One Critical Thing Dems/Snowflakes Refuse To Do: Judge Trump by his record, not gossip

Judge Trump by his record, not gossip - Hot Air

"The lack of what most serious people would consider a presidential temperament didn’t prevent Trump from making the right call on loosening the rules of engagement in the war on ISIS, which ended the stalemate Trump inherited from Barack Obama.

Nor has any tendency to “flip out” prevented him from pursuing smart policies on regulatory reform and tax cuts, which, even the New York Times conceded this week in a front-page article, was creating a wave of business optimism that may lead to the complete economic recovery that eluded Barack Obama despite his cool demeanor. The same can be said for his decisions to recognize Jerusalem and to support the protests spreading across Iran, moral tests that his calm predecessor failed."

The best snowflakes can muster against the President is un-supported rumors, fake dossiers filled with Russian propaganda illegally bought and used in a US election from foreign agents through firms working for the Russians, and false accusations of non-criminal activity for which they can not provide any evidence ... yet they continue to focus / trumpet these things rather than focus on the actual undeniable success this President is having.

To admit any of this success, however, is to admit they are wrong and that Trump has been a much better President than they expected / prognosticated....

I guess you have not been out of Mississippi.
The ROW thinks he's a joke and the ultimate loud mouthed short fingered ugly American.
I thought snowflakes were uneducated white rubes who envy the C grabber
Judge Trump by his record, not gossip - Hot Air

"The lack of what most serious people would consider a presidential temperament didn’t prevent Trump from making the right call on loosening the rules of engagement in the war on ISIS, which ended the stalemate Trump inherited from Barack Obama.

Nor has any tendency to “flip out” prevented him from pursuing smart policies on regulatory reform and tax cuts, which, even the New York Times conceded this week in a front-page article, was creating a wave of business optimism that may lead to the complete economic recovery that eluded Barack Obama despite his cool demeanor. The same can be said for his decisions to recognize Jerusalem and to support the protests spreading across Iran, moral tests that his calm predecessor failed."

The best snowflakes can muster against the President is un-supported rumors, fake dossiers filled with Russian propaganda illegally bought and used in a US election from foreign agents through firms working for the Russians, and false accusations of non-criminal activity for which they can not provide any evidence ... yet they continue to focus / trumpet these things rather than focus on the actual undeniable success this President is having.

To admit any of this success, however, is to admit they are wrong and that Trump has been a much better President than they expected / prognosticated....

You are right. Every criticism of Trump is ad hominem based on gossip. Gossip spread from gossip, but the Libtards avoid at all costs discussing his record. To them, discussing his "record" isn't the 80 EPA laws he's reformed to open business opportunities, it is some hackneyed website they haunt with an alleged list of a thousand "lies" he's told in his first 90 days!

Please share one of these reformed laws. Give specifics.

Why stop at one?
Judge Trump by his record, not gossip - Hot Air

"The lack of what most serious people would consider a presidential temperament didn’t prevent Trump from making the right call on loosening the rules of engagement in the war on ISIS, which ended the stalemate Trump inherited from Barack Obama.

Nor has any tendency to “flip out” prevented him from pursuing smart policies on regulatory reform and tax cuts, which, even the New York Times conceded this week in a front-page article, was creating a wave of business optimism that may lead to the complete economic recovery that eluded Barack Obama despite his cool demeanor. The same can be said for his decisions to recognize Jerusalem and to support the protests spreading across Iran, moral tests that his calm predecessor failed."

The best snowflakes can muster against the President is un-supported rumors, fake dossiers filled with Russian propaganda illegally bought and used in a US election from foreign agents through firms working for the Russians, and false accusations of non-criminal activity for which they can not provide any evidence ... yet they continue to focus / trumpet these things rather than focus on the actual undeniable success this President is having.

To admit any of this success, however, is to admit they are wrong and that Trump has been a much better President than they expected / prognosticated....

Haven't noticed any success yet.
Indeed. Wages continue to be stagnant in the country. With the huge tax cuts the rich received but didn’t need they’ll do what they always do with the extra money. Invest it for their own personal gain.

The trickle down theory didn’t work under Reagan and it sure as hell won’t work with President Crazypants.
Poor poor pitiful whiney precious snowflakes..
Judge Trump by his record, not gossip - Hot Air

"The lack of what most serious people would consider a presidential temperament didn’t prevent Trump from making the right call on loosening the rules of engagement in the war on ISIS, which ended the stalemate Trump inherited from Barack Obama.

Nor has any tendency to “flip out” prevented him from pursuing smart policies on regulatory reform and tax cuts, which, even the New York Times conceded this week in a front-page article, was creating a wave of business optimism that may lead to the complete economic recovery that eluded Barack Obama despite his cool demeanor. The same can be said for his decisions to recognize Jerusalem and to support the protests spreading across Iran, moral tests that his calm predecessor failed."

The best snowflakes can muster against the President is un-supported rumors, fake dossiers filled with Russian propaganda illegally bought and used in a US election from foreign agents through firms working for the Russians, and false accusations of non-criminal activity for which they can not provide any evidence ... yet they continue to focus / trumpet these things rather than focus on the actual undeniable success this President is having.

To admit any of this success, however, is to admit they are wrong and that Trump has been a much better President than they expected / prognosticated....

You are right. Every criticism of Trump is ad hominem based on gossip. Gossip spread from gossip, but the Libtards avoid at all costs discussing his record. To them, discussing his "record" isn't the 80 EPA laws he's reformed to open business opportunities, it is some hackneyed website they haunt with an alleged list of a thousand "lies" he's told in his first 90 days!

Please share one of these reformed laws. Give specifics.

Why stop at one?

Not specific. What specific regulation is gone that will lead to a stronger economy?
Judge Trump by his record, not gossip - Hot Air

"The lack of what most serious people would consider a presidential temperament didn’t prevent Trump from making the right call on loosening the rules of engagement in the war on ISIS, which ended the stalemate Trump inherited from Barack Obama.

Nor has any tendency to “flip out” prevented him from pursuing smart policies on regulatory reform and tax cuts, which, even the New York Times conceded this week in a front-page article, was creating a wave of business optimism that may lead to the complete economic recovery that eluded Barack Obama despite his cool demeanor. The same can be said for his decisions to recognize Jerusalem and to support the protests spreading across Iran, moral tests that his calm predecessor failed."

The best snowflakes can muster against the President is un-supported rumors, fake dossiers filled with Russian propaganda illegally bought and used in a US election from foreign agents through firms working for the Russians, and false accusations of non-criminal activity for which they can not provide any evidence ... yet they continue to focus / trumpet these things rather than focus on the actual undeniable success this President is having.

To admit any of this success, however, is to admit they are wrong and that Trump has been a much better President than they expected / prognosticated....

Haven't noticed any success yet.
Indeed. Wages continue to be stagnant in the country. With the huge tax cuts the rich received but didn’t need they’ll do what they always do with the extra money. Invest it for their own personal gain.

The trickle down theory didn’t work under Reagan and it sure as hell won’t work with President Crazypants.
Poor poor pitiful whiney precious snowflakes..

Can't handle the facts so you resort to name calling?
Judge Trump by his record, not gossip - Hot Air

"The lack of what most serious people would consider a presidential temperament didn’t prevent Trump from making the right call on loosening the rules of engagement in the war on ISIS, which ended the stalemate Trump inherited from Barack Obama.

Nor has any tendency to “flip out” prevented him from pursuing smart policies on regulatory reform and tax cuts, which, even the New York Times conceded this week in a front-page article, was creating a wave of business optimism that may lead to the complete economic recovery that eluded Barack Obama despite his cool demeanor. The same can be said for his decisions to recognize Jerusalem and to support the protests spreading across Iran, moral tests that his calm predecessor failed."

The best snowflakes can muster against the President is un-supported rumors, fake dossiers filled with Russian propaganda illegally bought and used in a US election from foreign agents through firms working for the Russians, and false accusations of non-criminal activity for which they can not provide any evidence ... yet they continue to focus / trumpet these things rather than focus on the actual undeniable success this President is having.

To admit any of this success, however, is to admit they are wrong and that Trump has been a much better President than they expected / prognosticated....

Haven't noticed any success yet.
Indeed. Wages continue to be stagnant in the country. With the huge tax cuts the rich received but didn’t need they’ll do what they always do with the extra money. Invest it for their own personal gain.

The trickle down theory didn’t work under Reagan and it sure as hell won’t work with President Crazypants.
Poor poor pitiful whiney precious snowflakes..

Can't handle the facts so you resort to name calling?
Just using your own rules for radicals and like the petulant child you don't like it. Rotflmao..
Judge Trump by his record, not gossip - Hot Air

"The lack of what most serious people would consider a presidential temperament didn’t prevent Trump from making the right call on loosening the rules of engagement in the war on ISIS, which ended the stalemate Trump inherited from Barack Obama.

Nor has any tendency to “flip out” prevented him from pursuing smart policies on regulatory reform and tax cuts, which, even the New York Times conceded this week in a front-page article, was creating a wave of business optimism that may lead to the complete economic recovery that eluded Barack Obama despite his cool demeanor. The same can be said for his decisions to recognize Jerusalem and to support the protests spreading across Iran, moral tests that his calm predecessor failed."

The best snowflakes can muster against the President is un-supported rumors, fake dossiers filled with Russian propaganda illegally bought and used in a US election from foreign agents through firms working for the Russians, and false accusations of non-criminal activity for which they can not provide any evidence ... yet they continue to focus / trumpet these things rather than focus on the actual undeniable success this President is having.

To admit any of this success, however, is to admit they are wrong and that Trump has been a much better President than they expected / prognosticated....

Haven't noticed any success yet.
Of course not. Hacks led around on a leash by the hack media are oblivious to reality.
Talking points > all else to them.
Judge Trump by his record, not gossip - Hot Air

"The lack of what most serious people would consider a presidential temperament didn’t prevent Trump from making the right call on loosening the rules of engagement in the war on ISIS, which ended the stalemate Trump inherited from Barack Obama.

Nor has any tendency to “flip out” prevented him from pursuing smart policies on regulatory reform and tax cuts, which, even the New York Times conceded this week in a front-page article, was creating a wave of business optimism that may lead to the complete economic recovery that eluded Barack Obama despite his cool demeanor. The same can be said for his decisions to recognize Jerusalem and to support the protests spreading across Iran, moral tests that his calm predecessor failed."

The best snowflakes can muster against the President is un-supported rumors, fake dossiers filled with Russian propaganda illegally bought and used in a US election from foreign agents through firms working for the Russians, and false accusations of non-criminal activity for which they can not provide any evidence ... yet they continue to focus / trumpet these things rather than focus on the actual undeniable success this President is having.

To admit any of this success, however, is to admit they are wrong and that Trump has been a much better President than they expected / prognosticated....

Haven't noticed any success yet.
Indeed. Wages continue to be stagnant in the country. With the huge tax cuts the rich received but didn’t need they’ll do what they always do with the extra money. Invest it for their own personal gain.

The trickle down theory didn’t work under Reagan and it sure as hell won’t work with President Crazypants.
Poor poor pitiful whiney precious snowflakes..

Can't handle the facts so you resort to name calling?
Just using your own rules for radicals and like the petulant child you don't like it. Rotflmao..
Fact is there has been no success. All your name calling won't change that. But keep
Acting like a child, it's funny.
Judge Trump by his record, not gossip - Hot Air

"The lack of what most serious people would consider a presidential temperament didn’t prevent Trump from making the right call on loosening the rules of engagement in the war on ISIS, which ended the stalemate Trump inherited from Barack Obama.

Nor has any tendency to “flip out” prevented him from pursuing smart policies on regulatory reform and tax cuts, which, even the New York Times conceded this week in a front-page article, was creating a wave of business optimism that may lead to the complete economic recovery that eluded Barack Obama despite his cool demeanor. The same can be said for his decisions to recognize Jerusalem and to support the protests spreading across Iran, moral tests that his calm predecessor failed."

The best snowflakes can muster against the President is un-supported rumors, fake dossiers filled with Russian propaganda illegally bought and used in a US election from foreign agents through firms working for the Russians, and false accusations of non-criminal activity for which they can not provide any evidence ... yet they continue to focus / trumpet these things rather than focus on the actual undeniable success this President is having.

To admit any of this success, however, is to admit they are wrong and that Trump has been a much better President than they expected / prognosticated....

Haven't noticed any success yet.
Of course not. Hacks led around on a leash by the hack media are oblivious to reality.
Talking points > all else to them.

What would I notice if it wasn't a hack media?
Judge Trump by his record, not gossip - Hot Air

"The lack of what most serious people would consider a presidential temperament didn’t prevent Trump from making the right call on loosening the rules of engagement in the war on ISIS, which ended the stalemate Trump inherited from Barack Obama.

Nor has any tendency to “flip out” prevented him from pursuing smart policies on regulatory reform and tax cuts, which, even the New York Times conceded this week in a front-page article, was creating a wave of business optimism that may lead to the complete economic recovery that eluded Barack Obama despite his cool demeanor. The same can be said for his decisions to recognize Jerusalem and to support the protests spreading across Iran, moral tests that his calm predecessor failed."

The best snowflakes can muster against the President is un-supported rumors, fake dossiers filled with Russian propaganda illegally bought and used in a US election from foreign agents through firms working for the Russians, and false accusations of non-criminal activity for which they can not provide any evidence ... yet they continue to focus / trumpet these things rather than focus on the actual undeniable success this President is having.

To admit any of this success, however, is to admit they are wrong and that Trump has been a much better President than they expected / prognosticated....

Haven't noticed any success yet.
See what I mean...Soon their heads will be so far up Uranus, they could see Pluto.

View attachment 169859

Should I feel good about North Korea now being able to hit us with a nuke?
Seriously? This is the stupidity you're going to go with? Decades of appeasement by many presidents and Trump gets the blame?

You can't seriously be this stupid
Judge Trump by his record, not gossip - Hot Air

"The lack of what most serious people would consider a presidential temperament didn’t prevent Trump from making the right call on loosening the rules of engagement in the war on ISIS, which ended the stalemate Trump inherited from Barack Obama.

Nor has any tendency to “flip out” prevented him from pursuing smart policies on regulatory reform and tax cuts, which, even the New York Times conceded this week in a front-page article, was creating a wave of business optimism that may lead to the complete economic recovery that eluded Barack Obama despite his cool demeanor. The same can be said for his decisions to recognize Jerusalem and to support the protests spreading across Iran, moral tests that his calm predecessor failed."

The best snowflakes can muster against the President is un-supported rumors, fake dossiers filled with Russian propaganda illegally bought and used in a US election from foreign agents through firms working for the Russians, and false accusations of non-criminal activity for which they can not provide any evidence ... yet they continue to focus / trumpet these things rather than focus on the actual undeniable success this President is having.

To admit any of this success, however, is to admit they are wrong and that Trump has been a much better President than they expected / prognosticated....

Haven't noticed any success yet.
Of course not. Hacks led around on a leash by the hack media are oblivious to reality.
Talking points > all else to them.

What would I notice if it wasn't a hack media?
Why do you need to have your hand held? You can see the same things the rest of us see.
Stop being such an idiot
Judge Trump by his record, not gossip - Hot Air

"The lack of what most serious people would consider a presidential temperament didn’t prevent Trump from making the right call on loosening the rules of engagement in the war on ISIS, which ended the stalemate Trump inherited from Barack Obama.

Nor has any tendency to “flip out” prevented him from pursuing smart policies on regulatory reform and tax cuts, which, even the New York Times conceded this week in a front-page article, was creating a wave of business optimism that may lead to the complete economic recovery that eluded Barack Obama despite his cool demeanor. The same can be said for his decisions to recognize Jerusalem and to support the protests spreading across Iran, moral tests that his calm predecessor failed."

The best snowflakes can muster against the President is un-supported rumors, fake dossiers filled with Russian propaganda illegally bought and used in a US election from foreign agents through firms working for the Russians, and false accusations of non-criminal activity for which they can not provide any evidence ... yet they continue to focus / trumpet these things rather than focus on the actual undeniable success this President is having.

To admit any of this success, however, is to admit they are wrong and that Trump has been a much better President than they expected / prognosticated....

Haven't noticed any success yet.
See what I mean...Soon their heads will be so far up Uranus, they could see Pluto.

View attachment 169859

Should I feel good about North Korea now being able to hit us with a nuke?
Seriously? This is the stupidity you're going to go with? Decades of appeasement by many presidents and Trump gets the blame?

You can't seriously be this stupid

Lol! Yes they can be and they are that stupid.
Judge Trump by his record, not gossip - Hot Air

"The lack of what most serious people would consider a presidential temperament didn’t prevent Trump from making the right call on loosening the rules of engagement in the war on ISIS, which ended the stalemate Trump inherited from Barack Obama.

Nor has any tendency to “flip out” prevented him from pursuing smart policies on regulatory reform and tax cuts, which, even the New York Times conceded this week in a front-page article, was creating a wave of business optimism that may lead to the complete economic recovery that eluded Barack Obama despite his cool demeanor. The same can be said for his decisions to recognize Jerusalem and to support the protests spreading across Iran, moral tests that his calm predecessor failed."

The best snowflakes can muster against the President is un-supported rumors, fake dossiers filled with Russian propaganda illegally bought and used in a US election from foreign agents through firms working for the Russians, and false accusations of non-criminal activity for which they can not provide any evidence ... yet they continue to focus / trumpet these things rather than focus on the actual undeniable success this President is having.

To admit any of this success, however, is to admit they are wrong and that Trump has been a much better President than they expected / prognosticated....

Haven't noticed any success yet.
See what I mean...Soon their heads will be so far up Uranus, they could see Pluto.

View attachment 169859

Should I feel good about North Korea now being able to hit us with a nuke?
Seriously? This is the stupidity you're going to go with? Decades of appeasement by many presidents and Trump gets the blame?

You can't seriously be this stupid

They have done a lot of testing under his watch and have one now the can hit us. Should I be happy about that?
Judge Trump by his record, not gossip - Hot Air

"The lack of what most serious people would consider a presidential temperament didn’t prevent Trump from making the right call on loosening the rules of engagement in the war on ISIS, which ended the stalemate Trump inherited from Barack Obama.

Nor has any tendency to “flip out” prevented him from pursuing smart policies on regulatory reform and tax cuts, which, even the New York Times conceded this week in a front-page article, was creating a wave of business optimism that may lead to the complete economic recovery that eluded Barack Obama despite his cool demeanor. The same can be said for his decisions to recognize Jerusalem and to support the protests spreading across Iran, moral tests that his calm predecessor failed."

The best snowflakes can muster against the President is un-supported rumors, fake dossiers filled with Russian propaganda illegally bought and used in a US election from foreign agents through firms working for the Russians, and false accusations of non-criminal activity for which they can not provide any evidence ... yet they continue to focus / trumpet these things rather than focus on the actual undeniable success this President is having.

To admit any of this success, however, is to admit they are wrong and that Trump has been a much better President than they expected / prognosticated....

Haven't noticed any success yet.
Of course not. Hacks led around on a leash by the hack media are oblivious to reality.
Talking points > all else to them.

What would I notice if it wasn't a hack media?
Why do you need to have your hand held? You can see the same things the rest of us see.
Stop being such an idiot

Cause I've seen nothing obviously.
Judge Trump by his record, not gossip - Hot Air

"The lack of what most serious people would consider a presidential temperament didn’t prevent Trump from making the right call on loosening the rules of engagement in the war on ISIS, which ended the stalemate Trump inherited from Barack Obama.

Nor has any tendency to “flip out” prevented him from pursuing smart policies on regulatory reform and tax cuts, which, even the New York Times conceded this week in a front-page article, was creating a wave of business optimism that may lead to the complete economic recovery that eluded Barack Obama despite his cool demeanor. The same can be said for his decisions to recognize Jerusalem and to support the protests spreading across Iran, moral tests that his calm predecessor failed."

The best snowflakes can muster against the President is un-supported rumors, fake dossiers filled with Russian propaganda illegally bought and used in a US election from foreign agents through firms working for the Russians, and false accusations of non-criminal activity for which they can not provide any evidence ... yet they continue to focus / trumpet these things rather than focus on the actual undeniable success this President is having.

To admit any of this success, however, is to admit they are wrong and that Trump has been a much better President than they expected / prognosticated....

Haven't noticed any success yet.
See what I mean...Soon their heads will be so far up Uranus, they could see Pluto.

View attachment 169859

Should I feel good about North Korea now being able to hit us with a nuke?
Seriously? This is the stupidity you're going to go with? Decades of appeasement by many presidents and Trump gets the blame?

You can't seriously be this stupid

They have done a lot of testing under his watch and have one now the can hit us. Should I be happy about that?
Testing technology that has taken them YEARS to develop. And what should Trump do? Bomb the launch pads? Invade?

Please hack, you're as shallow as they come.
Haven't noticed any success yet.
See what I mean...Soon their heads will be so far up Uranus, they could see Pluto.

View attachment 169859

Should I feel good about North Korea now being able to hit us with a nuke?
Seriously? This is the stupidity you're going to go with? Decades of appeasement by many presidents and Trump gets the blame?

You can't seriously be this stupid

They have done a lot of testing under his watch and have one now the can hit us. Should I be happy about that?
Testing technology that has taken them YEARS to develop. And what should Trump do? Bomb the launch pads? Invade?

Please hack, you're as shallow as they come.

There were a lot less tests under obama...

It's one of many examples. How's healthcare?
See what I mean...Soon their heads will be so far up Uranus, they could see Pluto.

View attachment 169859

Should I feel good about North Korea now being able to hit us with a nuke?
Seriously? This is the stupidity you're going to go with? Decades of appeasement by many presidents and Trump gets the blame?

You can't seriously be this stupid

They have done a lot of testing under his watch and have one now the can hit us. Should I be happy about that?
Testing technology that has taken them YEARS to develop. And what should Trump do? Bomb the launch pads? Invade?

Please hack, you're as shallow as they come.

There were a lot less tests under obama...

It's one of many examples. How's healthcare?
Testing tends to be the FINAL stage dummy. You can't fully test what you haven't built.

And healthcare is exactly the same as it was when Obama fucked it up to begin with except now Americans aren't forced to buy an over priced minimum coverage policy.
Should I feel good about North Korea now being able to hit us with a nuke?
Seriously? This is the stupidity you're going to go with? Decades of appeasement by many presidents and Trump gets the blame?

You can't seriously be this stupid

They have done a lot of testing under his watch and have one now the can hit us. Should I be happy about that?
Testing technology that has taken them YEARS to develop. And what should Trump do? Bomb the launch pads? Invade?

Please hack, you're as shallow as they come.

There were a lot less tests under obama...

It's one of many examples. How's healthcare?
Testing tends to be the FINAL stage dummy. You can't fully test what you haven't built.

And healthcare is exactly the same as it was when Obama fucked it up to begin with except now Americans aren't forced to buy an over priced minimum coverage policy.

So you are happy they successfully tested a missile that can hit us?

So yeah it still sucks. So sucks is your idea of success?
Seriously? This is the stupidity you're going to go with? Decades of appeasement by many presidents and Trump gets the blame?

You can't seriously be this stupid

They have done a lot of testing under his watch and have one now the can hit us. Should I be happy about that?
Testing technology that has taken them YEARS to develop. And what should Trump do? Bomb the launch pads? Invade?

Please hack, you're as shallow as they come.

There were a lot less tests under obama...

It's one of many examples. How's healthcare?
Testing tends to be the FINAL stage dummy. You can't fully test what you haven't built.

And healthcare is exactly the same as it was when Obama fucked it up to begin with except now Americans aren't forced to buy an over priced minimum coverage policy.

So you are happy they successfully tested a missile that can hit us?

So yeah it still sucks. So sucks is your idea of success?
I don't measure this presidents successes by the failures of the last. Democrats wrecked our healthcare system. They own it. Period

And your first question just shows that you're not mature enough to carry on an adult discussion.
They have done a lot of testing under his watch and have one now the can hit us. Should I be happy about that?
Testing technology that has taken them YEARS to develop. And what should Trump do? Bomb the launch pads? Invade?

Please hack, you're as shallow as they come.

There were a lot less tests under obama...

It's one of many examples. How's healthcare?
Testing tends to be the FINAL stage dummy. You can't fully test what you haven't built.

And healthcare is exactly the same as it was when Obama fucked it up to begin with except now Americans aren't forced to buy an over priced minimum coverage policy.

So you are happy they successfully tested a missile that can hit us?

So yeah it still sucks. So sucks is your idea of success?
I don't measure this presidents successes by the failures of the last. Democrats wrecked our healthcare system. They own it. Period

And your first question just shows that you're not mature enough to carry on an adult discussion.

So you blame others for what happens on his watch. Very adult.

Healthcare sucked long before Obamacare. And still sucks.

How's the debt doing? Balanced budget?

You have not given a single example of success.

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