One For The Poll Smokers

There's little more amusing than watching a point fly by the head of a Democrat even as they make yours.

CBS loved Obama. CBS hates Trump. Are you learning yet?

Worst spin of the day.
No this was

That’s the Bradley affect in play. As hyper literate as Hussein is, he puts people to sleep. Everyone tuned Hussein out early into his presidency

Yet his approval was over 60% when he left office

Fat Donnie has yet to break 50%

The real approval rating is how many democrats lost their seats since Hussein. People say they like obozo, they’re lying.

Since Obama left office and Trump became president, the Democrats have net gains at the federal, state, and local levels.

U might have picked up a few seats, and u might pick up more during the midterms, but we’ll see nothing like the bloodbath Hussein caused democrats while he was in office.
There's little more amusing than watching a point fly by the head of a Democrat even as they make yours.

CBS loved Obama. CBS hates Trump. Are you learning yet?

so now you agree that CBS's latest approval poll, 37% approve 58% disapprove, is accurate.

Good for you.

I am not a poll smoker, so no. Merely pointing out that a news agency that hates Trump was apparently forced by the numbers to publish a positive poll.

Are you always this slow on Wednesdays?

So you're conceding that even a news agency that 'hates Trump' can still have integrity when it comes to polling.

again...good for you.

I concede they may choose to exhibit integrity when they have no choice. It's a survival mechanism.

No, you concede that you believe polls you like and don't believe polls you don't like.

Your English comprehension remains lacking.

That’s the Bradley affect in play. As hyper literate as Hussein is, he puts people to sleep. Everyone tuned Hussein out early into his presidency

Yet his approval was over 60% when he left office

Fat Donnie has yet to break 50%

The real approval rating is how many democrats lost their seats since Hussein. People say they like obozo, they’re lying.

Since Obama left office and Trump became president, the Democrats have net gains at the federal, state, and local levels.

U might have picked up a few seats, and u might pick up more during the midterms, but we’ll see nothing like the bloodbath Hussein caused democrats while he was in office.

If the Democrats win the House in November, the Trump agenda is all but dead.

If the Democrats win the House and the Senate in November, the Trump agenda is all dead.

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