Omicron, this is BIG

Exactly where in the US Standard Death Certificate in my link is the word assume.
Deep State Shill or Globalist A.I. Propaganda Bot?

That's a tough one to choose between

I'll take Subversive Assholes for $500, Alex!

Craig Spencer, a Manhattan ER doctor affiliated with Columbia University who became a Twitter superstar in the early days of the pandemic for his running commentary on the battle against the virus, tweeted a detailed breakdown late Sunday of what omicron cases look like.

"Every patient I’ve seen with Covid that’s had a 3rd ‘booster’ dose has had mild symptoms. By mild I mean mostly sore throat. Lots of sore throat. Also some fatigue, maybe some muscle pain. No difficulty breathing. No shortness of breath. All a little uncomfortable, but fine," Spencer wrote.

From there, it goes downhill - slowly, though.

"Most patients I’ve seen that had 2 doses of Pfizer/Moderna still had ‘mild’ symptoms, but more than those who had received a third dose. More fatigued. More fever. More coughing. A little more miserable overall. But no shortness of breath. No difficulty breathing. Mostly fine," he said.

For those who just had the one shot of the J&J vaccine and never took a booster, the situation isn't as good.

"Most patients I’ve seen that had one dose of J&J and had Covid were worse overall. Felt horrible. Fever for a few days (or more). Weak, tired. Some shortness of breath and cough. But not one needing hospitalization. Not one needing oxygen. Not great. But not life-threatening," he tweeted.

And then there are the unvaccinated, who by all data are being hospitalized at a rate 15x or more the vaccinated.

"And almost every single patient that I’ve taken care of that needed to be admitted for Covid has been unvaccinated. Every one with profound shortness of breath. Every one whose oxygen dropped when they walked. Every one needing oxygen to breath regularly," he said.

Step aside Trump, Omicron is the big news now. Mentioned 23 times here YAHOO!

Trump is mentioned just 18 times, he's a bad man, but just not to the level of Omicron today.

Biden is mentioned just three times, which are all about the disease that you need many shots for. Better watch out, better not cry, you need this shot I'm telling you why. It's a Biden Christmas, and COVID is the gift that keeps on giving.

Very contagious Does not attack r...the death toll in the US remains at 0 (ZERO).
Desperately trying to hang on to the propaganda narrative, lol. Fear fear fear x 10 over variant that has shown now to be a runny nose cold virus. Its a "tsunami" now folks.

27 times better acording to legit studies.
Such horrible news for the left and their VIRAL BLIZZARD scare tactics.

What horrific news. You know, any good news at all really.

Thanksgiving bad news. Even if at one moment in history a Native and WHITE PEOPLE got along. Certainly cannot have thar.

So, this good news is always horrible news.

Good is bad
Bad is good
Men are women
Women are men

On and on and on and on...

They will soon be to here to giggle at the good news and prove the Word is True yet again.
Desperately trying to hang on to the propaganda narrative, lol. Fear fear fear x 10 over variant that has shown now to be a runny nose cold virus. Its a "tsunami" now folks.


Craig Spencer, a Manhattan ER doctor affiliated with Columbia University who became a Twitter superstar in the early days of the pandemic for his running commentary on the battle against the virus, tweeted a detailed breakdown late Sunday of what omicron cases look like.

"Every patient I’ve seen with Covid that’s had a 3rd ‘booster’ dose has had mild symptoms. By mild I mean mostly sore throat. Lots of sore throat. Also some fatigue, maybe some muscle pain. No difficulty breathing. No shortness of breath. All a little uncomfortable, but fine," Spencer wrote.

From there, it goes downhill - slowly, though.

"Most patients I’ve seen that had 2 doses of Pfizer/Moderna still had ‘mild’ symptoms, but more than those who had received a third dose. More fatigued. More fever. More coughing. A little more miserable overall. But no shortness of breath. No difficulty breathing. Mostly fine," he said.

For those who just had the one shot of the J&J vaccine and never took a booster, the situation isn't as good.

"Most patients I’ve seen that had one dose of J&J and had Covid were worse overall. Felt horrible. Fever for a few days (or more). Weak, tired. Some shortness of breath and cough. But not one needing hospitalization. Not one needing oxygen. Not great. But not life-threatening," he tweeted.

And then there are the unvaccinated, who by all data are being hospitalized at a rate 15x or more the vaccinated.

"And almost every single patient that I’ve taken care of that needed to be admitted for Covid has been unvaccinated. Every one with profound shortness of breath. Every one whose oxygen dropped when they walked. Every one needing oxygen to breath regularly," he said.

Yes the mRNA vaccine does reduce symptoms, but for how long?
Since the mRNA vaccines only get your own cells to start growing spike proteins, there is nothing for the immune system to store in long term T-cell memory.
All that these extra spike proteins the vaccines are going to generate will do is temporarily cause antibody production to increase.
That will reduce symptoms, but only for less than 6 months.
After that period, then there is no longer going to be any reduction of symptoms.
Which means it does not at all convey any immunity, so then does not at all help end the epidemic.
And in fact, by artificially stimulating antibody production, these mRNA vaccines prevent normal recovery immunity, so make an epidemic last MUCH LONGER than it should normally.

In small communities where there is 100% vaccination, like the military, prisons, convents, etc., there is no reduction in the epidemic at all.
There is only a short temporary treatment evidence.
All viruses evolve less lethal.
Omicron can end the epidemic.

Exactly. More transmissible and contagious, less lethal. More lethal, less contagious, transmissible. Same thing happened in 1918. Virus started out killing about 1-2 percent and then the less lethal variant came along and ended the pandemic. What we don't need is more worthless boosters. Continuing on that route could end up very very bad.
What we are witnessing is massive Journalistic malpractice, EVERY DAY in our newspapers and other news sources. To report that "NEW CASES ARE SKYROCKETING," and not report that "VACCINATED AND BOOSTED PEOPLE HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT" is a horrible misrepresentation of reality.
What we are witnessing is massive Journalistic malpractice, EVERY DAY in our newspapers and other news sources. To report that "NEW CASES ARE SKYROCKETING," and not report that "VACCINATED AND BOOSTED PEOPLE HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT" is a horrible misrepresentation of reality.

Covid is just another vehicle for the abhorrent media, govt, tech to push their divisive message of division and hate. Their lemmings and shills lap up this hate and try to spread the division amongst the populace. Do what you're told................"just get the shot", dont question anything. You see it on this board a thousand times a day.
Pathetic to watch Sleepy joe enjoying the beach all casual while people are suffering in long lines. There is an underling panic the MSM is hiding from us because they know it can make the administration look bad. Right now as we speak in New York and New Jersey regions are swamped with lines of testing and shortages. It's crazy!


This Sleepy joe does not care.

Craig Spencer, a Manhattan ER doctor affiliated with Columbia University who became a Twitter superstar in the early days of the pandemic for his running commentary on the battle against the virus, tweeted a detailed breakdown late Sunday of what omicron cases look like.

"Every patient I’ve seen with Covid that’s had a 3rd ‘booster’ dose has had mild symptoms. By mild I mean mostly sore throat. Lots of sore throat. Also some fatigue, maybe some muscle pain. No difficulty breathing. No shortness of breath. All a little uncomfortable, but fine," Spencer wrote.

From there, it goes downhill - slowly, though.

"Most patients I’ve seen that had 2 doses of Pfizer/Moderna still had ‘mild’ symptoms, but more than those who had received a third dose. More fatigued. More fever. More coughing. A little more miserable overall. But no shortness of breath. No difficulty breathing. Mostly fine," he said.

For those who just had the one shot of the J&J vaccine and never took a booster, the situation isn't as good.

"Most patients I’ve seen that had one dose of J&J and had Covid were worse overall. Felt horrible. Fever for a few days (or more). Weak, tired. Some shortness of breath and cough. But not one needing hospitalization. Not one needing oxygen. Not great. But not life-threatening," he tweeted.

And then there are the unvaccinated, who by all data are being hospitalized at a rate 15x or more the vaccinated.

"And almost every single patient that I’ve taken care of that needed to be admitted for Covid has been unvaccinated. Every one with profound shortness of breath. Every one whose oxygen dropped when they walked. Every one needing oxygen to breath regularly," he said.

This account asks the prisoner to believe that they were all the same age, the same weight, etc. Fau Chi-Gates vaccine cartel, linked as they are to US and Chinese militaries, know quite well by now that whomever boasts of a booster that addresses Omicron also addresses the Omicron vaccine-linked mutation, N969K. So J&J is still producing spikes, but its antibodies are not addressing this particular Omicron mutation, and the mucosal non-immunity of the J&J vaxxed saliva can still transmit infectious virus onto the unvaxxed regardless of whether it's Delta or Omicron. So it's oxymoronic to leave out the part of J&J vaccine that fails while blaming the unvaxxed.

Craig Spencer, a Manhattan ER doctor affiliated with Columbia University who became a Twitter superstar in the early days of the pandemic for his running commentary on the battle against the virus, tweeted a detailed breakdown late Sunday of what omicron cases look like.

"Every patient I’ve seen with Covid that’s had a 3rd ‘booster’ dose has had mild symptoms. By mild I mean mostly sore throat. Lots of sore throat. Also some fatigue, maybe some muscle pain. No difficulty breathing. No shortness of breath. All a little uncomfortable, but fine," Spencer wrote.

From there, it goes downhill - slowly, though.

"Most patients I’ve seen that had 2 doses of Pfizer/Moderna still had ‘mild’ symptoms, but more than those who had received a third dose. More fatigued. More fever. More coughing. A little more miserable overall. But no shortness of breath. No difficulty breathing. Mostly fine," he said.

For those who just had the one shot of the J&J vaccine and never took a booster, the situation isn't as good.

"Most patients I’ve seen that had one dose of J&J and had Covid were worse overall. Felt horrible. Fever for a few days (or more). Weak, tired. Some shortness of breath and cough. But not one needing hospitalization. Not one needing oxygen. Not great. But not life-threatening," he tweeted.

And then there are the unvaccinated, who by all data are being hospitalized at a rate 15x or more the vaccinated.

"And almost every single patient that I’ve taken care of that needed to be admitted for Covid has been unvaccinated. Every one with profound shortness of breath. Every one whose oxygen dropped when they walked. Every one needing oxygen to breath regularly," he said.

Very contagious Does not attack r...the death toll in the US remains at 0 (ZERO).
In the US as in most countries, there are offical names for disease that are listed on death certificates and tabulated as a vital statistic. All variants of Covid-19 are listed as Covid-19. Thus we have no totals for Alpha, Delta, Mu, or Omicron.
In the US as in most countries, there are offical names for disease that are listed on death certificates and tabulated as a vital statistic. All variants of Covid-19 are listed as Covid-19. Thus we have no totals for Alpha, Delta, Mu, or Omicron.


Omicron’s lower death rate ‘can usher in end of Covid epidemic’​

Omicron is less deadly than previous coronavirus strains, and results in a quarter of the deaths recorded in earlier waves, data from South Africa suggests.

In the first study to assess the risk of death that Omicron poses, researchers followed Covid-19 patients admitted to a large hospital in Tshwane in the Gauteng province, where the variant first took hold. They found that 4.5 per cent of patients admitted to hospital died during the Omicron wave, compared with 21.3 per cent in a period before the strain arrived.
Yes the mRNA vaccine does reduce symptoms, but for how long?
Since the mRNA vaccines only get your own cells to start growing spike proteins, there is nothing for the immune system to store in long term T-cell memory.
All that these extra spike proteins the vaccines are going to generate will do is temporarily cause antibody production to increase.
That will reduce symptoms, but only for less than 6 months.
After that period, then there is no longer going to be any reduction of symptoms.
Which means it does not at all convey any immunity, so then does not at all help end the epidemic.
And in fact, by artificially stimulating antibody production, these mRNA vaccines prevent normal recovery immunity, so make an epidemic last MUCH LONGER than it should normally.

In small communities where there is 100% vaccination, like the military, prisons, convents, etc., there is no reduction in the epidemic at all.
There is only a short temporary treatment evidence.
In your war on vaccines, you have conveniently ignored the fact that in hospitals across the country the unvaccinated are responsibly for 80% to 95% of the covid deaths.

In Texas:
Unvaccinated people were 13 times more likely to become infected with COVID-19 than fully vaccinated people.
Unvaccinated people were 20 times more likely to experience COVID-19-associated death than fully vaccinated people

In Washington State:
Unvaccinated 12-34 year-olds in Washington are:
• 3 times more likely to get COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 12-34 year-olds.
• 12 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 12-34 year-olds.

Unvaccinated 35-64 year-olds are:
• 4 times more likely to get COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 35-64 year-olds.
• 18 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 35-64 year-olds.

Unvaccinated 65+ year-olds are:
• 7 times more likely to get COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 65+ year-olds.
• 13 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 65+ year-olds.
• 15 times more likely to die of COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 65+ year-olds.
Last edited:
In your war on vaccines, you have conveniently ignored the fact that in hospitals across the country the unvaccinated are responsibly for 80% to 95% of the covid deaths.

In Texas:
Unvaccinated people were 13 times more likely to become infected with COVID-19 than fully vaccinated people.
Unvaccinated people were 20 times more likely to experience COVID-19-associated death than fully vaccinated people

In Washington State:
Unvaccinated 12-34 year-olds in Washington are:
• 3 times more likely to get COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 12-34 year-olds.
• 12 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 12-34 year-olds.

Unvaccinated 35-64 year-olds are:
• 4 times more likely to get COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 35-64 year-olds.
• 18 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 35-64 year-olds.

Unvaccinated 65+ year-olds are:
• 7 times more likely to get COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 65+ year-olds.
• 13 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 65+ year-olds.
• 15 times more likely to die of COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 65+ year-olds.
MRNA vaccine fails to immunize saliva of the vaxxed. Viruses there can be re-transmitted into the environment, killing others.

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