One chart shows the dire state of America's middle class

Riiiiigggghhhhhtttt. LMAO

U.S. real median household income reached $63,688 in January 2019, an increase of $171 or 0.3% over one month (December 2018).

Household income in the United States - Wikipedia


and inflation for Dec 2018 was 1.9%....
That was for the year, not the month you stupid little girl. Or did you know that and simply lie again?
The good news is that the top 10% hold 70% of the wealth in America, and I'm sure they'll be trickling on you any time now.

The hypocrisy levels are at an 11. The mental gymnastics are palpable. Might want to wear some boots. The bullshit in here is rising.
The question to me is always this: Are they bullshitting, or have they just been completely conned, and operating on willful ignorance?

I can never tell.

Could be both. :dunno: Cult45 are hypocrites. They don't require reasons since they don't stand for anything except hyperbole.

Perhaps your "typical worker" should cut back on the iPhone, cable TV, internet, BMW, designer jeans, designer shoes, and Starbucks.

Wow. You sound just like the fascist liberal boot lickers you criticize. Why not tell them to be quiet and take their guns while you're at it? You wingers have come full circle now.
Seems to me, if the FED didn't continually debase the value of the currency?

This whole argument between the left and the right would be moot.

The government and financial institutions gain by such a policy, while the poor and middle class demand something be done when they can't afford as much, year after year, just so the government can spend more on either defense, or entitlements, or what have you. . . .

. .. and the FED pumps more into the economy, and the dollar loses more purchasing power, year after year, and the cry for socialism goes out among the middle classes and the poor.

While you all stupidly sit there and think it has to do with what idiots they put in congress or in the oval orifice.

It gets worse every year.

derp derp derp.

How Trump’s economy stacks up - Axios

Wow, amazing how different figures can be from a left leaning source such as axios vs hudson institute, right leaning but known for factual reporting
Economic Growth by President - by Jeffrey H. Anderson
View attachment 310270

Johnson (1964-68), 5.3%
Kennedy (1961-63), 4.3%
Clinton (1993-2000), 3.9%
Reagan (1981-88), 3.5%
Carter (1977-80), 3.3%
Eisenhower (1953-60), 3.0%
(Post-WWII average: 2.9%)
Nixon (1969-74), 2.8%
Ford (1975-76), 2.6%
G. H. W. Bush (1989-92), 2.3%
G. W. Bush (2001-08), 2.1%
Truman (1946-52), 1.7%
Obama (2009-15), 1.5%

(According to the BEA, real GDP growth in 2016 has been 0.8 percent in the first quarter and 1.2 percent in the second quarter. Those figures, being from an incomplete year, are not included in President Obama’s tally. If economic growth does not improve over the rest of 2016, however, his overall tally would drop slightly.)
Thank you for revealing that bias.

I dug into the source for Axios, and look what the intro to the paper they used for their numbers stated, it quotes;

"The US economy has performed better when the president of the United States is a Democrat rather than a Republican, almost regard-less of how one measures performance."

Then it goes on for 33 pages as to why they need to massage the official numbers upward for Democrat candidates, and the official numbers downward for Republican Presidents.


Presidents and the US Economy: An Econometric Exploration

Seems they have a real Keynesian bias. ..

Perhaps your "typical worker" should cut back on the iPhone, cable TV, internet, BMW, designer jeans, designer shoes, and Starbucks.

Wow. You sound just like the fascist liberal boot lickers you criticize. Why not tell them to be quiet and take their guns while you're at it? You wingers have come full circle now.

Back in line before the free cheese runs out.

Perhaps your "typical worker" should cut back on the iPhone, cable TV, internet, BMW, designer jeans, designer shoes, and Starbucks.

Wow. You sound just like the fascist liberal boot lickers you criticize. Why not tell them to be quiet and take their guns while you're at it? You wingers have come full circle now.

Back in line before the free cheese runs out.

Didn't think you'd have any cogent reply, hypocrite.

Perhaps your "typical worker" should cut back on the iPhone, cable TV, internet, BMW, designer jeans, designer shoes, and Starbucks.

Wow. You sound just like the fascist liberal boot lickers you criticize. Why not tell them to be quiet and take their guns while you're at it? You wingers have come full circle now.

Back in line before the free cheese runs out.

Didn't think you'd have any cogent reply, hypocrite.

Gee, wanting all the bennies while being a lazy ass sounds like one hell of a cognitive idea...dumbass.

Perhaps your "typical worker" should cut back on the iPhone, cable TV, internet, BMW, designer jeans, designer shoes, and Starbucks.

Wow. You sound just like the fascist liberal boot lickers you criticize. Why not tell them to be quiet and take their guns while you're at it? You wingers have come full circle now.

Back in line before the free cheese runs out.

Didn't think you'd have any cogent reply, hypocrite.

Gee, wanting all the bennies while being a lazy ass sounds like one hell of a cognitive idea...dumbass.

How about minding your own fucking business? That ever cross your mind? Of course not. Because you ignorant wingers are brain dead.
Perhaps your "typical worker" should cut back on the iPhone, cable TV, internet, BMW, designer jeans, designer shoes, and Starbucks.

Wow. You sound just like the fascist liberal boot lickers you criticize. Why not tell them to be quiet and take their guns while you're at it? You wingers have come full circle now.

Back in line before the free cheese runs out.

Didn't think you'd have any cogent reply, hypocrite.

Gee, wanting all the bennies while being a lazy ass sounds like one hell of a cognitive idea...dumbass.

How about minding your own fucking business? That ever cross your mind? Of course not. Because you ignorant wingers are brain dead.

Considering your kind is expecting others to pay for "free shit", it is my business. Dang, talk about ignorant.
Wow. You sound just like the fascist liberal boot lickers you criticize. Why not tell them to be quiet and take their guns while you're at it? You wingers have come full circle now.

Back in line before the free cheese runs out.

Didn't think you'd have any cogent reply, hypocrite.

Gee, wanting all the bennies while being a lazy ass sounds like one hell of a cognitive idea...dumbass.

How about minding your own fucking business? That ever cross your mind? Of course not. Because you ignorant wingers are brain dead.

Considering your kind is expecting others to pay for "free shit", it is my business. Dang, talk about ignorant.

My 'kind'? Feel free to quote me in any thread here where I've ever advocated for any 'free shit'. Go on, you fucking retard, I'll wait.
Back in line before the free cheese runs out.

Didn't think you'd have any cogent reply, hypocrite.

Gee, wanting all the bennies while being a lazy ass sounds like one hell of a cognitive idea...dumbass.

How about minding your own fucking business? That ever cross your mind? Of course not. Because you ignorant wingers are brain dead.

Considering your kind is expecting others to pay for "free shit", it is my business. Dang, talk about ignorant.

My 'kind'? Feel free to quote me in any thread here where I've ever advocated for any 'free shit'. Go on, you fucking retard, I'll wait.

Great, we'll jump on the "I didn't say that", yet Democrat candidates did say that.
Didn't think you'd have any cogent reply, hypocrite.

Gee, wanting all the bennies while being a lazy ass sounds like one hell of a cognitive idea...dumbass.

How about minding your own fucking business? That ever cross your mind? Of course not. Because you ignorant wingers are brain dead.

Considering your kind is expecting others to pay for "free shit", it is my business. Dang, talk about ignorant.

My 'kind'? Feel free to quote me in any thread here where I've ever advocated for any 'free shit'. Go on, you fucking retard, I'll wait.

Great, we'll jump on the "I didn't say that", yet Democrat candidates did say that.

Nice deflect. And which of these 'Democrat candidates' have I pledged my undying loyalty to? Answer: none.

Maybe you just don't know what the fuck you're talking about, and need to refrain from making me a part of your own ignorance.
The demise of the middle class over the last 30-40 years is pretty well-documented.

No one can be surprised at this, and those who mock it don't have the balls to look in the mirror.
whew, what's that stench you off loaded?
The good news is that the top 10% hold 70% of the wealth in America, and I'm sure they'll be trickling on you any time now.
see you're confused with the 50% that don't work at all. they aren't the middle class. odd huh? that leaves 40% that own the other 30%. what's the issue.
The Obama years did some real damage...but we are on our way back...we are becoming great again....
Oh so now you trump cultists are gonna blame Obama...lovely. Trump the bullshitter has had almost FOUR YEARS to fix this and NOTHING is being fixed..its getting worse but hey don't worry about it the rich ceo's got their tax breaks..
for sure dude. yep keep in the basement punk.
Ah yes that's right let's PROVE you don't give a shit about the middle class. Ah Trump Cultists are just as bad as Obama Cultists. Their god can do NO WRONG in their eyes.
Our beloved Pres. Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in decades.

He deserves to be praised and admired by all citizens for his unselfish service and dedication to the nation.

Only miscreants and malcontents will deny this fact. ....
I'm sure the middle class is neither of those and only trump cultists believe the garbage you spewed.
you have no idea who the middle class even is.

People who work for:
Grocery Stores in general
Fed Ex
Air Services flight pilots and crew, maintenance
Any Waste management crew
phone companies
independent small company businesses
waiters and waitresses
Car salesman
auto workers in general

Fk dude, who are you talking about? name their profession. you're but another chuck and run idiot.
You know what will probably fix that is higher taxes and more mandates on not only you but your employer. Statistically speaking the best way to afford better stuff is obviously the government taking more of your money. Because as we all know a dollar spent on government programs is a sure fire way you get two dollars back.
right, the left have to take more of their money and jobs for them to feel better. I mean, really, the stupid that these fks spew is stench.

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