On behalf of a grateful nation, thank you Mr. President


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
At it's darkest hour, when this country really needed leader to generate the change that America desperately needed, you stepped up Mr. Obama and provided it in a big way. You will unquestionable go down as the man who saved America.
  • On your watch, you nearly single-handedly gave birth to the Tea Party. They in turn drained the Republican Party of scum and replaced them with true conservatives with integrity.
  • On your watch, the American people turned the House of Representatives over to conservatives.
  • On your watch, the American people turned the Senate over to conservatives.
  • On your watch, the American people turned an incredible 33 states over to conservatives - including traditionally liberal states like Michigan and Wisconsin.
  • On your watch, the despicable pathological liar Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was forced out as DNC chair. Something Americans would be powerless to do themselves.
  • On your watch, the Democrat Party is in complete and total turmoil. People are standing up in meetings and screaming at Donna Brazile. There is panic, disarray, and the realization that the American people unilaterally reject the bat-shit crazy platform and the corruption within the party.

You did more to destroy the cancer known as progressivism than even a dozen Ronald Reagan's could have done. You destroyed the Democrat Party - something we have been unable to do for over 100 years. But you did it in 8. That is producing. That is leadership.

You really did save this country. On behalf of a grateful nation, thank you Mr. President.

Thanks, Obama! You've just achieved what WE couldn't... - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com
Look at the decline in blue and the rise in red thanks to Barack Obama. On behalf of a truly grateful nation - thank you Mr. President.

Barack Obama has done more to advance conservatism than even Ronald Reagan and Milton Freidman combined.

Obama, the best republican president ever, we cant thank you enough for control of the state and fed govenrments

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