One Down, One to Go

I've been thinking about the situation in CO. Maybe it's not such a bad idea. If we can also get Biden removed from the ballot, we might actually have a shot at electing a good President.

Does anyone know if this avenue is being explored?


hmm. found this: Republicans threaten to take Joe Biden off ballot in states they control
And this:
It's a desperate attempt to keep Trump from winning. The only way this stands up at the SCOTUS is if the SCOTUS is already as corrupt as the rest of DC. In short, no, Biden - or whoever they decide to run - is safe from this kind of nonsense.
I've been thinking about the situation in CO. Maybe it's not such a bad idea. If we can also get Biden removed from the ballot, we might actually have a shot at electing a good President.

Does anyone know if this avenue is being explored?


hmm. found this: Republicans threaten to take Joe Biden off ballot in states they control
You can remove Biden from the ballot in any red state he's not going to win anyways. Good luck trying it in a blue or swing state. Biden isn't an insurrectionist.

I wonder if Trump talking like Hitler the other day had anything to do with this decision?
You can remove Biden from the ballot in any red state he's not going to win anyways. Good luck trying it in a blue or swing state. Biden isn't an insurrectionist.

I wonder if Trump talking like Hitler the other day had anything to do with this decision?
I really don`t think that Trump has read about Hitler or anything else. His Wharton classmates said that when they were told that their grade was largely dependent on class attendance, he never missed a class or opened a book. Sounds about right.
I really don`t think that Trump has read about Hitler or anything else. His Wharton classmates said that when they were told that their grade was largely dependent on class attendance, he never missed a class or opened a book. Sounds about right.
I have a friend like Trump. An idiot. But stuff like Mein Kampf that they are fascinated with, they read. Or listen to books on tape.

No way he didn't read it and just happened to say they are destroying the blood of our country or poisoning the blood.

Sorry dude. Trump has blown too many dog whistles for you to tell me he's not blowing one.
Why are they so worried about President Trump?

Didn't their stuttering fucktard just get 81 Million votes.... the most in our history?

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
We are concerned that an insurrectionist who parrots hitler is leading in the polls.

I guess we are disappointed in Americans who are so evil or stupid they'd support this criminal.

Life imitating art is what this is.

Insurrection, abortion, mifepristone.

Who thought the rebellion by women, youth, and responsible America would greatly damage the GoP at the states right level.
This will have to be a grassroots thing. People are too chickenshit to reject the lesser-of-two-evils nonsense at the ballot box, but most of us realize that both candidates suck. And I think most people would vote to have the both removed from the ballot.

Someone needs to start a petition.
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I've been thinking about the situation in CO. Maybe it's not such a bad idea. If we can also get Biden removed from the ballot, we might actually have a shot at electing a good President.

Does anyone know if this avenue is being explored?


hmm. found this: Republicans threaten to take Joe Biden off ballot in states they control

All the lefties jerking off over this decision don't seem to realize yet that it opens up the opportunity for any state to remove any candidate they wish. Remember, Trump hasn't been convicted of anything, let alone even charged with "insurrection", which was the basis of Colorado's decision to remove him from the ballot.

I seriously doubt they will, but I'm kind of hoping the SCOTUS upholds this decision, so the path is cleared to remove Biden, and any other demoKKKrat, from the ballots of every red state, and even blue states with conservative AGs, like Louisiana.

Should be fun.
You LLFF....

(Lying Little Fascist Fuck)
That's what Nazi's said when good German's tried to keep Hitler off the ballot after he tried to pull off a coup. How similar are the two? You tell me

The Beer Hall Putsch was a failed coup 1923. Approximately two thousand Nazis marched but were confronted by a police, which resulted in the deaths of 16 Nazis, four police officers, and one bystander.

A bipartisan Senate report found that at least seven people had lost their lives in connection with the Jan. 6 attack.

Hitler escaped immediate arrest. So did Trump.

His arrest was followed by a 24-day trial, which was widely publicized and gave him a platform to express his nationalist sentiments to the nation. Hitler was found guilty of treason and sentenced to five years in Prison where he dictated Mein Kampf to fellow prisoners Emil Maurice and Rudolf Hess. On 20 December 1924, having served only nine months, Hitler was released. Once released, Hitler redirected his focus towards obtaining power through legal means rather than by revolution or force, and accordingly changed his tactics, further developing Nazi propaganda.
I have a friend like Trump. An idiot. But stuff like Mein Kampf that they are fascinated with, they read. Or listen to books on tape.

No way he didn't read it and just happened to say they are destroying the blood of our country or poisoning the blood.

Sorry dude. Trump has blown too many dog whistles for you to tell me he's not blowing one.

He reads...but he is an idiot.

You can't read. What does that make you ?
This will have to be a grassroots thing. People are too chickshit to reject the lesser-of-two-evils nonsense, but most of us realize that both candidates suck. And I think most people would vote to have the both removed from the ballot.

Someone needs to start a petition.
Unemployment is low, inflation is down and the stock market is up. Biden doesn't suck. You just hate Democrats.

Obama didn't suck either. Neither did Clinton. If you think they did, it's because you are jealous. Just ask Trump.

“You know you look at the country then … The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean, we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy,” he said.

“A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell. You know people get jealous and they hate you.”
Why are they so worried about President Trump?

Didn't their stuttering fucktard just get 81 Million votes.... the most in our history?

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
He shows our Top Secret Iran War Plans to his country club pals. It`s not just the stupid people who love him, traitors do too.

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