"Once again, the gay community feels the need to be sore winners," wrote Christopher Ciccone, who hi

Republic based on democratic principals, jees, some people's kids. Bitch? I can see what a hypocrite someone is by their witto tinny.....insults. Tell your mom that, wankerboy.
Mommy was dead decades ago. When are you going to grow up, Saint Mary?

Faggots have rights now, same as you, deal with it.

They have always had the same rights as everyone else.
We do now. :D

Now you have a privilege that wasn't intended to provide benefits to a couple of fuck buddies.
Fuck buddies are 20% to 30% of the married population, dumbass...
Some of us in the vanguard, we see what a fraud the homosexual agenda is. Used to be old school, and what was old will be new again. Because, it's true. The tidal wave of pushback.
Decent folks don't have anal sex...
The hell they don't. Sodomy is mostly a heterosexual thing, and when the wife is going down on me and I on her that's normal now. You are the weird one. A prude and a homophobe. So ends Mary, who needs a blowjob...
Speaking of broken minds, here we are. I am the weird one? What was your argument FOR gay marriage? I got lost in that fog of pejorative nonsense of your last post.
You got lost because you can't be found Missionary Position. There is no rational reason for gays not to wed. Not a one.
You've already been told 1000 times what the reason is: they can't reproduce.
Show us the state marriage law(s) that require proof of reproduction to get the license.

I've disposed of this queer excuse for logic 1000 times already.
Some of us in the vanguard, we see what a fraud the homosexual agenda is. Used to be old school, and what was old will be new again. Because, it's true. The tidal wave of pushback.
The hell they don't. Sodomy is mostly a heterosexual thing, and when the wife is going down on me and I on her that's normal now. You are the weird one. A prude and a homophobe. So ends Mary, who needs a blowjob...
Speaking of broken minds, here we are. I am the weird one? What was your argument FOR gay marriage? I got lost in that fog of pejorative nonsense of your last post.
You got lost because you can't be found Missionary Position. There is no rational reason for gays not to wed. Not a one.
You've already been told 1000 times what the reason is: they can't reproduce.
Which doesn't fucking matter, dumbass, since we don't care. No one even asks...

Of course it matters. Marriage exists only because of the fact of reproduction. Nothing could be more obvious or irrefutable than that.
Utter bullshit, dumbass...
Some of us in the vanguard, we see what a fraud the homosexual agenda is. Used to be old school, and what was old will be new again. Because, it's true. The tidal wave of pushback.
The hell they don't. Sodomy is mostly a heterosexual thing, and when the wife is going down on me and I on her that's normal now. You are the weird one. A prude and a homophobe. So ends Mary, who needs a blowjob...
Speaking of broken minds, here we are. I am the weird one? What was your argument FOR gay marriage? I got lost in that fog of pejorative nonsense of your last post.
You got lost because you can't be found Missionary Position. There is no rational reason for gays not to wed. Not a one.
You've already been told 1000 times what the reason is: they can't reproduce.
Show us the state marriage law(s) that require proof of reproduction to get the license.

I've disposed of this queer excuse for logic 1000 times already.
He has no answer, of course, because his "thought" is BS. Total...
Republic based on democratic principals, jees, some people's kids. Bitch? I can see what a hypocrite someone is by their witto tinny.....insults. Tell your mom that, wankerboy.
Mommy was dead decades ago. When are you going to grow up, Saint Mary?

Faggots have rights now, same as you, deal with it.

They have always had the same rights as everyone else.
We do now. :D

Now you have a privilege that wasn't intended to provide benefits to a couple of fuck buddies.
Fuck buddies are 20% to 30% of the married population, dumbass...
95% of all Americans eventually have kids, so your statistic is obvious horseshit.
Mommy was dead decades ago. When are you going to grow up, Saint Mary?

Faggots have rights now, same as you, deal with it.

They have always had the same rights as everyone else.
We do now. :D

Now you have a privilege that wasn't intended to provide benefits to a couple of fuck buddies.
Fuck buddies are 20% to 30% of the married population, dumbass...
95% of all Americans eventually have kids, so your statistic is obvious horseshit.
Mommy was dead decades ago. When are you going to grow up, Saint Mary?

Faggots have rights now, same as you, deal with it.

They have always had the same rights as everyone else.
We do now. :D

Now you have a privilege that wasn't intended to provide benefits to a couple of fuck buddies.
Fuck buddies are 20% to 30% of the married population, dumbass...
95% of all Americans eventually have kids, so your statistic is obvious horseshit.
Post it, because that hasn't been true for decades, and has jack-shit to do with marriage...
Some of us in the vanguard, we see what a fraud the homosexual agenda is. Used to be old school, and what was old will be new again. Because, it's true. The tidal wave of pushback.
Speaking of broken minds, here we are. I am the weird one? What was your argument FOR gay marriage? I got lost in that fog of pejorative nonsense of your last post.
You got lost because you can't be found Missionary Position. There is no rational reason for gays not to wed. Not a one.
You've already been told 1000 times what the reason is: they can't reproduce.
Show us the state marriage law(s) that require proof of reproduction to get the license.

I've disposed of this queer excuse for logic 1000 times already.
He has no answer, of course, because his "thought" is BS. Total...

I've already answered it multiple times in this thread. It's so stupid it really doesn't even require a response. Of course, queers and their defenders pay no attention to the responses. They just keep repeating their bogus canned arguments over and over and over. Whether those arguments are right or not is of no interest to them, so long as someone who has never heard the counter argument is exposed to them.
You got lost because you can't be found Missionary Position. There is no rational reason for gays not to wed. Not a one.
You've already been told 1000 times what the reason is: they can't reproduce.
Show us the state marriage law(s) that require proof of reproduction to get the license.

I've disposed of this queer excuse for logic 1000 times already.
He has no answer, of course, because his "thought" is BS. Total...

I've already answered it multiple times in this thread. It's so stupid it really doesn't even require a response. Of course, queers and their defenders pay no attention to the responses. They just keep repeating their bogus canned arguments over and over and over. Whether those arguments are right or not is of no interest to them, so long as someone who has never heard the counter argument is exposed to them.
Marriage isn't about children. See the US Supreme Court, and human history...
They have always had the same rights as everyone else.
We do now. :D

Now you have a privilege that wasn't intended to provide benefits to a couple of fuck buddies.
Fuck buddies are 20% to 30% of the married population, dumbass...
95% of all Americans eventually have kids, so your statistic is obvious horseshit.
Post it, because that hasn't been true for decades, and has jack-shit to do with marriage...

You have to say that, of course. Otherwise your whole gay marriage agenda would be out the window. That's why libturds are all pathological liars. They can't defend their agenda without disputing the most obvious and irrefutable facts.
You've already been told 1000 times what the reason is: they can't reproduce.
Show us the state marriage law(s) that require proof of reproduction to get the license.

I've disposed of this queer excuse for logic 1000 times already.
He has no answer, of course, because his "thought" is BS. Total...

I've already answered it multiple times in this thread. It's so stupid it really doesn't even require a response. Of course, queers and their defenders pay no attention to the responses. They just keep repeating their bogus canned arguments over and over and over. Whether those arguments are right or not is of no interest to them, so long as someone who has never heard the counter argument is exposed to them.
Marriage isn't about children. See the US Supreme Court, and human history...

The Supreme Court doesn't get to overrule the laws of nature, moron. Human history shows that Marraige exists because of reproduction.
We do now. :D

Now you have a privilege that wasn't intended to provide benefits to a couple of fuck buddies.
Fuck buddies are 20% to 30% of the married population, dumbass...
95% of all Americans eventually have kids, so your statistic is obvious horseshit.
Post it, because that hasn't been true for decades, and has jack-shit to do with marriage...

You have to say that, of course. Otherwise your whole gay marriage agenda would be out the window. That's why libturds are all pathological liars. They can't defend their agenda without disputing the most obvious and irrefutable facts.
I know the numbers, you don't. I'll give you five minutes to post them before I kick your ignorant ass again. Go...
Now you have a privilege that wasn't intended to provide benefits to a couple of fuck buddies.
Fuck buddies are 20% to 30% of the married population, dumbass...
95% of all Americans eventually have kids, so your statistic is obvious horseshit.
Post it, because that hasn't been true for decades, and has jack-shit to do with marriage...

You have to say that, of course. Otherwise your whole gay marriage agenda would be out the window. That's why libturds are all pathological liars. They can't defend their agenda without disputing the most obvious and irrefutable facts.
I know the numbers, you don't. I'll give you five minutes to post them before I kick your ignorant ass again. Go...

Nobody gives a shit if homos marry, we never have. But you can't force us to marry you, and you won't force us to cater your homo celebrations.

There are whole organizations dedicated to whining about gays getting married so that is obvious bullshit. Besides, clerks don't marry homos and homos should go to other businesses if they don't want to cater their celebrations. I've always thought public accommodation laws are bullshit.

There are some organizations like that, yes.

But I think the goal is ultimately to criminalize religious groups. It won't be long before changes to the 'hate crime' laws, make those organizations illegal. I wager it will happen before I die.

Nonsense. Can you name a single piece of legislation in any state being advanced to criminalize such groups? These groups are not going to go away b/c of legislation, they will go any when their donors wise up and stop pissing their money away on a losing cause.
Please, where did all this support for the gay agenda come from? It was um, spontaneous grass roots empathy? Don't be naive here. Somebody paid for all this , they bought PR firms, ambulance chasing layers, Gays have notoriously high incomes, and this pro gay stuff wasn't paid for by the milk of human kindness. Get real.

No shit the gay rights movement was funded by money. Not exactly very startling news as all movements need money to survive.
Money generated in part by baby killing. Awesome, it's wholesome all around.
Greeks were big on Democracy and homosexual pedophilia in ancient times.Look it up. I am losing my belief in democracy since seeing common sense laws thrown out by our supreme court, and I have no doubt you incredulous liberals will even come one day to accept pedophilia the same way you accept gays, too, based on past track records. Just like the ancient greeks. that is where I am going with THAT, sweetpea.

Your slippery slope argument is disgusting and you are a bad person for suggesting it.
Said nazis when their negative eugenics policies were challenged.

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