On Israelophobia, CBS anchor is right (racist Ta-Nehisi)

Pretty stupid of Israel to destroy its standing in response. :dunno:

There's a lot of stupid going around.
Israel has not destroyed its standing, just the opposite.

It's let the world know what it will do in response to brutal attacks, in case the world forgot.
Israel has not destroyed its standing, just the opposite.

It's let the world know what it will do in response to brutal attacks, in case the world forgot.
They're being sued in international court and UN experts are openly calling the situation in Gaza a genocide. Plugging your eyes and ears doesn't change those facts.
So, give us your source? Or, is the source just your lies?

That’s a you problem…
You're the one crying over sources. What number would you like to use for civilian deaths in Gaza? Whatever it is its higher than Oct 7.
Oh boo, hoo…They brought this on themselves.
So which is it? Are you a tough guy who doesn't care about the civilian deaths or a the guy above crying about what the real numbers are? :dunno:
Lisa, dear, when you call people savages, including women and children, because let's be clear, that's what you mean by relatives even if you're too pussy to actually say it, you sound unhinged. You sound like a person who doesn't see them as people.
People that support the hate. People that teach their children to hate from birth.
That's just empty rhetoric. Dead is dead. Hamas soldiers killed over a thousand Israeli civilians and in response Israeli fighters have killed tens of thousands of Palestinians. I don't care about your stated intentions.
Notice how your number reduces with each post?
Lisa, the cosplay is just embarrassing at this point. The only people who think you have the moral highground at this point are zionists, rednecks and paid politicians.
Americans stand with Isreal…deal with it.
They're being sued in international court and UN ..

Don't be naiive.

We all know the motives of Islamists Karim Khan of ICC and Arab Islamist Nawaf Salam of ICJ.

The problem of the Middle East is that human tights groups (when it comes to that region, longtine liberal "activist" Sari Bashi is continuing terrible legacy of the lying radical Arab Omar Shakir) and the UN (under Islamic lobby OIC) have been controlled by bigots.
Since the 1970s.
People that support the hate. People that teach their children to hate from birth.
Sounds like you're describing yourself. Or Lisa. She described children as savages.
Notice how your number reduces with each post?
My number is still 41,000 which I got here. I'm just not trying to fight you over your 31,000, wherever you got that from. You're the one being a bitch over it still. Probably because whatever number you use it's going to be greater than 1200.
Americans stand with Isreal…deal with it.
Not all Americans. Deal with that. I don't I have any problem with political and cultural warfare. I'm tickled that Coates has gotten into the fight. :lol:
You're the one crying over sources. What number would you like to use for civilian deaths in Gaza? Whatever it is its higher than Oct 7.
Your arguments are weak…You are the one that brought up sources. Now you deflect from showing your source of fictitious numbers, because you were caught making them up…You’re a sick minded individual.
So which is it? Are you a tough guy who doesn't care about the civilian deaths or a the guy above crying about what the real numbers are? :dunno:
You won’t get the real numbers from Hamas, that’s for sure…But, you’re gullible enough to swallow it anyway.
Don't be naiive.

We all know the motives of Islamists Karim Khan of ICC and Arab Islamist Nawaf Salam of ICJ.

The problem of the Middle East is that human tights groups (when it comes to that region) and the UN (under Islamic lobby OIC) have been controlled by bigots.
Since the 1970s.
I'm not so naive as to be at all moved by your we all know argument. How do you know? Psychic powers?
I'm still missing the point. He hasn't written on a millions of different subjects but his next book could be about anything. It's the point about some fantasy you're having?
So, he has not written on millions of blacks victims by supremacy Arab racism...

And his obsession against Israel is because he supposedly "cares" for anyone sincerely?
Your arguments are weak…You are the one that brought up sources. Now you deflect from showing your source of fictitious numbers, because you were caught making them up…You’re a sick minded individual.
I gave you my source you clown. I'll give it again since you're fucking blind. :lol:

1 year into the Israel-Hamas war: The grim human toll by the numbers
You won’t get the real numbers from Hamas, that’s for sure…But, you’re gullible enough to swallow it anyway.
I'm not so gullible as to take your word for it. :lol:
They're being sued in international court and UN experts are openly calling the situation in Gaza a genocide. Plugging your eyes and ears doesn't change those facts.
all meaningless

A country has to do what it has to do to survive continual attempted destruction by its neighbors. The Holocaust taught many lessons. This is one.
Sounds like you're describing yourself. Or Lisa. She described children as savages.
Not at all...It only sounds like that to you because you disagree. You side with terrorists.
My number is still 41,000 which I got here.
ABC takes their numbers directly from the Hamas run Ministry of Health....They are propaganda, that you swallow whole....That's a fact.
I'm just not trying to fight you over your 31,000, wherever you got that from. You're the one being a bitch over it still. Probably because whatever number you use it's going to be greater than 1200.
We know from historical fact that Palistianian's Hamas, and Lebanon's Hezi's lie as a matter of course about their causalities in an attack, to use as propaganda to blame Israel for their deaths, even as they start the conflicts...And you buy into it...Sad.
Not all Americans. Deal with that. I don't I have any problem with political and cultural warfare. I'm tickled that Coates has gotten into the fight. :lol:
Of course, there are those that are morally devoid of any sense of decency when it comes to Jews...People like Coates, are propagandists, that have a flaw in their own thinking on these matters...They're missing any sense of decency, or honor in their arguments...They're built on hate.
So, he has not written on millions of blacks victims by supremacy Arab racism...

And his obsession against Israel is because he supposedly "cares" for anyone sincerely?
Why are you asking me? I'm not here to pretend to know what's in his heart. That's what you're here for. :lol:

From the interview the first thing he says in response to host is that there is no shortage of the hosts viewpoint in mainstream society and that he wanted to give voice to the voiceless. And this is under the back drop of America providing the munitions that Israel is using against the civilian population of Gaza. Who in the mainstream is supporting genocide in Dafur? :dunno:

Afrer you posted anti Israel rants?
And? I said I'm ok with political and social warfare. :dunno: lisa called Palestinian women and children savages. Why is it you all turn pussy when people respond to you in kind? :dunno:
So many frantuc replies by ''Curried Goats'' posing as "objective."
I never claimed to be objective you illiterate moron. In biased to my point of view.
all meaningless

A country has to do what it has to do to survive continual attempted destruction by its neighbors. The Holocaust taught many lessons. This is one.
Is Israel under some serious threat of destruction from Gaza? :dunno:

When stones get thrown at your tank and your response is to shell the stone thrower, yeah, people are going to start looking at you side eyed like you're the monster because now you are. Also unlike other countries you won their nation's through conquest Israel was made through an international edict. Careful of biting the hand that made you.

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