On Becoming Part Of The 1%

Perfect.. You have a homework assignment.

Keep it double spaced


They truly, honestly don't get this part. I think he's being honest.

I'm telling ya, it's cultural now. We've passed the tipping point.


Yup, we are past the point where we stop accepting the claims of Plutocratic Parasites that they are a vital organ.

Much like a French Nobleman on his way to the Guillotine, the 1%ers are just clueless of how sick we are of their shit.

You're right Joe. "Workers of the World Unite", I believe that's the phrase from the history books.

Hopefully you'll be a gracious winner. I doubt it, but you never know.

raising the minimum wage is going to kill jobs; it's just that simple.

but you have idiot leftardz here that pretend their policies and agenda isnt costing jobs; wo why should they start being honest with themselves now?
Making sacrifices? How many bankers or billionaires made any sacrifices after crippling the global economy? The CEOs got bonuses from public bailout money. How much of a sacrifice was that? But poor people who are already struggling to buy food (one of the most basic necessities for survival) should just stop spending all of their money on food. People have already made sacrifices and you're still punishing them for being poor while giving bankers a pass even though bankers admitted to funding terrorism against America.

How can you can accuse anyone else of having screwed up priorities?

Because YOU are responsible for your well being. Not me or the government or the CEO of Kroger. The key to saving is taking a small percentage of your earnings and invest it. You have to start somewhere. It takes discipline and and eye for the future, not only today

And YOU don't know shit about what is going on in the world. When are job creators going to create all of those jobs that we keep hearing about? There are trillions of dollars in cash sitting in untaxed bank vaults that could be trickling down through higher wages, but it's not. Trillions of dollars, just sitting there, not fueling the economy. You want to blame poor people for not having any money when rich people have made 95% of the financial gains since Obama took office. You don't know shit about what is going in the world.

Of course I do.. And that's what radical leftist loons don't understand. We are watching and see what you're doing here.

Job creators will create jobs when Obama gives them incentive to do so. So far, Obama has not concerned himself with those evil 1%ers.

So Obama and the left blamed the CEO's for flying around in big jets etc, and going to Las Vegas and all...but now you leftist have your hands held out to the same CEO's to save the day. You are wanting the companies to do what you voted against.

Create profit

Who negotiated to let inflation rise faster than the minimum wage?
By "made sacrifices" you mean "cheated the people who did the actual work out of their fair share of the proceeds".

Sorry, guy, the 1% that control 43% of the wealth DID NOT do 43% of the physical labor.

That argument doesn't fly and never did.

People sell their labor for a negotiated price it is the very definition of fair.

If you don't like the price someone is willing to pay for what you're selling you do not have to sell it to them do you?

So, if we elect Obama and raise the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour and tax the wealthy at a rate of 93% (which actually, is what would be the case if we had kept economic conditions under that Commie Eisenhower), then we've effectively "renegotiated" the price, haven't we?

The one thing a Plutocrat hates.- A Fair Fight.

Last time I checked Obama had been elected he doesn't want a $15 min wage and he doesn't want a 93% tax bracket.

You people don't understand the definition of the word fair.

If you apply for a job and you ask for X salary the person offering the job counters and offers you Y salary and you accept then that is a fairly negotiated wage is it not?

It isn't rocket science.
raising the minimum wage is going to kill jobs; it's just that simple.

but you have idiot leftardz here that pretend their policies and agenda isnt costing jobs; wo why should they start being honest with themselves now?

How will raising the minimum wage kill jobs?
Who negotiated to let inflation rise faster than the minimum wage?

who prints the money?
Minimum wage workers, obviously, right? That's why they have so much money and power in America.

No idiot the government. The same people you want to come and save you.

And BTW less than 3% of the workforce earns minimum wage. It's not as big of a deal as you think (if you think at all that is)
Good lord what tools some of you are.

We just saw the largest transfer of working people's wealth to the BANKSTERS that has ever occurred.
Yeah it was called TARP.

You clearly have NOT been informed about the real WELFARE programs of teh 2007-2008 meltdown

Read a book and educate yourself.

BARONs suggested the WELFARE given to the too big to fail banks amounted to $14 TRILLION bucks.

Nobody REALLY knows because much of the help is SECRET.

NONE of that help to the banks was actually legal, BTW.

But the FED is above the law, so....

They, the financial elite, have made sacrifices to reach that level. Not all are born into wealth. Regardless, someone made sacrifices


By "made sacrifices" you mean "cheated the people who did the actual work out of their fair share of the proceeds".

Sorry, guy, the 1% that control 43% of the wealth DID NOT do 43% of the physical labor.

That argument doesn't fly and never did.

People sell their labor for a negotiated price it is the very definition of fair.

If you don't like the price someone is willing to pay for what you're selling you do not have to sell it to them do you?

What a fucking joker you are. SO, if the welfare recipient finally finds a job, and finds out he can't prosper on the wages offered, and can't get the employer to pay him more, this person should just stay on welfare. Because the welfare recipient shouldn't have to sell their labor to cheap. Right?

Is that what you are saying? Brilliant.

This from the same guy who saw two bikers waiting to ambush someone and you decided to just walk on by them. You know, not getting ambushed means looking out for the ambush itself.
liberals are simply morons. take joeb131 for example; wants tax rates on the highest brackets to remain at levels used to fund WWII.
if that was the case why didnt the Left propose that in the 4 years Dems held both chambers of Congress?

go for it dimwit!

We enjoyed our greatest prosperity when they were at those rates.

And when JFK suggested reducing them from 93% to 70%, REPUBLICANS said he was being irresponsible.

That's when Republicans were a responsible governing party.
The left owns the rise of the elite. They were all for the bailouts.....

We should of let them all fail like Obama

They truly, honestly don't get this part. I think he's being honest.

I'm telling ya, it's cultural now. We've passed the tipping point.


Yup, we are past the point where we stop accepting the claims of Plutocratic Parasites that they are a vital organ.

Much like a French Nobleman on his way to the Guillotine, the 1%ers are just clueless of how sick we are of their shit.

You're right Joe. "Workers of the World Unite", I believe that's the phrase from the history books.

Hopefully you'll be a gracious winner. I doubt it, but you never know.


Well, here's what I consider gracious. I won't inflict pain on people for the fun of it or to personally benefit myself.

That will already put me a step above the plutocrats.
The left owns the rise of the elite. They were all for the bailouts.....

We should of let them all fail like Obama


More along the lines of, the Plutocrats said, "Hey, if we don't keep our bailots, the whole economy is going to collapse!"

And the left went along with it.

They probably should have insisted on prosecutions for the 1%ers, but let's be honest, Democrats are wimps.

Last time I checked Obama had been elected he doesn't want a $15 min wage and he doesn't want a 93% tax bracket.

You people don't understand the definition of the word fair.

If you apply for a job and you ask for X salary the person offering the job counters and offers you Y salary and you accept then that is a fairly negotiated wage is it not?

It isn't rocket science.

Well, no, Fair is full disclosure.

I'm not allowed to tell my co-workers what I make and they aren't allowed to tell me what they make. They also keep the salaries of the executives largely secret.

Now, admittably, if my boss 12 years ago had said, 'Well, we are going to hire you at this rate, but if you get sick, we are going to find a bullshit reason to fire you rather than pay out insurance claims", that would have been a fair negotiation. I also would have run screaming from that place in a serpentine pattern.

Frankly, never worked for an employer who didn't bald-face lie to me at every oppurtunity, and I don't even expect them to tell me the truth anymore.
who prints the money?
Minimum wage workers, obviously, right? That's why they have so much money and power in America.

No idiot the government. The same people you want to come and save you.

And BTW less than 3% of the workforce earns minimum wage. It's not as big of a deal as you think (if you think at all that is)
Do you see what you do there? You try to diminish the problem by saying "Less than 3% of the workforce earns minimum wage" instead of using the real number, 3.55 million working Americans. So you're attitude is basically, "Fuck those millions of poor people if they can't afford food with the only jobs that are available to them." Meanwhile, billionaire job creators aren't creating any jobs with their billions of dollars.

Perhaps surprisingly, not very many people earn minimum wage, and they make up a smaller share of the workforce than they used to. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, last year 1.566 million hourly workers earned the federal minimum of $7.25 an hour; nearly two million more earned less than that because they fell under one of several exemptions (tipped employees, full-time students, certain disabled workers and others), for a total of 3.55 million hourly workers at or below the federal minimum.

That group represents 4.7% of the nation’s 75.3 million hourly-paid workers and 2.8% of all workers. In 1979, when the BLS began regularly studying minimum-wage workers, they represented 13.4% of hourly workers and 7.9% of all wage and salary workers. (Bear in mind that the 3.55 million figure doesn’t include salaried workers. But BLS says relatively few salaried workers are paid at what would translate into below-minimum hourly rates. Also, 19 states besides the District have minimum wages higher than the federal standard; people who’d be minimum-wage workers in those states aren’t included in the 3.55 million total.)

People at or below the federal minimum are:

Disproportionately young: 50.6% are ages 16 to 24; 24% are teenagers (ages 16 to 19).
Mostly (78%) white; fully half are white women.
Largely part-time workers (64% of the total).
Who makes minimum wage? | Pew Research Center
you poor moron KNB. the government isnt subsidizizing minimum wage workers; it's the other way around. if they didnt have the job ALL of their needs would have to be met by the government

oh and leftard; minimum wage jobs were never meant to be a way of life; just a step up the ladder

dont blame others for the failure of progressives to create an environment of job growth; this is the 8th straight year of Progressive majority Rule
raising the minimum wage is going to kill jobs; it's just that simple.

but you have idiot leftardz here that pretend their policies and agenda isnt costing jobs; wo why should they start being honest with themselves now?

How will raising the minimum wage kill jobs?

employers will make do with less people; giving more hours to less people

gosh ur stupid
liberals are simply morons. take joeb131 for example; wants tax rates on the highest brackets to remain at levels used to fund WWII.
if that was the case why didnt the Left propose that in the 4 years Dems held both chambers of Congress?

go for it dimwit!

We enjoyed our greatest prosperity when they were at those rates.

And when JFK suggested reducing them from 93% to 70%, REPUBLICANS said he was being irresponsible.

That's when Republicans were a responsible governing party.

we didnt enjoy our greatest prosperity BECAUSE of those rates though you mental middget..
ur a joke; a loser who lies to himself and distorts tings.

there are literally hundreds; maybe thousands of factors why those days were those days and that kind of American hegemony cant be repeated

what a tool you are

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