On Jan 6, did Congress/ Mike Pence have the authority to overrule the States Electoral Votes?

Does a Congress or the Vice President have the authority to overturn States EVs?

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The rioters didnt know Trumps plan.

But no. They cant just declare the election rigged and throw out votes without evidence.

Their other plan was to false claim that several state had multiples sets of electors and have the statehouses in those states appoint Trump loyalists.
Sorry bout that,

1. This next election for President the Democrats will lose horrible, as horribly as they stole the 2020 election and its obvious, they will do another Jan 6th event, but it will be right after the election results come to light, when Trump wins.
2. Trumps people didn't do the Jan. 6th 2021 event, Trump had a few followers sucked up in it, but there was the Democrats who lead the way on that event.
3. They will do it again.
4. Keep your powder dry.

So all the people chanting for Trump while breaking down doors and windows at the capital were democrats?
You’re avoiding your own point since you realized how stupid it was. You do that regularly.
As the right-wing nuts, the trump Nazis' stupidity was apparent for the past five decades. But, when trump entered the political scene in 2015, the right-wing nuts idiocy went into overdrive. After swearing their allegiance to trump and going full-on fascist, the trump Nazis entered a relm of lunacy not believed possible in a twenty-first century, first world nation.

Nothing wrong with Trump wanting people to attend a protest on his behalf.
Pleading the 5th, huh? Now you see why those asked to testify have refused. There is no right answer for Trump’s behavior. No doubt not only most of them knew of the plan but were active participants in it’s execution as well.
This thread is stupid and just another example of The Left Propagandists Spamming The Board with what they know is a lie, so they can practice perfecting their lies.

Belongs in The Flame Zone because it's nothing but Flame Bait.
This thread is stupid and just another example of The Left Propagandists Spamming The Board with what they know is a lie, so they can practice perfecting their lies.

Belongs in The Flame Zone because it's nothing but Flame Bait.
What’s the gas can and flares for?
Exactly. They keep calling it an insurrection when it was only a protest.
Because this is what their handlers have told them to say and this is being done to leverage it as a lying narrative so that they may sway voters.

Think of it as nothing more than their latest version of "Russian Collusion".
Getting back to the thread, the Vice President does have the authority to halt the certification process of the election if they suspect irregularities.

The thread deliberately confused the premise by using word "overrule".
And of course no one can "overrule" any election, ever.
However, lots of people are supposed to temporarily halt the certification process if there are suspicions.
And that is legally what was supposed to have happened.
A few days or even a week should have been taken to investigate to ensure there were no irregularities.
And if anyone thinks there could not have been irregularities, they would have to be idiots.
Any time voting machines are used, voting irregularities are pretty much assured.
Voting machines should never be used, and should just be flat out illegal.
So they weren't there to "stop the steal?"

How do you stop any theft in progress?
You call the police and get it investigated.
So then how is stopping what is believed to be a steal, at all similar to an insurrection, which essentially is a deliberate steal?

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