On ending racism

Fight racism, don't be racist then. Look up the latest DOJ numbers and the HUGE black on black or black crime VS the overall crime statistics. It's too bad ten black people died from bad cop shootings last year, as opposed to the last month alone blacks killed by other blacks last month. All lives matter, or none matter.
There is the same huge white on white crime. And white crime is more than anyone elses. But whites like you have excuses for it. You are a racist. You are part of the problem.
Fight racism, don't be racist then. Look up the latest DOJ numbers and the HUGE black on black or black crime VS the overall crime statistics. It's too bad ten black people died from bad cop shootings last year, as opposed to the last month alone blacks killed by other blacks last month. All lives matter, or none matter.
There is the same huge white on white crime. And white crime is more than anyone elses. But whites like you have excuses for it. You are a racist. You are part of the problem.
You are the racist here. Most racist on this entire board, even. Black males make up 6.5-7% of the population, what percentage of the crimes done do they commit?
I am trying to figure out how liberals think burning down stuff and hurting people will fix racism? Its kind of having the opposite effect. Frankly, I don't care WHO the cops shoot anymore. The BLM and J. Smollett can cry so many times, and then we get Nick Sandmann. Wolf! Wolf!
Figure out why that white kid murdered 2 people. Find out why most of the violence has been attributed to white supremacists. Figure out why those like you keep talking about burning and looting when millions have protested peacefully. White lives have always mattered more than everyone elses. That's why your bitch ass can sit behind a computer whining at how all lives matter just because blacks dare to say "Black Lives Matter Too."

The opposite effect you claim isn't happening. Whites are protesting for Black lives. You talk shit about not caring who cops shoot, but you won't run your mouth like that when the next Micah Johnson shows up.
I am trying to figure out how liberals think burning down stuff and hurting people will fix racism? Its kind of having the opposite effect. Frankly, I don't care WHO the cops shoot anymore. The BLM and J. Smollett can cry so many times, and then we get Nick Sandmann. Wolf! Wolf!
Figure out why that white kid murdered 2 people. Find out why most of the violence has been attributed to white supremacists. Figure out why those like you keep talking about burning and looting when millions have protested peacefully. White lives have always mattered more than everyone elses. That's why your bitch ass can sit behind a computer whining at how all lives matter just because blacks dare to say "Black Lives Matter Too."

The opposite effect you claim isn't happening. Whites are protesting for Black lives. You talk shit about not caring who cops shoot, but you won't run your mouth like that when the next Micah Johnson shows up.
Loot and riot and get put down like the rabid dogs that apparently they are.
Don't ask me to shed any tears when rioters start getting ventilated left and right.
Fight racism, don't be racist then. Look up the latest DOJ numbers and the HUGE black on black or black crime VS the overall crime statistics. It's too bad ten black people died from bad cop shootings last year, as opposed to the last month alone blacks killed by other blacks last month. All lives matter, or none matter.
Black on Black crime is a direct result of racism. Society at large shows a disregard of Black lives so its only programming that makes other Blacks have the same disregard. For the last time please stop whining about BLM. Their mission is to end attacks on Blacks by tax payer paid cops on the Black community.
Please invest a few minutes witnessing a peeved American Patriot comment about Racism & Obama while specifically identifying who caused him harm when participating in social justice activities:

Fight racism, don't be racist then. Look up the latest DOJ numbers and the HUGE black on black or black crime VS the overall crime statistics. It's too bad ten black people died from bad cop shootings last year, as opposed to the last month alone blacks killed by other blacks last month. All lives matter, or none matter.
Black on Black crime is a direct result of racism. Society at large shows a disregard of Black lives so its only programming that makes other Blacks have the same disregard. For the last time please stop whining about BLM. Their mission is to end attacks on Blacks by tax payer paid cops on the Black community.
Should police officers regularly witnessing community violence & interviewing victims of violence in neighborhoods populated by apparent TRAUMATIZED emotionally or mentally troubled fellow citizens BE REQUIRED TO Periodically UNDERGO ROUTINE MENTAL HEALTH EXAMS?



Culture at large is extremely collectivistic and the ideas that are flourishing in society prevents racism from going away. The mainstream narrative of "systemic racism" and "race realists" at the opposite end with their "muh DNA" both share the same philosophical premises; Man is to be judged by his internal body-chemistry and his genetic composition determines where in society he will end up and what he is capable of achieving.

This deterministic and tribalistic garbage has to be combated with its only opposite which is individualism and the emphasisation of free will.

"Group identity" is a contraction because groups do not have any identity. Anyone who judges people for their group identity (be it an Intersectionalist or White Nationalist) is a disgusting a vicious human being who deserves no respect from anyone.

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