a vaccine...It's their child it's their choice, remember that soliloquy? Leave them alone just like you want to be left alone.

You are missing the point.
People can't make their own choice if they do not have the facts, and they are being lied to.

First of all, these mRNA injections are not vaccines at all, and they do not and can not convey any long term immunity at all.
That is because all they do is get our own cells to start growing some spike proteins.
And that not only is incredibly risky, but can't work as a vaccine.
Your body can't trigger on covid virus from a vaccine that has no covid virus, and the immune system can't trigger on spike proteins that the injections do stimulate, because our own exosome have to use these spike proteins in order to access ACE2 receptor sites.

Second is that these mRNA injections are very risky.
Since they are much smaller than a virus, then can and do easily migrate.
If they get to someplace sensitive, like the brain or heart, before the immune system attacks them, you die.
If they get to the extremities before being attacked, you can require amputations.

Sure these mRNA injections do stimulate antibodies, so you are less likely to die from covid, but there are lots of safer ways to do that.
These mRNA injections simply are a very bad idea.

And by the way, I did go along with the herd and got the Moderna shots.
The 2nd shot almost killed me.
About 12 hours later it was convulsive shivering for over an hour, to the point I could not even stand or walk.
Then throwing up about every 4 hours for a whole day and night.
Then fever, headaches and chills for over a week.
With headaches, weakness, and fog for at least a month.

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