One always has to ruin it for others

:lol: TK, go test the ordinance at the restaurant. Make sure the weapon is in plain view. Tell us what happens.

Whatever you do, don't scream, "Back off, motherfucker. . .".

If they never see it, there's no need for me to be worried, or to yell obscenities at the restaurant employees.

Don't shift the goal posts.

We were talking about open carry.

Many conceal carry into our restaurants here without problem.

Glad you are on line.

You're the last one to lecture me about moving goalposts. You sir are the master.
The fact that he said that alerts you to the fact that it is in fact his own intention.
Did you guys see the picture of the assholes who visited Chipotle with their weapons?


Maybe TK does have a firearm after all. Sorry proved me wrong.
So how does a restraunt's policy of identifying and disarming all people who enter their establishment work with the right to carry a concealed weapon?

You don't have the right to search people. And people with CC permits aren't obliged to tell you they're packing. That's rather the point of concealed carry.

gads progressives are twits. And they will scream the loudest if someone doesn't die trying to defend their stupid asses when they get in trouble.

The reason I conceal carry is to protect myself in ANY situation. Nobody needs to know what I have on my person as long as I have a legal right to it. So ... I will continue going to restaurants, grocery stores, shopping malls, restaurants, gas stations, etc. with my conceal carry regardless of the twits who don't believe I have a right to self defense. "Gun Free Zones" are safe havens for would-be criminals. Chipotle' can put up a 1000 signs but they'll thank me when I stop an armed robber in his tracks. :eusa_angel:

There it is folks.

The real reason doofus fools carry guns.

They all have this childish fantasy that they'll swoop down and be the big hero that saves everyone and gets their name in the paper.

If they had a real life, they wouldn't have to pretend to be big brave he-mans.

Yeah ... like all of those "doofus fool" cops who carry guns. Why do they carry guns? In case they need them. What doofuses!

That would be "he-men" -- not "he-mans." You know ... plural vs. singular ... oh, nevermind.

I actually hope I never have to pull or use my gun. But I'm not so stupid as to believe that the world isn't a dangerous place and that violent crimes don't happen all the time. Wouldn't it be ironic that I save Lumpy Noodle's life one day as he's cowering in a corner. :lol:
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Did you guys see the picture of the assholes who visited Chipotle with their weapons?

View attachment 30175

Maybe TK does have a firearm after all. Sorry proved me wrong.

Yeah ... they took it too far. No need to carry a full sized rifle into a public eating establishment just because you can. That serves no purpose. Discretion is the better part of valor.
Chipotle' can put up a 1000 signs but they'll thank me when I stop an armed robber in his tracks. :eusa_angel:
It will shock no one to learn the you live in a Bruce Willis movie. And when you miss your target, or even if you manage to hit it, guess who also gets sued, they do.

I can tell exactly what their policy towards robbery is without a doubt -hand over the cash and do as the robber says, and do not go after them or your ass is fired.

I won't miss my target.
Chipotle' can put up a 1000 signs but they'll thank me when I stop an armed robber in his tracks. :eusa_angel:
It will shock no one to learn the you live in a Bruce Willis movie. And when you miss your target, or even if you manage to hit it, guess who also gets sued, they do.

I can tell exactly what their policy towards robbery is without a doubt -hand over the cash and do as the robber says, and do not go after them or your ass is fired.

I won't miss my target.

You have no way of knowing that. Take it down a notch, Superman.
Sure, as if I would let a restaurant tell me where I can take my firearm.

Really, as if you would actually be courteous enough to follow the rules in someone else's house.

I do. But being in someone's house and in a restaurant are two different things.

So, what do I follow, the 2nd Amendment, or a sign? I could walk in with it and go out, nobody would notice it. That right there would demonstrate the inefficacy of gun free zones. As seen with the theater shooting, the Sandy Hook Shooting and the FedEx shooting, gun free zones don't stop some crazed maniac from walking in with a gun and shooting up the place.

You do not have to eat in a restaurant that has this policy.
The reason I conceal carry is to protect myself in ANY situation. Nobody needs to know what I have on my person as long as I have a legal right to it. So ... I will continue going to restaurants, grocery stores, shopping malls, restaurants, gas stations, etc. with my conceal carry regardless of the twits who don't believe I have a right to self defense. "Gun Free Zones" are safe havens for would-be criminals. Chipotle' can put up a 1000 signs but they'll thank me when I stop an armed robber in his tracks. :eusa_angel:

There it is folks.

The real reason doofus fools carry guns.

They all have this childish fantasy that they'll swoop down and be the big hero that saves everyone and gets their name in the paper.

If they had a real life, they wouldn't have to pretend to be big brave he-mans.

Yeah ... like all of those "doofus fool" cops who carry guns. Why do they carry guns? In case they need them. What doofuses!

That would be "he-men" -- not "he-mans." You know ... plural vs. singular ... oh, nevermind.

I actually hope I never have to pull or use my gun. But I'm not so stupid as to believe that the world isn't a dangerous place and that violent crimes don't happen all the time. Wouldn't it be ironic that I save Lumpy Noodle's life one day as he's cowering in a corner. :lol:



I meant what I wrote - he-mans.

You're a wannabe man.

Did you guys see the picture of the assholes who visited Chipotle with their weapons?

View attachment 30175

Maybe TK does have a firearm after all. Sorry proved me wrong.

Did anyone get shot? Did these guys go on the murderous rampage you all expect and secretly hope for so you can forward your agenda?

No? ZOMG!!! I thought guns were KILLERS wherever they go!!1
A sign doesn't trump my 2nd Amendment rights.

The Second Amendment has nothing to do with this, civil rights define the relationship between the citizen and his government only, not between two private parties.

Should a private business owner discover you have a firearm against his wishes, he can ask you to leave.

unless local laws dictate otherwise. It seems you people LOVE forcing business to do some things, but when it comes to things you don't like, you are all "they should be able to do what they want to do"

Fine, they can prevent legal owners from carrying, but they should be required to then screen every entrant for firearms and to provide armed security to replace ones ability to defend oneself. They need to take on the responsibility if they choose to, not just put up a sign saying "no guns" and hoping for the best.
A sign doesn't trump my 2nd Amendment rights. And as we all know, gun free zones don't really stop gun violence. So yes, I would defy that sign. Unless it's posted I won't comply. I will keep my weapon concealed regardless of what Chipotle, or Luddly Neddite says.

And to answer your question? I don't own a firearm, but my father does. And we both agree that a "no guns allowed" sign doesn't trump his concealed carry permit. And it would be interesting to see you force any gun owner to do anything, without them putting a bullet in your head.
You have to either be dumb as a rock or 15 years old. On the other hand, those two states are not mutually exclusive which would maybe make "and" a better word choice than "or."
Dumb, dumb, let me explain something to you. The 2nd Amendment allows you to carry guns in public. It does not allow you to carry a gun in a private place. The restaurant is completely within its rights to restrict people from carrying weapons into their establishment. Or perhaps you think it is perfectly okay to do whatever you want in a private business and that the owners of the business have no say in what goes on in that business. Think of it as being similar to the "No shoes, No shirt, No service" sign.

I guess a "no black people" sign should be allowed as well, right?
Shouldn't he be forced to serve me? Isn't that always your answer?
Nope, not in this case. This is no shirt, no shoes, and carrying a weapon, no service. See how that works?

You are the one not respecting his property rights.

you have a constitutional right to carry a firearm, not to walk around barefoot and shirtless.

I'm thinking you may be confused about the first ten constitutional amendments. They are restrictions on government not rights for citizens.
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Nope, not in this case. This is no shirt, no shoes, and carrying a weapon, no service. See how that works?

You are the one not respecting his property rights.

you have a constitutional right to carry a firearm, not to walk around barefoot and shirtless.

I'm thinking you may be confused about the first ten constitutional amendments. They are restrictions on government not rights for citizens.

But progressives say public accommodations need to follow access laws, and if a locality has a law stating people can carry in public accommodation areas, they have to follow them.

Progressives have been saying recently if you own a business the law can make you serve people you don't want to. Why is this any different?
Progressives have been saying recently if you own a business the law can make you serve people you don't want to. Why is this any different?

Obviously it's because the right that is being exercised is one which he doesn't approve.
If they never see it, there's no need for me to be worried, or to yell obscenities at the restaurant employees.

Don't shift the goal posts.

We were talking about open carry.

Many conceal carry into our restaurants here without problem.

Glad you are on line.

You're the last one to lecture me about moving goalposts. You sir are the master.

You are projecting again.

We were talking about open carry, which you defended, were corrected, and shifted to conceal carry.

Stay on track.

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