Omicron, this is BIG

That end up as variants! It’s like bugs and insecticide. The insects mutate away from their previous dna to fight the insecticide and why you can’t rid insects. Let the omnicron infect and don’t try to stop it it dies

What we have now is Delta and Omicron joining forces and people who get sick have double COVID.

It came from Deltron variant.
I like to hit myself in the head with a hammer because it feels so good when I stop.
I like to nunchuck myself in the nuts when I'm watching CNN.
Anyone testing are sheep
Let's create a disease that everyone already has. That is what they did. Coronavirus is a common virus that at any time any person can have. So you create a more dangerous version of it to alarm the public and then you claim it is a pandemic when these piss poor test throw out positives.

You kill 0.0018% of the population which is barely worth reporting and then you treat it as if it is the Apocalypse, then take control of well, just about everything under the guise of "we are all in this together."
Let's create a disease that everyone already has. That is what they did. Coronavirus is a common virus that at any time any person can have. So you create a more dangerous version of it to alarm the public and then you claim it is a pandemic when these piss poor test throw out positives.

You kill 0.0018% of the population which is barely worth reporting and then you treat it as if it is the Apocalypse, then take control of well, just about everything under the guise of "we are all in this together."
Exactly, coronavirus has been around since mankind existed. To think they can eliminate it today shows their insanity.
Step aside Trump, Omicron is the big news now. Mentioned 23 times here YAHOO!

Trump is mentioned just 18 times, he's a bad man, but just not to the level of Omicron today.

Biden is mentioned just three times, which are all about the disease that you need many shots for. Better watch out, better not cry, you need this shot I'm telling you why. It's a Biden Christmas, and COVID is the gift that keeps on giving.

Orange virus bad.
Lesh is unleashed. The Dachshund is out in heat and only a Dobermann will do.

Exactly, coronavirus has been around since mankind existed. To think they can eliminate it today shows their insanity.
Or their Delusion:

2nd Thessalonians

9 The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, 10 and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. 11 For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie!
Let's create a disease that everyone already has. That is what they did. Coronavirus is a common virus that at any time any person can have. So you create a more dangerous version of it to alarm the public and then you claim it is a pandemic when these piss poor test throw out positives.

You kill 0.0018% of the population which is barely worth reporting and then you treat it as if it is the Apocalypse, then take control of well, just about everything under the guise of "we are all in this together."
Yes. We have succumbed to the emotional fear of POSITiVE versus the fact of what the results are
America of the 30’s-70s would have banded together in courage and knocked this thing off 10 months ago. But for the virtue signaling pussies of today The Most Important thing is to show how concerned you are about others even though you are “protecting” them from Nothing More than a positive reading maybe.
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Yes. We have succumbed to the emotional fear of POSITiVE versus the fact of what the results are
America of the 30’s-70s would have banded together in courage and knocked this thing off 10 months ago. But for the virtue signaling pussies of today thing The Most Important thing is to show how concerned you are about others even though you are “protecting” them from Nothing More than a positive reading maybe.
There is no concern for others. That is a complete lie by The 666 DemNazi Globalists. If you don't go with "the program" they want you to lose your job, your home, go penniless and homeless, be denied healthcare, government services, and they want you to just die, and think they are doing God a service if you die, go to prison or get killed because you disagree with them.

This is all about Agenda, specifically Sustained Development, Agenda 2030, Global Warming (Earth Worship) Cult.
Yes. We have succumbed to the emotional fear of POSITiVE versus the fact of what the results are
America of the 30’s-70s would have banded together in courage and knocked this thing off 10 months ago. But for the virtue signaling pussies of today thing The Most Important thing is to show how concerned you are about others even though you are “protecting” them from Nothing More than a positive reading maybe.
Weather, still doesn't hold water their nonsense. If they are vaccinated and vaccinated can distribute the virus, why the fk do they care at all how sick I get if I did get it? So fking what? hey vaccinated fks, your vaccinated, and I don't want your analysis of me and my freedom, so please shut the fk up.
Conmecron still hoaxing with “worst case” still fakely presented as “most likely”
A lot of this is participation trophy mentality -not being able to separate the winners (the well) from the losers ( the unwell) instead it’s a gibberish of “all in it together”
Emotional sap from emoters who won’t think and won’t see that POSITIVe is Not the issue. The issue is what effect it has and the effect is minuscule. Positive is Not sick.
Europe is locking down for Christmas, they have been good on these things...

The big fears in these countries is that there health systems could be overrun...

Hopefully Omnicron turns out to be milder but it is madness to be banking on that when we figure it to be 4-5 times more infective..
Even though the vast majority of cases are mild, the shear number of infections is likely to cause a hospital crises across the country.

Three factors that together pose a threat to our healthcare system are the delta variant + omicron variant + the flu. The flu which has been mostly dormant since March 2020 due to preventive measures such as masks and social distancing has made a come back. Hospitalizations of the flu will be significant this winter.
Even though the vast majority of cases are mild, the shear number of infections is likely to cause a hospital crises across the country.

Three factors that together pose a threat to our healthcare system are the delta variant + omicron variant + the flu. The flu which has been mostly dormant since March 2020 due to preventive measures such as masks and social distancing has made a come back. Hospitalizations of the flu will be significant this winter.
Demofks are the biggest threat to my country
Sure they are! They try an adapt to what they are exposed to, and mutate. Fk dude, learn something
All though viruses adapt to their hosts by evading defense mechanisms and taking over cellular metabolism for their own benefit, that does not mean there is any adaption in replication which produces mutations. Mutations are randomly produced due to errors in the replication process.
They died of other causes. Omicron has no deaths attributed to it.

These are people who died of some other cause, that just happened to have omicron as well.
The first omicron death was just reported, an unvaccinated man in Texas. The average time from first symptoms to death is 18.5 days. It will take about two weeks to see just how deadly Omicron is.

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