Omicron, this is BIG

Haiti Cholera Mutations Could Lead to More Severe Disease​

Strain is evolving to be more like virulent 1800s cholera
April 16, 2013 | By Marla Paul
CHICAGO --- The cholera strain that transferred to Haiti in 2010 has multiple toxin gene mutations that may account for the severity of disease and is evolving to be more like an 1800s version of cholera, reports a new Northwestern Medicine study.
The strain, “altered El Tor,” which emerged around 2000, is known to be more virulent and to cause more severe diarrhea and dehydration than earlier strains that had been circulating since the 1960s. This study reports the altered El Tor strain has acquired two additional signature mutations during the past decade that may further increase virulence.
In addition, these newly discovered signature mutations documented in the study further link the Haitian cholera epidemic to the strain from Nepal.

That is very interesting! First real evidence I've read that cholera is worsening; the 1900 El Tor strain basically saved the world (still has a high death rate in Africa and wherever medical treatment is not modern, but otherwise only a few percent, if treatment is fast). Well, that's just wonderful. :icon_cry: So Haiti is incubating it. So many severe diseases come through Haiti! AIDS came in that way, homosexual tourism from the U.S.
Keep in mind Cholera is not an airborne disease. It comes from drinking and bathing in infected water supplies so it not usually spread from person to person. In countries with sanitary water systems such as the US, Cholera is very rare. However, it is common in most 3rd world countries. A WHO project seeks to reduce Cholera by 90% by 2030. Testing water supplies and teaching people how to avoid and treat contaminated water has proved very effective. Of course the ultimate solution is fixing the water and sewage systems.
The first omicron death was just reported, an unvaccinated man in Texas. The average time from first symptoms to death is 18.5 days. It will take about two weeks to see just how deadly Omicron is.

No. He died of other causes, he just also happened to have omicron. Unscrupulous propagandists claimed it was an omicron death.
Let's create a disease that everyone already has. That is what they did. Coronavirus is a common virus that at any time any person can have. So you create a more dangerous version of it to alarm the public and then you claim it is a pandemic when these piss poor test throw out positives.

You kill 0.0018% of the population which is barely worth reporting and then you treat it as if it is the Apocalypse, then take control of well, just about everything under the guise of "we are all in this together."
You talk about creating viruses with specific characteristics like you create apple or blueberry pies. Creating a new virus is not easy. Developing a new virus, let alone one capable of effectively infecting people, would take an extremely large teams of scientists working many years and would require a lot of funding.

Viruses are complex agents that reproduce inside cells of their hosts. Even after scientists study them carefully in a lab, they will know very little about how these viruses will behave once they enter the full human organism. Developing a completely new virus, or a strain of a virus, that could successfully spread among human populations is perhaps possible, but would take a huge effort and still a lot of luck.

Assuming this new dangerous virus could be create, keeping it secret would be nearly impossible for two reasons. No one country has the scientific talent. It would have to be a cooperative effort of scientists from different of countries. Second, a new man made virus could be easily detected because a man made virus would have many tell tale signs that you do not find in nature.

So for at the least the near future, creation of deadly viruses to be used as a weapon will remain the subject of conspiracy theories, novels, and movies.

You talk about creating viruses with specific characteristics like you create apple or blueberry pies. Creating a new virus is not easy. Developing a new virus, let alone one capable of effectively infecting people, would take an extremely large teams of scientists working many years and would require a lot of funding.

Viruses are complex agents that reproduce inside cells of their hosts. Even after scientists study them carefully in a lab, they will know very little about how these viruses will behave once they enter the full human organism. Developing a completely new virus, or a strain of a virus, that could successfully spread among human populations is perhaps possible, but would take a huge effort and still a lot of luck.

Assuming this new dangerous virus could be create, keeping it secret would be nearly impossible for two reasons. No one country has the scientific talent. It would have to be a cooperative effort of scientists from different of countries. Second, a new man made virus could be easily detected because a man made virus would have many tell tale signs that you do not find in nature.

So for at the least the near future, creation of deadly viruses to be used as a weapon will remain the subject of conspiracy theories, novels, and movies.

LOL Guess you haven't heard of ECO Health Alliance and their Gain of Function research in Wuhan or the Dept Of Defense funding counter biological warfare with viruses in Wuhan either.

Keep playing with these stinking viruses you MIGHT JUST KILL MILLIONS OF PEOPLE.
No. He died of other causes, he just also happened to have omicron. Unscrupulous propagandists claimed it was an omicron death.
Like about 80% of all Covid deaths he had underlying conditions. Having those underlying conditions does not mean that the person's cause of death were the underlying conditions. By definition, the Cause of death is the disease or injury that initiated the chain of events that lead to the death. In this case it was Covid-19. In other words the person would not have died had he not been infected with Covid-19.
Like about 80% of all Covid deaths he had underlying conditions. Having those underlying conditions does not mean that the person's cause of death were the underlying conditions. By definition, the Cause of death is the disease or injury that initiated the chain of events that lead to the death. In this case it was Covid-19. In other words the person would not have died had he not been infected with Covid-19.
Used to be that way until they changed the definition on the Death Certificate. This way they can JUST ASSUME........that it's covid. Add $77,000 to hot spots for every covid patient from the Cares Act and then everything is Covid now. CHA CHING.
LOL Guess you haven't heard of ECO Health Alliance and their Gain of Function research in Wuhan or the Dept Of Defense funding counter biological warfare with viruses in Wuhan either.

Keep playing with these stinking viruses you MIGHT JUST KILL MILLIONS OF PEOPLE.
You can not create a virus to kill millions of people by playing with it. That's nuts. It is certainly possible to tweak viruses to make them mutate or slightly more or less contagious in order to see how a virus evades detection by the immune system. However creating a brand new virus such as SARS-Cov-2 is a whole different ballgame. We can tweak the human brain to cure certain illnesses but that doesn't mean we can create a new brain.
You can not create a virus to kill millions of people by playing with it. That's nuts. It is certainly possible to tweak viruses to make them mutate or slightly more or less contagious in order to see how a virus evades detection by the immune system. However creating a brand new virus such as SARS-Cov-2 is a whole different ballgame. We can tweak the human brain to cure certain illnesses but that doesn't mean we can create a new brain.
You are denying Gain of Function testing PERIOD. They were doing that in Wuhan by combining viruses looking for Gain in the virus. ECO Health Alliance created via their own documents viruses 10 times more potent in their research there by combining viruses.

This is nothing new. Many say it needs to never be done. They stopped it they moved the research to Wuhan.
Used to be that way until they changed the definition on the Death Certificate. This way they can JUST ASSUME........that it's covid. Add $77,000 to hot spots for every covid patient from the Cares Act and then everything is Covid now. CHA CHING.
Wrong the last change the CDC made in the death certificate was 2003, long before Covid-19. For many years the disease or injury that initiated the chain of events that lead to death has been the cause of death. Maybe in 2003 or sometime prior they added immediate cause of death such coronary thrombosis, respiratory failure, etc. Contributing factors were also listed.
Wrong the last change the CDC made in the death certificate was 2003, long before Covid-19. For many years the disease or injury that initiated the chain of events that lead to death has been the cause of death. Maybe in 2003 or sometime prior they added immediate cause of death such coronary thrombosis, respiratory failure, etc. Contributing factors were also listed.
They changed it and used the word ASSUME

In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed.” In these instances, certifiers should use their best clinical judgement in determining if a COVID–19 infection was likely. However, please note that testing for COVID–19 should be conducted whenever possible.

In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed.” In these instances, certifiers should use their best clinical judgement in determining if a COVID–19 infection was likely. However, please note that testing for COVID–19 should be conducted whenever possible.
That was the guidance used in early March and April 2020 because there was not sufficient data on covid deaths for physicians to accurately list cause of death so the CDC accepted the judgement of the attending physician. Those death certificates were marked provisional. That ended in May 2020. As I recall the US Dept of Health and Human Services spent most the year correcting those provisional causes of death. The final correction actually increased the number dead from Covid-19.
That was the guidance used in early March and April 2020 because there was not sufficient data on covid deaths for physicians to accurately list cause of death so the CDC accepted the judgement of the attending physician. Those death certificates were marked provisional. That ended in May 2020. As I recall the US Dept of Health and Human Services spent most the year correcting those provisional causes of death. The final correction actually increased the number dead from Covid-19.
I posted that exact link already. PRESUME...........that is a BS new CAUSE of Death. And when you add $77000 a person who enters your hospital if a hot spot...........EVERYONE HAS COVID.
Presume was the official word not assume. So Sue me.

Hope they win.
The CDC report issued in April 2020 stated that death certificate were being marked probable Covid-19. That ended in May 2020 These causes of death were treated as provisional and were corrected to get a more accurate total by Health and Human Services in late 2020. The correction actually increased the Covid death total; that is, the doctors under reported covid-19 cases.
Like about 80% of all Covid deaths he had underlying conditions. Having those underlying conditions does not mean that the person's cause of death were the underlying conditions. By definition, the Cause of death is the disease or injury that initiated the chain of events that lead to the death. In this case it was Covid-19. In other words the person would not have died had he not been infected with Covid-19.

The mans death is only attributed to thr moronic virus in media reports.

Look in the fine print and it is not the cause of death.
You talk about creating viruses with specific characteristics like you create apple or blueberry pies. Creating a new virus is not easy. Developing a new virus, let alone one capable of effectively infecting people, would take an extremely large teams of scientists working many years and would require a lot of funding.

Viruses are complex agents that reproduce inside cells of their hosts. Even after scientists study them carefully in a lab, they will know very little about how these viruses will behave once they enter the full human organism. Developing a completely new virus, or a strain of a virus, that could successfully spread among human populations is perhaps possible, but would take a huge effort and still a lot of luck.

Assuming this new dangerous virus could be create, keeping it secret would be nearly impossible for two reasons. No one country has the scientific talent. It would have to be a cooperative effort of scientists from different of countries. Second, a new man made virus could be easily detected because a man made virus would have many tell tale signs that you do not find in nature.

So for at the least the near future, creation of deadly viruses to be used as a weapon will remain the subject of conspiracy theories, novels, and movies.

If you don't get the Magic Marxist Jab The Megatron Variant will Annihilate You!

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