On Iran and the UN's IAEA


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Iran is calling the shots, no surprise there. What is interersting is that a German paper is doing the reporting. This is a translation, perhaps onedomino might comment on the translation which is 'not smooth' to say the least.


Atomic secrets: The man, who knew too much
Chris Charlier led the team, which examines of Iran nuclear program. Mohammed aluminium-Baradei, director of the atomic energy authority, cold-placed it on pressure from Iran.
The IAEA tried to prevent this article of Bruno Schirra

When Chris Charlier arrives in the April of this yearly at Teheran, the usual receipt command already waits for him. It is as with everyone its over 20 attendance in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

“Where always we did not go, which always we did, it were always behind us, have us with video cameras supervised, taken up, a second long from the eyes left each particular of our discussions to us, always over the shoulder looked us. How to the devil are we to be able to work there reasonably? ”, the 64 years old Belgians say. Chris Charlier is a boss of the 15 inspectors, who examine the nuclear program of the Islamic Republic of Iran on behalf the international atomic energy authority IAEA since 2003.

For the first time a Viennese inspector speaks openly and under denomination of his own name about the conditions, on which the UN-testers try to bring light in the darkness around the Iranian nuclear program. The fact that Charlier talks now so openly about it has reasons. Since April of this yearly it is practically unemployed. Responsible for it his direct superior, the director of the IAEA with seat is calculated in Vienna, Mohammed aluminium-Baradei. When Baradei drives in April to consultations to Teheran, required his direct interlocutor, the chief negotiator of the Shiite God state, Ali Larijani, ultimatively the separation of Chris Charlier.

Of Iran unjustified demand followed

And Mohammed aluminium-Baradei follows this unjustified demand. Chris Charlier had made itself strongly unpopular since 2003 in Teheran. „I am not a politician, I am technician, and as such with my inspections only one interests me: If the nuclear program is Iran a civilian or military “, Charlier says today. Which it found out with its inspections in Iran, is clear. “I believe that they hide their nuclear program and their true activities. It is very probable that Teheran on the nuclear field operates things, from which we to today no notion has”, says Charlier on the question whether Teheran possibly operates a secret parallel nuclear program.

In innumerable notes and work reports Charlier recorded the results of its inspections, has cheats and the diversionary manoeuvres of the Teheraner ruling powers listed, investigated, which leads one of its inspectors in Vienna to only one conclusion: “Natural builds the bomb for Teheran, and Charlier gathered the puzzle parts, which occupy. But it pays now the price”, says to one of its colleagues. Aluminium-Baradei sacrificed Charlier, and he may count “now in Vienna up to its retirement paper clips”. The reason: In discussions with Mohammed aluminium-Baradei Charlier so far always refused closing and in such a way acquitting Teheran of the reproach the Iranian nuclear document, it operate a military atomic program.

“No more entrance to the Iranian atomic document”

In the discussion Charlier confirmed, what European diplomats in Vienna tell only behind reproached hand. With its last attendance in Teheran Mohammed aluminium-Baradei did not only consent to the separation of its supervising inspector. Ali Larijani, the closest trusted friend Ali Chameneis, the highest religious leader of Iran, insisted beyond that on not leaving it with relieving Chris Charliers from its tasks to. In the future Charlier may not take also more insight into the Iranian atomic document in Vienna.

Mohammed aluminium-Baradei gave way also to this demand Teherans. “For April I may not travel no more to Iran. For April I have no more entrance to the Iranian atomic document”, said Chris Charlier. The procedure is extremely explosive and strikes into the Viennese IAEA high waves. It provides in the circles of the Viennese of inspectors for indignation. “That is a declaration of bankruptcy of our work”, says a Viennese inspector.
“Mohammed aluminium-Baradei nicks opposite the Mullahs, leaves us untouched in the rain. Why do we let the Iranian atomic program control not directly by Teheran themselves?”

Mohammed aluminium-Baradei is not to be had for a statement in the thing Charlier. However first a speaker aluminium-Baradeis on request confirms the procedure. “It is correct that Chris Charlier may not drive for April this yearly to no more into Iran”, says a speaker of the IAEA. “Teheran required its separation.”

IAEA tries to prevent publication

Briefly after this confirmation of the procedure by the IAEA the same speaker in a long telephone call tries to prevent the publication of this history. Their publication would endanger Chris Charlier and set beyond that the “work basis of our inspectors on the play. Chris Charlier sees that differently. “Which work basis?” he asks. “Those was risked alone thereby that Mohammed aluminium-Baradei without emergency of the extortion allowed by Teheran. In fact that is the end of halfway reasonable control of the Iranian nuclear program by the IAEA.”

How necessary such a control is was already confirmed, from destined mouth before longer time just in Teheran. On 1 August 2005 the brother of the Iranian chief negotiator Ali Larijani spoke openly about the true nature of the Iranian nuclear program. Opposite ILNA Larijani said to the Iranian press agency: “The nuclear weapon check contract is dead. The controversy between Iran and the west over the Iranian nuclear program therefore does not turn whether Iran closes the nuclear fuel cycle. The controversy goes around whether Iran may build nuclear weapons or not. We argue with the Europeans about whether we may enrich high-quality uranium or not. If our blutdürstigen enemies threaten such as America and Israel us, then we have the right to be allowed to defend us nuclear and we are to be given up not ready this right.”

The consequence: Western position weakened

Clear words from Teheran, which make clear, what the cold position prominent IAEA inspector of the Chris Charlier actually means. In the coming negotiations around the Iranian nuclear program the western official contacts are crucially weakened by the deprivation of power by Charlier.

The results of its inspection tours like those of its colleagues were in the past the only playing the trump card map in the nuclear Poker with the Islamic republic. Those obviously took IAEA boss Mohammed aluminium-Baradei to the western official contacts now from the hand.

Articles appeared at the SA, 8 July 2006

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