One day the economy will get much worse and only socialism will save it

"Socialism will save the country"


You mean like it "saved" Venezuela??? <Wink wink wink>

Please explain to me how Ignorance can be so persistent ????
I don't think Billy is talking about a socialist gov't country like Cuba, N Korea, and Venezuela, I think he means a socialist democracy like Denmark or Sweden. The problem is that most of those places aren't doing so hot these days, with sky-high taxes and so many Muslim immigrants from Africa and the ME. Yeah, it's great to have all that free stuff, but EVERYBODY pays for it, not just the rich guys and big corps. For starters, everybody pays a VAT when they buy stuff, somewhere around 20%.
Their median wage is higher AFTER taxes than the median wage here.
"Socialism will save the country"


You mean like it "saved" Venezuela??? <Wink wink wink>

Please explain to me how Ignorance can be so persistent ????

Ignorance is something we all suffer from. I am ignorant of Quantum Theory. I am also ignorant about how women think. The greatest mystery of all.

But being a dimocrap doesn't involve ignorance most of the time. dimocraps are just simply stupid.

I can see young dimocraps being ignorant. Pop Culture sees to that. The things they like, the TV shows, movies, music, etc is all inhabited and run by child-like mentalities.

And that's okay with me. I can tolerate childishness in the extremely talented -- The artists, true artists. Geniuses.

I don't really want them thinking about down-to-Earth problems all the time. They'll flip out. Most geniuses are already on the edge so I say, let them be children. I'm good with that even though pollute the thinking of the young.

But for the rest of us? The ones that have to make sure the garbage gets picked up, the children are clothed, the sewage doesn't get mixed in with the fresh water......

We can't afford to be children. We can't afford to be dimocraps.

And most dimocraps know that as well. They're just too scummy to admit it.
Socialism could mean a system with programs funded by the people but entirely owned by the government, or in a social democratic system, the people fund it, but the programs are designed to provide basic services to the people such as healthcare and education. Every nation therefore has some extent of socialism including the US.

Okay, good. Now tell me how socialist policy is going to fix these things you describe in your OP:

How will republican policy address automation replacing human jobs?

How will republican policy address wages becoming more and more behind on the rising cost of living nationwide?

How will republican policy address rising drug prices and high deductible health insurance plans?

How will republican policy mitigate problems like drought and other natural disasters that are only getting worse because of climate change?

How will republican policy fix our crumbling infrastructure?

See, I don't think that socialist policies are going to fix ANY of these things. I'm asking you to show me how you're going to accomplish these things and how you're going to pay for them.
Automation: either curbing automation in the future that cut into future jobs with enforcement of policy, or if that fails, consider universal based income.

Wages: raising the minimum wage

Healthcare: either a public option or enforcement of price caps on health care services like drug costs.

Climate change: improving our infrastructure would go a long way. It would also help to invest in science and research

Fixing infrastructure would of course involve investing in projects to fix the issues.

And you think raising taxes on the rich guys can pay for all that? Let's go through it line by line:

Automation: I take it you want to tax robots and/or automation. You don't see the squeeze you're putting on small businesses? Automation, innovation, computerization is called progress by some. And UBI, do you realize how much that would cost to implement? We're talking trillions every year. There's a reason why the voters in Switzerland turned this idea down.

Minimum wage: Yeah sure, first we curb automation and them we force employers to pay more for basic labor. You don't foresee the consequences? There would be a lot of small businesses that would quit, there's no way they could make ends meet. We ain't talking about the top 1% guys here, you know.

Public Option: There's a reason why it failed in Vermont and the voters in Colorado and California lawmakers shot it down. It's just too freakin' expensive and the quality of care is reduced dramatically. People die waiting for certain types of care. Look at our VA here, it's basically a public option and it totally sucks for our vets.

Climate Change/Drought/Natural Disasters: How will a socialist policy work any better than a capitalist one? And I don't anybody but you guys gives a crap about climate change.

Infrastructure: So why would this be any different under a socialist policy than a capitalist one?

Appreciate the effort you made here. But all this stuff you want to do is not cheap. The social democracies that have some of these policies also tax everybody big time, and i mean EVERYBODY, not just the upper 50%.
I don't think Billy is talking about a socialist gov't country like Cuba, N Korea, and Venezuela, I think he means a socialist democracy like Denmark or Sweden. The problem is that most of those places aren't doing so hot these days, with sky-high taxes and so many Muslim immigrants from Africa and the ME. Yeah, it's great to have all that free stuff, but EVERYBODY pays for it, not just the rich guys and big corps. For starters, everybody pays a VAT when they buy stuff, somewhere around 20%.
Their median wage is higher AFTER taxes than the median wage here.
Sweden has no minimum wage, which would drive wages up, Denmark's is absurdly high, and so is Switzerland's. Denmark and Switzerland's minimum wages sit at around $20, which kind of explains why their economy is absolute trash and why they supposedly have more after the government steals roughly 60% of it.
I guess that's why people from these different socialist paradises keep trying to come here. If anyone here is really this scared about where the country is going and thinks socialism is the answer I hear Venezuela is lovely this time of year.
Socialism could mean a system with programs funded by the people but entirely owned by the government, or in a social democratic system, the people fund it, but the programs are designed to provide basic services to the people such as healthcare and education. Every nation therefore has some extent of socialism including the US.

Okay, good. Now tell me how socialist policy is going to fix these things you describe in your OP:

How will republican policy address automation replacing human jobs?

How will republican policy address wages becoming more and more behind on the rising cost of living nationwide?

How will republican policy address rising drug prices and high deductible health insurance plans?

How will republican policy mitigate problems like drought and other natural disasters that are only getting worse because of climate change?

How will republican policy fix our crumbling infrastructure?

See, I don't think that socialist policies are going to fix ANY of these things. I'm asking you to show me how you're going to accomplish these things and how you're going to pay for them.
Automation: either curbing automation in the future that cut into future jobs with enforcement of policy, or if that fails, consider universal based income.

Wages: raising the minimum wage

Healthcare: either a public option or enforcement of price caps on health care services like drug costs.

Climate change: improving our infrastructure would go a long way. It would also help to invest in science and research

Fixing infrastructure would of course involve investing in projects to fix the issues.

And you think raising taxes on the rich guys can pay for all that? Let's go through it line by line:

Automation: I take it you want to tax robots and/or automation. You don't see the squeeze you're putting on small businesses? Automation, innovation, computerization is called progress by some. And UBI, do you realize how much that would cost to implement? We're talking trillions every year. There's a reason why the voters in Switzerland turned this idea down.

Minimum wage: Yeah sure, first we curb automation and them we force employers to pay more for basic labor. You don't foresee the consequences? There would be a lot of small businesses that would quit, there's no way they could make ends meet. We ain't talking about the top 1% guys here, you know.

Public Option: There's a reason why it failed in Vermont and the voters in Colorado and California lawmakers shot it down. It's just too freakin' expensive and the quality of care is reduced dramatically. People die waiting for certain types of care. Look at our VA here, it's basically a public option and it totally sucks for our vets.

Climate Change/Drought/Natural Disasters: How will a socialist policy work any better than a capitalist one? And I don't anybody but you guys gives a crap about climate change.

Infrastructure: So why would this be any different under a socialist policy than a capitalist one?

Appreciate the effort you made here. But all this stuff you want to do is not cheap. The social democracies that have some of these policies also tax everybody big time, and i mean EVERYBODY, not just the upper 50%.

We don't need to rely on College Sophomore gibberish to find our answer. We have empirical PROOF, not evidence mind you -- Proof, that socialism is a disaster.

Every single time socialism has been tried, it has failed. Miserably.

In the dozens of times it was forced on a people, it failed. Miserably.

In the one time I can think of where it was freely elected (Venezuela) it has failed. Miserably.

No war, no revolution, no famine, no conquest. Venezuelans freely elected through democratic means, a socialist government.

It has failed. Miserably.

And it will fail again. Every time.

socialist theory is dead. There is no need for it any longer. We have dozens of examples and millions of dead to put any theory regarding it to bed.

dimocraps are just simply stupid.

And scumbags
How will republican policy address automation replacing human jobs?

How will republican policy address wages becoming more and more behind on the rising cost of living nationwide?

How will republican policy address rising drug prices and high deductible health insurance plans?

How will republican policy mitigate problems like drought and other natural disasters that are only getting worse because of climate change?

How will republican policy fix our crumbling infrastructure?

Only socialist policy can improve all of these things.
Socialism destroys everything it touches... fuck face
Socialism could mean a system with programs funded by the people but entirely owned by the government, or in a social democratic system, the people fund it, but the programs are designed to provide basic services to the people such as healthcare and education. Every nation therefore has some extent of socialism including the US.

Okay, good. Now tell me how socialist policy is going to fix these things you describe in your OP:

How will republican policy address automation replacing human jobs?

How will republican policy address wages becoming more and more behind on the rising cost of living nationwide?

How will republican policy address rising drug prices and high deductible health insurance plans?

How will republican policy mitigate problems like drought and other natural disasters that are only getting worse because of climate change?

How will republican policy fix our crumbling infrastructure?

See, I don't think that socialist policies are going to fix ANY of these things. I'm asking you to show me how you're going to accomplish these things and how you're going to pay for them.
Automation: either curbing automation in the future that cut into future jobs with enforcement of policy, or if that fails, consider universal based income.

Wages: raising the minimum wage

Healthcare: either a public option or enforcement of price caps on health care services like drug costs.

Climate change: improving our infrastructure would go a long way. It would also help to invest in science and research

Fixing infrastructure would of course involve investing in projects to fix the issues.

And you think raising taxes on the rich guys can pay for all that? Let's go through it line by line:

Automation: I take it you want to tax robots and/or automation. You don't see the squeeze you're putting on small businesses? Automation, innovation, computerization is called progress by some. And UBI, do you realize how much that would cost to implement? We're talking trillions every year. There's a reason why the voters in Switzerland turned this idea down.

Minimum wage: Yeah sure, first we curb automation and them we force employers to pay more for basic labor. You don't foresee the consequences? There would be a lot of small businesses that would quit, there's no way they could make ends meet. We ain't talking about the top 1% guys here, you know.

Public Option: There's a reason why it failed in Vermont and the voters in Colorado and California lawmakers shot it down. It's just too freakin' expensive and the quality of care is reduced dramatically. People die waiting for certain types of care. Look at our VA here, it's basically a public option and it totally sucks for our vets.

Climate Change/Drought/Natural Disasters: How will a socialist policy work any better than a capitalist one? And I don't anybody but you guys gives a crap about climate change.

Infrastructure: So why would this be any different under a socialist policy than a capitalist one?

Appreciate the effort you made here. But all this stuff you want to do is not cheap. The social democracies that have some of these policies also tax everybody big time, and i mean EVERYBODY, not just the upper 50%.
1) Automation: it would come with an economic cost to any business, but the cost would pail in comparison to the benefit of securing jobs for future generations. I think you underestimate how big of a problem this issue is.
Trillions a year? No. I am not suggesting we replace the income people have now. I am talking about it being a supplement to only those who NEED it most.

2) Productivity among workers and profits are at an all time high. They can afford a raise, they just choose not to.

3) Do you know how much we spend per year on defense? We can definitely afford it. The overall cost would save us money. We spend more per capita on healthcare than most developed nations do.

4) Climate change is real whether you like it or not.

Of course these solutions aren’t cheap, but we can afford them. Part of that process will be closing loopholes and deductions because the EFFECTIVE, not official, tax rate is too low for corporations
How will republican policy address automation replacing human jobs?

How will republican policy address wages becoming more and more behind on the rising cost of living nationwide?

How will republican policy address rising drug prices and high deductible health insurance plans?

How will republican policy mitigate problems like drought and other natural disasters that are only getting worse because of climate change?

How will republican policy fix our crumbling infrastructure?

Only socialist policy can improve all of these things.

Only if you think that starvation is the way to solve your problems. Just ask the Venezuelans.
They were not the only third world country ruined by the corrupt GOP world depression... That is the stupidest argument ever and you have a million, GOP Dupe. Thnk Canada Australia see you New Zealand Japan. The GOP screws you everyday. Health Care Day Care infrastructure living wage good good vacations et cetera Etc... You are brainwashed functional morons.

None of those countries are fully socialist. If they were, they would have failed by now instead of marching slowly towards failure. Canada health care is so great that canadian politicians come here to the USA for their medical procedures. I hate to break it to you, but if those who write the laws don't use have a problem.
They would be communist... People at least in Europe and Scandinavia call that socialism. I live 40 miles from Buffalo and Canadians don't come here. I believe that is more BS GOP propaganda. Respected media say the same, just garbage for the Dupes...
How will republican policy address automation replacing human jobs?

How will republican policy address wages becoming more and more behind on the rising cost of living nationwide?

How will republican policy address rising drug prices and high deductible health insurance plans?

How will republican policy mitigate problems like drought and other natural disasters that are only getting worse because of climate change?

How will republican policy fix our crumbling infrastructure?

Only socialist policy can improve all of these things.
Socialism destroys everything it touches... fuck face
So our defense budget destroys us? How about social security?
Socialism could mean a system with programs funded by the people but entirely owned by the government, or in a social democratic system, the people fund it, but the programs are designed to provide basic services to the people such as healthcare and education. Every nation therefore has some extent of socialism including the US.

Okay, good. Now tell me how socialist policy is going to fix these things you describe in your OP:

How will republican policy address automation replacing human jobs?

How will republican policy address wages becoming more and more behind on the rising cost of living nationwide?

How will republican policy address rising drug prices and high deductible health insurance plans?

How will republican policy mitigate problems like drought and other natural disasters that are only getting worse because of climate change?

How will republican policy fix our crumbling infrastructure?

See, I don't think that socialist policies are going to fix ANY of these things. I'm asking you to show me how you're going to accomplish these things and how you're going to pay for them.
Automation: either curbing automation in the future that cut into future jobs with enforcement of policy, or if that fails, consider universal based income.

Wages: raising the minimum wage

Healthcare: either a public option or enforcement of price caps on health care services like drug costs.

Climate change: improving our infrastructure would go a long way. It would also help to invest in science and research

Fixing infrastructure would of course involve investing in projects to fix the issues.

And you think raising taxes on the rich guys can pay for all that? Let's go through it line by line:

Automation: I take it you want to tax robots and/or automation. You don't see the squeeze you're putting on small businesses? Automation, innovation, computerization is called progress by some. And UBI, do you realize how much that would cost to implement? We're talking trillions every year. There's a reason why the voters in Switzerland turned this idea down.

Minimum wage: Yeah sure, first we curb automation and them we force employers to pay more for basic labor. You don't foresee the consequences? There would be a lot of small businesses that would quit, there's no way they could make ends meet. We ain't talking about the top 1% guys here, you know.

Public Option: There's a reason why it failed in Vermont and the voters in Colorado and California lawmakers shot it down. It's just too freakin' expensive and the quality of care is reduced dramatically. People die waiting for certain types of care. Look at our VA here, it's basically a public option and it totally sucks for our vets.

Climate Change/Drought/Natural Disasters: How will a socialist policy work any better than a capitalist one? And I don't anybody but you guys gives a crap about climate change.

Infrastructure: So why would this be any different under a socialist policy than a capitalist one?

Appreciate the effort you made here. But all this stuff you want to do is not cheap. The social democracies that have some of these policies also tax everybody big time, and i mean EVERYBODY, not just the upper 50%.
1) Automation: it would come with an economic cost to any business, but the cost would pail in comparison to the benefit of securing jobs for future generations. I think you underestimate how big of a problem this issue is.
Trillions a year? No. I am not suggesting we replace the income people have now. I am talking about it being a supplement to only those who NEED it most.

2) Productivity among workers and profits are at an all time high. They can afford a raise, they just choose not to.

3) Do you know how much we spend per year on defense? We can definitely afford it. The overall cost would save us money. We spend more per capita on healthcare than most developed nations do.

4) Climate change is real whether you like it or not.

Of course these solutions aren’t cheap, but we can afford them. Part of that process will be closing loopholes and deductions because the EFFECTIVE, not official, tax rate is too low for corporations
We spend about twice as much on Healthcare as anywhere else... It's a bad GOP joke, like our infrastructure and pay scale. For chumps only...
How will republican policy address automation replacing human jobs?

How will republican policy address wages becoming more and more behind on the rising cost of living nationwide?

How will republican policy address rising drug prices and high deductible health insurance plans?

How will republican policy mitigate problems like drought and other natural disasters that are only getting worse because of climate change?

How will republican policy fix our crumbling infrastructure?

Only socialist policy can improve all of these things.

Like it did in the USSR, Cuba, Venezuela, and North Korea comrade?

Put down the crack pipe and get help.

How will republican policy address automation replacing human jobs?

How will republican policy address wages becoming more and more behind on the rising cost of living nationwide?

How will republican policy address rising drug prices and high deductible health insurance plans?

How will republican policy mitigate problems like drought and other natural disasters that are only getting worse because of climate change?

How will republican policy fix our crumbling infrastructure?

Only socialist policy can improve all of these things.
Socialism destroys everything it touches... fuck face
Germany France New Zealand Canada are kicking our ass for 35 years now. With our natural resources and workers it is a disgrace, a GOP disgrace, stupid.
How will republican policy address automation replacing human jobs?

How will republican policy address wages becoming more and more behind on the rising cost of living nationwide?

How will republican policy address rising drug prices and high deductible health insurance plans?

How will republican policy mitigate problems like drought and other natural disasters that are only getting worse because of climate change?

How will republican policy fix our crumbling infrastructure?

Only socialist policy can improve all of these things.

Like it did in the USSR, Cuba, Venezuela, and North Korea comrade?

Put down the crack pipe and get help.

For the billionth time that is communism, idiot.
How will republican policy address automation replacing human jobs?

How will republican policy address wages becoming more and more behind on the rising cost of living nationwide?

How will republican policy address rising drug prices and high deductible health insurance plans?

How will republican policy mitigate problems like drought and other natural disasters that are only getting worse because of climate change?

How will republican policy fix our crumbling infrastructure?

Only socialist policy can improve all of these things.
All of those will be addressed by Trump performing elfin magic.
How will republican policy address automation replacing human jobs?

How will republican policy address wages becoming more and more behind on the rising cost of living nationwide?

How will republican policy address rising drug prices and high deductible health insurance plans?

How will republican policy mitigate problems like drought and other natural disasters that are only getting worse because of climate change?

How will republican policy fix our crumbling infrastructure?

Only socialist policy can improve all of these things.

How will republican policy address automation replacing human jobs?

How will republican policy address wages becoming more and more behind on the rising cost of living nationwide?

How will republican policy address rising drug prices and high deductible health insurance plans?

How will republican policy mitigate problems like drought and other natural disasters that are only getting worse because of climate change?

How will republican policy fix our crumbling infrastructure?

Only socialist policy can improve all of these things.

please stop voting, you're hurting the country

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