One can't help but laugh at the rightwing hypocrisy on the Flynn leaks


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
During the campaign when Wikileaks spilled the DNC emails Rightwingers said "it doesn't matter how it was all leaked! The content justified the leaks! What matters is that the DNC is corrupt!"

Now fast forward to today, RWs say "it doesn't matter what Flynn did! What matters is the treason of the leaks derp, derp, derp!"

To be clear, when the Russian hackers/Wikileaks dropped the DNC bombshell, I was both disgusted with what the DNC did to Bernie as well as Wikileaks obvious attempt at playing favorites in the election. I despise the DNC altogether because of the information that was leaked. Moreover, liberals in general didn't make the case the leaks were fake information.

Now, cons on this board are total sheep and just believe Trump's claim that the actual content of the leaks are a non-issue. It's such childish hypocrisy that i can't wrap my mind around it.
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Perhaps if you really had any facts as opposed to knee jerk reactions after hearing a MSM media fest, it would be different.
Mandatory 10-15 years for 'leakers'. Whose the A.G.? Datz right, Jeff Sessions.............I wouldn't wanna be a 'leaker'.........
During the campaign when Wikileaks spilled the DNC emails Rightwingers said "it doesn't matter how it was all leaked! The content justified the leaks! What matters is that the DNC is corrupt!"

Now fast forward to today, RWs say "it doesn't matter what Flynn did! What matters is the treason of the leaks derp, derp, derp!"

Now to be clear, when the Wikileaks dropped the DNC bombshell, I was both disgusted with what the DNC did to Bernie as well as Wikileaks obvious attempt at playing favorites in the election. I despise the DNC altogether because of the information that was leaked. Moreover, liberals in general didn't make the case the leaks were fake information.

Now, cons on this board are total sheep and just believe Trump's claim that the actual content of the leaks are a non-issue. It's such childish hypocrisy that i can't wrap my mind around it.
I despise the DNC altogether
yea we can tell by those threads of yours....
Maybe they exposed DNC cheating? Maybe Debbie got fired for cheating Bernie? Maybe Donna got fired from CNN for COLLUDING with the DNC during the Trump debates? Russian hackers exposed DNC cheating. If they wanted Trump to win they would have released the missing classified data from her bathroom server.
During the campaign when Wikileaks spilled the DNC emails Rightwingers said "it doesn't matter how it was all leaked! The content justified the leaks! What matters is that the DNC is corrupt!"

Now fast forward to today, RWs say "it doesn't matter what Flynn did! What matters is the treason of the leaks derp, derp, derp!"

To be clear, when the Wikileaks dropped the DNC bombshell, I was both disgusted with what the DNC did to Bernie as well as Wikileaks obvious attempt at playing favorites in the election. I despise the DNC altogether because of the information that was leaked. Moreover, liberals in general didn't make the case the leaks were fake information.

Now, cons on this board are total sheep and just believe Trump's claim that the actual content of the leaks are a non-issue. It's such childish hypocrisy that i can't wrap my mind around it.
What did Obama know? And when did he know it?
During the campaign when Wikileaks spilled the DNC emails Rightwingers said "it doesn't matter how it was all leaked! The content justified the leaks! What matters is that the DNC is corrupt!"

Now fast forward to today, RWs say "it doesn't matter what Flynn did! What matters is the treason of the leaks derp, derp, derp!"

To be clear, when the Wikileaks dropped the DNC bombshell, I was both disgusted with what the DNC did to Bernie as well as Wikileaks obvious attempt at playing favorites in the election. I despise the DNC altogether because of the information that was leaked. Moreover, liberals in general didn't make the case the leaks were fake information.

Now, cons on this board are total sheep and just believe Trump's claim that the actual content of the leaks are a non-issue. It's such childish hypocrisy that i can't wrap my mind around it.

Of course it matters how it was leaked, however, it doesn't change to content.

Trump is the president, he will deal with the leakers as he deals with the bedwetters such as yourself.
Perhaps if you really had any facts as opposed to knee jerk reactions after hearing a MSM media fest, it would be different.
On the same day that Russians were hacking into our election, the trump people were speaking to Russia. This is big news, bubba, and will be thoroughly investigated
Maybe they exposed DNC cheating? Maybe Debbie got fired for cheating Bernie? Maybe Donna got fired from CNN for COLLUDING with the DNC during the Trump debates? Russian hackers exposed DNC cheating. If they wanted Trump to win they would have released the missing classified data from her bathroom server.
Okay you're stupid if you think I defended the DNC. How about you address the actual topic and admit your kind are a bunch of hypocrites?
During the campaign when Wikileaks spilled the DNC emails Rightwingers said "it doesn't matter how it was all leaked! The content justified the leaks! What matters is that the DNC is corrupt!"

Now fast forward to today, RWs say "it doesn't matter what Flynn did! What matters is the treason of the leaks derp, derp, derp!"

To be clear, when the Wikileaks dropped the DNC bombshell, I was both disgusted with what the DNC did to Bernie as well as Wikileaks obvious attempt at playing favorites in the election. I despise the DNC altogether because of the information that was leaked. Moreover, liberals in general didn't make the case the leaks were fake information.

Now, cons on this board are total sheep and just believe Trump's claim that the actual content of the leaks are a non-issue. It's such childish hypocrisy that i can't wrap my mind around it.

Of course it matters how it was leaked, however, it doesn't change to content.

Trump is the president, he will deal with the leakers as he deals with the bedwetters such as yourself.
You are so stupid. The fact that you bizarrely think Trump is at all ethical is just embarrassing.
Those wikileaks come from inside the WH Bucky?
No, they came from criminal Russian hackers who colluded with WikiLeaks. Duh.

Soooooo, nothing that was under control of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT.

I see said the blind carpenter as he reached for the hammer and saw
Dude the obvious point is that you and your kind did not care how Wikileaks obtained the information on the DNC. The fact that you can't acknowledge that is pathetic.
Those wikileaks come from inside the WH Bucky?
No, they came from criminal Russian hackers who colluded with WikiLeaks. Duh.

Oh I see, you are suggesting the WH has control over Russian hackers. We have a conspiracy section.
No see the obvious point is that you dumbasses didn't at all care HOW wikiLeaks obtained the DNC emails. Now all of a sudden you care about how damning information on Trump was leaked.
Those wikileaks come from inside the WH Bucky?
No, they came from criminal Russian hackers who colluded with WikiLeaks. Duh.

Soooooo, nothing that was under control of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT.

I see said the blind carpenter as he reached for the hammer and saw
Dude the obvious point is that you and your kind did not care how Wikileaks obtained the information on the DNC. The fact that you can't acknowledge that is pathetic.

No, the point is the source of a leak may make a difference as to how and why the WH would be concerned or be able to deal with it.
Those wikileaks come from inside the WH Bucky?
No, they came from criminal Russian hackers who colluded with WikiLeaks. Duh.

Soooooo, nothing that was under control of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT.

I see said the blind carpenter as he reached for the hammer and saw
Dude the obvious point is that you and your kind did not care how Wikileaks obtained the information on the DNC. The fact that you can't acknowledge that is pathetic.

Oh, you mean the email account protected by the password..........


You can't make this shit up folks.

Dude, a sixth grader could have hacked that account. It prolly would have been impossible for you, but honestly, you're kinda stoopid.
So where are you and Nat getting your talking points? Cause I highly doubt that both of you came up with the same talking points with almost the same wording in the title while completely missing the fact that it demonstrates your hypocrisy and not anyone else's.
Those wikileaks come from inside the WH Bucky?
No, they came from criminal Russian hackers who colluded with WikiLeaks. Duh.

Soooooo, nothing that was under control of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT.

I see said the blind carpenter as he reached for the hammer and saw
Dude the obvious point is that you and your kind did not care how Wikileaks obtained the information on the DNC. The fact that you can't acknowledge that is pathetic.

Oh, you mean the email account protected by the password..........


You can't make this shit up folks.

Dude, a sixth grader could have hacked that account. It prolly would have been impossible for you, but honestly, you're kinda stoopid.
You are such a dumbass. You can't even address the actual topic I am raising and it's pathetic

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