On Becoming Part Of The 1%


Miss enough work and you get fired. Again not rocket science.

Guy, in six years I took all of 11 sick days.

8 of them for major surgery.
so you say.

The problem, as I've explained to you several times, is that Cigna didn't want to pay the bills. So they encouraged this company to let people go once they ran up too many medical bills.

So you say

Now, I've explained this to you several times, and you keep not wanting to get it.

Don't believe you

I guess because it shatters your illusion of beneficient employers being abused by mean old workers demanding fair treatment.

I have no opinion of employers one way or the other. I chose not to work for other people.
And no one is forcing you to work for an employer you don't like.

But here's the thing. Obama Won. The GOP will NEVER hold the presidency again unless it majorly changes its tune.

You know I never cared what puppet was in the white house and I most likely never will so you can drop the partisan schtick with me.

Your position has lost, and socialism like Europe is pretty much inevitable.

I don't really care. No matter what happens I'll be just fine.

good one moron; thanks for admitting the rich are getting RICHER FASTER under obama; than they did under Republicans.

job creators would rather grow their businesses than just sit on their cash. are you so stupid you cant understand that? did they just become "greedy" since obama got in office? do you really want to go with that? because you arent man enought to ask WHY they are sitting on their money; making record profits; instead of putting money back into their operations and expanding? i thought you left-wingers were the critical thinkers?

Hey, guy, we've cut their taxes, gave them their trade treaties and their deregulation, so where are the fucking jobs?

Okay, we did it your way. Didn't work. Let's go back to what we did after FDR, tax the fuck out of them and put the money into infrastructure and compell them to pay fair wages.

Works for me.
If you signed a contract stating that then you have nothing to botch about do you?

Guy, I didn't "sign a contract". That's the point. A contract would actually obligate them to something.

What I got was a list of company rules, which says right on the first page "THIS IS NOT A CONTRACT".

Then nothing is stopping you from telling someone else what you make.

I've seen people fired for being gay, for getting pregnant, for complaining about safety issues.
And they all have legal recourse if they were fired without cause including unemployment benefits.

One lady got fired because she put her resume on Craig's List and the company didn't like what she had to say. (even though what she said was absolutely true.)


SO here's the thing. We elect a guy like Obama, someone I'd have never voted for 20 years ago but happily did in 2012, and he changes the dynamic away from employers and back to workers...

He's not going to change anything.

And I guess the employers had nothing to botch about, as they brought it upon themselves.

Again if you don't like working for someone else then don't.
I also have to wonder what kind of troll says that he doesn't vote or believe in politics, and then posts to a political board.

Hey idiot I said I didn't vote for the presidential puppet. That does not mean I didn't vote in local, or congressional elections

good one moron; thanks for admitting the rich are getting RICHER FASTER under obama; than they did under Republicans.

job creators would rather grow their businesses than just sit on their cash. are you so stupid you cant understand that? did they just become "greedy" since obama got in office? do you really want to go with that? because you arent man enought to ask WHY they are sitting on their money; making record profits; instead of putting money back into their operations and expanding? i thought you left-wingers were the critical thinkers?

Hey, guy, we've cut their taxes, gave them their trade treaties and their deregulation, so where are the fucking jobs?

Okay, we did it your way. Didn't work. Let's go back to what we did after FDR, tax the fuck out of them and put the money into infrastructure and compell them to pay fair wages.

Works for me.

good one Einstein; you're only counting what you think you did that is positive; not counting a dozen other things that make them hesitant to expand. so typical of you self-deceiving left-wing loons
I don't really care. No matter what happens I'll be just fine.

No, guy, someone might actually check if you really merit that disability check or not.

Believe what you want and stop deluding yourself that your opinion matters to me.

Guy, you are the one following me around saying "That's not true!!!!!"

I'm occupying a bunch of space in your head rent free.


good one moron; thanks for admitting the rich are getting RICHER FASTER under obama; than they did under Republicans.

job creators would rather grow their businesses than just sit on their cash. are you so stupid you cant understand that? did they just become "greedy" since obama got in office? do you really want to go with that? because you arent man enought to ask WHY they are sitting on their money; making record profits; instead of putting money back into their operations and expanding? i thought you left-wingers were the critical thinkers?

Hey, guy, we've cut their taxes, gave them their trade treaties and their deregulation, so where are the fucking jobs?

Okay, we did it your way. Didn't work. Let's go back to what we did after FDR, tax the fuck out of them and put the money into infrastructure and compell them to pay fair wages.

Works for me.

i picutre you sitting there; and angry aging left-wing idiot; ranting bout the good old days of FDR; and pining for the revolution you never got in the 60s
I love how he stamps his little feet and says, "Hearsay".

Yup. Reality is something he doesn't like. He just doesn't understand why working folks aren't voting for their bosses to keep abusing them.

Yeah I know a guy who had this job and said something and got fired.

wrong again leftard; it's not that bringing the economy to its knees; its just that it's already struggling because of other inepr progressive policies

Well are you not the dumb fuck.

The ultra wealthy that you worship are doing great. Don't you ever read anything about how well the ultra wealthy are doing. How their wealth and income has grown. So fuck the idea that the ultra wealth is struggling.

But somehow, poor people with jobs and more money in their pockets to spend is the most terrible idea ever. Even though most of our economy is based on consumer spending, somehow having consumers with more money to spend is BAD BAD BAD.

You understand how fucking stupid that makes you sound? Probably not.

yes you mindless moron; the ultra-wealthy ARE doing better under obama than they did under Republicans. i said the ECONOMY is struggling; the DOW and rich people arent the economy you dolt. there is less volume in that record DOW than there has ben in the past; people are making money off of FOREIGN investment. back home we have the LOWEST RATE OF PARTICIPATION IN THE LABOR MARKET IN 40 YEARS, record welfare and food stamps, and record numbers of ABLE-BODIED people not even participating in the labor force. also record numbers collecting some kind of federal disability

you keep blaming your own failures on others

ur a joke

WTF are you talking about?

You are such a dishonest fuck you couldn't even address the idea that our economy is based largely on consumer spending and the idea of poorer people having more money to spend is good for the overall economy. That you are so worried about.

So tell me again, with you saying the wealthy are doing fine, tell me again why the poorest making a little more money is a bad thing.
So when do billionaire job creators start creating jobs?

95% of financial gains since 2009 have gone to the rich 1% job creators. 95% of all financial gains is a substantial amount of money. Are 95% of financial gains not enough to create higher paying jobs?

How exactly does "trickle down" economics work? Shouldn't corporations who make record profits be able to expand their businesses, hire more people with higher wages and better benefits, and thus the wealth "trickles down"? Isn't that supposed to be how it works?

So when do billionaire job creators start creating jobs?

No one has an obligation to create jobs.

So stop whining and do something about your situation.
Actually, if FOX News keeps talking about these "job creators", then yeah, those "job creators" have an obligation to create jobs. Otherwise, how can FOX News keep calling them "job creators"?

They do create jobs ... You can earn more money than you are earning now ... You have to gain the skills necessary to do the job.

I love how he stamps his little feet and says, "Hearsay".

Yup. Reality is something he doesn't like. He just doesn't understand why working folks aren't voting for their bosses to keep abusing them.

Yeah I know a guy who had this job and said something and got fired.


Happens a lot more often than you think.

And it shouldn't.
Well are you not the dumb fuck.

The ultra wealthy that you worship are doing great. Don't you ever read anything about how well the ultra wealthy are doing. How their wealth and income has grown. So fuck the idea that the ultra wealth is struggling.

But somehow, poor people with jobs and more money in their pockets to spend is the most terrible idea ever. Even though most of our economy is based on consumer spending, somehow having consumers with more money to spend is BAD BAD BAD.

You understand how fucking stupid that makes you sound? Probably not.

yes you mindless moron; the ultra-wealthy ARE doing better under obama than they did under Republicans. i said the ECONOMY is struggling; the DOW and rich people arent the economy you dolt. there is less volume in that record DOW than there has ben in the past; people are making money off of FOREIGN investment. back home we have the LOWEST RATE OF PARTICIPATION IN THE LABOR MARKET IN 40 YEARS, record welfare and food stamps, and record numbers of ABLE-BODIED people not even participating in the labor force. also record numbers collecting some kind of federal disability

you keep blaming your own failures on others

ur a joke

WTF are you talking about?

You are such a dishonest fuck you couldn't even address the idea that our economy is based largely on consumer spending and the idea of poorer people having more money to spend is good for the overall economy. That you are so worried about.

So tell me again, with you saying the wealthy are doing fine, tell me again why the poorest making a little more money is a bad thing.

It's not. They just need to sacrifice and take risk. You have to rise above the chuff. Life is not the Little League of the day where everyone gets a trophy. No, there are MVP's in America and not all have the skills required for such prestige. You want it, you have to work for it.

The old, gas, ass, or grass comes to mind

Yes, they voluntarily took the only job that was available, and were lucky enough to be hired over the 36 other applicants, so those employees should be grateful that they get shit wages and no health plan.

When people finally get a job, Republicans say, "Go get another job." When someone is working two jobs and it still isn't enough, Republicans say, "Go improve your skill set." When student loan debt reaches $1t and college graduates still can't find any work, Republicans say, "You chose the wrong major."

No matter what poor people do, Republicans will call them pathetic. And no matter what horrible things rich people do, like funding drug cartels and terrorists, Republicans will call them job creators even though record corporate profits obviously don't lower unemployment numbers.

Nice whining.

I am not a republican.

good one moron; thanks for admitting the rich are getting RICHER FASTER under obama; than they did under Republicans.

job creators would rather grow their businesses than just sit on their cash. are you so stupid you cant understand that? did they just become "greedy" since obama got in office? do you really want to go with that? because you arent man enought to ask WHY they are sitting on their money; making record profits; instead of putting money back into their operations and expanding? i thought you left-wingers were the critical thinkers?

Hey, guy, we've cut their taxes, gave them their trade treaties and their deregulation, so where are the fucking jobs?

Okay, we did it your way. Didn't work. Let's go back to what we did after FDR, tax the fuck out of them and put the money into infrastructure and compell them to pay fair wages.

Works for me.

i picutre you sitting there; and angry aging left-wing idiot; ranting bout the good old days of FDR; and pining for the revolution you never got in the 60s

Every thing Joe mentioned is true.

Why don't you talk about the Republican economic success under George Bush?

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