On Becoming Part Of The 1%

But you also imply that the system isn't rigged to limit the number of people who become successful. It is rigged. If you don't think so, take a look at "too big to fail". There's no such thing as "too small to fail" is there? None of you are "too big to fail" so why would you defend such a terrible mentality? For all your hard work and savings, you're a bunch of chumps acting as a buffer between the billions of impoverished workers and the handful of billionaire "job creators" who aren't creating any jobs.

Do you Conservatives understand that 49 million Americans cannot afford food every week? And you're sitting there saying, "All they need to do is get a job and save their money." The problem you don't take into consideration is that millions of those poor workers already have jobs that don't pay shit in this system, and that's why multi-billion dollar companies keep breaking record profits.

You're right, I don't understand. I've been employed since I was 13 and I've never worked for as low as minimum wage, NOT EVEN AT 13. How "rigged" is it that I, as a 13 year old, could negotiate a salary above minimum wage?

By the way, I didn't say "All they need to do is get a job and save their money." Don't put words in my mouth, don't falsely create an argument for you to defend and apply it to me. That's a bullshit tactic, you should be ashamed for attempting it.
You should be ashamed for actually suggesting that people working full time at minimum wage jobs who still can't afford food each week should just wisely invest their meager paychecks and live like kings. Do you understand that people who don't have enough money to buy food also don't have enough money to buy stocks? Do you expect them to starve to death while they're waiting for their returns?
Holy shit, do you realize that I am not the only person replying to this thread?
You have once again claimed that I said or insinuated something that I haven't said or insinuated. It's almost as if you are living in some sort of alternate reality.

What I actually said was that I've never worked for minimum wage, not even at age 13. By the way, neither of my children have ever worked for minimum wage either and they both entered the work force at age 16.
But if you want a suggestion, I suggest this,
people that don't want a minimum wage job should work their ass off to find a job that pays better than that.
But you also imply that the system isn't rigged to limit the number of people who become successful. It is rigged. If you don't think so, take a look at "too big to fail". There's no such thing as "too small to fail" is there? None of you are "too big to fail" so why would you defend such a terrible mentality? For all your hard work and savings, you're a bunch of chumps acting as a buffer between the billions of impoverished workers and the handful of billionaire "job creators" who aren't creating any jobs.

Do you Conservatives understand that 49 million Americans cannot afford food every week? And you're sitting there saying, "All they need to do is get a job and save their money." The problem you don't take into consideration is that millions of those poor workers already have jobs that don't pay shit in this system, and that's why multi-billion dollar companies keep breaking record profits.

You're right, I don't understand. I've been employed since I was 13 and I've never worked for as low as minimum wage, NOT EVEN AT 13. How "rigged" is it that I, as a 13 year old, could negotiate a salary above minimum wage?

By the way, I didn't say "All they need to do is get a job and save their money." Don't put words in my mouth, don't falsely create an argument for you to defend and apply it to me. That's a bullshit tactic, you should be ashamed for attempting it.
You should be ashamed for actually suggesting that people working full time at minimum wage jobs who still can't afford food each week should just wisely invest their meager paychecks and live like kings. Do you understand that people who don't have enough money to buy food also don't have enough money to buy stocks? Do you expect them to starve to death while they're waiting for their returns?

It's called making sacrifices. I will go out on a limb here and say their priorities are screwed up

You're right, I don't understand. I've been employed since I was 13 and I've never worked for as low as minimum wage, NOT EVEN AT 13. How "rigged" is it that I, as a 13 year old, could negotiate a salary above minimum wage?

By the way, I didn't say "All they need to do is get a job and save their money." Don't put words in my mouth, don't falsely create an argument for you to defend and apply it to me. That's a bullshit tactic, you should be ashamed for attempting it.
You should be ashamed for actually suggesting that people working full time at minimum wage jobs who still can't afford food each week should just wisely invest their meager paychecks and live like kings. Do you understand that people who don't have enough money to buy food also don't have enough money to buy stocks? Do you expect them to starve to death while they're waiting for their returns?

It's called making sacrifices. I will go out on a limb here and say their priorities are screwed up

Making sacrifices? How many bankers or billionaires made any sacrifices after crippling the global economy? The CEOs got bonuses from public bailout money. How much of a sacrifice was that? But poor people who are already struggling to buy food (one of the most basic necessities for survival) should just stop spending all of their money on food. People have already made sacrifices and you're still punishing them for being poor while giving bankers a pass even though bankers admitted to funding terrorism against America.

How can you can accuse anyone else of having screwed up priorities?
You're right, I don't understand. I've been employed since I was 13 and I've never worked for as low as minimum wage, NOT EVEN AT 13. How "rigged" is it that I, as a 13 year old, could negotiate a salary above minimum wage?

By the way, I didn't say "All they need to do is get a job and save their money." Don't put words in my mouth, don't falsely create an argument for you to defend and apply it to me. That's a bullshit tactic, you should be ashamed for attempting it.
You should be ashamed for actually suggesting that people working full time at minimum wage jobs who still can't afford food each week should just wisely invest their meager paychecks and live like kings. Do you understand that people who don't have enough money to buy food also don't have enough money to buy stocks? Do you expect them to starve to death while they're waiting for their returns?
Holy shit, do you realize that I am not the only person replying to this thread?
You have once again claimed that I said or insinuated something that I haven't said or insinuated. It's almost as if you are living in some sort of alternate reality.

What I actually said was that I've never worked for minimum wage, not even at age 13. By the way, neither of my children have ever worked for minimum wage either and they both entered the work force at age 16.
But if you want a suggestion, I suggest this,
people that don't want a minimum wage job should work their ass off to find a job that pays better than that.
And when wealthy job creators send all of the production to Asia where they don't have to pay people a real wage, what are Americans supposed to do for work? Go back to college? Student loan debt now outweighs credit card debt, so people are going back to school and still not finding work even if they graduate. What other brilliant plans do you want to propose? Join the military? Wisely invest the money that they don't have because they're thousands of dollars in debt? Food banks are already struggling and you want to cut poor people's food stamps because "private charities will pick up the slack."

Everything that Conservatives believe is wrong.
You should be ashamed for actually suggesting that people working full time at minimum wage jobs who still can't afford food each week should just wisely invest their meager paychecks and live like kings. Do you understand that people who don't have enough money to buy food also don't have enough money to buy stocks? Do you expect them to starve to death while they're waiting for their returns?

It's called making sacrifices. I will go out on a limb here and say their priorities are screwed up

Making sacrifices? How many bankers or billionaires made any sacrifices after crippling the global economy? The CEOs got bonuses from public bailout money. How much of a sacrifice was that? But poor people who are already struggling to buy food (one of the most basic necessities for survival) should just stop spending all of their money on food. People have already made sacrifices and you're still punishing them for being poor while giving bankers a pass even though bankers admitted to funding terrorism against America.

How can you can accuse anyone else of having screwed up priorities?

They, the financial elite, have made sacrifices to reach that level. Not all are born into wealth. Regardless, someone made sacrifices

You should be ashamed for actually suggesting that people working full time at minimum wage jobs who still can't afford food each week should just wisely invest their meager paychecks and live like kings. Do you understand that people who don't have enough money to buy food also don't have enough money to buy stocks? Do you expect them to starve to death while they're waiting for their returns?

It's called making sacrifices. I will go out on a limb here and say their priorities are screwed up

Making sacrifices? How many bankers or billionaires made any sacrifices after crippling the global economy? The CEOs got bonuses from public bailout money. How much of a sacrifice was that? But poor people who are already struggling to buy food (one of the most basic necessities for survival) should just stop spending all of their money on food. People have already made sacrifices and you're still punishing them for being poor while giving bankers a pass even though bankers admitted to funding terrorism against America.

How can you can accuse anyone else of having screwed up priorities?

Because YOU are responsible for your well being. Not me or the government or the CEO of Kroger. The key to saving is taking a small percentage of your earnings and invest it. You have to start somewhere. It takes discipline and and eye for the future, not only today

It's called making sacrifices. I will go out on a limb here and say their priorities are screwed up

Making sacrifices? How many bankers or billionaires made any sacrifices after crippling the global economy? The CEOs got bonuses from public bailout money. How much of a sacrifice was that? But poor people who are already struggling to buy food (one of the most basic necessities for survival) should just stop spending all of their money on food. People have already made sacrifices and you're still punishing them for being poor while giving bankers a pass even though bankers admitted to funding terrorism against America.

How can you can accuse anyone else of having screwed up priorities?

Because YOU are responsible for your well being. Not me or the government or the CEO of Kroger. The key to saving is taking a small percentage of your earnings and invest it. You have to start somewhere. It takes discipline and and eye for the future, not only today

And YOU don't know shit about what is going on in the world. When are job creators going to create all of those jobs that we keep hearing about? There are trillions of dollars in cash sitting in untaxed bank vaults that could be trickling down through higher wages, but it's not. Trillions of dollars, just sitting there, not fueling the economy. You want to blame poor people for not having any money when rich people have made 95% of the financial gains since Obama took office. You don't know shit about what is going in the world.
Making sacrifices? How many bankers or billionaires made any sacrifices after crippling the global economy? The CEOs got bonuses from public bailout money. How much of a sacrifice was that? But poor people who are already struggling to buy food (one of the most basic necessities for survival) should just stop spending all of their money on food. People have already made sacrifices and you're still punishing them for being poor while giving bankers a pass even though bankers admitted to funding terrorism against America.

How can you can accuse anyone else of having screwed up priorities?

Because YOU are responsible for your well being. Not me or the government or the CEO of Kroger. The key to saving is taking a small percentage of your earnings and invest it. You have to start somewhere. It takes discipline and and eye for the future, not only today

And YOU don't know shit about what is going on in the world. When are job creators going to create all of those jobs that we keep hearing about? There are trillions of dollars in cash sitting in untaxed bank vaults that could be trickling down through higher wages, but it's not. Trillions of dollars, just sitting there, not fueling the economy. You want to blame poor people for not having any money when rich people have made 95% of the financial gains since Obama took office. You don't know shit about what is going in the world.

Excuse me but what do you think banks do with the money they hold for others?

They invest it, they loan it out. They don't leave it stuffed into a mattress

They, the financial elite, have made sacrifices to reach that level. Not all are born into wealth. Regardless, someone made sacrifices


By "made sacrifices" you mean "cheated the people who did the actual work out of their fair share of the proceeds".

Sorry, guy, the 1% that control 43% of the wealth DID NOT do 43% of the physical labor.

They, the financial elite, have made sacrifices to reach that level. Not all are born into wealth. Regardless, someone made sacrifices


By "made sacrifices" you mean "cheated the people who did the actual work out of their fair share of the proceeds".

Sorry, guy, the 1% that control 43% of the wealth DID NOT do 43% of the physical labor.

That argument doesn't fly and never did.

People sell their labor for a negotiated price it is the very definition of fair.

If you don't like the price someone is willing to pay for what you're selling you do not have to sell it to them do you?
Who made sacrifices and what sacrifices did they make?

Perfect.. You have a homework assignment.

Keep it double spaced


They truly, honestly don't get this part. I think he's being honest.

I'm telling ya, it's cultural now. We've passed the tipping point.


Yup, we are past the point where we stop accepting the claims of Plutocratic Parasites that they are a vital organ.

Much like a French Nobleman on his way to the Guillotine, the 1%ers are just clueless of how sick we are of their shit.

They, the financial elite, have made sacrifices to reach that level. Not all are born into wealth. Regardless, someone made sacrifices


By "made sacrifices" you mean "cheated the people who did the actual work out of their fair share of the proceeds".

Sorry, guy, the 1% that control 43% of the wealth DID NOT do 43% of the physical labor.

That argument doesn't fly and never did.

People sell their labor for a negotiated price it is the very definition of fair.

If you don't like the price someone is willing to pay for what you're selling you do not have to sell it to them do you?

So, if we elect Obama and raise the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour and tax the wealthy at a rate of 93% (which actually, is what would be the case if we had kept economic conditions under that Commie Eisenhower), then we've effectively "renegotiated" the price, haven't we?

The one thing a Plutocrat hates.- A Fair Fight.

They, the financial elite, have made sacrifices to reach that level. Not all are born into wealth. Regardless, someone made sacrifices


By "made sacrifices" you mean "cheated the people who did the actual work out of their fair share of the proceeds".

Sorry, guy, the 1% that control 43% of the wealth DID NOT do 43% of the physical labor.

That argument doesn't fly and never did.

People sell their labor for a negotiated price it is the very definition of fair.

If you don't like the price someone is willing to pay for what you're selling you do not have to sell it to them do you?
Minimum wage is a "negotiated" price? Who negotiated to let inflation rise above the minimum wage? It certainly wasn't minimum wage workers.
liberals are simply morons. take joeb131 for example; wants tax rates on the highest brackets to remain at levels used to fund WWII.
if that was the case why didnt the Left propose that in the 4 years Dems held both chambers of Congress?

go for it dimwit!
By "made sacrifices" you mean "cheated the people who did the actual work out of their fair share of the proceeds".

Sorry, guy, the 1% that control 43% of the wealth DID NOT do 43% of the physical labor.

That argument doesn't fly and never did.

People sell their labor for a negotiated price it is the very definition of fair.

If you don't like the price someone is willing to pay for what you're selling you do not have to sell it to them do you?
Minimum wage is a "negotiated" price? Who negotiated to let inflation rise above the minimum wage? It certainly wasn't minimum wage workers.

obama says there is no inflation you dolt; thats why seniors didnt even get a COLA for 3 years

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