On the warpath: Two Largest Native American Tribes strengthen bans on same sex marriage

Never heard about it before- never even really thought what Native nations laws were- why would I be criticizing something I didn't(and clearly you didn't know either).

Being one quarter Cherokee, Syrius, I make it a point to know. Either people such as yourself didn't know, or others chose to ignore it. Something like that doesn't go unnoticed, not if one pizzeria manages to bring down the wrath of the gay rights movement on their heads for expressing an opinion against catering gay couples.
So how big is your check each month?

What is that supposed to mean?
What branch of Cherokee are you?
Black Baptist churches aren't too keen on Gay Marriage either.

It's going to be fun seeing the Social Justice Warriors being forced to choose sides.
Hate and bigotry are not limited to any specific skin color.

Agreed...... But only white Christian conservative males get held accountable for real, imagined, and fabricated Hate and Bigotry. Black Christians, Native Ametican Tribe Leaders, and Muslim clerics can speak out against gay marriage all they want and there is silence from the Left. Why is that? It's because the Left needs these groups as pawns in their fight against white conservative Christian males.
Never heard about it before- never even really thought what Native nations laws were- why would I be criticizing something I didn't(and clearly you didn't know either).

Being one quarter Cherokee, Syrius, I make it a point to know. Either people such as yourself didn't know, or others chose to ignore it. Something like that doesn't go unnoticed, not if one pizzeria manages to bring down the wrath of the gay rights movement on their heads for expressing an opinion against catering gay couples.
So how big is your check each month?

What is that supposed to mean?
What branch of Cherokee are you?

I would belong to the Georgia segment of The Eastern Band of Cherokee if I ever applied, and not the state recognized tribe, mind you.
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Never heard about it before- never even really thought what Native nations laws were- why would I be criticizing something I didn't(and clearly you didn't know either).

Being one quarter Cherokee, Syrius, I make it a point to know. Either people such as yourself didn't know, or others chose to ignore it. Something like that doesn't go unnoticed, not if one pizzeria manages to bring down the wrath of the gay rights movement on their heads for expressing an opinion against catering gay couples.
So how big is your check each month?

What is that supposed to mean?
What branch of Cherokee are you?

I would belong to the Georgia Tribe of Eastern Cherokee if I ever applied.
If you are 25 percent Eastern band of Cherokee, you should be getting a nice check every month from the casinos the band owns.
Being one quarter Cherokee, Syrius, I make it a point to know. Either people such as yourself didn't know, or others chose to ignore it. Something like that doesn't go unnoticed, not if one pizzeria manages to bring down the wrath of the gay rights movement on their heads for expressing an opinion against catering gay couples.
So how big is your check each month?

What is that supposed to mean?
What branch of Cherokee are you?

I would belong to the Georgia Tribe of Eastern Cherokee if I ever applied.
If you are 25 percent Eastern band of Cherokee, you should be getting a nice check every month from the casinos the band owns.

Believe it or not, I don't. And I don't take money from casinos, such violates my religious beliefs.
Well well. since they are sovereign nations, Obama and all of the other gay supporting leftist loons can't do a damn thing about.I hope they choke on their frustration.
So how big is your check each month?

What is that supposed to mean?
What branch of Cherokee are you?

I would belong to the Georgia Tribe of Eastern Cherokee if I ever applied.
If you are 25 percent Eastern band of Cherokee, you should be getting a nice check every month from the casinos the band owns.

Believe it or not, I don't. And I don't take money from casinos, such violates my religious beliefs.

I believe it.

If you believe in trickle down you will never get the big money shot. (R)ight?
Well well. since they are sovereign nations, Obama and all of the other gay supporting leftist loons can't do a damn thing about.I hope they choke on their frustration.

You still think everyone on the Left is gay. What year is this?
Never heard about it before- never even really thought what Native nations laws were- why would I be criticizing something I didn't(and clearly you didn't know either).

Being one quarter Cherokee, Syrius, I make it a point to know. Either people such as yourself didn't know, or others chose to ignore it. Something like that doesn't go unnoticed, not if one pizzeria manages to bring down the wrath of the gay rights movement on their heads for expressing an opinion against catering gay couples.
So how big is your check each month?

What is that supposed to mean? I have not applied to be a member of the Official Cherokee Nation, simply because I don't have all the pertinent information on hand nor do I live on a reservation. Though I do plan on applying soon.

He's an American patriot. That's why!
So how big is your check each month?

What is that supposed to mean?
What branch of Cherokee are you?

I would belong to the Georgia Tribe of Eastern Cherokee if I ever applied.
If you are 25 percent Eastern band of Cherokee, you should be getting a nice check every month from the casinos the band owns.

Believe it or not, I don't. And I don't take money from casinos, such violates my religious beliefs.

Quick! Somebody grab my eyes before they roll under the sofa!
That's awesome! Our history of following the lead of our Native American tribes is well known. We ought to continue to look to them for leadership.

Great thread.

Cute. In one post you reveal the whole hypocrisy of the left. So, why aren't the Cherokee or Navajo hateful bigots for what they have done?

Is it going to cure your latest ill if someone calls them bigots? I already have. Go search 'bigots' or 'bigotry' under my username.
I look forward to your outrage about how your people treat gays.

I already told Carbine how I felt about it. I personally oppose it.

Who's Carbine?

You don't oppose it. You OBVIOUSLY support the fucking pizzeria. You lying sack of jobless shit.

TemptingKornhole likes nicknames.

I've noticed that he's tried to cozy up to you with that take on your name for a while now. Maybe it's just me....but it reeks of loneliness.
I look forward to your outrage about how your people treat gays.

I already told Carbine how I felt about it. I personally oppose it.

Who's Carbine?

You don't oppose it. You OBVIOUSLY support the fucking pizzeria. You lying sack of jobless shit.

TemptingKornhole likes nicknames.

I've noticed that he's tried to cozy up to you with that take on your name for a while now. Maybe it's just me....but it reeks of loneliness.

Yeah we'll be making buddy movies on youtube soon. Stay tuned lol.
This is as much about native tribes assimilating and abandoning their traditional culture as it is about any native beliefs.
The cited article gives some credit to Christianity for the reluctance of these tribes to move toward equality for gay people.
So how big is your check each month?

What is that supposed to mean?
What branch of Cherokee are you?

I would belong to the Georgia Tribe of Eastern Cherokee if I ever applied.
If you are 25 percent Eastern band of Cherokee, you should be getting a nice check every month from the casinos the band owns.

Believe it or not, I don't. And I don't take money from casinos, such violates my religious beliefs.
i can believe that, I wouldn't be able to either.

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