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Once taboo, socialism finds comrades among US millennials

No surprise there given the popularity of crazy Uncle Bernie. Everything should be FREE! College should be FREE! All medical care should be FREE! Yay I want free stuff and we'll make the Gubmint pay for it all!
They want to ban all guns and have government control everything.

Fucking millenials want to live in an episode of Black Mirror.
Putin is reverting to Communism; accuses Trump of meddling with Russian media. The lil' fella can be stepped on, of course.
There is no successful nation in the world that is not a mixture of socialism and capitalism. Saying that you hate one or the other makes as much sense as stating that you hate an end wrench or a socket wrench. They are economic tools.

The application of each is judged by the success of that application towards a defined goal.

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There is no successful nation in the world that is not a mixture of socialism and capitalism. Saying that you hate one or the other makes as much sense as stating that you hate an end wrench or a socket wrench. They are economic tools.

The application of each is judged by the success of that application towards a defined goal.

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I think people mean the defining and dominant form of government.

Not sure what you are arguing, exactly.

Socialism is government owning the means of production, ownership and exchange of goods and services. 100% owned by the government.

If your girlfriend has sex with you after you give her a necklace, is she a prostitute?
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The government owning and controlling the most unique and beautiful places in the US for the use of all citizens is socialism. They are called National Parks, monuments, and wilderness areas. Were they privately owned, we, the citizens of this nation, would have no access to them. The government owning the missiles, and armaments that protect this nation, and the ground and military bases they are on, is socialism. The city government having in place property taxes that if you don't pay them, you lose the property, so we can have government controlled police, infrastructure, and parks, is socialism. You see, socialism has always been a part of this and every other successful nation.And will continue to be. And you can stand there, cursing the end wrench, and all we see is a fool.
The government owning and controlling the most unique and beautiful places in the US for the use of all citizens is socialism. They are called National Parks, monuments, and wilderness areas. Were they privately owned, we, the citizens of this nation, would have no access to them. The government owning the missiles, and armaments that protect this nation, and the ground and military bases they are on, is socialism. The city government having in place property taxes that if you don't pay them, you lose the property, so we can have government controlled police, infrastructure, and parks, is socialism. You see, socialism has always been a part of this and every other successful nation.And will continue to be. And you can stand there, cursing the end wrench, and all we see is a fool.

Government owning national parks is not socialism.

Socialism is government owning the means of production and distribution of all products and services with no private ownership.
How are the RWNJs STILL so completely ignorant? How is it possible that they STILL don't know what the various ism's mean?

They're happy at that prospect of fascism, nazis, kkk - IOW - trump. Apparently, they actually believe Communism is a threat. What's up with that?

Social democracy is 100-percent American. We may be latecomers to recognizing a universal right to health care (indeed, we are not quite there yet). But we were first in creating a universal right to public education, in endowing ourselves with ownership of national parks, and, for that matter, in conferring voting rights on males without property and abolishing religious tests for holding national office.

Thomas Paine by Laurent Dabos, National Portrait Gallery (Wikicommons)

But there’s even more to the story. It was the American Revolution’s patriot and pamphleteer, Thomas Paine — a hero today to folks left and right, including tea partiers — who launched the social-democratic tradition in the 1790s. In his pamphlets, Rights of Man and Agrarian Justice, Paine outlined plans for combating poverty that would become what we today call Social Security.

As Paine put it in the latter work, since God has provided the earth and the land upon it as a collective endowment for humanity, those who have come to possess the land as private property owe the dispossessed an annual rent for it. Specifically, Paine delineated a limited redistribution of income by way of a tax on landed wealth and property. The funds collected were to provide both grants for young people to get started in life and pensions for the elderly.

Ladies Tailors Strike

Think again. The social-democratic tradition was nurtured by Americans both immigrant and native-born – by the so-called “sewer socialist” German Americans who helped to build the Midwest and, inspired by the likes of Eugene Debs and Victor Berger, radically improved urban life by winning battles for municipal ownership of public utilities. By the Jewish and Italian workers who toiled and suffered in the sweatshops of New York and Chicago but then, led by David Dubinsky and Sidney Hillman, created great labor unions such as the International Ladies Garment Workers Union and the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. By the farmers and laborers who rallied to the grand encampments on the prairies organized by populists and socialists across the southwest to hear how, working together in alliances, they could break the grip of Wall Street and create a Cooperative Commonwealth. By African-Americans who came north in the Great Migration to build new lives for themselves and, led by figures such as the socialist, labor leader and civil rights activist A. Philip Randolph, energized the civil rights movement in the 1930s.

And think again. Think about the greatest president of the 20th century, Franklin Roosevelt, whose grand, social-democratic New Deal initiatives – from the CCC, WPA and Rural Electrification Administration, to Social Security and the National Labor Relations Act — not only rescued the nation from the Great Depression, but also reduced inequality and poverty and helped ready the United States to win the second World War and become the strongest and most prosperous nation on earth.

Fighting for the Four Freedoms

Moreover, those we celebrate as the Greatest Generation, the men and women who confronted the Great Depression and went on to defeat fascism, fought for the decidedly social-democratic Four Freedoms – freedom of speech and religion, freedom from want and fear – and the chance of realizing them at war’s end.

... the United States does not have a strictly capitalist economy, but a mixed one. As such, it combines a high level of private ownership of capital and the means of production with relatively onerous regulation and taxation. Third, to the extent that what anti-capitalist Sanders supporters really want is a Scandinavian-style social democracy, with its high level of wealth redistribution and income equality, they should consider that even some of the most socially democratic countries on earth are, in one crucial way, more capitalist than the United States.


Opinion | Social Democracy in America?


Social democracy, political ideology that originally advocated a peaceful evolutionary transition of society from capitalism to socialism using established political processes. In the second half of the 20th century, there emerged a more moderate version of the doctrine, which generally espoused state regulation, rather than state ownership, of the means of production and extensive social welfare programs. Based on 19th-century socialism and the tenets of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, social democracy shares common ideological roots with communism but eschews its militancy and totalitarianism. Social democracy was originally known as revisionism because it represented a change in basic Marxist doctrine, primarily in the former’s repudiation of the use of revolution to establish a socialist society.


Despite popular myths, there is very little connection between economic performance and welfare expenditure. Many of the countries on this list are proof of that, such as Denmark and Finland. Even though both countries are more socialistic than America, the workforce remains stronger.
These jackasses should have to live in Venezuela for a year as part of their curriculum.

Sewer rat is wonderful if it’s properly seasoned. They are running out of pets to eat.

Fucking Millenials think history started when they were born.

Once taboo, socialism finds comrades among US millennials

Once taboo, socialism finds comrades among US millennials
I am not sure that you know what socialism is. Roads, police, armies, public schools, Medicare, are all examples of socialism.

Extending this to things like free health care is not radical at all.

What is radical is the fact that anti-American CEOS and billionaires stash their money overseas forcing the middle class and poor to fill in the gaps.

I hope your anger calms down. Thinking is best done calmly.

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