One Critical Thing Dems/Snowflakes Refuse To Do: Judge Trump by his record, not gossip

Why this administration invited Wolff into the whtehouse is beyond rational normal thinking. They are reaping what they sowed and I feel zero remorse whether the whole book is fabricated or not. Who made this decision? Surely Wolff didn't force his way in or are one of you simpletons going to say he did?
Testing technology that has taken them YEARS to develop. And what should Trump do? Bomb the launch pads? Invade?

Please hack, you're as shallow as they come.

There were a lot less tests under obama...

It's one of many examples. How's healthcare?
Testing tends to be the FINAL stage dummy. You can't fully test what you haven't built.

And healthcare is exactly the same as it was when Obama fucked it up to begin with except now Americans aren't forced to buy an over priced minimum coverage policy.

So you are happy they successfully tested a missile that can hit us?

So yeah it still sucks. So sucks is your idea of success?
I don't measure this presidents successes by the failures of the last. Democrats wrecked our healthcare system. They own it. Period

And your first question just shows that you're not mature enough to carry on an adult discussion.

So you blame others for what happens on his watch. Very adult.

Healthcare sucked long before Obamacare. And still sucks.

How's the debt doing? Balanced budget?

You have not given a single example of success.
I haven't, you are correct. And I have no intention to point out the obvious. I am not, nor have I ever wanted to be, a kindergarten teacher.
There were a lot less tests under obama...

It's one of many examples. How's healthcare?
Testing tends to be the FINAL stage dummy. You can't fully test what you haven't built.

And healthcare is exactly the same as it was when Obama fucked it up to begin with except now Americans aren't forced to buy an over priced minimum coverage policy.

So you are happy they successfully tested a missile that can hit us?

So yeah it still sucks. So sucks is your idea of success?
I don't measure this presidents successes by the failures of the last. Democrats wrecked our healthcare system. They own it. Period

And your first question just shows that you're not mature enough to carry on an adult discussion.

So you blame others for what happens on his watch. Very adult.

Healthcare sucked long before Obamacare. And still sucks.

How's the debt doing? Balanced budget?

You have not given a single example of success.
I haven't, you are correct. And I have no intention to point out the obvious. I am not, nor have I ever wanted to be, a kindergarten teacher.

Yes you have nothing. Bravo.
Haven't noticed any success yet.
Indeed. Wages continue to be stagnant in the country. With the huge tax cuts the rich received but didn’t need they’ll do what they always do with the extra money. Invest it for their own personal gain.

The trickle down theory didn’t work under Reagan and it sure as hell won’t work with President Crazypants.
Poor poor pitiful whiney precious snowflakes..

Can't handle the facts so you resort to name calling?
Just using your own rules for radicals and like the petulant child you don't like it. Rotflmao..
Fact is there has been no success. All your name calling won't change that. But keep
Acting like a child, it's funny.
Just wont pull you head out of your ass and admit that good things are happening? You are such a miserable wretch, just like the bitch you voted for.
Indeed. Wages continue to be stagnant in the country. With the huge tax cuts the rich received but didn’t need they’ll do what they always do with the extra money. Invest it for their own personal gain.

The trickle down theory didn’t work under Reagan and it sure as hell won’t work with President Crazypants.
Poor poor pitiful whiney precious snowflakes..

Can't handle the facts so you resort to name calling?
Just using your own rules for radicals and like the petulant child you don't like it. Rotflmao..
Fact is there has been no success. All your name calling won't change that. But keep
Acting like a child, it's funny.
Just wont pull you head out of your ass and admit that good things are happening? You are such a miserable wretch, just like the bitch you voted for.

Such as? Balanced budget? Affordable healthcare? Is Mexico paying for that wall?
Judge Trump by his record, not gossip - Hot Air

"The lack of what most serious people would consider a presidential temperament didn’t prevent Trump from making the right call on loosening the rules of engagement in the war on ISIS, which ended the stalemate Trump inherited from Barack Obama.

Nor has any tendency to “flip out” prevented him from pursuing smart policies on regulatory reform and tax cuts, which, even the New York Times conceded this week in a front-page article, was creating a wave of business optimism that may lead to the complete economic recovery that eluded Barack Obama despite his cool demeanor. The same can be said for his decisions to recognize Jerusalem and to support the protests spreading across Iran, moral tests that his calm predecessor failed."

The best snowflakes can muster against the President is un-supported rumors, fake dossiers filled with Russian propaganda illegally bought and used in a US election from foreign agents through firms working for the Russians, and false accusations of non-criminal activity for which they can not provide any evidence ... yet they continue to focus / trumpet these things rather than focus on the actual undeniable success this President is having.

To admit any of this success, however, is to admit they are wrong and that Trump has been a much better President than they expected / prognosticated....

You are right. Every criticism of Trump is ad hominem based on gossip. Gossip spread from gossip, but the Libtards avoid at all costs discussing his record. To them, discussing his "record" isn't the 80 EPA laws he's reformed to open business opportunities, it is some hackneyed website they haunt with an alleged list of a thousand "lies" he's told in his first 90 days!
An “ alleged “ list of 1000 lies?
They’ve all been documented. The press needs to work overtime to keep up with all his lies.
And the EPA laws the mfer got rid of did not hurt business opportunities. The fastest growing job market in the US and world is with alternative energy jobs.
Moron is pushing coal as the wave of the future.
When he said that at an Asian Energy Conference all the world leaders got up and walked out on him.
He’s an international disgrace.
The fastest growing job market in the US and world is with alternative energy jobs
Bankruptcy Looms For Spain's Green Energy Giant
At the Paris climate summit earlier this week, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy pledged to "de-carbonize" his economy. But back home, Spain's biggest renewable energy company is on the verge of becoming the country's biggest-ever bankruptcy.
Pending Bankruptcy of Largest Solar Company Puts Alternative Energy Industry Into Full Meltdown Mode
The largest solar company in the world, SunEdison, is on the ropes and headed toward bankruptcy. It may take the rest of the industry with it.
When someone or some company fails, then the liberals win, that is the socialist way to make everyone equal, equally poor and equally miserable. The tard will not realize this even if it kills him.

Run Away, Claire: McCaskill Refuses To Comment On Local Bank Doling Out Bonuses Thanks To Trump’s Tax Bill

"Since President Trump signed the bill into law on December 22, over 100 companies have done exactly what Democrats thought they wouldn’t do: give bonuses to workers, increase U.S. investments, and boost donations to charitable causes. They’re eating crow—lots of it. They’re backtracking. They’re moving goal posts because it’s very possible that a) this bill gets more popular; and b) the Democrats will have to explain why they voted against economic growth, a tax cut for the middle class, and the American worker. The wind that they have to their backs could easily dissipate. We are 10 months away from Election Day. In Missouri, the tax bill benefits have hit close to home, with a Springfield-based bank announcing that they would be giving $1,000 and $500 bonuses to full-time and part-time workers respectively thanks to the new bill. The bank cited how the GOP’s tax reform will create a better economic environment. McCaskill was asked for comment, but decided to deploy countermeasures and head into the bunker..."

One Critical Thing Dems/Snowflakes Refuse To Do: Judge Trump by his record

Judge Trump by his record, not gossip - Hot Air

"The lack of what most serious people would consider a presidential temperament didn’t prevent Trump from making the right call on loosening the rules of engagement in the war on ISIS, which ended the stalemate Trump inherited from Barack Obama.

Nor has any tendency to “flip out” prevented him from pursuing smart policies on regulatory reform and tax cuts, which, even the New York Times conceded this week in a front-page article, was creating a wave of business optimism that may lead to the complete economic recovery that eluded Barack Obama despite his cool demeanor. The same can be said for his decisions to recognize Jerusalem and to support the protests spreading across Iran, moral tests that his calm predecessor failed."

The best snowflakes can muster against the President is un-supported rumors, fake dossiers filled with Russian propaganda illegally bought and used in a US election from foreign agents through firms working for the Russians, and false accusations of non-criminal activity for which they can not provide any evidence ... yet they continue to focus / trumpet these things rather than focus on the actual undeniable success this President is having.

To admit any of this success, however, is to admit they are wrong and that Trump has been a much better President than they expected / prognosticated....
There is the imaginary record Trump minions somehow see.

Then there is the real record:
Millions will lose healthcare
Massive transfer of wealth to the top 1%
Enormous increase in debt
The US is no longer the leader of the Free World

I think worst of all, all the interference in business will lead to a terrible recession while the rest of the world will have growing economies. He's had practice with all the bankruptcies.
Run Away, Claire: McCaskill Refuses To Comment On Local Bank Doling Out Bonuses Thanks To Trump’s Tax Bill

"Since President Trump signed the bill into law on December 22, over 100 companies have done exactly what Democrats thought they wouldn’t do: give bonuses to workers, increase U.S. investments, and boost donations to charitable causes. They’re eating crow—lots of it. They’re backtracking. They’re moving goal posts because it’s very possible that a) this bill gets more popular; and b) the Democrats will have to explain why they voted against economic growth, a tax cut for the middle class, and the American worker. The wind that they have to their backs could easily dissipate. We are 10 months away from Election Day. In Missouri, the tax bill benefits have hit close to home, with a Springfield-based bank announcing that they would be giving $1,000 and $500 bonuses to full-time and part-time workers respectively thanks to the new bill. The bank cited how the GOP’s tax reform will create a better economic environment. McCaskill was asked for comment, but decided to deploy countermeasures and head into the bunker..."

One Critical Thing Dems/Snowflakes Refuse To Do: Judge Trump by his record

Not donations to workers. Donations to managers. Something else entirely.
Judge Trump by his record, not gossip - Hot Air

"The lack of what most serious people would consider a presidential temperament didn’t prevent Trump from making the right call on loosening the rules of engagement in the war on ISIS, which ended the stalemate Trump inherited from Barack Obama.

Nor has any tendency to “flip out” prevented him from pursuing smart policies on regulatory reform and tax cuts, which, even the New York Times conceded this week in a front-page article, was creating a wave of business optimism that may lead to the complete economic recovery that eluded Barack Obama despite his cool demeanor. The same can be said for his decisions to recognize Jerusalem and to support the protests spreading across Iran, moral tests that his calm predecessor failed."

The best snowflakes can muster against the President is un-supported rumors, fake dossiers filled with Russian propaganda illegally bought and used in a US election from foreign agents through firms working for the Russians, and false accusations of non-criminal activity for which they can not provide any evidence ... yet they continue to focus / trumpet these things rather than focus on the actual undeniable success this President is having.

To admit any of this success, however, is to admit they are wrong and that Trump has been a much better President than they expected / prognosticated....

What in Trump's record should DEMOCRATS see as praiseworthy?
Judge Trump by his record, not gossip - Hot Air

"The lack of what most serious people would consider a presidential temperament didn’t prevent Trump from making the right call on loosening the rules of engagement in the war on ISIS, which ended the stalemate Trump inherited from Barack Obama.

Nor has any tendency to “flip out” prevented him from pursuing smart policies on regulatory reform and tax cuts, which, even the New York Times conceded this week in a front-page article, was creating a wave of business optimism that may lead to the complete economic recovery that eluded Barack Obama despite his cool demeanor. The same can be said for his decisions to recognize Jerusalem and to support the protests spreading across Iran, moral tests that his calm predecessor failed."

The best snowflakes can muster against the President is un-supported rumors, fake dossiers filled with Russian propaganda illegally bought and used in a US election from foreign agents through firms working for the Russians, and false accusations of non-criminal activity for which they can not provide any evidence ... yet they continue to focus / trumpet these things rather than focus on the actual undeniable success this President is having.

To admit any of this success, however, is to admit they are wrong and that Trump has been a much better President than they expected / prognosticated....
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.
Need I say more?

Again, when all else fails - when you can't provide any evidence to back up your lies / false claims, simply claim 'He's Nuts', 'He's a Sociopath'.

Being 'Charismatic' does not explain all the massive success - far more than Obama - President Trump has had ... and it's eating snowflakes up. :p
Massive success?

I almost feel sorry for you. You imagine all this "success" however you define success.

But it's clear Trump is heading to a massive meltdown.

It will be entertaining to see what you do then.
There is the imaginary record Trump minions somehow see.

Then there is the real record:
Millions will lose healthcare
Massive transfer of wealth to the top 1%
Enormous increase in debt
The US is no longer the leader of the Free World

I think worst of all, all the interference in business will lead to a terrible recession while the rest of the world will have growing economies. He's had practice with all the bankruptcies.

There is that snowflake denial! Bwuhahaha....

Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

Obamacare was an Un-Constitutional disaster that caused millions to lose health care.

Tax Cuts put money back in Americans pockets, which McCaskill ran from when asked about it

Obama added almost $7 trillion in new debt in only 4 years while financing, supplying, arming, training, defending, and fighting Un-Constitutional wars for terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, enemies of this nation, MS13 gangs, violent illegals, and terrorist-supporting Hezbollah drug organizations...

...and now the ONLY PRESIDENT IN US HISTORY NOT TO REACH 3% GDP GROWTH IN 8 YEARS wants to take credit for President Trump's economic success. Bwuhahahahaha...

And the US has demonstrated more courage and leadership in the last year than the ass-kissing, appeasing, terrorist-sympathizing, Russia-aiding traitor did in 8 years.

And the last few comments from the resident snowflakes demonstrate such a deep partisan hatred that will never allow them to acknowledge the successes this President has had / will have.
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Judge Trump by his record, not gossip - Hot Air

"The lack of what most serious people would consider a presidential temperament didn’t prevent Trump from making the right call on loosening the rules of engagement in the war on ISIS, which ended the stalemate Trump inherited from Barack Obama.

Nor has any tendency to “flip out” prevented him from pursuing smart policies on regulatory reform and tax cuts, which, even the New York Times conceded this week in a front-page article, was creating a wave of business optimism that may lead to the complete economic recovery that eluded Barack Obama despite his cool demeanor. The same can be said for his decisions to recognize Jerusalem and to support the protests spreading across Iran, moral tests that his calm predecessor failed."

The best snowflakes can muster against the President is un-supported rumors, fake dossiers filled with Russian propaganda illegally bought and used in a US election from foreign agents through firms working for the Russians, and false accusations of non-criminal activity for which they can not provide any evidence ... yet they continue to focus / trumpet these things rather than focus on the actual undeniable success this President is having.

To admit any of this success, however, is to admit they are wrong and that Trump has been a much better President than they expected / prognosticated....
There is the imaginary record Trump minions somehow see.

Then there is the real record:
Millions will lose healthcare
Massive transfer of wealth to the top 1%
Enormous increase in debt
The US is no longer the leader of the Free World

I think worst of all, all the interference in business will lead to a terrible recession while the rest of the world will have growing economies. He's had practice with all the bankruptcies.

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