"Once again, the gay community feels the need to be sore winners," wrote Christopher Ciccone, who hi

Nobody gives a shit if homos marry, we never have. But you can't force us to marry you, and you won't force us to cater your homo celebrations.

There are whole organizations dedicated to whining about gays getting married so that is obvious bullshit. Besides, clerks don't marry homos and homos should go to other businesses if they don't want to cater their celebrations. I've always thought public accommodation laws are bullshit.

There are some organizations like that, yes.

But I think the goal is ultimately to criminalize religious groups. It won't be long before changes to the 'hate crime' laws, make those organizations illegal. I wager it will happen before I die.

Nonsense. Can you name a single piece of legislation in any state being advanced to criminalize such groups? These groups are not going to go away b/c of legislation, they will go any when their donors wise up and stop pissing their money away on a losing cause.
Please, where did all this support for the gay agenda come from? It was um, spontaneous grass roots empathy? Don't be naive here. Somebody paid for all this , they bought PR firms, ambulance chasing layers, Gays have notoriously high incomes, and this pro gay stuff wasn't paid for by the milk of human kindness. Get real.

No shit the gay rights movement was funded by money. Not exactly very startling news as all movements need money to survive.
Now, I propose, if these folks were wealthy pedophille white men, oh, if we we weren't such hateful conservative "prudes" , and they would quote classical greek man-boy hook ups, where good enough for the greeks that created "democracy", yada yada yadda. We would allow Pedophilia, instead. THAT is where this is GOING, moron. Get over it. Gays can love each other, they just don't need marriage. I already posted my doubt on the supreme court, so, you want a gold medal or what?
There are whole organizations dedicated to whining about gays getting married so that is obvious bullshit. Besides, clerks don't marry homos and homos should go to other businesses if they don't want to cater their celebrations. I've always thought public accommodation laws are bullshit.

There are some organizations like that, yes.

But I think the goal is ultimately to criminalize religious groups. It won't be long before changes to the 'hate crime' laws, make those organizations illegal. I wager it will happen before I die.

Nonsense. Can you name a single piece of legislation in any state being advanced to criminalize such groups? These groups are not going to go away b/c of legislation, they will go any when their donors wise up and stop pissing their money away on a losing cause.
Please, where did all this support for the gay agenda come from? It was um, spontaneous grass roots empathy? Don't be naive here. Somebody paid for all this , they bought PR firms, ambulance chasing layers, Gays have notoriously high incomes, and this pro gay stuff wasn't paid for by the milk of human kindness. Get real.
Do you actually believe the garbage you're posting? Be careful, the homo fascist muslim rich white male communists are coming to get you. LOOOL.
Get over it, truth is ugly sometimes. And your sarcasm is lost. What, you suddenly think Americans had an epiphany and suddenly came to believe people that that indulge in weird sex are equivolent to hetrosexuals overnight ? That came from somewhere, Einstein, you put the pieces together.
It didn't happen overnight, that's for sure. People have been fighting for gay rights for a long time.
There are whole organizations dedicated to whining about gays getting married so that is obvious bullshit. Besides, clerks don't marry homos and homos should go to other businesses if they don't want to cater their celebrations. I've always thought public accommodation laws are bullshit.

There are some organizations like that, yes.

But I think the goal is ultimately to criminalize religious groups. It won't be long before changes to the 'hate crime' laws, make those organizations illegal. I wager it will happen before I die.

Nonsense. Can you name a single piece of legislation in any state being advanced to criminalize such groups? These groups are not going to go away b/c of legislation, they will go any when their donors wise up and stop pissing their money away on a losing cause.
Please, where did all this support for the gay agenda come from? It was um, spontaneous grass roots empathy? Don't be naive here. Somebody paid for all this , they bought PR firms, ambulance chasing layers, Gays have notoriously high incomes, and this pro gay stuff wasn't paid for by the milk of human kindness. Get real.

No shit the gay rights movement was funded by money. Not exactly very startling news as all movements need money to survive.
Now, I propose, if these folks were wealthy pedophille white men, oh, if we we weren't such hateful conservative "prudes" , and they would quote classical greek man-boy hook ups, where good enough for the greeks that created "democracy", yada yada yadda. We would allow Pedophilia, instead. THAT is where this is GOING, moron. Get over it. Gays can love each other, they just don't need marriage. I already posted my doubt on the supreme court, so, you want a gold medal or what?
You're sick, what consenting adults do with each other is fine, but no one will ever even suggest that adults and children should be allowed to engage in sexual activity. Jesus Christ what a filthy fucking mind you have.
There are whole organizations dedicated to whining about gays getting married so that is obvious bullshit. Besides, clerks don't marry homos and homos should go to other businesses if they don't want to cater their celebrations. I've always thought public accommodation laws are bullshit.

There are some organizations like that, yes.

But I think the goal is ultimately to criminalize religious groups. It won't be long before changes to the 'hate crime' laws, make those organizations illegal. I wager it will happen before I die.

Nonsense. Can you name a single piece of legislation in any state being advanced to criminalize such groups? These groups are not going to go away b/c of legislation, they will go any when their donors wise up and stop pissing their money away on a losing cause.
Please, where did all this support for the gay agenda come from? It was um, spontaneous grass roots empathy? Don't be naive here. Somebody paid for all this , they bought PR firms, ambulance chasing layers, Gays have notoriously high incomes, and this pro gay stuff wasn't paid for by the milk of human kindness. Get real.

No shit the gay rights movement was funded by money. Not exactly very startling news as all movements need money to survive.
Now, I propose, if these folks were wealthy pedophille white men, oh, if we we weren't such hateful conservative "prudes" , and they would quote classical greek man-boy hook ups, where good enough for the greeks that created "democracy", yada yada yadda. We would allow Pedophilia, instead. THAT is where this is GOING, moron. Get over it. Gays can love each other, they just don't need marriage. I already posted my doubt on the supreme court, so, you want a gold medal or what?

Hysterical and idiotic but I shouldn't be too surprised as that is your modus operandi.
I though that, in a democracy, that the majority was represented by our representatives. However, I learned otherwise, when a minority and the supreme court overruled the mass consensus. Back in the early 90's in Denver, a locally voted anti gay referendum was overturned by the state supreme court. That proved to me power was in money, and manipulation, not voting. So who is kidding who about rights and the constitution and all that self righteous BS.
We are not a democracy.
Nothing, until they start trying to get government benefits just because they are shacking up with a fuck buddy.
And what are married people who don't breed doing?

We have no way of knowing that until they fail to procreate. We know from the start that a couple of fuck buddies aren't going to procreate.

We've argued this point for years. When is it finally going to penetrate your skull?
That point matters not a fucking damn, how long before you get that?
There are some organizations like that, yes.

But I think the goal is ultimately to criminalize religious groups. It won't be long before changes to the 'hate crime' laws, make those organizations illegal. I wager it will happen before I die.

Nonsense. Can you name a single piece of legislation in any state being advanced to criminalize such groups? These groups are not going to go away b/c of legislation, they will go any when their donors wise up and stop pissing their money away on a losing cause.
Please, where did all this support for the gay agenda come from? It was um, spontaneous grass roots empathy? Don't be naive here. Somebody paid for all this , they bought PR firms, ambulance chasing layers, Gays have notoriously high incomes, and this pro gay stuff wasn't paid for by the milk of human kindness. Get real.

No shit the gay rights movement was funded by money. Not exactly very startling news as all movements need money to survive.
Now, I propose, if these folks were wealthy pedophille white men, oh, if we we weren't such hateful conservative "prudes" , and they would quote classical greek man-boy hook ups, where good enough for the greeks that created "democracy", yada yada yadda. We would allow Pedophilia, instead. THAT is where this is GOING, moron. Get over it. Gays can love each other, they just don't need marriage. I already posted my doubt on the supreme court, so, you want a gold medal or what?
You're sick, what consenting adults do with each other is fine, but no one will ever even suggest that adults and children should be allowed to engage in sexual activity. Jesus Christ what a filthy fucking mind you have.
There are some organizations like that, yes.

But I think the goal is ultimately to criminalize religious groups. It won't be long before changes to the 'hate crime' laws, make those organizations illegal. I wager it will happen before I die.

Nonsense. Can you name a single piece of legislation in any state being advanced to criminalize such groups? These groups are not going to go away b/c of legislation, they will go any when their donors wise up and stop pissing their money away on a losing cause.
Please, where did all this support for the gay agenda come from? It was um, spontaneous grass roots empathy? Don't be naive here. Somebody paid for all this , they bought PR firms, ambulance chasing layers, Gays have notoriously high incomes, and this pro gay stuff wasn't paid for by the milk of human kindness. Get real.

No shit the gay rights movement was funded by money. Not exactly very startling news as all movements need money to survive.
Now, I propose, if these folks were wealthy pedophille white men, oh, if we we weren't such hateful conservative "prudes" , and they would quote classical greek man-boy hook ups, where good enough for the greeks that created "democracy", yada yada yadda. We would allow Pedophilia, instead. THAT is where this is GOING, moron. Get over it. Gays can love each other, they just don't need marriage. I already posted my doubt on the supreme court, so, you want a gold medal or what?

Hysterical and idiotic but I shouldn't be too surprised as that is your modus operandi.
That well, well. Do people actually read post all the way through before they post? That would be nice.
Some of us in the vanguard, we see what a fraud the homosexual agenda is. Used to be old school, and what was old will be new again. Because, it's true. The tidal wave of pushback.
Decent folks don't have anal sex...
The hell they don't. Sodomy is mostly a heterosexual thing, and when the wife is going down on me and I on her that's normal now. You are the weird one. A prude and a homophobe. So ends Mary, who needs a blowjob...
Speaking of broken minds, here we are. I am the weird one? What was your argument FOR gay marriage? I got lost in that fog of pejorative nonsense of your last post.
You got lost because you can't be found Missionary Position. There is no rational reason for gays not to wed. Not a one.
That is becoming apparent every day of my 57th year on this bloody planet.You vote, you love you care and it amounts to little. Money and might, that is where the real power is. Gays bought out this issue, who is kidding who? This wasn't an issue because Americans suddenly were "enlightened". Any of you seriously think this gay agenda "garbage" suddenly cropped up out of the blue? Who brought it up? To who's advantage was it? And do you seriously believe it's a valid civil rights issue akin to Race or religion? if so, were did you get that fanciful idea from? And, I could go on and on,but that will do, for starters.
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That is becoming apparent every day of my 57th year on this bloody planet.You vote, you love you care and it amounts to little. Money and might, that is where the real power is. Gays bought out this issue, who is kidding who? This wasn't an issue because Americans suddenly were "enlightened".
America is growing up on this issue, you are not. That is not our fault.
There are whole organizations dedicated to whining about gays getting married so that is obvious bullshit. Besides, clerks don't marry homos and homos should go to other businesses if they don't want to cater their celebrations. I've always thought public accommodation laws are bullshit.

There are some organizations like that, yes.

But I think the goal is ultimately to criminalize religious groups. It won't be long before changes to the 'hate crime' laws, make those organizations illegal. I wager it will happen before I die.

Nonsense. Can you name a single piece of legislation in any state being advanced to criminalize such groups? These groups are not going to go away b/c of legislation, they will go any when their donors wise up and stop pissing their money away on a losing cause.
Please, where did all this support for the gay agenda come from? It was um, spontaneous grass roots empathy? Don't be naive here. Somebody paid for all this , they bought PR firms, ambulance chasing layers, Gays have notoriously high incomes, and this pro gay stuff wasn't paid for by the milk of human kindness. Get real.

No shit the gay rights movement was funded by money. Not exactly very startling news as all movements need money to survive.
Now, I propose, if these folks were wealthy pedophille white men, oh, if we we weren't such hateful conservative "prudes" , and they would quote classical greek man-boy hook ups, where good enough for the greeks that created "democracy", yada yada yadda. We would allow Pedophilia, instead. THAT is where this is GOING, moron. Get over it. Gays can love each other, they just don't need marriage. I already posted my doubt on the supreme court, so, you want a gold medal or what?
Why are you advocating Pedophilia?
Greeks were big on Democracy and homosexual pedophilia in ancient times.Look it up. I am losing my belief in democracy since seeing common sense laws thrown out by our supreme court, and I have no doubt you incredulous liberals will even come one day to accept pedophilia the same way you accept gays, too, based on past track records. Just like the ancient greeks. that is where I am going with THAT, sweetpea.
Greeks were big on Democracy and homosexual pedophilia in ancient times.Look it up. I am losing my belief in democracy since seeing common sense laws thrown out by our supreme court, and I have no doubt you incredulous liberals will even come one day to accept pedophilia the same way you accept gays, too, based on past track records. Just like the ancient greeks. that is where I am going with THAT, sweetpea.

Your slippery slope argument is disgusting and you are a bad person for suggesting it.
Greeks were big on Democracy and homosexual pedophilia in ancient times.Look it up. I am losing my belief in democracy since seeing common sense laws thrown out by our supreme court, and I have no doubt you incredulous liberals will even come one day to accept pedophilia the same way you accept gays, too, based on past track records. Just like the ancient greeks. that is where I am going with THAT, sweetpea.
We're not a democracy...and the Greeks who were the biggest on same sex interactions weren't in a democracy either...that was the Thebians and the Spartans.
Greeks were big on Democracy and homosexual pedophilia in ancient times.Look it up. I am losing my belief in democracy since seeing common sense laws thrown out by our supreme court, and I have no doubt you incredulous liberals will even come one day to accept pedophilia the same way you accept gays, too, based on past track records. Just like the ancient greeks. that is where I am going with THAT, sweetpea.
Once again, we are not a democracy, bitch...
Greeks were big on Democracy and homosexual pedophilia in ancient times.Look it up. I am losing my belief in democracy since seeing common sense laws thrown out by our supreme court, and I have no doubt you incredulous liberals will even come one day to accept pedophilia the same way you accept gays, too, based on past track records. Just like the ancient greeks. that is where I am going with THAT, sweetpea.
We're not a democracy...and the Greeks who were the biggest on same sex interactions weren't in a democracy either...that was the Thebians and the Spartans.
Oh yeah, the double dodge, we are a REPUBLIC. Skeletons in the closet. You bloody well know what and where I am going with this. I really don't see what is the engine behind the gay rights issue other than money. Certainly not necessity or morality. What drove this issue and gay awareness? HMM? Just a coincidence or good intentions? You and I both know better than that.
Nobody gives a shit if homos marry, we never have. But you can't force us to marry you, and you won't force us to cater your homo celebrations.

There are whole organizations dedicated to whining about gays getting married so that is obvious bullshit. Besides, clerks don't marry homos and homos should go to other businesses if they don't want to cater their celebrations. I've always thought public accommodation laws are bullshit.

There are some organizations like that, yes.

But I think the goal is ultimately to criminalize religious groups. It won't be long before changes to the 'hate crime' laws, make those organizations illegal. I wager it will happen before I die.

Nonsense. Can you name a single piece of legislation in any state being advanced to criminalize such groups? These groups are not going to go away b/c of legislation, they will go any when their donors wise up and stop pissing their money away on a losing cause.
Please, where did all this support for the gay agenda come from? It was um, spontaneous grass roots empathy? Don't be naive here. Somebody paid for all this , they bought PR firms, ambulance chasing layers, Gays have notoriously high incomes, and this pro gay stuff wasn't paid for by the milk of human kindness. Get real.
Do you actually believe the garbage you're posting? Be careful, the homo fascist muslim rich white male communists are coming to get you. LOOOL.
I'm not worried. The Muslims and southern border hoppers you've idiotically ushered into the country will be hunting you now. You'll be too busy dying to bother me.
Nobody gives a shit if homos marry, we never have. But you can't force us to marry you, and you won't force us to cater your homo celebrations.

There are whole organizations dedicated to whining about gays getting married so that is obvious bullshit. Besides, clerks don't marry homos and homos should go to other businesses if they don't want to cater their celebrations. I've always thought public accommodation laws are bullshit.

There are some organizations like that, yes.

But I think the goal is ultimately to criminalize religious groups. It won't be long before changes to the 'hate crime' laws, make those organizations illegal. I wager it will happen before I die.

Nonsense. Can you name a single piece of legislation in any state being advanced to criminalize such groups? These groups are not going to go away b/c of legislation, they will go any when their donors wise up and stop pissing their money away on a losing cause.

Of course not. Not yet.

Um... no, that plan isn't going to work I don't think. Christians have been supporting Christian causes since the dawn of Christianity. You can read about it in the Bible, and in other sources, all the way about to 70 AD.

Losing cause or not.... if it supports a belief that we value, then it's not a waste of money, whether it succeeds or not. Now I understand, that you being a pagan, don't understand that, and that's ok.

But regardless of what you think, to us, isn't a lost cause.

There is a reason why most countries attempting to convert Christians end up resorting to mass slaughter. There's a reason why ISIS is killing them off. There's a reason why Rome fed Christians to lions.

We don't go away. We don't stop advancing our beliefs. We don't stop evangelizing.

The only way that Christians will stop pushing their views in this country, is if you kill us. That's it. And honestly, that works in the short term, but in the long run it still fails.

The mass slaughter of Christians in Rome, resulted in Christianity being spread all over the world, and then later Christianity conquered the Roman empire. Who won that fight?

So, no, it's not going away. You'll have to kill us. The homos know this already, which is why many are pushing for the criminalization of Christianity. They haven't been able to do it, no. They haven't brought up legislation yet, no. But I've talked to them.... personally. This is what they want.

This isn't Rome, nobody is trying to kill you in this nation, and legislation trying to outlaw these organizations isn't pending anywhere. You are to free donate to any cause you wish. I think donating to those anti-gay marriage organizations are a big fat waste of money but you are free to do whatever you want with your money.
Weren't you the one who referenced Rome initially? You ppl really are mentally ill.
There are whole organizations dedicated to whining about gays getting married so that is obvious bullshit. Besides, clerks don't marry homos and homos should go to other businesses if they don't want to cater their celebrations. I've always thought public accommodation laws are bullshit.

There are some organizations like that, yes.

But I think the goal is ultimately to criminalize religious groups. It won't be long before changes to the 'hate crime' laws, make those organizations illegal. I wager it will happen before I die.

Nonsense. Can you name a single piece of legislation in any state being advanced to criminalize such groups? These groups are not going to go away b/c of legislation, they will go any when their donors wise up and stop pissing their money away on a losing cause.

Of course not. Not yet.

Um... no, that plan isn't going to work I don't think. Christians have been supporting Christian causes since the dawn of Christianity. You can read about it in the Bible, and in other sources, all the way about to 70 AD.

Losing cause or not.... if it supports a belief that we value, then it's not a waste of money, whether it succeeds or not. Now I understand, that you being a pagan, don't understand that, and that's ok.

But regardless of what you think, to us, isn't a lost cause.

There is a reason why most countries attempting to convert Christians end up resorting to mass slaughter. There's a reason why ISIS is killing them off. There's a reason why Rome fed Christians to lions.

We don't go away. We don't stop advancing our beliefs. We don't stop evangelizing.

The only way that Christians will stop pushing their views in this country, is if you kill us. That's it. And honestly, that works in the short term, but in the long run it still fails.

The mass slaughter of Christians in Rome, resulted in Christianity being spread all over the world, and then later Christianity conquered the Roman empire. Who won that fight?

So, no, it's not going away. You'll have to kill us. The homos know this already, which is why many are pushing for the criminalization of Christianity. They haven't been able to do it, no. They haven't brought up legislation yet, no. But I've talked to them.... personally. This is what they want.

This isn't Rome, nobody is trying to kill you in this nation, and legislation trying to outlaw these organizations isn't pending anywhere. You are to free donate to any cause you wish. I think donating to those anti-gay marriage organizations are a big fat waste of money but you are free to do whatever you want with your money.
Weren't you the one who referenced Rome initially? You ppl really are mentally ill.

Nope, you're either confused or an idiot. My guess is a combination of both.
Does it seem like liberals equate being black to being gay? Why is that? I see nothing similar to the civil rights marches and gay right parades.

Do you see anything similar to a same sex couple being denied their civil rights and a mixed race couple being denied their civil rights?

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