Omicron, this is BIG

If you don't get vaccinated, Megatron will kill you!
I see. So getting the flu shot and the polio vaccine and the HPV vaccine and the MMR vaccine mean I'm some kind of bootlicker.


Just how deep does your tard go?!?
Heard he wore a seatbelt once... bootlicker that day...

This is after it has been here just three weeks... It kills, how much has still to be determined... We don't know if it is worse or better yet....

They died of other causes. Omicron has no deaths attributed to it.

These are people who died of some other cause, that just happened to have omicron as well.
No, the pathology is that he's correct: vaccines do not induce variants. They do, however, induce mutations.
That end up as variants! It’s like bugs and insecticide. The insects mutate away from their previous dna to fight the insecticide and why you can’t rid insects. Let the omnicron infect and don’t try to stop it it dies
No doubt if we all got tested for every virus we would ALL be positive. Just gotta think a little instead of giving into fearful political agendas
Along that line, I’m still not 100% sold on these test kits being accurate. I haven’t read anything for about a year about bad test batches detected, but I would imagine that’s still going on or maybe I’m using my imagination too much since I lack proof. It was widely reported early 2020 that batches of bad tests were recalled after numerous false positives. They determined these faulty testing devices were picking up old strains of covid viruses still in the system? It’s really hard to believe the data completely knowing these particulars.
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Along that line, I’m still not 100% sold on these test kits being accurate. I haven’t read anything for about a year about bad test patches, but I would imagine that’s still going on, but maybe I’m using my imagination too much there since I lack proof. It was widely reported early 2020 that batches of bad tests were recalled after numerous false positives. They determined these faulty testing devices were picking up old strains of covid viruses still in the system? It’s really hard to believe the data completely knowing these particulars.
Anyone testing are sheep
Link to your first statement please...

Anyone testing are sheep
Considering the numbers of medical facilities that were found to be conflating the covid death numbers by error and on purpose for economic gain, I don’t believe that ever went away. The facilities likely learned about covering their tracks better. Without question there are unscrupulous business owners/administrators who wouldn’t blink an eye at falsifying their records; most don’t but that still leaves room for many abuses across the country.

Good grief, the stringent focus on profit rules healthcare. Disgruntled citizens will continue to grow in numbers and fight for better. It’s going to come to the point where we will be forced to act and that is unfortunately what it takes most often, a “final straw”.
As Pfzier, Moderna, and the CDC have said the vaccines provides good protection against death and serious infections requiring hospitalization. They can not protect you from being infected. That protection must come from masks, social distancing, etc. According to CDC , the unvaccinated are 20 times more likely to die from COVID-19 and related complications than those who were fully vaccinated and boosted. The data also showed that unvaccinated people were 13 times more likely to test positive for COVID-19 than people who were not fully vaccinated.

Although, you can transmit the virus if vaccinated, the viral load will be significantly lower than the unvaccinated. Researchers estimate the viral load expelled by infected unvaccinated are 5 to 20 times greater than the infected fully vaccinated.

The data also showed that unvaccinated people were 13 times more likely to test positive for COVID-19 than people who were not fully vaccinated.

I know lots of people who got COVID and were out for about a week.
They were all in their 60s and younger and had no pre-existing medical conditions.
Considering the numbers of medical facilities that were found to be conflating the covid death numbers by error and on purpose for economic gain, I don’t believe that ever went away. The facilities likely learned about covering their tracks better. Without question there are unscrupulous business owners/administrators who wouldn’t blink an eye at falsifying their records; most don’t but that still leaves room for many abuses across the country.

Good grief, the stringent focus on profit rules healthcare. Disgruntled citizens will continue to grow in numbers and fight for better. It’s going to come to the point where we will be forced to act and that is unfortunately what it takes most often, a “final straw”.
well this is a democratic republic, not a monarchy. king xiden has his penguins.
The Haiti Cholera mutations of 2013 appeared to make the disease more like the virulent 1800s cholera.

Haiti Cholera Mutations Could Lead to More Severe Disease​

Strain is evolving to be more like virulent 1800s cholera
April 16, 2013 | By Marla Paul
CHICAGO --- The cholera strain that transferred to Haiti in 2010 has multiple toxin gene mutations that may account for the severity of disease and is evolving to be more like an 1800s version of cholera, reports a new Northwestern Medicine study.
The strain, “altered El Tor,” which emerged around 2000, is known to be more virulent and to cause more severe diarrhea and dehydration than earlier strains that had been circulating since the 1960s. This study reports the altered El Tor strain has acquired two additional signature mutations during the past decade that may further increase virulence.
In addition, these newly discovered signature mutations documented in the study further link the Haitian cholera epidemic to the strain from Nepal.

That is very interesting! First real evidence I've read that cholera is worsening; the 1900 El Tor strain basically saved the world (still has a high death rate in Africa and wherever medical treatment is not modern, but otherwise only a few percent, if treatment is fast). Well, that's just wonderful. :icon_cry: So Haiti is incubating it. So many severe diseases come through Haiti! AIDS came in that way, homosexual tourism from the U.S.
They really are! Basic logic is lost to them
They gleefully await “worst case” becoming “most frequent” so that Americans can be crippled just as lib loons are emotionally crippled. As useless as them is their goal
I watched the first 10 minutes of ABC News today, and David Muir and the crew said the word omicron at least 25 times while trying to scare the shit out of everyone.
My Condolences. I'm sure watching them was torture. I suggest water boarding yourself to make you forget about it. Good luck.

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